"Elite" Ele skills.
Can we have a decent elite that isn’t 120+ seconds long pls? I actually want to use those elite-activation runes to its max potential.
Give us a condition elite… don’t wanna use racials anymore.
I want Tornado to be changed from a Transform to a nuke.
Make it a powerful, wide-area version of Glyph of Storms.
Tornado could use a little something else.
Maybe reflecting projectiles, or making it a cantrip so it can be affected by several traits.
Maybe allow attunement swapping while under this form. Maybe even have skills that change with the attunement. Each attunement could have three skills: An autoattack, one targeted, and one PBAoE:
- Fire – “Firenado” form, the tornado looks more orange and deals burning on contact.
- Fireball.
- Flame Blast
- Ring of Fire
- Water – “Twisting Blizzard” form, the tornado looks bluish, and deals chilled on contact.
- Ice Shards
- Freezing Gust
- Frozen Burst
- Air – “Twister” form, the tornado looks like it does not, and pushes on contact.
- Chain Lightning
- Lightning Strike
- Windborne Speed
- “Dust Devil” for, the torndo looks more like a Dust Mite Twister, deals bleeding on contact.
- Rock Shards.
- Dust Devil
- Ring of Earth.
I would also like for all professions to have healing, 4 utilities and elite for each of their available skill types. That means for elementalists there’s missing arcane healing, and missing elite cantrip, arcane and signet.
What about Tornado for Engineer? All changes have to be applicable to both.
Unless of course you would like to write up something to the effect of a SlickShoonado or a Napalmado.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
An Elite should be something that could be used in emergencies as a saviour in most of the situations. We rely so much on our boons and considering our class lacks a good elite, here is something I have come up with.
I would suggest for a “Cantrip” based Elite skill may be a Cantrip Signet with a CD of 90 secs having..
Passive Effect: Improved boon duration (even by a little 10% would be nice)
Active Effect: Gain Quickness, Might, Fury, Regen for 8 secs OR Instantly recharge all attunements
Also, Cantrip water traits would gell well so nicely with this elite. Let me know what you guys think
As for the rework on the existing elite skills, Tornado could have some hard hitting AOE skills more longer duration.
(edited by Diva.1476)
An Elite should be something that could be used in emergencies as a saviour in most of the situations. We rely so much on our boons and considering our class lacks a good elite, here is something I have come up with.
I would suggest for a “Cantrip” based Elite skill may be a Cantrip Signet with a CD of 90 secs having..
Passive Effect: Improved boon duration (even by a little 10% would be nice)
Active Effect: Gain Quickness, Might, Fury, Regen for 8 secs OR Instantly recharge all attunementsAlso, Cantrip water traits would gell well so nicely with this elite. Let me know what you guys think
As for the rework on the existing elite skills, Tornado could have some hard hitting AOE skills more longer duration.
Ignoring that you’ve stuck signet effects on a ‘Cantrip’, there’s no way we’re going to get a Cantrip elite – the skill type is relied on by so many setups already, and has such great trait support, that giving us another one as an (effective) elite would run the risk of making Ele OP. Particularly as D/D Cele 0/0/2/6/6 is still very much effective in the meta.
As a Signet, though, it could work – a popular passive suggested for an elite Signet is to reduce attunement cooldowns by one (maaaybe two) seconds, with the active instantly recharging all attunements.
If the passive were to be boon duration, it should probably be more than 10% – the Mesmer Signet of Midnight grants 10%, is a stunbreak/blind, and sucks as a utility (though they do have less access to boons of any reasonable duration). Maybe 25%?
What about Tornado for Engineer? All changes have to be applicable to both.Unless of course you would like to write up something to the effect of a SlickShoonado or a Napalmado.
I’d make the engineer’s tornado into something more like a tornado that has debris and random items, with 3 skills with random effects.
- One with control effects that throws a random piece of debris and dirt at the target. Like a rock that dazes, a plank that cripples, a bunch of dirt that blinds or a clump of mud that immobilizes.
- One with explosive power, that randomly throws a grenade, drops a bomb or throws or a mine.
