Elementalist rework Patchnotes

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Amaya.1483


10/04/2016 – Oktober 04 Release Notes
Elementalist Rework
For this Patch we are heading towards the goal of bringing the old Elementalist Gameplay Feeling back. We realised that the current ways to play for an Elementalist are somewhat frustrating, beeing cut down to a nearly Support only Role in PVP and only having one Set of viable Weapons in each game type. In order to bring back more variety, viability and looking into the Future, we decided to give the Elementalist a bit of a Rework this time, besides the normal balance changes.


Dagger Main- and off-hand
*Dragons Claw : Damage increased by 10%.
*Burning Speed : The cooldown has been reduced from 15 to 12 seconds.
*Fire Grab : Increased the Radius by 15. This change has been made to make this Skill more reliable.

*Vapor Blade : Damage increased by 15%.
*Frost Aura : The cooldown has been reduced from 40 to 30 seconds.
*Cleansing Wave : The Cooldown has been reduced from 40 to 30 seconds, in addition to that we reduced the casting time to 1/2 seconds from 3/4 seconds.

*Lightning Whip : Damage increased by 10%
*Ride the Lightning : The cooldown has been reduced from 40 to 20 seconds. If a foe is hit by the burst, the skill’s recharge is halved.
*Updraft : The cooldown has been reduced from 40 to 30 seconds.
The changes on Ride the Lightning and Updraft were originally made to prevent the Elementalist performing extraordinary in every segment, with the introduction of Heart of Thorns, other Professions experienced many buffs to their mobility, aswell as their survivability. This made us rethink our position on those skills.

*Impale : Reduced the cast time from 3/4 to 1/2 seconds. Damage has been increased by 15%.
*Ring of Earth : Casting time has been reduced from 3/4 to 1/2 seconds.
*Earthquake : The cooldown has been reduced to from 45 to 40 seconds. While performing Earthquake, the Elementalist now evades attacks.
*Churning Earth : Reduced the casting time from 2 to 1 second.

Scepter has always been our Weapon of choice, if it comes to condition Damage and with this attempt, we are pursuing our initial Ideas further, while reworking some of its Skills entirely to keep the Feeling you are used to in balance and making it viable outside of the famous “fresh air” Build.

*Flamestrike : Has been reworked. Flamestrike now uses a fiery projectile animation like you know it from Fiery Greatsword 1. Damage has been increased by 25% and the cast time has been reduced to 3/4 seconds. Flamestrike still applies one stack of burning but doesn’t create an area that delivers a lesser attack a short time later. Instead, the third attack makes your foe crinkle under the heat of your attacks and will now applie 2 stacks of Tornment for 4 seconds.

*Dragon’s Tooth : Has been removed. New Skill : Meteor.
*Meteor : Meteor leaves a Mark on the ground for everyone visible. After a short delay, a giant Fireball strikes the Area, dealing damage and leaving a Field of Fire behind that burns enemy and removes conditions from allies.

Damage : 1200
Mark casting time : 1/4 seconds
Meteor falling time : 3/4 seconds
Radius : 260
Fire Field duration : 3 seconds
Burning pulse : 1 second
Condition removing pulse : 2 seconds
Combofinisher : Blast
Skill Cooldown : 10 seconds


*Ice Shards : Damage increased by 10%
*Shatterstone : Now applies one additional stack of Vulnerability. Just kidding. The explosion time has been reduced to 1/2 seconds, the radius has been increased to 240 from 180.

*Arc Lightning : Damage has been increased by 10%

*Stone Shards : Damage has been increased by 10%. Now applies also one stack of Tornment.
*Rock Barrier : Hurl now also applies 2 stacks of Tornment.
*Dust Devil : The cooldown has been reduced from 15 to 12 seconds.

*Flamewall : Casting time has been reduced to 1/2 seconds. Flamewall now also deals damage each time a foe trespasses the wall
*Fire Shield : Has now the same effect as “Feel the Burn!”
*Freezing Gust : The cooldown has been reduced to 15 from 25 seconds.
*Comet : The cooldown has been recuced from 25 to 20 seconds.

