D/D Still Viable?
Not to be a nagging pain in the butt but any thoughts you all might have would be greatly appreciated. I really want to find a way to make this character work in all areas of the game but I’m just not sure that’s even possible.
PvE – Anything works in PvE as long as you have a good group with you. People were kicking you in dungeons because while D/D is completely viable, other setups are so much better in terms of DPS and utility. However, you’ll probably need to play at a higher level when playing in HoT maps since playing Melee is always a hassle against hard hitting mobs.
WvW – still one of the more versatile and easier builds to play. Will still struggle against the condi meta.
PvP – I play Auramancer DD and it’s loads of fun for tempest. I’ve tried DPS Fresh Air DD, Minstrel Auramancer, and Celestial Auramancer. Since I play Auramancer, I slot shouts instead of cantrips it’s expected that I go down faster if I get ganked/CC chained compared to Cantrip DD. DD ele will still be a good point holder (DF is still way better). I’m no pro player so I don’t know how it will fare in top tier tPvP.
PvP – I play Auramancer DD and it’s loads of fun for tempest.
Kyon, could I trouble you for a link to your build? I’ve not really looked into the tempest much. I had been running a condi version in tPvP and now with the human racial elite skill, it might be worth checking into again. It was just nice as nobody played the build and my Ele was immune to condi’s until you got her health below 90%.
PvP – I play Auramancer DD and it’s loads of fun for tempest.
Kyon, could I trouble you for a link to your build? I’ve not really looked into the tempest much. I had been running a condi version in tPvP and now with the human racial elite skill, it might be worth checking into again. It was just nice as nobody played the build and my Ele was immune to condi’s until you got her health below 90%.
It’s nothing special as many others use the build. You can probably see them if you searched the latest topics on this forum.
Fresh Air – Air, Earth, Tempest. Just get the usual traits that synergize in Air and Earth and get the Overload traits in Tempest. For PvP, I suggest taking Glyph of Storms for more AoE pressure.
Auramancer – Air/Earth/Arcana, Water, Tempest. Same basic Aura traits in Air/Earth and Aura traits in Tempest. Get soldier runes and shout utilities. Up to you if you wanna go defensive/offensive. Playstyle is like playing a more supportive DD.
D/D tempest is viable as for d/d ele your going to be more about landing burst dmg in fast then getting out you cant stay in melee for long as an ele all though a tempest can.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
dnd condi builds still works.