- And one that throws a random crate that deals a short stun and usually contains a healing package but may also drop a short-lived turret like one of the supply drops, with a longer recharge, and has a rare chance to throw a cow at the target, which deals a longer stun, more damage and also deals poison.
(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)
How about an elite that’s not on a 120s+ CD, like a cantrip, Arcane skill, etc. I honestly almost never use my elite, other than for mobility, i’d like an elite that can actually be used in combat. I’m not to creative but I’d really like something that doesnt summon something, or morph me into a giant tornado.
I know this games different, but I remember in GW1 your elites were such a big part of your build, in this game it doesn’t seem to be the case at all. I guess that’s just the way the game was designed, so i can’t really complain.
The thing is, while it’d be nice if every skill adjusted itself based on attunement, I think Anet’s design is for GLYPHS to adjust based on attunement, to make Glyphs special as a skill type, it’s not intended for every skill to adjust based on attunement which is why we have 4 non elite conjure weapons 1 for each attunement (the fire one is unused and people use the elite fire one instead), 1 cantrip for each attunement, and 1 signet for each attunement (+a healing signet)
I think a targeted tornado would be dandy. Have it cycle the old tornado powers through on a 1 or 3 second basis. The area denial aspect would fit well with some other ele skills, and would make a difference in a fight.
Another glyph based elite would/could be cool. A large AoE blind(dust storm) in earth form, a larger firestorm in fire, a massive chill field in water, and a ?Mass invis? in air perhaps?
A cantrip based elite would fit well due to what they did with guards. Perhaps a large AoE launch?
I think that if eles got an Elite that was like Trillia Midwell’s super epic tornados, we could have eles running their elites, instead of asking for it to be another utility slot. Midwell’s Tornadoes are quite fun. The only thing that would need to be changed from the NPC’s tornado is that it should not be able to ping-pong players around. They do good damage and they CC more reliably than the elite tornado IMO.
I think for a player elite it should either be ground-targeted, or around an ele like an un-tratited necro well. Should create 3-5 tornado-earth walls. possibly it could do damage based on your attunement. Video might show an Earth attuned ele using the elite. We might actually have elementalists equipping their elite skills!! what a thought.
Video for reference: http://youtu.be/IZGcS_hApSk?t=20s
(edited by Hamster.4861)
I think that if eles got an Elite that was like Trillia Midwell’s super epic tornados, we could have eles running their elites, instead of asking for it to be another utility slot. Midwell’s Tornadoes are quite fun. The only thing that would need to be changed from the NPC’s tornado is that it should not be able to ping-pong players around. They do good damage and they CC more reliably than the elite tornado IMO.
I think for a player elite it should either be ground-targeted, or around an ele like an un-tratited necro well. Should create 3-5 tornado-earth walls. possibly it could do damage based on your attunement. Video might show an Earth attuned ele using the elite. We might actually have elementalists equipping their elite skills!! what a thought.
Video for reference: http://youtu.be/IZGcS_hApSk?t=20s
All well and good, but it would cause even more massive cluster kittens in WvW.
didn’t read all the comments but i just had a funny thinking xD
why not combine tornade with double blink (LF? forgot the name)
activate tornade, teleport to the bunh of enemiem troll and when it get worng blink out xD
In regards with Tornado, I haven’t used it in ages so I don’t actually know, but maybe get rid of crippling, chill and immobilizing effects if you haven’t done already, and increase the movement skill by a fair amount so we can freely act like a genuine tornado.
x-mas wish list?
slight increase to Vapor Blade damage 7-10%? (dagger water 1),
remove + precision from signet of fire add + power,
Signet of water passive cooldown reduced a smidge maybe reworked to that end and moved to elite status?
possibly, regen passive?, condi cleanse active?
^on that note you would more than likely have to destroy the “Meta” builds xD
complete rework of Trident skills* maybe? not 100%-
a new elite skill would be nice. . . i only ever use FGS for mobility, underwater i have nothing to fit my builds
i have a couple ideas for traits, but i am content with them as is, well rather i can make it work for my play style.
My opinion on all 3 elite skills.
