My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kilger.5490


If elementalist is boring you I have bad news, its the most engaging class in the game

I’m tempted to try out whatever people are calling underpowered these days (was ele when I signed up) but I doubt theres any way it could be as involved to play.

I am smelling troll too since theres no way it could be called a boring class to play! But thats my opinion.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cirax.9231


Yes the d/d ele is currently the best roamer class for WvW in the game. It is getting annoyingly popular as well, with d/d eles coming out of the woodwork in wvw these days. D/D ele is not particularly hard to play. You pretty much just cycle attunements spam abilities and use certain utility skills as necessary. I think the main issue with D/D eles is not that their skills are overpowered so much as the fact that they get 4 attunements, each on separate CDs with 60% reduced swap time. The attune swap mechanic is the problem. When you can attune swap every few seconds you basically always have a powerful skill to use at all times and you are never that far away from gaining access to something you really need like ride the lightning. A normal class has to wait 15 seconds to swap back and forth between just 2 weap sets. Ele can swap to a new set of skills every couple seconds and return to the original set in less than 10 seconds.

Note that the reduction in attunment swap to 9 seconds requires 30 points invested in the arcana trait, which provides no major/minor stats. In addition, 3 out of the 5 skills on each attunment have a 15-45 second cooldown, so if you spam swapping attuments, you wont always have the powerful skills available to use.

In response to the OP, I’m pretty sure he’s trolling, but to clarify: anyone who feels god mode on a d/d ele likely just picked up the build as FotM and has not played the class long enough to know it’s true strengths and weaknesses. Most of these players build full defence, and believe jumping into groups of enemy players and jumping out is god mode. Good players know how to shut down spamming d/d eles, and know they are hardly a threat.

A good d/d ele has to be creative and outplay a good enemy in order to beat him (and not just taking damage then running away). Spamming cycles and predictable combos won’t work against competent players. In addition, few ppl know that d/d eles benefit from balanced specs, sacrificing a little surviability to gain much more offensive capability in burst or condition damage. That is when a d/d ele becomes a threat.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mahanaxar.1386


When someone asks you if you’re a god, you say YES!

Relentless Raven, 80 Warrior
Robin Sparklies, 80 Elementalist
Crimethink [ct] – Yak’s Bend

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Thunderbrew.7034


So what would make you not bored with it? Dying 10 times more?
If if your bored because its so tanky, than wear berserker gear which
would require more skill to stay alive, right?

I question the intent of this post.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: teg.1340


A normal class has to wait 15 seconds to swap back and forth between just 2 weap sets. Ele can swap to a new set of skills every couple seconds and return to the original set in less than 10 seconds.

No. A normal class has to wait 10 seconds to swap back and forth:

Swap from A to B → 10s cooldown → Swap from B to A

Ele has to wait 15s to swap A → B → A, unless he is skilled in Arcana. 30 Arcana = 9s compared to 10s without spending any points.

Swapping between 4 attunements every couple of seconds is the eles game mechanics. It doesnt come for free. It has the following drawbacks:

1. Most ele skills are on higher cooldowns than the counterparts of other professions.
2. Ele has to decide to go either melee range, mid range or large range. No mixed melee + range weapon sets like other professions!

Taking away the good parts but leaving the bad parts is really not a good idea, bro.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


In response to the OP, I’m pretty sure he’s trolling, but to clarify: anyone who feels god mode on a d/d ele likely just picked up the build as FotM and has not played the class long enough to know it’s true strengths and weaknesses. Most of these players build full defence, and believe jumping into groups of enemy players and jumping out is god mode. Good players know how to shut down spamming d/d eles, and know they are hardly a threat.

I’m not trolling. Please look at my proof photo in the original post. I’ve had an elementalist since the start of the betas. I know their “strengths” and what very little weaknesses they have.

I think that Anet needs to look at these specific D/D builds that have such high survivability and can deal so much damage while at the same time having the freedom to say “Nah, you know what…this fight isn’t going my way. I’m calling it off and no one can stop me.” Exiting the fight, regenning out of combat, and coming back instantly is just plain silly.

This post was originally made in the general forum but a mod moved it here. Sadly it will now get some negative attention since it’s “attacking” the class.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I have a D/D ele and a Shatter Mesmer. I am sorry but the ele is not OP. I have yet to meet a bunker ele that can take my mesmer down 1v1. I don’t really think any class is OP right now. You must play some really bad players on your server. If ele’s were OP I would never be able to kill one.

I think ppl don’t really understand what OP means.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gorni.1764


You say ele is OP because of its ability to run away? c’mon there are better ways to troll…
What’s the deal with jumping into a group of enemies and escaping with rtl and lightning flash? You can’t really do any harm alone to a large group, the group could even completely ignore you and you still wouldn’t have the chance to stomp an enemy … so why complain? What’s the benefit of moving around with ride the lightning randomly without actually doing anything productive?
I guess the situations you described were just some random impressions from WvW where you played against a bunch of lvl10 noobs. No wonder you can troll them with a defensive build.
I bet you play with soldier gear and like stated 30P water, 30P arcane and 10P earth with 3 cantrips. You can’t even play more defensive like that – it’s just fair to survive since you can’t kill either with such a specc (maybe a 1v1 or 2v1 against enemies below lvl80) but that goes for nearly every class. Saying you can survive a 3v1 or 4v1 indefinitely you can’t have ever seriously played sPvP or tPvP.
Don’t judge a class just by killing noobs in WvW. If you seriously want to check if a class is OP or not go to tPvP and play against equally skilled players.

