Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Throd.2438


Hi fellows Elementalist,
I’m not here to complain about the future nerf of AoEs, (in fact I don’t really care, some other games are waiting on my desk to be installed), but just to show to ANet that they are going to make mistakes by nerfing Ele’s AoEs.
So I’ll just do a list of our Skills and what kind of Spell it is.
Lets start with a short glossary :
AA : auto-attack
PtBAoe : Point blank area of effect
KB : knockback

Dagger MH+SH :
Fire : 1.AA 2.PtBAoE 3.Dash+PtBAoE 4.AoE 5. PtBAoE
Water : 1.AA multiple target 2.PtBAoE+heal 3. AoE 4. Aura 5.Heal
Air : 1.AA multiple target 2.PtBAoE 3. Aura 4. Dash 5.It’s a PtBAoE KB
Earth : 1.AA 2.AoE 3.Grab 4.AoE 5.AoE

Scepter MH :
Fire : 1.AA 2.AoE 3. AoE
Water : 1.AA 2.AoE 3. Heal
Air : 1.AA 2. Single target 3. Single target blind
Earth : 1.AA 2. armor but when activated throw single target shards. 3. Multiple target blind

Focus :
Fire : 4. AoE (flame wall) 5. Aura
Water : 4. Single target chill no dmg 5. AoE Explosion+stun
Air : 4.AoE projectile destruction 5. Single target KB
Earth : 4.AoE explosion + projectile reflection 5. Invulnerability

Last but not least, our best AoE friend … The STAFF :
Fire : 1.AoE AA 2. AoE 3. Single target burn 4. kind of AoE while retreating 5. Best AoE
Water : 1. kittenty AA with AoE heal 2. AoE 3. AoE heal 4. AoE chill 5. AoE heal
Air : 1. AA with multiple target 2. Single target blind + dmg 3. single target KB 4. AoE Swiftness 5. AoE stun
Earth : 1. AA 2. AoE 3. Aura 4. AoE dmg+cripple 5. Single target root

So lets count now :
Total spells : 60
AoEs which deal Dmg : 22
AoEs which only put conditions or don’t deal dmg : 8
AAs which don’t count because they are AA : 12
Single Target spells which deal dmg or not : 10
Auras : 4
Others : 4 (including invulnerability,…)

In conclusion, I have to say that 50% of our weapon skills are AoE, 20% are AA and we have less than 17% single target spell.
Anet, please take care of what you are going to do with the AoEs. Else you are going to nerf half of the Elementalist. Making the daggers + staff useless, leaving us with the bugged scepter and the focus…

Greetings, Ceit Andeargleomhan.

PS: In my analysis I didn’t mention water weapon + utility skills. But who cares about water combat and utility skill ARE utility !

PS2 : Please be lenient with my english, it’s not my mother tongue which is french

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


Do you know how many AoEs you mentioned aren’t AoEs per say? Is Greatsword autoattack AoE now?

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fellnine.6905



currently elementalists are pigeon-holed into one build that involves 3 cantrips and 0/10/0/30/30

Anet said theyre troubled about bunker eles and are now nerfing aoe. 50%~ of our dmg

you cant nerf the only think that makes a prof viable without buffing anything else

its bad game logic

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fellnine.6905


Do you know how many AoEs you mentioned aren’t AoEs per say? Is Greatsword autoattack AoE now?

he specifically said he left out AAs in the number of aoes i believe

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Churros.7196


Do you know how many AoEs you mentioned aren’t AoEs per say? Is Greatsword autoattack AoE now?

Actually it is aoe.

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


Do you know how many AoEs you mentioned aren’t AoEs per say? Is Greatsword autoattack AoE now?

Actually it is aoe.

It is aoe, yet you don’t see warrior subforum filled with whining topics about incoming nerf. When anet says about AoE they most often mean skills with large radius, not tiny like magma field or cone skills.

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


Lol, aoe kings complaining. I’m not saying you need a nerf per se but if you compare to mesmer, you just kill mobs in 5 seconds. I saw a video of 4 elementalists holding back 30 people in wvw, that’s impossible with other classes.

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Highvoltage.7946


Real question is does Anet even care about eles or only the “other” classes?

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Lol, aoe kings complaining. I’m not saying you need a nerf per se but if you compare to mesmer, you just kill mobs in 5 seconds. I saw a video of 4 elementalists holding back 30 people in wvw, that’s impossible with other classes.

That could have been done with any other profession in the hands of that group.

They were pros facing a group of people who were too stupid to use stability to provent the CC and lock them down.

That’s the beauty of this game: skill actually wins here – at least until ANet decides it shouldn’t anymore.

It is aoe, yet you don’t see warrior subforum filled with whining topics about incoming nerf.

Maybe that comes from the fact that warriors already do twice the damage of any other profession in comparable gear and build, so they don’t have to worry about losing a little.

That’s like someone on faux news claiming the economy is fine in 2009 because they only had to sell one of their paintings to cover the loss on their portfolio.

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: KieronWolf.5108


Lol, aoe kings complaining. I’m not saying you need a nerf per se but if you compare to mesmer, you just kill mobs in 5 seconds. I saw a video of 4 elementalists holding back 30 people in wvw, that’s impossible with other classes.

That zerg was utterly kitten (probably had under leveled players) and they put against a small group of highly skilled and coordinated players. Honestly, one good thief is all it would have taken to shut them down. Quickness backstab combo with heartseeker spam and it’s over for one of the ele. Another ele would’ve had to rez him therefore the awesome pressure they were applying would’ve dropped off tremendously in that time period.

More than one good thief? That super cool video you saw would’ve ended early.

Stop using Wv3 for balancing and please take note that skill does matter in this game.

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Yes, they do know. Yes, they’ve stated they will take it into account, and not just nerf the numbers.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Alilinke.7690


Fire 3 on staff is actually an AoE burn.
Earth 5 on staff applies bleed to anyone near the shockwave.
Air 2 on staff will apply blind and do damage on anyone standing near the target.

[nA] Professional Guild Hall Decorator

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stevefin.7251


One thing they could do is remove the 5 man cap and add a new type of system. based on damage % per number of people hit. by what I mean is this.

1-3 targets in aoe does 100% damage
3-7 does 70%
7-10 does 50%
10+ does 30%

Don’t hold me to the numbers though, they are just an example, but it would be a compromise satisfying both sides, AOE eles can still PvE, and to where I expect they have gotten most of their data. WvW ele’s can still area deny.

Does Anet know how many AoEs we have ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Parsee Komeiji.2049

Parsee Komeiji.2049

One thing they could do is remove the 5 man cap and add a new type of system. based on damage % per number of people hit. by what I mean is this.

1-3 targets in aoe does 100% damage
3-7 does 70%
7-10 does 50%
10+ does 30%

Don’t hold me to the numbers though, they are just an example, but it would be a compromise satisfying both sides, AOE eles can still PvE, and to where I expect they have gotten most of their data. WvW ele’s can still area deny.

They’re more concerned about AOEs being sort of almost one third as effective as single target attacks against single targets, and want single target attacks to “stand out more”. They do not seem to be as concerned about AOE actually being useful against large groups.

(In other words, they’re angry about AOE being able to kill them when they play their Thieves.)