Glyph of Elementals:
Fire: Needs to do more damage, it’s kind of lackluster for how low it’s health is. I suggest to make it more like the Fire Elemental Powder
Water: This one seems fine, powerful heal but it takes way too long to cast.
Air: Good for when you need it to stay back for damage to live longer. Though I’m not familiar with its functionality due to not using it much
Earth: Good position. Very tanky as it should be
Tornado: Should pulse damage every second. The skill effects need to change. With Skill 1 selected: Hit twice each pulse and apply 1 stack of vuln. Skill 2 Blind for 3 seconds every other pulse. Skills 3: Knockdown every 3rd pulse.
Knock back happens every other pulse. Increased damage overall
Fiery Greatsword: Auto-attack is now melee, and cleaves. Has a melee chain, applying 1 second of burning on the final hit. Damage equivalent to lightning hammer. Fiery hits a little harder than Warrior’s Rush and applies cripple.
Well everyone agrees we need our elites improved and most agree a brand new type of elite with a short cooldown is in order.
Anyone else think that Elementalists are short shrift on underwater usable Elites?
Anyone else think that Elementalists are short shrift on underwater usable Elites?
No. Our water elite is the only real elite we have IMO. Sure, we only have one, but it’s a real one. The damage on that toilet flushing bowl is quite good. When 1 to 3 players chases my ele in WvW I really like to jump in water and wait for them to follow. They think they have the upper hand because they are fresh and I’m at 50% and the moment they hit the water they start being flush so fast they die before I do. That skill is “elite”. The others we have are not.
Anyone else think that Elementalists are short shrift on underwater usable Elites?
No. Our water elite is the only real elite we have IMO. Sure, we only have one, but it’s a real one. The damage on that toilet flushing bowl is quite good. When 1 to 3 players chases my ele in WvW I really like to jump in water and wait for them to follow. They think they have the upper hand because they are fresh and I’m at 50% and the moment they hit the water they start being flush so fast they die before I do. That skill is “elite”. The others we have are not.
That’s nice to know, but prior to level 80 and/or well over 30 plus invested SP’s, we have no elite skill for underwater.
What i’d really like would be an elite worthy version of that one skill you got in aspect arena from the fire aspect thing, Unstable Nova. But our version would also rip boons from the target in addition to sucking them into a gravity well. Or rip conditions off of you and spread them to anyone that gets sucked into it. An arcane laser cannon would be nice too. Just a giant beam we shoot out that always crits. our “oh crap i need to nuke them fast before i die” button.
Tornado could use a little something else.
Maybe reflecting projectiles, or making it a cantrip so it can be affected by several traits.
Maybe allow attunement swapping while under this form. Maybe even have skills that change with the attunement. Each attunement could have three skills: An autoattack, one targeted, and one PBAoE:
- Fire – “Firenado” form, the tornado looks more orange and deals burning on contact.
- Fireball.
- Flame Blast
- Ring of Fire
- Water – “Twisting Blizzard” form, the tornado looks bluish, and deals chilled on contact.
- Ice Shards
- Freezing Gust
- Frozen Burst
- Air – “Twister” form, the tornado looks like it does not, and pushes on contact.
- Chain Lightning
- Lightning Strike
- Windborne Speed
- “Dust Devil” for, the torndo looks more like a Dust Mite Twister, deals bleeding on contact.
- Rock Shards.
- Dust Devil
- Ring of Earth.
I would also like for all professions to have healing, 4 utilities and elite for each of their available skill types. That means for elementalists there’s missing arcane healing, and missing elite cantrip, arcane and signet.
I actually love everything about this idea.
Give eles a skill similar to guardian tomes. Guardians dont run them because they have a much better option (RF), but maybe for ele that could work. Would be fun to see a healing tome ele around haha
What ever the fix to our “elite” is. I just know I have a problem with them being useless unless the build revolves around it. I mean who many builds of necro (example) can they find a use for their elite?
I also hate the summons lasting for what seems like getting one hit off, and dying. Then waiting for what seems to be a week for it to come back. Also none of them outside of FGW seem useful in boss battles. Which still leaves me stuck from the uses of the rest of the elements.
