Ele & thief main (full ascended)
Down with the braindead faceroll classes.
1h sword #2
Greatsword rush and whirlwind
ANet, I hope you put those on a 40 seconds cooldown if they don’t hit a target.
….said nobody in the mists, ever.
….said nobody in the mists, ever.
dafaq does it matter? they’re too mobile, they run away and I can’t kill them and that makes me mad!
nerf pls
PvE – They’re amazing. Why would you want a nerf when they can’t kill you in PvE.
PvP – Is this a joke? Warriors are the worst class in PvP. Go look at the PvP forum and the topic that says “Tier List” and 99% of the posts say warriors are the worst PvP class. So easily predictable.
^PvE needs balance too, or else every team just becomes warriors and guardians with a mesmer here and there.
PvE – They’re amazing. Why would you want a nerf when they can’t kill you in PvE.
PvP – Is this a joke? Warriors are the worst class in PvP. Go look at the PvP forum and the topic that says “Tier List” and 99% of the posts say warriors are the worst PvP class. So easily predictable.
idc lol they are too mobile that’s unfun
Berserker wars in hotjoin do kitten me off to no end. All they do is bulls rush, frenzy, 100b, whirlwind through everybody and then run away with greatsword 5 and 3 (optionally sword 2), racking up points while their teammates do the rest of the work. Not saying they are good but my god is it annoying when I just want to kill one but he runs away with no hope of catching him.
they will never nerf warriors sword 2 or gs 3 + 5 because there are already issues with warriors not being able to stay on topic. If you can’t kite a warrior or apply chilled as an ele then that is your own undoing because all of those skills are effected by chilled/cripple.
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…
if they’re gonna nerf our Fiery greatsword mobility then they should do the same to warriors.
They are nerfing fgs mobility? Wut? That’s it, I quit. That’s just about the only thing that elite is good for and the only thing that makes our mobility in wvw bearable. God forbid an elite skill with a 180 second cooldown and rooted summoning makes us temporarily fast enough to escape most classes.
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
This. I never understood how a big hunking warrior in plate armor with lots of health is supposed to be one of the quickest classes to get away from any fight at any time becasue all the cooldowns are so low. While eles with the lowest health, armor and damage are supposed to never get away because “lol rtl with 20 seconds was so imba!!1!11!”
They are nerfing fgs mobility? Wut? That’s it, I quit. That’s just about the only thing that elite is good for and the only thing that makes our mobility in wvw bearable. God forbid an elite skill with a 180 second cooldown and rooted summoning makes us temporarily fast enough to escape most classes.
They’re looking at it, is what they said as in when they said they were looking into bunker elementalists. Remember what happened to those?
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
I like how he stops and mines and then continues on his merry way with the zerg in the far distance.
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
exactly my point.
in a more serious note though… what the frack? why is a warrior allowed to do that? ele’s mobility was destroyed and it wasn’t nearly as good as that. I understand that they were also unkillable but what was the problem there? the fact that they were mobile? or the fact that they were unkillable?
ANet decided to nerf the mobility, while leaving that abomination in the link above.
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
LOL i loved this video. Warriors mobility is so awesome right now but in order for them to excel in pvp close as good as ele does they still have looooooooooong way to go. Edit: Then again if I ever encounter a skillful warrior like this one with this awesome all rounded build, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOgyt0UnHe8 I might be proven wrong…
(edited by LightningBlaze.4913)
yet still less hp/armor/dps than other classes that can do that and still dps higher
I thought they said they liked the fgs mobility, it being an elite meant we could be really mobile in specific situations but not all the time.
don’t worry guys we still have excellent dps and surviability!
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
In PvP and WvW a warrior pretty much was (and to some extent still is) go in do damage run out wait for CD’s to come up. They have no sustain. If you want a class to go in do alot of damage on 1 target and run out a thief is way better at it while being able to go right back in. A warrior has to wait for long cds to come up after a warrior heals 1 time they are pretty much no use until it’s back up again. A ele can go in and with better effectiveness hit multiple targets do damage back out heal up go back in quickly.
I can healing ripple, evasive arcana heal up 3 times before a warrior’s adrenaline surge is back up again thats not including whatever heal skill I have slotted.
As far as mobility goes a warrior sword main hand wasn’t that good it was just used for mobility and served really no other function except flurry cancel into 100bs or in a condition build. Most dps warriors only had it for mobility Axe>Sword. Its a bit better now that sword has been changed though so more warrior run sword but its still not better than axe for damage. You don’t really kill anyone with sword you just use it catch and snare people so you can damage them with another.
