Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fantomic.5763


First of all, I’m new in this game and I’m a PvP lover (such as WvW surely).
Actually made a Mesmer to lvl 16. Loving the Mesmer GS style, i don’t know if they are still that good in WvW (don’t know either if it’s called Shatter or PU)

I tried a Dagger Ele too, lvl 16, fall in love and went looking for a guide in the forums. Then i noticed that Ele got nerfed hard apparently, for the dagger burst part, and are not that worthy anymore. High CD, Low Armor, Low HP, Lack of Escape while there are many gab closers out there, and a Damage which isn’t that High anymore to compensate all of that.

I saw then few Guardians Videos, an unkillable machine who dealt enough damage to kill the opponent in 1v3 situations and found it intresting and maybe unsuspected to play him a bit more Damage wise and surprise the enemy.
aka this video

Should i continu to play Ele and hope for an eventual buff or are people over exaggerating about the nerf he got?
Or continue my GS Mesmer? if it’s still good in pvp/wvw.
If not, should i make a DPS Guardian with GS which would be hilarious?
I kinda love the idea being a heavy tank and dealing enough damage to kill them
and No, i don’t want a warrior

I love the GS so i would absolutely play the Guardian or Mesmer with a GS

I beg you for help

(edited by Fantomic.5763)

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gearbox.2748


Depends on what you like in PvP/wvw scenarios.
Elem is great for being in a large group. doing team support. plenty of aoe. no matter the spec or weapon choice. good support skills with water fields and might stacks and speed boosts.- But they are also high learning curve and you will have to become a lot more skilled then a comparative other class to do well 1v1 etc. and you will likely find that only 1-2 specs will work at all for it.—
We will likely get more nerfs. and get some buffs that we have no use for. (besides the ones in next patch). I assume its cause some dev plays a warrior- and if the ele is on a wall. then he can sometimes not just kill an ele within seconds. thus we need more nerfs.. I assume. the next step is-. “if ele is on a wall. make him auto fall down”

Guards are great for being invinsible. and will not need much skill. they wont get nerfed either as “guards are like devs like them”.
does really well in anything. can adapt skills and gear on the fly. . they have the same low health as ele. though so going for health gear is quite a valid choice.. but you get constant free ignore damage and easy remove any issue that might come your way..
Down sides……. they are not good at range. and as they have buns of lead. you will likely end with staff for movement speed as your other weapon..
It’s also a great choice for commander profession as you can go look at maps. give orders. – go make toast- come back while enemies have been hitting you all while long.

Mesmers.: high learning curve again. good defenses as everyone chases clones instead of you, and you can be invisible. and teleport your team inside keeps. transport golems .. every wvw team would like a skilled mesmer around to do services for them.
downsides… you do not really contribute with doing damage as most of your power comes from phantasm and they are mostly bugged and just stand around….

Bonus: you have that shiney greatsword that beams a purple ray from it. clearly stating where you are. and that you like purple lightbeams.. it doesn’t actually do much damage but you feel bad-kitten doing it… practice saying pew pew in front of your pc.

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


Elementalist is harder to play out of the classes you mentioned in my opinion but a great profession, also in my opinion.

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Azure.8670


Mesmer is my main, Guardian was my first 80, and Ele is my fav class to play. Ele is prob the best of the three honestly, in regards to PVE/WVW but its also the hardest class to play and to be successful you cant just copy another persons stats and such. Your reaction time and playing skills with the class will make you mix and match your armor more than any other class. For the most part, you go full “zerk” or “soldier” etc when making a build but ele should mix up the different stats just to get right amount of toughness and damage and vit etc to survive and make things work based on your skill level

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


First of all, I’m new in this game and I’m a PvP lover (such as WvW surely).
Actually made a Mesmer to lvl 16. Loving the Mesmer GS style, i don’t know if they are still that good in WvW (don’t know either if it’s called Shatter or PU)

I tried a Dagger Ele too, lvl 16, fall in love and went looking for a guide in the forums. Then i noticed that Ele got nerfed hard apparently, for the dagger burst part, and are not that worthy anymore. High CD, Low Armor, Low HP, Lack of Escape while there are many gab closers out there, and a Damage which isn’t that High anymore to compensate all of that.

I saw then few Guardians Videos, an unkillable machine who dealt enough damage to kill the opponent in 1v3 situations and found it intresting and maybe unsuspected to play him a bit more Damage wise and surprise the enemy.
aka this video

Mesmer was my first 80, Ele was my first class, guadian is my least played 80.

The video you linked with guardian kills people that don’t realize they can ignore you. It has 1k healing power that only kills bad players and people bad players that are willing to try to fight you.

Mesmer and Ele are different Ele is my main class even though I got my mes to 80 before my ele had a legendary on my mesmer(that I gave to my warrior). You need mobility guardian kind of lacks that. They are both really different but Ele is my main because I don’t get bored with it(or engineer). The other 5 classes I have at 80 I play to change my pace up but I get bored of them.

That said guardian is close to being on the cusp of being a 1v1 monster if they ever give it any kind of soft CC or better way to let it stay on a target it will be extremely strong which is why they probably haven’t given it any. It can handle everything but it just can’t stay on anyone that can kite well but it can put out alot of damage.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fantomic.5763


Thank you everyone for taking your time.

I think I’ll make my Ele lvl 80 first and trying to make the best of the Buffs/Nerfs.
Mesmer is going to be my second 80, Guardian when i get bored sometimes

Anyone who could suggest me a nice Dagger Build for my Ele?
Should I try this or something else:

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Neomir.7493


I honestly find my ele easier to play well than my mesmer. I just don’t get on with that class.

So play whichever you have the best ‘feeling’ for you you’ll be a better player with it.

As for ele, that spec can work but the video is heavily skewed;

His gear is the best, his opponents are literally the worst (as in no situational awareness at all and cant use a keyboard) and he relies on multiple damage multipliers that stop working when hes below 90% hp, if I remmeber correctly. Also, celestial is key to his stats and is getting completely revamped soon, so watch this space…

(edited by Neomir.7493)

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Radian.2478


For roaming in WvW you should be D/D condi or if zerging you should have a staff.

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


For roaming in WvW you should be D/D condi or if zerging you should have a staff.

Welp….someones clueless. At least about roaming

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fantomic.5763


what about sPvP?
Someone told me the Dagger Ele isnt that good there and i should go Guardian.

Can't decide between Ele / Mesmer / Guardian

in Elementalist

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


^ the reason people say that and the reason they don’t suck in WvW/PVE is because you can customize your stats a lot better. In spvp you just throw on an amulet with predetermined stats, which is why it sucks in spvp, you can’t customize stats

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]