Ever get owned while in tornado and while a warrior 100blades you while not being able to be knocked back by your “ELITE?” It’s funny I know!
How about save me the pain and let me put a normal skill in the elite slot. My build would be soooooo much better for it!
Glyph is nice for 1v1 and smallscale but apart from that all class elites for ele is underwhelming, especially for group play. I regret not going human because both avatar of melandru and reaper of grenth are more useful than the class elites which I think is wrong. I would also slot an extra utility as elite anyday if i could..
FGS needs some kind of change and be useful for something besides running away. I also think tornado need some tweaks and this is what i suggest: Lower damage. Lower duration to 12 sec and make it pulse every 2 seconds instead of 3, starting 2 seconds after transformation. Increase armor and HP while transformed, similar to necros plague, and lastly decrease cooldown to 120 sec.
(edited by Broscience.8412)
The moderators had to do a whole lot of cleanup in this thread. I think this is a valuable discussion and we’d like it to keep going, but it needs to be on topic, and participants need to be respectful to one another.
one of the most important threads in the forums right now and gms are only interested in people being naughty? sheesh what does it take to get some real communication with the dev team around here? hell wildstar isnt half as profitable as this game and the devs are all up in the forums asking players what they want prioritized on the next patch
Tornado could use a little something else.
Maybe reflecting projectiles, or making it a cantrip so it can be affected by several traits.
Maybe allow attunement swapping while under this form. Maybe even have skills that change with the attunement. Each attunement could have three skills: An autoattack, one targeted, and one PBAoE:
- Fire – “Firenado” form, the tornado looks more orange and deals burning on contact.
- Fireball.
- Flame Blast
- Ring of Fire
- Water – “Twisting Blizzard” form, the tornado looks bluish, and deals chilled on contact.
- Ice Shards
- Freezing Gust
- Frozen Burst
- Air – “Twister” form, the tornado looks like it does not, and pushes on contact.
- Chain Lightning
- Lightning Strike
- Windborne Speed
- “Dust Devil” for, the torndo looks more like a Dust Mite Twister, deals bleeding on contact.
- Rock Shards.
- Dust Devil
- Ring of Earth.
I would also like for all professions to have healing, 4 utilities and elite for each of their available skill types. That means for elementalists there’s missing arcane healing, and missing elite cantrip, arcane and signet.
Love this idea!
no kidding, they just need to let us pick another utility skill since they seem hell bent on nerfing elite skills into oblivion
no kidding, they just need to let us pick another utility skill since they seem hell bent on nerfing elite skills into oblivion
They should make an elite that instantly recharge your last used skill, like in GW1.
I can attest to the fact that fire elemental in tough 1v1’s is a gamechanger.
FGS against petting zoos is amazing, and it’s also useful for travel in large maps.
I don’t know why anyone would choose to use suicidebutton.
Fiery rush is still bugged. Should be eles biggest damage skill and do about same damage as auto attack.
Not enough people seem to have noticed this, and as a result not enough people are complaining about it. In order to make up for the fire trail nerf (which needed to happen) we were supposed to be compensated with a strong single damage strike on Fiery Rush. The skill tip damage has been updated, but the actual attack still does the pathetic old damage.
I want Tornado to be changed from a Transform to a nuke.
Make it a powerful, wide-area version of Glyph of Storms.
I agree. I always thought that the ele actually turning into the tornado instead of casting a tornado was kind of dumb anyway. A placeable Tornado would be much cooler to me.
Just make conjured weapons work like engi tool kit and i’ll be extremely happy with it
I want Tornado to be changed from a Transform to a nuke.
Make it a powerful, wide-area version of Glyph of Storms.
Not enough people seem to have noticed this, and as a result not enough people are complaining about it. In order to make up for the fire trail nerf (which needed to happen) we were supposed to be compensated with a strong single damage strike on Fiery Rush. The skill tip damage has been updated, but the actual attack still does the pathetic old damage.
Now that explains things. I was wondering for a long time if the pathetic damage on that skill was still intended.