(edited by oZii.2864)
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
In PvP and WvW a warrior pretty much was (and to some extent still is) go in do damage run out wait for CD’s to come up. They have no sustain. If you want a class to go in do alot of damage on 1 target and run out a thief is way better at it while being able to go right back in. A warrior has to wait for long cds to come up after a warrior heals 1 time they are pretty much no use until it’s back up again.
Ele CDs are WAY longer than warriors’ and they do less damage. So either eles need cd reductions and damage buffs across the board or warriors need their mobility nerfed into the ground. Everything else would be hypocrisy.
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
yea… about that
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
speed is in the class description of a warrior
for an elemental, their speciality is versitility
apple and oranges comparison
And Elementalists were said to be high damage class.
wtf is that?
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
yea… about that
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
speed is in the class description of a warrior
for an elemental, their speciality is versitility
apple and oranges comparison
Really? You gonna bring up the class description argument? Then ele damage needs MASSIVE buffs because according to class description they have “the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.”
And Elementalists were said to be high damage class.
wtf is that?
so, true
beg anet for more damage buffs.
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
yea… about that
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
speed is in the class description of a warrior
for an elemental, their speciality is versitility
apple and oranges comparison
Really? You gonna bring up the class description argument? Then ele damage needs MASSIVE buffs because according to class description they have “the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.”
well, anet use these class descriptions to base on the class limits so my argument is kinda valid
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
yea… about that
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
speed is in the class description of a warrior
for an elemental, their speciality is versitility
apple and oranges comparison
Really? You gonna bring up the class description argument? Then ele damage needs MASSIVE buffs because according to class description they have “the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.”
well, anet use these class descriptions to base on the class limits so my argument is kinda valid
No it’s not. Your argument is completely invalid. Either every class needs to be built around their description, meaning warriors are OK to have mobility, and eles need to do MASSIVE damage with each and every single attack, or class descriptions are just flavor and the game should be balanced around gameplay instead of flavor. Which then means that warrior mobility is too high and needs to be brought down.
You’re either on one side or the other. You can’t cherry pick your argument between both sides.
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
yea… about that
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
speed is in the class description of a warrior
for an elemental, their speciality is versitility
apple and oranges comparison
Really? You gonna bring up the class description argument? Then ele damage needs MASSIVE buffs because according to class description they have “the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.”
well, anet use these class descriptions to base on the class limits so my argument is kinda valid
No it’s not. Your argument is completely invalid. Either every class needs to be built around their description, meaning warriors are OK to have mobility, and eles need to do MASSIVE damage with each and every single attack, or class descriptions are just flavor and the game should be balanced around gameplay instead of flavor. Which then means that warrior mobility is too high and needs to be brought down.
You’re either on one side or the other. You can’t cherry pick your argument between both sides.
if you believe elemental damage is not ok then beg for damages buffs
warriors are meant to be fast, working as intended
i am not cherry picking the argument
i am just restating the class description
currently, anet will need to buff warrior more because their sustain is still bad in the heart of the mist
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
In PvP and WvW a warrior pretty much was (and to some extent still is) go in do damage run out wait for CD’s to come up. They have no sustain. If you want a class to go in do alot of damage on 1 target and run out a thief is way better at it while being able to go right back in. A warrior has to wait for long cds to come up after a warrior heals 1 time they are pretty much no use until it’s back up again.
Ele CDs are WAY longer than warriors’ and they do less damage. So either eles need cd reductions and damage buffs across the board or warriors need their mobility nerfed into the ground. Everything else would be hypocrisy.
If we look at the main utility skills a warrior runs usually.
You have Healing surge (the really only form of sustain for most warriors) 30 sec cd. Around 8.4k with just 300 points in Defense and full adrenaline no adrenaline its 5.2k.
Endure pain was 90 secs now its 60 secs
Balance stance is popular – 40 secs
Bullscharge – 40 seconds no option to reduce the CD
Frenzy 60 secs breaks stun yea (also takes 50% more damage)
Shake is off 1 condition for 25 sec cd breaks stun.
These are all utility skills
Cantrips we have 40 secs on LF (traited 32)
Mist form 75 secs (comparable to say Endure pain but also can remove conditions and you don’t take additional condition damage like you do with endure pain)
Armor of earth (90 secs) balance stance would be comparable this one is a wash but I would give the edge to balance stance maybe depends on how much you value protection.
Arcane shield 45 secs (could compare to balance stance which is 40 secs but doesn’t block anything just gives you stability)
If we throw in signet of air 30 secs aoe blind, break stun.
