Both of you have some interesting ideas. And I’ll put my two cents in as well. Here is my ‘ideal changes’ list I made some time ago…
- Flamestrike: the secondary strike is now aoe, affects max 3 enemies (radius 180)
-Dragon’s Tooth: aftercast reduced by 1/2 sec
- Shatterstone: radius increased to 240
- Water Trident: also removes 1 condition
- Stone Shards: precast reduced by 1/2 sec -> casting time reduced by 1/2 sec
- Dust Devil: Base damage increased by 100%
- Flamewall: now applies 2 stacks of burning instead of 1
- Freezing Gust: Base damage increased by 100% and now it’s aoe, affects max 3 enemies (radius 180)
Dagger MH
- Ring of Earth: When used, a buff appears that properly shows the projectile block
Dagger OH
- Fire Grab: Damage vs non-burning foes increased by 10%. Damage vs burning foes increased by 15%.
- Frost Aura: CD reduced to 25 sec
- Cleansing Wave: CD reduced to 35 sec
- Ride the Lightning: CD is now 20 sec base, you don’t need to hit a target anymore
- Churning Earth: This skill now has its previous animation
- Lightning Surge: Casting time reduced by 1/2 sec
- Windborne speed: This skill now grants 2 seconds of superspeed + 10 seconds of swiftness
- Heat Sync: You now gain 2 additional stacks of might if you spread boons to an ally
- Wildfire: The firefield appears faster.
- Tidal Surge: Cd reduced to 30 sec
- Water Globe: Cd reduced to 30 sec, the water field travels slower
- Signet of Restoration: Casting time reduced to 1/2 sec
- Arcane Power: Cd reduced to 25 sec
- Arcane Shield: Cd reduced to 50 sec, duration decreased to 4 sec, now blocks all attacks during that time instead of just 3, after 4 sec it explodes if you block an attack, this change also applies to Final Shielding
- Armor of Earth: Cd reduced to 50 sec
- Mist Form: Cd reduced to 50 sec
Earth Shield
- Stone Sheath: Now blocks all attacks during its duration and applies bleeding to foes that hit you during channeling, but only in range to 600.
- Magnetic Surge: Base damage increased by 200%
- Magnetic Shield: Casting time reduced to 1 sec
Flame Axe
- Lava Axe: Now explodes when hitting a foe, damaging nearby foes (max 3) too, might duration is increased to 10 seconds
- Explosive Lava Axe: Damage increased by 15%
- Burning Retreat (Flame Axe): This skill is now changed to Blazing Axe. Throw a blazing axe that bounces between foes and allies, granting might to allies and damaging and burning foes. Creates a fire field between you and the 1st target struck.
- Ring of Fire (Flame Axe): This skill is now identical to dagger’s Ring of Fire skill.
Lightning Hammer
- Lightning Leap: Damage increased by 100%
- Wind Blast: Now applies 3 stacks of vulnerability
- Lightning Storm (Lightning Hammer): This skill is now ground targeted (900 range) and is now identical to Lightning Storm (Glyph of Storms), but cd reamins the same and does not apply vulnerability
Ice Bow
- Frost Volley: Damage increased by 30%, casting speed of this skill is increased -> casting time reduced to 1 1/2 sec
- Frost Fan: Damage increased by 50%
- Signet of Water: Now heals you by a small amount if condition is removed. Active skill is now aoe (3 targets max)
- “Feel the Burn!”: Damage increased by 20%, burning duration increased to 5 seconds
- “Flash-Freeze!”: Cd reduced to 25 sec.
- Tornado/Whirpool: When this transformation is active, base Toughness is quadrupled and base Vitality tripled (similar to Plague)
Fiery Greatsword
- Fiery Eruption: Radius increased to 240
- Firestorm (Fiery Greatsword): This skill is now identical to Firestorm (Glyph of Storms), except the cd
- Conjurer: Instead of gaining fire aura when picking up a conjured weapon, players gain 2 stacks of might and additional boon based on the conjured weapon (Lava Axe:
3 stacks of might / Ice Bow: regeneration / Lightning Hammer: fury / Earth Shield: stability / Fiery Greatsword: 5 stacks of might)
- One with Fire: This trait now additionaly grants fire aura when you cast a signet
- Serrated Stones: Damage done to bleeding foes is increased to 10%
- Rock Solid: Duration of stability is increased to 3 sec
- Diamond Skin (if this wouldn’t be op): Now automatically removes conditions while above health threshold. You don’t need to be struck to remove them.