*Gale : The cooldown has been reduced from 40 to 30 seconds.


*Signet of Restoration : Increased the healing per cast healing power contribution by 100%
*Glyhph of Elemental Harmony : Inreased the Protection duration when used in Earth Attunement from 3 to 7 seconds.

(edited by Amaya.1483)

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Amaya.1483


*Arcane Power : The cooldown has been reduced from 45 to 20 seconds.
*Lightning Flash : The cooldown has been reduced to 30 from 40 seconds.
*Mist Form : You are now able to perform actions while in Mist Form. However, your damage is reduced by 50% during that time.
*Conjure Earth Shield : Now holds 5 additional charges.
*Conjure Flame Axe : Now holds 5 additional charges.
*Conjure Frost Bow : Now holds 5 additional charges.
*Conjure Lightning Hammer : Casting time has been reduced to 1/4 seconds from 3/4 seconds. Now holds 5 additional charges.
*Glyph of Elemental Power : Trigger Chance has been increased to 33%. The cooldown has been reduced to 30 seconds.
*Glyph of Lesser Elementals : Casting time has been reduced to 1 from 1 and1/4 seconds.
*Glyph of Storms : Casting time has been reduced to 1 second from 1 and 1/4 seconds.
*Signet of Air : Now increases movement speed by 33%. The cooldown has been reduced to 15 from 25 seconds.
*Signet of Earth : The cooldown has been recuded to 20 from 25 seconds.
*Signet of Water : The cooldown has been reduced to 15 from 25 seconds. Cures now 2 conditions every 10 seconds.
*Conjure Fiery Greatsword : The cooldown has been reduced from 180 to 120 seconds.
*Tornado : The cooldown has been reduced to 100 from 150 seconds.
*Rebound! : Now heals regardless of recieving a killing blow. The Aura based on your attunement is now applied immediately.


Conjure Frost Bow
*Water Arrow : Projectile traveling speed has been increased considerably.
*Frost Volley : Projectile traveling speed has been increased considerably.
*Deep Freeze : Projectile traveling speed has been increased considerably. The casting time has been reduced to 1 second from 1 and 1/2 seconds.

Conjure Lightning Hammer
*Wind Blast : Casting time has been reduced to 3/4 second from 1 second.
*Lightning Storm : Castimt time has been reduced to 1 second from 1 and 1/4 seconds.


*Overloading an attunement now no longer causes the attunement to have a longer recharge.

With this major change we want to give back the original Elementalist feeling to the Players. Overloading an attunement should be a benefit for the Tempest and not this much of a drawback, when getting interrupted during it. The cooldown of overloading will now run seperately from the attunement recharge cooldown, unless you are using the “Fresh Air” Trait, which will remain with the same mechanic and effect.


*Conjurer : Now also reduced the cooldown of conjured weapons by 10%
*Blinding Ashes : Internal cooldown reduced to 6 from 8 seconds.

*Diamond Skin : Now has a 50% chance of removing a condition from you when beeing struck. 1 second cooldown.
*Written in Stone : Now also intensifies the active effects of signets.

*Soothing Power : Has been replaced with Bountiful Power from the Arcane traitline
We wanted to give Players who dedicate themselfs to a support Role the opportunity to still deal some Damage and defend themselfes, especially in Raids and higher Fractals.

*Arcane Fury : Now lasts 3 instead of 2 seconds
*Arcane Precision : Now has a 50% Chance on Critical Hit. When attuned to Water, your attacks have now the chance to inflict Chill for 1 second.
*Renewing Stamina : Vigor increased up to 7 seconds from 5.
*Final Shielding : The cooldown has been reduced to 60 from 75 seconds.
*Elemental Enchantment : Boon duration now increased by 15% up from 10%.
*Bountiful Power : Moved to Water traitline. New Trait : Magic Addict.
*Magic Addict : Whenever you applie a Boon to yourself, siphon life from nearby enemys.