I wouldn’t say the cd’s are all that much longer for what you get vs a warrior. I would take ele cantrips of warrior utilities all day long. If you wanted you only need 2 traits 2 cover them.
For warriors you have to jump around for traits to benefit your utility skills
Shouts – Tactics tree
Stance – Defense Tree
Physical skills – Strength
To do anything to benefit these utility skills you need 20 in tactics, 10 in defense, 20 in strength. Leaving you with 20 points. For cantrips a ele needs 20 points and they are covered all in the same line.
(corrected you can reduce the recharge of physical skills with trait)
(edited by oZii.2864)
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
In PvP and WvW a warrior pretty much was (and to some extent still is) go in do damage run out wait for CD’s to come up. They have no sustain. If you want a class to go in do alot of damage on 1 target and run out a thief is way better at it while being able to go right back in. A warrior has to wait for long cds to come up after a warrior heals 1 time they are pretty much no use until it’s back up again.
Ele CDs are WAY longer than warriors’ and they do less damage. So either eles need cd reductions and damage buffs across the board or warriors need their mobility nerfed into the ground. Everything else would be hypocrisy.
If we look at the main utility skills a warrior runs usually.
You have Healing surge (the really only form of sustain for most warriors) 30 sec cd. Around 8.4k with just 300 points in Defense and full adrenaline no adrenaline its 5.2k.
Endure pain was 90 secs now its 60 secs
Balance stance is popular – 40 secs
Bullscharge – 40 seconds no option to reduce the CD
Frenzy 60 secs breaks stun yea (also takes 50% more damage)
Shake is off 1 condition for 25 sec cd breaks stun.
These are all utility skills
Cantrips we have 40 secs on LF (traited 32)
Mist form 75 secs (comparable to say Endure pain but also can remove conditions and you don’t take additional condition damage like you do with endure pain)
Armor of earth (90 secs) balance stance would be comparable this one is a wash but I would give the edge to balance stance maybe depends on how much you value protection.
Arcane shield 45 secs (could compare to balance stance which is 40 secs but doesn’t block anything just gives you stability)
If we throw in signet of air 30 secs aoe blind, break stun.
I wouldn’t say the cd’s are all that much longer for what you get vs a warrior. I would take ele cantrips of warrior utilities all day long.
i dont think utilities are the problem
thw real problem is the warrior weapon skills
warrior weapon skill are all another favor of attack without any interesting effects
Try this as an ele, more then likely you`ll just get 1-2 stuns & die
That & the speed/gap he creates is waaaay more then RTL/Staff 4 gives you…http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=anDVv6CvFTY#t=663s
Have any of you ever played a warrior?
Everything thing he did there could have been done since launch he doesn’t have any of the new traits that warriors have except the 25% movement speed with melee weapons. Which isn’t even needed since he has +35% boon duration with a Warhorn and signet of Rage. He has perma swiftness anyway so the melee weapon speed is kind of wasted unless he is worried about his swiftness being stolen.
Yes of course they had all that since launch. So did Eles. But ele mobility was nerfed into the ground. Why not warriors?
yea… about that
Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.
speed is in the class description of a warrior
for an elemental, their speciality is versitility
apple and oranges comparison
Really? You gonna bring up the class description argument? Then ele damage needs MASSIVE buffs because according to class description they have “the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.”
well, anet use these class descriptions to base on the class limits so my argument is kinda valid
No it’s not. Your argument is completely invalid. Either every class needs to be built around their description, meaning warriors are OK to have mobility, and eles need to do MASSIVE damage with each and every single attack, or class descriptions are just flavor and the game should be balanced around gameplay instead of flavor. Which then means that warrior mobility is too high and needs to be brought down.
You’re either on one side or the other. You can’t cherry pick your argument between both sides.
if you believe elemental damage is not ok then beg for damages buffs
warriors are meant to be fast, working as intended
i am not cherry picking the argument
i am just restating the class description
currently, anet will need to buff warrior more because their sustain is still bad in the heart of the mist
You’d be the first to cry if eles really did MASSIVE damage with every single attack. So again, either warriors get their mobility nerfed or eles get MASSIVE damage with every single attack. As you see this argument goes nowhere so just drop it.
Yea I agree I haven’t played my warrior alot lately I did redo my build with the new patch. Messed around with it a bit. Warrior is fun damages until you realize you spend alot of time using your whirlwind, rush, savage leap, and bull rush defensively to get out of fights than you do to actually do any damage with them.