Ele elites have been very underwhelming and frequently derided in these forums since release, and now even the niche uses of them have been mostly nerfed.
(edited by scerevisiae.1972)
After leveling every class except engineer to 80 and pvping/wvwing with all, Elementalist have the worst ultimates. I mean tornado is sorta useful, sword is fun, the glyph is ok. none really are “ultimate” thief comes in 2nd for worst “ultimate”
hell at this point i would be happy with glyph of storms being turned into an ultimate its more elitish than any of our elites anyway. hell meteor shower is probably the most elite skill we have
Guess am the only one happy with our elite.Like other elites aint that game changing anyway.Elementals for fighting and sword for runing around seems good choices.Scepter AA could need some love instead.
Guess am the only one happy with our elite.Like other elites aint that game changing anyway.Elementals for fighting and sword for runing around seems good choices.Scepter AA could need some love instead.
Well, on my other characters….
Warrior: Signet of Rage is great for Soloing, Battle Standard is GAME CHANGING in group content whether it’s PVE, or WvW (dunno about sPVP but I’d imagine it can turn around a fight there too), only Rampage is never used.
Guardian: Only one elite skill is ever used, the Meditation, but it’s a good skill and is game changing in all 3 modes if used right.
Thief: Dagger storm is great in PVE and sometimes in WvW if you want to reflect a ton of projectiles from a zerg. I’ve seen a thief get feedback while in daggerstorm and the reflects stacked (dunno if that still works) and it mowed down an entire zerg. Excellent synergy with signet of malice, it becomes a full heal if there are enemies around you. Short cd makes it a good skill for pretty regular use. Basilisk Venom is great in sPVP and can be used as a roamer in WvW and in venom sharing builds can be good in PVE. Thieve’s Guild is great for solo PVE and for Roaming/sPVP to wreck someone in a 1v1.
Mesmer: Timewarp is game changing in PVE and WvW, mass invis can be game changing in PVE (sneaking through trash in dungeons), only polymorph Moa isn’t that good unless used on a noob in PVE and they panic because they don’t know how to use the Moa skills against the mesmer.
Most classes it seems, have at least 1 game changer, or at least have at least 1 good elite for each gameplay mode.
Ele’s have a meh (FGS) that is only used for mobility and maybe an extra firestorm in PVE (summon, hit 5, drop… but what else am I going to do with the slot? I’d rather slot glyph of storms in it honestly), a summon that is apparently really good in sPVP and somewhat useful in solo PVE, but bad in group PVE and useless in WvW, and a suicide button.
Situationaly.Warr signet is just 5might/fury swift,ele gets that easily without elite :-).banner is like any other class got util,i even think our revive glyph at least in water is stronger and longer range…
guardian,erm,tomes are kinda strong in some situations and virtue recharge,well that invulnerability is nice,but unless u trait virtues u wont get much from that…
thief aswell,situationaly,not a reall game changer in my eyes,god knows how many times those poor sods died with that whirling dagger storm under my blade.
mesmer,well i give u that mass inviss and time warp are really strong but CD is quite long aswell.Mass invis can be done by others better “SR,blast smoke field” so not a huge deal
I guess it ends on your preferences,i love elemental elite,thou i would welcome some more reliability in those skills which elementals got.I mean air used to stun now and than,now it seems they either miss a lot,or are hiting something somewhere around just not my target.Same goes to other atunement elementals.Only way they work well is 1v1 situations,and even than its kinda hard to land abils “for me at least”.
Situationaly.Warr signet is just 5might/fury swift,ele gets that easily without elite :-).banner is like any other class got util,i even think our revive glyph at least in water is stronger and longer range…
guardian,erm,tomes are kinda strong in some situations and virtue recharge,well that invulnerability is nice,but unless u trait virtues u wont get much from that…
thief aswell,situationaly,not a reall game changer in my eyes,god knows how many times those poor sods died with that whirling dagger storm under my blade
mesmer,well i give u that mass inviss and time warp are really strong but CD is quite long aswell.Mass invis can be done by others better “SR,blast smoke field” so not a huge deal
I guess it ends on your preferences,i love elemental elite,thou i would welcome some more reliability in those skills which elementals got.I mean air used to stun now and than,now it seems they either miss a lot,or are hiting something somewhere around just not my target.Same goes to other atunement elementals.Only way they work well is 1v1 situations,and even than its kinda hard to land abils “for me at least”.