- Stop, Drop, and Roll: Cd reduced to 4 sec
- Soothing Power: Now additionally allies under the effect of Soothing Mist have reduced incoming condition duration by 10% (or 15% maybe?)
- Arcane Fury: Duration of fury is increased to 3 sec
- Elemental Attunement: The non-aoe version of this is now baseline. This trait now makes it aoe and increases duration of these applied boons by 20%.
- Latent Stamina: This trait has been reworked: Now when you dodge while you are under the effect of vigor, you gain some endurance back and the duration of that vigor
on you is increased (+2 sec maybe?)
- Tempestuous Aria: This trait now also reduces recharge of shouts (20% or 15% I guess?)
- Lucid Singularity: You are now healed by X amount when an enemy tries to put a movement-impeding condition on you while you are overloading.
Glyphs changes I suggested here: (btw, those skills above with changes linking to some glyphs are used with the current vesion of glyphs) + the changes to Glyph of Storms may be better from Kyon in post above me, so I would like to maybe replace that…
This post will be dealing with specifically just the weapon skills. I will not speak on scepter bc honestly I don’t really like scepter and I don’t play scepter so I don’t feel qualified to make change suggestions. ALL NUMBERS ARE FULL ZERKER GEAR. We can have a discussion on the contribution of healing power later and base numbers. For now I feel like there is a lot to work on especially in offhand dagger.
-This weapon is balanced for the most part, that said cooldown adjustments to make the traited cooldowns match the old traited cooldowns. This didn’t need a nerf and every skill on the weapon needs to have the old cooldown back if traited. This weapon is pure defense and should not be given damage.
-Again change cooldowns to be the same as when we had 33%, this didn’t need to be nerfed.
Mainhand Dagger
Burning speed(fire 3) – 10sec cooldown
Frozen Burst(water 3) – 10 sec cooldown
Shocking Aura (Air 3) – 20 sec cooldown
Ring of Earth (Earth 2) – 5 Sec cooldown (Buff to show when it blocks projectiles)
Magnetic Grasp (Earth 3) – 10 sec cooldown.
Offhand Dagger
-This one is a fun one…and honestly needs a whole ton of work. This is SUPPOSED to be the damage weapon but wh beats it in every case. Wh is supposed to be utility+damage.
Fire (This needs a lot of work as especially in PvE, Wh 5 is better all on its own. In order to come close to matching it you need a few buffs. I’m sure these might be too strong for PvP)
-Ring of Fire – Reworked. 10sec cooldown: Now pulses 1 stack of burning every second for 2.5 seconds duration each for 8 seconds baseline to any enemies in the area 3 targets if too strong 5 targets if just right.
Reasoning: I want to minimize how much effect the trait persisting flames and the cdr for fire traitline factors into this rotation. The best way to do that is to give it a low cooldown baseline so that it’ll be up usually before you even finish coming back to the rotated skill even without the trait. The trait will help but it doesn’t overshadow other traitlines in terms of damage all that much/too much.
-Flame Grab – 25 sec cooldown, 0.5 sec cast time.
-Frost Aura – 30 sec cooldown
-Cleansing wave – Cooldown Reduced to 35 seconds. Heals for what it heals now in an AoE+removes a condi. Added – 8 Sec of regeneration and a 1200 self heal only. Why? Take a look at tidal surge, it is on this cooldown, with twice as much healing as cleansing wave and CC. And it does all of these in an AoE. Cleansing wave regen and second heal is ultimately selfish to make up for the fact that you really can’t blast finisher wh 5 with dagger 3 on d/d due to the lack of water fields.