I feel like on my warrior I have to come across the right composition to engage. On my ele there really isn’t a wrong group comp that I can’t engage or class I feel like I need to turn around and walk away (closest would be mesmer)
(edited by oZii.2864)
Yea I agree I haven’t played my warrior alot lately I did redo my build with the new patch. Messed around with it a bit. Warrior is fun damages until you realize you spend alot of time using your whirlwind, rush, savage leap, and bull rush defensively to get out of fights than you do to actually do any damage with them.
i like playing underpowered classes in pvp
hmmmm, wvwvw is another story
overpowered food buffs does make all classes viable
i should start leveling my warrior
Yea I agree I haven’t played my warrior alot lately I did redo my build with the new patch. Messed around with it a bit. Warrior is fun damages until you realize you spend alot of time using your whirlwind, rush, savage leap, and bull rush defensively to get out of fights than you do to actually do any damage with them.
i like playing underpowered classes in pvp
hmmmm, wvwvw is another story
overpowered food buffs does make all classes viable
i should start leveling my warrior
Warrior is fun in WvW if you build it for roaming you can do reasonably well. I feel like ele is still better at roaming. Classes capable of roaming successfully are the classes I lean toward. I don’t really spec super damage or all glass on my warrior 2.9k toughness while still having over 2k power, 2.3k power if I run signet of might.
I did at one point have a setup pre patch with 2.4k power, 3k armor, 55% chance to crit w/76 crit damage.
Yea I agree I haven’t played my warrior alot lately I did redo my build with the new patch. Messed around with it a bit. Warrior is fun damages until you realize you spend alot of time using your whirlwind, rush, savage leap, and bull rush defensively to get out of fights than you do to actually do any damage with them.
i like playing underpowered classes in pvp
hmmmm, wvwvw is another story
overpowered food buffs does make all classes viable
i should start leveling my warrior
Warrior is fun in WvW if you build it for roaming you can do reasonably well. I feel like ele is still better at roaming. Classes capable of roaming successfully are the classes I lean toward. I don’t really spec super damage or all glass on my warrior 2.9k toughness while still having over 2k power, 2.3k power if I run signet of might.
I did at one point have a setup pre patch with 2.4k power, 3k armor, 55% chance to crit w/76 crit damage.
Warrior was better at roaming than ele even before all the RTL nerfs…
Yea I agree I haven’t played my warrior alot lately I did redo my build with the new patch. Messed around with it a bit. Warrior is fun damages until you realize you spend alot of time using your whirlwind, rush, savage leap, and bull rush defensively to get out of fights than you do to actually do any damage with them.
i like playing underpowered classes in pvp
hmmmm, wvwvw is another story
overpowered food buffs does make all classes viable
i should start leveling my warrior
Warrior is fun in WvW if you build it for roaming you can do reasonably well. I feel like ele is still better at roaming. Classes capable of roaming successfully are the classes I lean toward. I don’t really spec super damage or all glass on my warrior 2.9k toughness while still having over 2k power, 2.3k power if I run signet of might.
I did at one point have a setup pre patch with 2.4k power, 3k armor, 55% chance to crit w/76 crit damage.
Warrior was better at roaming than ele even before all the RTL nerfs…
You mean running? Roaming is going in to engage 1vX on a warrior you have to carefully pick your 1vX’s not saying it can’t be done but it is much more limited than on a ele.
On my ele now Ill fight go in 1v2 or 1v3 for most I come across. On my warrior there is definitely more limitations on what to engage.
Warrior doesnt have enough aoe so your kind of forced to focus 1 target while someone else is free casting your health away on ele you have enough sustain and skills to disrupt more than 1 person.
(edited by oZii.2864)
Yea I agree I haven’t played my warrior alot lately I did redo my build with the new patch. Messed around with it a bit. Warrior is fun damages until you realize you spend alot of time using your whirlwind, rush, savage leap, and bull rush defensively to get out of fights than you do to actually do any damage with them.
i like playing underpowered classes in pvp
hmmmm, wvwvw is another story
overpowered food buffs does make all classes viable
i should start leveling my warrior
Warrior is fun in WvW if you build it for roaming you can do reasonably well. I feel like ele is still better at roaming. Classes capable of roaming successfully are the classes I lean toward. I don’t really spec super damage or all glass on my warrior 2.9k toughness while still having over 2k power, 2.3k power if I run signet of might.
I did at one point have a setup pre patch with 2.4k power, 3k armor, 55% chance to crit w/76 crit damage.
Warrior was better at roaming than ele even before all the RTL nerfs…
You mean running? Roaming is going in to engage 1vX on a warrior you have to carefully pick your 1vX’s not saying it can’t be done but it is much more limited than on a ele.