Life siphone damage : 100
Life sipon healing : 85*0,1 Healing Power
Radius : 360
Cooldown : 1 Second

*Gale Song : The cooldown has been reduced to 30 from 40 seconds.
*Latent Stamina : Endurance gained increased to 15 from 10.
*Harmonious Conduit : Now gain 2 stacks of stability when beginning and overload. Upon successfully completing an overload, gain 10% increased damage and 10% less damage recieved for 5 seconds.
*Lucid Singularity : Has been removed for “The Orcans Voice”.
*The Orcans Voice : Shouts have a 20% reduced cooldown. Auras you applie last 20% longer.

The Feeling when you wake up and it never happens. FeelsBadMan. Anyway, leave a +1 if you like it to show ANet what’s up, even if you don’t like everything.

Have a good one so far.

(edited by Amaya.1483)

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318

These are your changes, Or this is this legit? if so. please leave the source with the link to the post.

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


This is probably one of the best posts I’ve ever seen in Elementalist forums xD
Too bad Anet won’t ever introduce them. Some of them I would not full agree with, but 95% of them are amazing. Oh and, you have to be careful to not buff bunker tempest too much, or its gonna be OP and get ele nerfed again. Tho in the current state that it is in, it’s highly unlikely that these simple changes to off pick traits, utilities and weapons would buff the bunker version.

One can only hope.

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: juno.1840


Conjure Fiery Greatsword : The cooldown has been reduced from 180 to 120 seconds. Now grants one stack of Stability (5s) every three seconds while wielded.

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

(edited by juno.1840)

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mr Godlike.6098

Mr Godlike.6098

So shocked when started to read this…some ideas sounded really nice…sad is not official

Besides…Good job on this notes!

Was depressed ele…now depressed druid
Kawaleria (KW)

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


A lot of these (or similar) are what should be done.

What will be done:

Shatterstone : Now applies one additional stack of Vulnerability. Cooldown increased to 5s.”

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ancient Ranger.3276

Ancient Ranger.3276

A lot of these (or similar) are what should be done.

What will be done:

Shatterstone : Now applies one additional stack of Vulnerability. Cooldown increased to 5s.”

Shaterstone OP I can hit like 7k with it. but that require a chain of skills along with some terribad traits.
Even though I prefer Ice Spike with the set up hits like 10k.

Éleura Elementalist’s on YB

(edited by Ancient Ranger.3276)

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


A lot of these (or similar) are what should be done.

What will be done:

Shatterstone : Now applies one additional stack of Vulnerability. Cooldown increased to 5s.”

Shaterstone OP I can hit like 7k with it. but that require a chain of skills along with some terribad traits.
Even though I prefer Ice Spike with the set up hits like 10k.

Hahaha, that is what ele is about, setting up long convoluted skill chains to make a completely underwhelming skill do above-average damage. I am assuming you are full-zerk, setting up all kinds of vuln stacks, when you could just a rev and 16k CoR every 4s with no setup and easier to land.

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: strong and brave.5718

strong and brave.5718

I cried at the end why would you do this to me

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Conncept.7638


People are lauding this? This is some player buffing what he likes completely disregarding the cost of what he doesn’t or the overall effect on the class.

For one, you’re proposing making both earth and fire more power based at the cost of conditions? Really? So you think we have too much build diversity then? Because I can’t see any reason at all to nerf our conditions other than just flat out wanting us to never have viable condition builds.

Second, these buffs would serve to continue the endless cycle of buffing the ele up only to nerf him down again. They are to the exact same areas as every change the developers have made before you; power damage, evasion, condition clear, and mandatory rapidfire use of the attunement swapping. And none of those changes, made by the developers, did any good, and neither would these; they would just continue the cycle.

We need changes to the mechanical function of our class. You CANNOT balance a class with solely active defense against eight others which have both innate defense, and active defense. We need defense available to our class which is NOT in ANY WAY connected to active skill use. And then our active defense skillset can actually be balanced like the remaining classes; and won’t be prone to abuse with changes that even equate to a light breeze, let alone the more heavy handed changes we actually need to get any build diversity.