Air Needs a bunch of work due to the repeated nerfs to ride the lightning and how much better warhorn is. Again this is from a PvE perspective and I think I’d be totally fine if it was split numbers wise for PvP. Again they can do it, look at lava font.
Ride the lightning – Added 5 stacks of 10 sec of vulnerability. Cooldown Reduced to 25 sec, reduced to half on hit. (Effective 10 sec traited and with a hit). Base damage increased to anywhere between 887 – 1242.5 (2.5-3 times higher preferably on the lower side if data says average lightning orb hits 8 times, but if it is 14 as the wiki says then 1200 range).
-WAIT ISN’T THAT OP?! Actually no, if you really look at the numbers lightning orb hits 14 times on average and does about 410(540 with might) damage per hit while inflicting vuln. That is 5800(7560) damage without crits on just a 20 sec cooldown. Ultimately it should be having high scaling with power and at 887-1242.5 at 2.5-3 times stronger at a 10 second cooldown it just barely matches and comes up to the same ish amount as lightning orb on warhorn. Unfortunately ride the lightning simply is on a too long cooldown to be useful and should we really be complaining when ancestral grace is the same thing except better and ground targeted and heals? Mobility is less of an issue and if it was we can keep a 30 sec cooldown and halved on hit with slightly higher damage.
Updraft – 25 sec cooldown, does roughly the same amount of breakbar as wh 4. Not much to explain here. 40 seconds even if you add in the trait is too long for a breakbar skill with no damage.
Earthquake – Cast time reduced to 0.5 seconds. Cooldown reduced to 25 seconds.
Churning Earth – Pulses 1 stack of stab every second for 2 seconds. Blinds enemies in the area on activation (1 time application). Cooldown is fine
Not much to explain here. Churning earth needs stab to be any good. Blind is also needed because nobody is going to let you channel for 2 seconds, not even PvE mobs. Ideally earth should be a lower dps blast finisher machine where fire is dps, air is consistent dps, and water is the “oh no I need healing” attunement.
A lot of these offhand dagger changes are focused on burst and should be very interesting as opposed to a lot smaller hits for wh with more utility.
This one is tricky, you can’t buff it too much and you can’t make it useless. One thing for sure I’d do though is test something then continue to reevaluate it over time.
Generalized changes
All cooldowns lowered to make traiting for them match the old cooldown. 25 sec for meteor shower, 5 seconds for Lava font, Static field is 30 sec, etc.
Now for meaty changes
-Lava font damage decreased, I would say don’t absolutely make it terrible but it needs to either do less damage if it is the bulk of ele damage or…
Meteor Shower 1) Meteors now do not fall randomly within the AoE, they fall at specific spots which are the same every cast, apply this to every AoE skill in the game and most of the bolts should be hitting around the center of the cast. REEVALUATE DAMAGE AFTER THIS CHANGE.
2) Less meteors cast at the beginning of the skill, move them to the end so you have to go through the full cast animation. (Reevaluate damage)
3) If damage is too high on big targets lower damage, if not meteor is fine. (still would like to see it being "Competitive* on large targets being within 1-5k optimal dps difference, preferably higher.)
Reasoning: The whole reason staff is so hard to balance is because of the random nature of the meteor shower and subsequently Icebow 4 and any glyph of storms activation. The impacts hit randomly and can result in much much more damage. By eliminating this randomness we can actually balance it more properly without taking into consideration the RNG of simply hitting a target more times than normal. If a big target is standing still and gets hit 5 times then it will be hit 5 times if you cast it on the same spot. This allows them to balance enemies by their size (certain thresholds will be hit more or less by meteor) and by their mobility which they are already doing. Staff was too good and unfortunately for PvP players trying to use staff I don’t think we should consider PvP staff at all as the game mode pretty much is not useful for the weapon (does not mesh well).
Keep Construct
-Removed “stunned” status when in the burn phase. (Stacking tempest defense with bolt to the heart is crazy. Not sure why they even made it be stunned in the first place. It is already a big target which is great for Ele.)