Current ''best'' Ele WvW roaming build

Current ''best'' Ele WvW roaming build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Forsving.9162


Before I begin, if you don’t feel like reading too much, skip down to the SUMMARY in the bottom.

Hey people.. I’m currently on vacation in USA, but I am really looking forward to coming back to gw2 next month. I have for a long time had trouble staying in gw2 due to lack of content in PVE.

I have never been much of a PvP person due to being too competitive and getting angry when playing poorly. Though after nearly giving up on the game I really didn’t want to quit due to having a lot of friends I’ve made during the last two years.. So I struggled a long to find something else that might help me stick with the game.

I started playing Structured PvP with my guardian, and after finding a good mediation build, I started enjoy it and gradually became better at it. But SPvP felt a bit of a bore and too repetitive and narrow. I wanted something more….

I’m a roleplayer and due to that, in my almost 2 years of ownership of Guild wars 2, I’ve never tried WvW except the mist which I find EXTREMELY boring, since all you do is follow a general for hours…

Unfortunately, before I got a chance to give GW2 a meaningful chance in WvW, I had to go to vacation for 3 months, and wont be back until late February.. But I’m truly motivated to try out elementalist in WvW!


So I came here in hope for people to give me advice on good builds for roaming! I’m planning on either roaming alone or with 2-3 friends. What build would you recommend? I’d like to do damage, but if survivability is more important in WvW for elementalist, go for it! That’s why I hope you can tell me!

I’ve watched nearly 20 WvW roaming videos on Elementalist, but honestly I can’t really learn anything from it as I see no real patterns and combos… All I see is : Fire attunement —--> 3 —-> 4 —-> 5 —-> Random attunement —--> Spam all abilities —-> Water attunement —-> Spam all abilities —--> Last attunement —-> Spam all abilities.

So does anyone have a good build and perhaps a guide where I can get some good advice on what to think about when playing an elementalist in WvW?

If not the latter, then I’m perfectly fine with learning it through playing myself!

But more importantly! What weapon combo more preferable : D/D or D/F?

Which runes are most preferable? I’m guessing something that empowers conditions?

Thank you all for your time before-hand!

Current ''best'' Ele WvW roaming build

in Elementalist

Posted by: oRx.9584


Hi there Forsving!

Im a little short on time right now, so I’ll only throw the basic information on the table now, and will give you a full guide later on today. (seems like you’re not in that much of a hurry anyways)

Starting off, you’ll need to know Elementalists are one of the trickiest classes in GW2 to play to their full extent, but they can change the tides of a fight anytime, even if still learning (especially if with an experienced team). That being said, 9 times out of 10 you’ll want to use DOUBLE DAGGERS as a weapon set. The build is usually 0/2/0/6/6, with a few little variations (will explain all later).

Gear-wise you want to get as close to Celestial stats as possible. This build has its own rotation which normally goes through as it is, but ofcourse needs to be adapted to situations often.

The idea is to open with air attunement; 4 for a gap close, 5 for a knockback. Then we swap to fire attunement, which grants us might. We use the skill 3 to again close the gap and land it on the enemy (knockback creates a gap about the length of this skill, so its a great combo), followed into a fire 4. We then want to swap to earth attunement while the fire fields are still up, and do a dodge, and use up all of your combo finishers to stack might on yourself. Hopping into Water attunement is only suggested for health sake, if you’re losing too much of it. You normally then repeat the procedure, with little variations. :P

Hope I satisfied your primary thirst, more coming later today

Regards, oRx

“Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal.”
- Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996)

Current ''best'' Ele WvW roaming build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Forsving.9162


Hi there Forsving!

Im a little short on time right now, so I’ll only throw the basic information on the table now, and will give you a full guide later on today. (seems like you’re not in that much of a hurry anyways)

Starting off, you’ll need to know Elementalists are one of the trickiest classes in GW2 to play to their full extent, but they can change the tides of a fight anytime, even if still learning (especially if with an experienced team). That being said, 9 times out of 10 you’ll want to use DOUBLE DAGGERS as a weapon set. The build is usually 0/2/0/6/6, with a few little variations (will explain all later).

Gear-wise you want to get as close to Celestial stats as possible. This build has its own rotation which normally goes through as it is, but ofcourse needs to be adapted to situations often.