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ancient Ranger.3276

Ancient Ranger.3276

A lot of these (or similar) are what should be done.

What will be done:

Shatterstone : Now applies one additional stack of Vulnerability. Cooldown increased to 5s.”

Shaterstone OP I can hit like 7k with it. but that require a chain of skills along with some terribad traits.
Even though I prefer Ice Spike with the set up hits like 10k.

Hahaha, that is what ele is about, setting up long convoluted skill chains to make a completely underwhelming skill do above-average damage. I am assuming you are full-zerk, setting up all kinds of vuln stacks, when you could just a rev and 16k CoR every 4s with no setup and easier to land.

Actually these are my stats I’m not full zerk but I do have a lot of power.


Éleura Elementalist’s on YB

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Just curious, have they ever use the term rework? It kind of implied incompetence in previous balancing…

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


OMG this would be so great….. And it doesnt sound like totally OP. It is a bit much at once and will cause some balace issues but it is the dircetion what ele needs. And the scepter would finaly become what i always loved to play …. An arcane tempest with scepter …. I makes me cry …

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shiverin.1206


Can you leave the source with the link of the post?
Where Can i find the A.net compleate release?

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Amaya.1483


Thank you all for your Feedback!

Please take the time and read the Patch Notes carefully, before posting Feedback.
Adding Tornment to the Fire and Earth Attunement isn’t exactly focusing around Power from our perspective.

We tried to adress as many Features of the Elementalist as possible this time and we also want to be a lot more vocal and open about our thoughts behind certain changes, to give you Players a better understanding and the possibility to contribute to Guild Wars 2.
We noticed, that in the past, we left here and there the impression of not beeing as passionate about the Game as you players are and with this and further attemts, we want to show you that this is absolutely not the case.

Thank you all for participating again and let us look into a brighter Future for Guild Wars 2.

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shiverin.1206


Is there a A.net post that show the updates??
Can answer me please @Amaya.1483 ?

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Supreme.3164


Is there a A.net post that show the updates??
Can answer me please @Amaya.1483 ?

These patch notes are fan made as clearly explained in the OP. sorry to disappoint you.

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Some are a bit to much, but it reads soooo goood…..

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


*Ride the Lightning : The cooldown has been reduced from 40 to 20 seconds. If a foe is hit by the burst, the skill’s recharge is halved.


*Signet of Restoration : Increased the healing per cast healing power contribution by 100%

Just this bring the elementalist back to the op state it was 3 years ago… No, In fact it make it even more op than it was 3 years ago. 10 second RTL… lol

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


*Ride the Lightning : The cooldown has been reduced from 40 to 20 seconds. If a foe is hit by the burst, the skill’s recharge is halved.


*Signet of Restoration : Increased the healing per cast healing power contribution by 100%

Just this bring the elementalist back to the op state it was 3 years ago… No, In fact it make it even more op than it was 3 years ago. 10 second RTL… lol

This would basically just put ele on par with Druid. 10s RtL (20s when used for mobility) is right at what druid can do, but without the range capability or super-resses. Also, that would require using off-hand dagger, which has no real hard-mitigation (so wouldn’t buff or even be used by the bunker spec, as focus earth skills and swirling winds are the only hard defense the build has).

More appropriately, it might make s/d worth considering, as you can at least get back to a fight quickly after getting crapped on by a thief/rev.

(edited by BlackBeard.2873)

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Supreme.3164


*Ride the Lightning : The cooldown has been reduced from 40 to 20 seconds. If a foe is hit by the burst, the skill’s recharge is halved.


*Signet of Restoration : Increased the healing per cast healing power contribution by 100%

Just this bring the elementalist back to the op state it was 3 years ago… No, In fact it make it even more op than it was 3 years ago. 10 second RTL… lol

Now..it’s not 3 years ago, take off the “bias glasses” and look around…we have herald, dd, chronomancer, druid staff etc etc…..10s RTL on a weapon set that offers nothing in terms of sustain vs HoT elites and that has not been used in months and the signet?!