Eles have a great mobility, that’s what makes them shine in WvW. D/D (with defensive spec as stated before) has mediocre damage that is moreover difficult to deploy. Utility/Support is nice but compared to ingi not a bit OP.

I’d rather complain about the fact that we have to use a defensive specc to be usefull/playable at all.

Rachat – Elementalist (Abbadon’s Mouth)

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Azunai.5974


Solo 4 people at once? I’d love to see proof before OP throws around statements like that. Also, I don’t understand – a profession that builds to survive is good at surviving, that’s OP? Honestly, some people these days.

This whine thread reminds me of when people used to whine about 100B warriors. Then, lo and behold, people learned how to play against them! Hence, no more whine threads. Seems that the focus for now is bunker ele. Honestly, a d/d ele is extremely easy to read if you learn about them instead of flailing about in WvW and getting owned.

Also, I’d LOVE to see your bunker ele hold up against 3 (no wait, 8 you said lol) true level 80’s who are good at their classes. Orrrr in other words: proof or it didn’t happen.

Edit – Yeah…. Just checked OP’s posting history. Nevermind, just a troll. Move along, folks, nothing to see here.

Resident deaf elementalist – Tarnished Coast
Everyone needs a little optimism!

(edited by Azunai.5974)

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


I have a D/D ele and a Shatter Mesmer. I am sorry but the ele is not OP. I have yet to meet a bunker ele that can take my mesmer down 1v1. I don’t really think any class is OP right now. You must play some really bad players on your server. If ele’s were OP I would never be able to kill one.

I think ppl don’t really understand what OP means.

Your whole build revolves around your shatter clones. An ele has a few AOE attacks that can take them out fairly easily. If the ele misses his chance to take out the clones and happens to take too much damage then just mist>teleport>RTL away, regen instantly, come back and try again. Rinse and repeat until the ele wins since the mesmer cannot outrun the ele. Ele is free to harass any player indefinitely this way.

Most of the issue is the silly mobility. Seriously, the cool down on RTL is like 15 seconds. Really?

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vanillea.5764


So ele are calling for nerf now after all the complains earlier…..? If you feel bored with D/D then go play S/D and staff, the challenge is right there. D/D is good for skirmishing and 1vs1 so of course you feel strong 1 vs 1 or run in/out of fight. But I don’t think people appreciate the dmg from staff or the support from focus.

While D/D is running around looking cool, a staff ele is dropping a ton of dmg and heavily CC them and a ele with focus is nullifying the heavy pokes of enemy. I used to not like staff and still not playing it but I can’t deny they have really strong presence in group fights.

I do believe D/D status is in much better place than other weapon sets but the problem is not in the off hand but main hand. Still don’t know if it deserves a nerf thou.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kilger.5490


I’m not trolling. Please look at my proof photo in the original post. I’ve had an elementalist since the start of the betas. I know their “strengths” and what very little weaknesses they have.

I think that Anet needs to look at these specific D/D builds that have such high survivability and can deal so much damage while at the same time having the freedom to say “Nah, you know what…this fight isn’t going my way. I’m calling it off and no one can stop me.” Exiting the fight, regenning out of combat, and coming back instantly is just plain silly.

This post was originally made in the general forum but a mod moved it here. Sadly it will now get some negative attention since it’s “attacking” the class.

Haha, I had an elementalist in beta too. They changed big time from that!

Ok, your main complaint is that exiting a fight at will is overpowered it seems. I agree DD ele is one of the most slippery classes in the game. The fact you call this boring is what is marking you as troll, to be clear. The way to counter this is with immobolize and stun/knockdown etc.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Magische Boek.2530

Magische Boek.2530

@ EvilSardine

i challenge you not to take any point in arcana than. since its to easy for you.
go increase ur damage output with some fire and air traits instead. if its still to easy than leave out water as well.

I’m not arguing!
I’m simply explaining why I’m right.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vanillea.5764


Your whole build revolves around your shatter clones. An ele has a few AOE attacks that can take them out fairly easily. If the ele misses his chance to take out the clones and happens to take too much damage then just mist>teleport>RTL away, regen instantly, come back and try again. Rinse and repeat until the ele wins since the mesmer cannot outrun the ele. Ele is free to harass any player indefinitely this way.

Most of the issue is the silly mobility. Seriously, the cool down on RTL is like 15 seconds. Really?

Shatter Mesmers have very potent clone regeneration ability and they usually shatter them before you can kill them all. Yes, you can run away with mist and flash but they will be on CD. Do you really want to go back in with your cantrips on CD? One immobilize and you might be bursted down. I think the problem here is you underestimate what other professions can do.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Caffynated.5713


I am intrigued by this unkillable ele build you’re playing.