The idea is to open with air attunement; 4 for a gap close, 5 for a knockback. Then we swap to fire attunement, which grants us might. We use the skill 3 to again close the gap and land it on the enemy (knockback creates a gap about the length of this skill, so its a great combo), followed into a fire 4. We then want to swap to earth attunement while the fire fields are still up, and do a dodge, and use up all of your combo finishers to stack might on yourself. Hopping into Water attunement is only suggested for health sake, if you’re losing too much of it. You normally then repeat the procedure, with little variations. :P

Hope I satisfied your primary thirst, more coming later today

Regards, oRx

That is a very detailed tip! Thank you. I do get a good view on the rotation. I have indeed been aware that Ele’s are the trickiest class.. It didn’t take long to figure that out. But I’d like to think that aswell as being the trickiest class, it is also the class with most potential.

As I said before, I’m a roleplayer and therefor have little experience in PvP expressions… But I’m guessing celestial gear is ascended? Which is really gonna be a pain to get since I really suck at crafting and even with using gw2craft I have numerously failed.

If the recommended set is ascended only, please give me a few tips on runes and exotic gear to begin with once I get back.

Other than that, you’re feedback is already greatly appreciated.

Current ''best'' Ele WvW roaming build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cyrill Faust.9340

Cyrill Faust.9340

Hi there Forsving!

Im a little short on time right now, so I’ll only throw the basic information on the table now, and will give you a full guide later on today. (seems like you’re not in that much of a hurry anyways)

Starting off, you’ll need to know Elementalists are one of the trickiest classes in GW2 to play to their full extent, but they can change the tides of a fight anytime, even if still learning (especially if with an experienced team). That being said, 9 times out of 10 you’ll want to use DOUBLE DAGGERS as a weapon set. The build is usually 0/2/0/6/6, with a few little variations (will explain all later).

Gear-wise you want to get as close to Celestial stats as possible. This build has its own rotation which normally goes through as it is, but ofcourse needs to be adapted to situations often.

The idea is to open with air attunement; 4 for a gap close, 5 for a knockback. Then we swap to fire attunement, which grants us might. We use the skill 3 to again close the gap and land it on the enemy (knockback creates a gap about the length of this skill, so its a great combo), followed into a fire 4. We then want to swap to earth attunement while the fire fields are still up, and do a dodge, and use up all of your combo finishers to stack might on yourself. Hopping into Water attunement is only suggested for health sake, if you’re losing too much of it. You normally then repeat the procedure, with little variations. :P

Hope I satisfied your primary thirst, more coming later today

Regards, oRx

That is a very detailed tip! Thank you. I do get a good view on the rotation. I have indeed been aware that Ele’s are the trickiest class.. It didn’t take long to figure that out. But I’d like to think that aswell as being the trickiest class, it is also the class with most potential.

As I said before, I’m a roleplayer and therefor have little experience in PvP expressions… But I’m guessing celestial gear is ascended? Which is really gonna be a pain to get since I really suck at crafting and even with using gw2craft I have numerously failed.

If the recommended set is ascended only, please give me a few tips on runes and exotic gear to begin with once I get back.

Other than that, you’re feedback is already greatly appreciated.

I’m just gonna point out that you don’t need ascended armor It only adds 36(might be 40 for celestial) stat points total and less than 4% armor for a light armor class. So no you don’t need ascended armor, ascended weapons are nice because they do about 5% more damage but they aren’t too expensive if you have crafting leveled( about 40-50g), It’s mostly about skill though so exotic weapons are fine too. Other than that oRx gave a good run down of how to play roamer ele, just remember don’t just run through rotations mindlessly. The MOST important skills in WvW are situational awareness and adaptability.

Proud member of [BANK] my bank guild and [BANK](2) my other bank guild

Current ''best'' Ele WvW roaming build

in Elementalist

Posted by: SlimGenre.6417


hey forsving… I was an ele since beta, but took about a year away from the game to play others. Have started dipping my toe back in Tyria the last few days. Actually sat in the PvP grounds on a dummy last night just trying to remember my rotations. Anyway, I was part of a group that used to train other Ele’s on our server, and I put together a video showing how to do a couple things, including maintaining might stack rotations, etc. This might help. When I played all the time, I generally ran scepter/dagger, but just personal choice, d/d was certainly the more preferred wvwvw setup. Here’s the video I did a while ago that might teach you some of the things oRx was talking about. I’m assuming this is all still viable and they haven’t changed the class too much since I made it.

Current ''best'' Ele WvW roaming build

in Elementalist

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Basically to go on the offensive, you start in either air or in fire.

Nowadays I prefer to start in fire, alot of people initiate with Fire 3 ----> LF -----> Fire 4 then use a series of Blast Finishers and Leaps to build up Might Stacks, then go for the kill. Or start in air with #4, #5 then go into fire.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)