On my ele now Ill fight go in 1v2 or 1v3 for most I come across. On my warrior there is definitely more limitations on what to engage.
Warrior doesnt have enough aoe so your kind of forced to focus 1 target while someone else is free casting your health away on ele you have enough sustain and skills to disrupt more than 1 person.
you gotta love those 240-300 range ele melee skill
if anet nerf the range on those skill, i will help qq to un nerf rtf
Simply put, warrior mobility isn’t nerfed because they’re not very good in pvp. If they were decent as other things on top of their great mobility, then there would be more complaints about them.
Frenzy 60 secs breaks stun yea (also takes 50% more damage)
It’s 25% more.Mist form 75 secs (comparable to say Endure pain but also can remove conditions and you don’t take additional condition damage like you do with endure pain)
And can’t use skills.Arcane shield 45 secs (could compare to balance stance which is 40 secs but doesn’t block anything just gives you stability)
It’s actually 75sec not 45.
Just made some corrections/notes because misleading info tends to bother me, but your comparisons mostly still stand.
Still waiting on PvE/WvW rtl cooldown rollback. Honestly it’s almost ok in sPvP (should reduce to 35s long cooldown and make it so blocks don’t put it on long cooldown) but one of the reasons I chose ele in the beginning of the game was because of fast roaming with 12s rtl cooldown. Back then I wouldn’t have even fathomed a four-fold increase in cooldown, but here we are.
Still waiting on PvE/WvW rtl cooldown rollback. Honestly it’s almost ok in sPvP (should reduce to 35s long cooldown and make it so blocks don’t put it on long cooldown) but one of the reasons I chose ele in the beginning of the game was because of fast roaming with 12s rtl cooldown. Back then I wouldn’t have even fathomed a four-fold increase in cooldown, but here we are.
When they mentioned RTL mass nerf during SOTG (think it was that stream) they were directly asked if it would double the cd if blocked on guardians etc.
After some stammering & blank looks, they said that blocks wouldn`t double the cd.
By the looks of them, they hadn`t even put any thought into this & as it has been ages since the mass nerfage without any word from them, I wouldn`t expect any “fix” any time soon :$
Are you people kittening kidding me? You want the warrior, the weakest class in both PvP and WvW right now, to be nerfed? EVEN MORE? kitten this.
Yup, Elementalist have too many skills that unfun when against it so nerf too please, take lightning and earth out please, thats unfun. thanks, because its unfun.
Are you people kittening kidding me? You want the warrior, the weakest class in both PvP and WvW right now, to be nerfed? EVEN MORE? kitten this.
I`d place bets no one wants warrior nerfed, they just want ele to be able to keep up with others as others can easily catch ele nowadays.
Yeah WTF is that!, warriors need to be a freekill for sure! lets nerf them so when you see a warrior he automatically gets snared in a place! you are going to kill him anyway so why the delay, lets just root them, I want my freekills!
Badly structured argument by OP.
It’s almost laughable that an ele would complain about a warrior he can’t catch.
I mean if my enemy would run away I’d say cheers for me since I sent him away and couldn’t manage to fight toe-to-toe with me.
But noooooooooooo!
Someone just had to satisfy their need to pound that hunk of armor.
This thread might get locked down since it’s not even putting out a constructive, worthy discussion, which is good.
Badly structured argument by OP.
It’s almost laughable that an ele would complain about a warrior he can’t catch.
I mean if my enemy would run away I’d say cheers for me since I sent him away and couldn’t manage to fight toe-to-toe with me.
But noooooooooooo!
Someone just had to satisfy their need to pound that hunk of armor.
This thread might get locked down since it’s not even putting out a constructive, worthy discussion, which is good.
I like your way of thinking if they run then that’s good
Badly structured argument by OP.
It’s almost laughable that an ele would complain about a warrior he can’t catch.
I mean if my enemy would run away I’d say cheers for me since I sent him away and couldn’t manage to fight toe-to-toe with me.
But noooooooooooo!
Someone just had to satisfy their need to pound that hunk of armor.
This thread might get locked down since it’s not even putting out a constructive, worthy discussion, which is good.
I like your way of thinking
if they run then that’s good
Isn’t that the same reason people were QQing and posting nerf threads about RTL was because it allowed eles to run away?
I don’t think people posted they really want to nerf warriors. They just want RTL cd reduced since they nerfed the real reasons the ele was over the top, that being cantrips and some water traits, in the last couple of patches.
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