Can’t forget necro’s kitten golem, ping pong ball form, or massive bullseye lich form. Such great(lousy) elites there.
Situationaly.Warr signet is just 5might/fury swift,ele gets that easily without elite :-).banner is like any other class got util,i even think our revive glyph at least in water is stronger and longer range…
guardian,erm,tomes are kinda strong in some situations and virtue recharge,well that invulnerability is nice,but unless u trait virtues u wont get much from that…
thief aswell,situationaly,not a reall game changer in my eyes,god knows how many times those poor sods died with that whirling dagger storm under my blade
mesmer,well i give u that mass inviss and time warp are really strong but CD is quite long aswell.Mass invis can be done by others better “SR,blast smoke field” so not a huge deal
I guess it ends on your preferences,i love elemental elite,thou i would welcome some more reliability in those skills which elementals got.I mean air used to stun now and than,now it seems they either miss a lot,or are hiting something somewhere around just not my target.Same goes to other atunement elementals.Only way they work well is 1v1 situations,and even than its kinda hard to land abils “for me at least”.
Can’t forget necro’s kitten golem, ping pong ball form, or massive bullseye lich form. Such great(lousy) elites there.
i dont mind lich form i have used it to kill MANY people in WvW.
Elite skills used to be the best skills in the kitten nal. Builds were made around it, now it’s so total crap that I hardly use it. I’d rather have a utility skill than any of the so called elites.
The Fiery Greatword elite needs to be reworked to give less mobility. However, its damaging abilities should be vastly improved and it should feel powerful. Of course I am no expert at balance however a concept for a reworked FGS would be this:
(Skill 1) Flame Wave: Similar to how it is now in functionality and about 10% more damage, however now its projectiles each have a 20% chance of being a projectile finisher. Its cast timer should be reduced to 2 sec for 4 fireballs instead of 2.75.
(Skill 2) Lava Tomb: Range 600. Cooldown 6 seconds. Duration 4 seconds. 0.5 second cast time. Ground Targeted AOE. Stab your sword into the ground and summon 3 lava pools that also count as fire fields. Radius would be similar to the traited(Blasting Staff) staff lava font.
It would look similar to the ember NPC attack with 3 lava fonts spaced closely together in a triangle shape. Each lava font does about half the damage of a staff lava font. Since these fonts overlap, keeping an enemy in the center sweet spot will deal the damage of all 3 lava fonts and keeping an enemy in the other overlaps would deal 2x damage. This would also be affected by the trait persisting flames.
(Skill 3) Fiery Whirl: The same but with an 10 second cooldown instead of a 5 second cooldown.
(Skill 4) Fiery Eruption: 600 range. 20 second cooldown. 2 sec knockup. 0.75 second cast time. 0.25 sec delay between when a red circle would appear beneath the enemy and the eruption. Ground Targeted AOE.
Stab your sword into the ground, dealing moderate damage, and knock up/launch enemies caught in the AOE radius. The AOE size would be similar to the traited(blasting staff) staff lava font. Applies 6 sec of burning.
(Skill 5) Firestorm: The damage should be significantly increased(2x?) and each pulse should apply burning. The cooldown should also be reduced to match the duration of the ability.
Example picture for skill 2:
(edited by Piratoz.8627)
The Fiery Greatword elite needs to be reworked to give less mobility. However, its damaging abilities should be vastly improved and it should feel powerful. Of course I am no expert at balance however a concept for a reworked FGS would be this:
(Skill 1) Flame Wave: Similar to how it is now in functionality and damage, however now its projectiles each have a 20% chance of being a projectile finisher.
(Skill 2) Lava Tomb: Range 600. Cooldown 8 seconds. Duration 4 seconds. 0.5 second cast time. Ground Targeted AOE. Stab your sword into the ground and summon 3 lava pools that also count as fire fields. Radius would be similar to the traited(Blasting Staff) staff lava font.