Are you kidding me? wanna compare a possible 100% buff to druid/warrior/scrapper sustain?….yeah thought so

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Actually it wouldnt even be OP,considering the enviroment in which nowadays ele is.

Still no conjure shield buffs?!?!Maan that thing could be lovely with improved aoe pull,like instant aoe pull and some aoe root with moveable blocking skill and lower CD,hmmm.

EDIT:you ppl keep forgeting when comparing to druids staff and RTL,RTL aint EVADE/blast/heal.Thou 20sec/10sec if conected and another 20% off from air trait,hmmm.Still without evade frame it doesnt sound so scary nowadays

OTAN guild,WSR server

(edited by KaporHabakuk.6219)

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Glenstorm.4059


My prediction? They’re going to take the fact that Tempest was represented in ESL as proof that the class is largely OK, and we’re not going to get any meaningful changes.

I’m certainly not expecting changes like Chill no longer affecting Attunement swap, cool down reductions for underused Utilities, buffs to Fire, impactful Elites, buffs to Scepter, QoL changes to Warhorn, or reworks for Conjures. Let alone larger issues such as lack of build diversity and over-reliance on Toughness/Healing Power.

Fear the might of SHATTERSTONE.

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: primatos.5413



Lügen-Anet Anet-Lügen

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


People are lauding this? This is some player buffing what he likes completely disregarding the cost of what he doesn’t or the overall effect on the class.

For one, you’re proposing making both earth and fire more power based at the cost of conditions? Really? So you think we have too much build diversity then? Because I can’t see any reason at all to nerf our conditions other than just flat out wanting us to never have viable condition builds.

Second, these buffs would serve to continue the endless cycle of buffing the ele up only to nerf him down again. They are to the exact same areas as every change the developers have made before you; power damage, evasion, condition clear, and mandatory rapidfire use of the attunement swapping. And none of those changes, made by the developers, did any good, and neither would these; they would just continue the cycle.

We need changes to the mechanical function of our class. You CANNOT balance a class with solely active defense against eight others which have both innate defense, and active defense. We need defense available to our class which is NOT in ANY WAY connected to active skill use. And then our active defense skillset can actually be balanced like the remaining classes; and won’t be prone to abuse with changes that even equate to a light breeze, let alone the more heavy handed changes we actually need to get any build diversity.

You think Anet would actually take time for something like this? Nah. They never will, as they have never done so. The only hope for that are elite specializations.

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: EriskRedLemur.7153


Appreciate the time spent making this; do not appreciate trying to confuse and pass it off as legit and waste ppl’s times. Esp newer players. I’ve learned in my relatively short time in GW2 that players have better ideas often than Devs, and they seem to not even read the forums – and it sets yourself up for disappointment when the REAL patch notes are released.

King Slacker, GM LXS (NA) League of Xtraordinary Slackers

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: IonoI.3956


I might be the only one to disagree with this. Most if not all of these changes look like buffs to ele. The changes may seem like a good idea now and add more build variety, but if they balance classes by simply buffing underused things then eventually there will be noticeable power creep.

If you buff something, you gotta nerf something else.

Players unknowingly tend to agree with buffs more then with nerfs, so the dev’s should take this as feedback, but not as something they should do exactly.

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Yannir.4132


What condition is Tornment? There’s a chipmunk clawing at my face now?

But seriously, there is good and bad in this, thank you for sharing. The RtL change would be really good, 40s (32s with trait) cd is way too long considering what other classes have. Now that they normalized eles cooldown reductions, this could happen as well.

I don’t, however, agree with the Mistform changes. Mistform is fine, even if the cd is a bit too long. Renewed Focus on guard has a 90s cd, but Mistform has half its functionality. Thus, Mistform’s cd should be half of that, 45 seconds.

Yannir for males. (guard,thief,war,ele)
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.