Hey guys!
Based on the information we know about the forthcoming changes to the Tempest slated for BWE 3, I’ve created a list of our raw healing values from the known data on the Tempest’s skills. We still need Healing Power Ratios on both of the Warhorn Water skills!
I can achieve at least 2,000 healing power with my current PVE gear, so in trying to see how far we can push the limits of the Tempest’s healing capabilities in anticipation of Raids and WvW content, here is the list based on currently known changes and prior data:
Tidal Surge
Total Healing: Inconclusive, but will be greater than 4,342, unknown scaling.
- 1,302 + (Unknown Healing Power Value)
- 3,040 from 8s of Regeneration = 8 * (130 + (0.125 * 2,000))
Water Orb
Total Healing: Inconclusive, but will be greater than 1,880, unknown scaling, with potentially a minimum of 3,600 if at least one blast finisher is used, will be higher when scaling is added
- 1,880 = 4 pulses * 470 + (Unknown Healing Power Value)
- 1,720 per blast finisher = 1,320 + (0.2 * 2,000)
Water Overload
Total healing: 9,131 per ally if fully channeled.
- 3,632 Final heal burst = (2,132 + (0.75 * 2,000))
- 2,460 healing from 4 seconds of Pulses = 5 pulses * 492 healing per second (392 + (0.05 * 2,000))
- 3,040 from 8s of Regeneration = 8 * (130 + (0.125 * 2,000))
“Wash The Pain Away”
Total Healing: 6,510 per ally if all hit.
- 4,160 = 3,560 +(0.3 * 2,000)
- 2,350 = 1,950 + (0.2 * 2,000)
- 1,180 = 980 + (0.1 * 2,000)
Total Healing: 5,000 per ally that receives fatal damage.
- 5,000 = 2,000 + (1.5 * 2,000)
Elemental Bastion
Causes each Aura application to heal for a total of 1,773 after the BWE 3 changes
Inconclusive if Shouts + Powerful Auras Trait will allow for double healing, if so, potentially 3,546 healing per Aura Shout
- 1,773 = 783 + (0.495 * 2,000)
All of the above values are raw values before additional modifiers on outgoing healing are applied. Runes of the Monk offer +10% outgoing healing, the rice ball consumable offers +100 Healing Power and +10% outgoing healing, and lastly Water Traitline offers +15% outgoing healing as well.
If these stack additively, this is a total of +35% outgoing healing to allies if stacked, or if multiplicative stacking, then its +39% outgoing healing. This makes a significant contribution to the already large numbers, and should be considered while judging how “powerful” these values would be in a supportive role for raiding and WvW.
The heal scaling on the Water Overload seems very acceptable, and while its now going to take longer to yield the burst of healing at the end, it looks to be receiving more total healing with the duration increase and starting “on cast” rather than waiting the first second, as well as more total cleansing: (4 or 5 pulses depending on if the final second applies a pulse).
On to the individual skills:
The changes to Elemental Bastion are very welcome, as in PvP with monk runes and water’s outgoing healing increase, they were only healing allies for 1,200-ish. Now they will heal significantly more on allies.
The War Horn skills are still a big unknown until someone can link a scaling value or a video with their stats so I can figure it out.
WTPA is amazing for burst healing a nearby ally who has taken a hard hit, as it comes out fast with the largest heal occurring first. I put this to GREAT use in PVP with only 1350 healing power, so I imagine this will be always on my bar unless personal condi removal is needed come time for WVW/Raids. Combined with the new “Rebound!” we will be hands down the best emergency healing type role and best at healing someone to full after a revival. Not to put too find a point on it, but if an allied warrior/necro with beserker stats is at 10% health, a single combo of Rebound + WTPA will heal for 15,538 of their 19,212 base health. For Medium and Low tier health classes, this is a full heal if they are running base health.
Everything save for the two warhorn skills can also be used with existing weapons, in particular staff will still be a very solid raw healing option with the following abilities:
Water Blast
Total Healing 872, but can be used every second, for very high HPS.
- 872 = 372 + (0.25 8 2,000)
Total Healing 3,924
- 3,924 = 2,424 + (0.75 * 2,000)
Healing Rain
Total Healing 4,560
- 4,560 from 12 seconds of Regeneration = 12 * (130 + (0.125 * 2,000))
Also, we can’t forget Soothing Mist, which when in Water Trait and traited for increased potency heals for a metric crap ton over time, especially on allies with maximum outgoing heal. This is very often understated, but in 10 seconds this little passive has just out healed almost every single self heal in the game for any player who has not invested in healing power, AND its being applied all the time to yourself and four allies.
Soothing Mist
Total healing of 560 per second! And since in Water trait line as a requirement of use, it will ALWAYS heal allies for a minimum of 644 per second, or 779 per second with Monk Runes and Rice Ball active.
- 560 = 2 * (80 + (0.1 * 2,000))