It would look similar to the ember NPC attack with 3 lava fonts spaced closely together in a triangle shape. Each lava font does about half the damage of a staff lava font. Since these fonts overlap, keeping an enemy in the center sweet spot will deal the damage of all 3 lava fonts and keeping an enemy in the other overlaps would deal 2x damage. This would also be affected by the trait persisting flames.
(Skill 3) Fiery Whirl: The same but with an 10 second cooldown instead of a 5 second cooldown.
(Skill 4) Fiery Eruption: 600 range. 20 second cooldown. 2 sec knockup. 0.75 second cast time. 0.25 sec delay between when a red circle would appear beneath the enemy and the eruption. Ground Targeted AOE.
Stab your sword into the ground, dealing moderate damage, and knock up/launch enemies caught in the AOE radius. The AOE size would be similar to the untraited staff lava font. Applies 6 sec of burning.
(Skill 5) Firestorm: The same as it is now.
Example picture for skill 2:
Firestorm as it is now is weaker than the ice bow version. That can’t possibly be right for an ultimate. Ice bow has better range, better damage and cause bleed on top of it. Skill 5 is a joke.
You also have to factor in that a conjured weapon replace your weapon skills so you expect the loss of your 20 weapon skills to be compensated by that conjure otherwise it simply isn’t battle worthy for a profession that is so fragile.
What you propose only nerf the only “good” use that remains out of that “elite”: movement. The little tweaks you propose are far from making up for the trade. VERY far.
Yeah, Piratoz, not too sure why you want to nerf the movement of FGS considering that is the only reason I ever, ever put it on my bar in WvW. The damage is crap from it. The storm on 5 is awful for damage. The swing on 1 is so bad I actively cancel it as a waste of charges.
The only thing that I like from your post is the Lava Tomb mirroring the Ember fields. That is a clever idea.
If you were advocating things that would make it more elite, then I would agree, but not boosting the storm to at least the level of our -utility- and removing the only real benefit it brings (mobility) and I just cannot agree overall.
Clarishy – Ranger
Tinkershy – Engineer
Yeah, Piratoz, not too sure why you want to nerf the movement of FGS considering that is the only reason I ever, ever put it on my bar in WvW. The damage is crap from it. The storm on 5 is awful for damage. The swing on 1 is so bad I actively cancel it as a waste of charges.
The only thing that I like from your post is the Lava Tomb mirroring the Ember fields. That is a clever idea.
If you were advocating things that would make it more elite, then I would agree, but not boosting the storm to at least the level of our -utility- and removing the only real benefit it brings (mobility) and I just cannot agree overall.
I should have said that if FGS is reworked it should give significantly more damage than the current one. Damage from FGS would come more from its 2-5 abilities than its auto-attack. But in order to give it more power in one area (damage), to keep the FGS in line with other elites in the game they would have to take something like mobility away. I feel like one of the biggest reasons why Anet wouldn’t buff the damage on the FGS is because it has a huge amount of mobility right now on a low cooldown. If they gave FGS great damage and mobility, other classes would complain as FGS would become by far one of the best elites in the game. Whether elites in general are powerful enough is another question. In my opinion most elites just don’t feel elite. Elites should be gamechangers not just slightly more powerful utility skills.
(edited by Piratoz.8627)
Elite’s in high level spvp is useless via dps since most people are hybrids/conditions mighty stacking tanks, power healing tanks, glass cannons spammer that hides from direct battles, lock-down condition spikes and old meta. So if you ever lost to my elite glyph lol. But for annoyance purpose earth and water is ok. Even with bunker and using cleric I never can never crunch out a 6.8k heal from water elemental. Any Thief can easily 2 shot fire or air elemental instantly.
But as a d/d ele you can easily win 1v1s or disengage from them. Also you can hold 1v2 or 1v3 reasonably if there are no lockdown Mesmers. Ele’s are alright in spvp not with omg insta kill damage but with burst and plenty of buffs and heals.
Anet just don’t want to make another meta god skill Elite by accident where you can spam, an easy button if you may.