Would you mind posting a video of you winning a 1v4 or surviving a 1v8 against level 80s? Surely a walking god can come up with 20 minutes of unedited footage in one night.

If you don’t have a video capture card, MSi afterburner is free.

I’ll wait.

“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Considering on my level 70 Ele I can jump into a zerg, fire off 3 spells, and manage to get out alive if I use flash, mist, and rtl I’m sure the argument is valid. Granted I didn’t come close to killing anyone and even in the PvP videos I’ve seen of Ele’s with this build are all flash and no substance. The damage just isn’t there. Go read the D/D guide and watch the videos in that. First 10 minutes is non-stop fighting and I think one guy was actually killed. It’s all show…

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sunreva.8714


There is no escaping a D/D. A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever getting away (RTL—>mistform—>teleport)

There is no catching a D/D. A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever catching them (through same mechanics as above)

If you’re winning the fight, the D/D gets away instantly and survives. If you’re losing the fight, the D/D prevents you from ever getting away. Either way, the D/D has the advantage at all times, win or lose.

This is what makes the build utterly broken (and yes, i agree with the OP) and boring to play!

Glad others are seeing this as well, and I doubt these blaring issues have gone unnoticed by Arenanet, hopefully they do something about it.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Considering on my level 70 Ele I can jump into a zerg, fire off 3 spells, and manage to get out alive if I use flash, mist, and rtl I’m sure the argument is valid. Granted I didn’t come close to killing anyone and even in the PvP videos I’ve seen of Ele’s with this build are all flash and no substance. The damage just isn’t there. Go read the D/D guide and watch the videos in that. First 10 minutes is non-stop fighting and I think one guy was actually killed. It’s all show…

I think the builds you’re referring to are the ones that mistakenly put everything into healing (cleric). Healing has horrible scaling in this game in my opinion. If you use power/toughness/vitality gear, mix the proper trinkets, and combo your fields right (which is easy) then your damage will be VERY high and your survival will still be absurdly high.

When you hit 80 and are decked out in all exotic/ascended gear that works best with this sort of build, you’ll see a big change. Especially since most people in WvW now are lvl 80. As a lvl 70 you’re at a disadvantage. Don’t let the “upscaling” fool you.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cirax.9231


There is no escaping a D/D. A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever getting away (RTL—>mistform—>teleport)

There is no catching a D/D. A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever catching them (through same mechanics as above)

If you’re winning the fight, the D/D gets away instantly and survives. If you’re losing the fight, the D/D prevents you from ever getting away. Either way, the D/D has the advantage at all times, win or lose.

This is what makes the build utterly broken (and yes, i agree with the OP) and boring to play!

Glad others are seeing this as well, and I doubt these blaring issues have gone unnoticed by Arenanet, hopefully they do something about it.

Replace part of your post with (shadowstep, stealth, and steal), and now you’re talking about thieves :p

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

LOL how about you play against real pvper (i.e. paid tournaments) instead of wvwvw against noobish pvers, then you’ll see that ele is balanced (d/d at least the other weapons need buffs).

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

There is no escaping a D/D. A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever getting away (RTL—>mistform—>teleport)

There is no catching a D/D. A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever catching them (through same mechanics as above)

If you’re winning the fight, the D/D gets away instantly and survives. If you’re losing the fight, the D/D prevents you from ever getting away. Either way, the D/D has the advantage at all times, win or lose.

This is what makes the build utterly broken (and yes, i agree with the OP) and boring to play!

Glad others are seeing this as well, and I doubt these blaring issues have gone unnoticed by Arenanet, hopefully they do something about it.

Such bullkitten. Any thief can get away from a dd ele, any opponent with a 1200 range weapon and a slow/immobilize (i.e. most of them) can catch one. You just need to play against better players noob.

Also if you make your opponent run you’ve won, just like against thieves. This is a game of capture the point.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sunreva.8714


Replace part of your post with (shadowstep, stealth, and steal), and now you’re talking about thieves :p

Except that the extreme mobility of a D/D is also coupled with their insane regeneration/healing, Tankiness, and utility. Whereas thieves by and large lack all that.

Also for what its worth, a well played thief will not be able to outrun or get away from a marginally well-played played D/D. The D/D holds all the cards. Tankiness and heals of a guardian, mobility and movement of a thief, and utility and finesse of a mesmer—-all wrapped in one.

Its broken, and it needs to be addressed.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sunreva.8714


Replace part of your post with (shadowstep, stealth, and steal), and now you’re talking about thieves :p

Except that the extreme mobility of a D/D is also coupled with their insane regeneration/healing, Tankiness, and utility. Whereas thieves by and large lack all that.

Also for what its worth, a well played thief will not be able to outrun or get away from a marginally well-played played D/D. The D/D holds all the cards. Tankiness and heals of a guardian, mobility and movement of a thief, and utility and finesse of a mesmer—-all wrapped in one.

Its broken, and it needs to be addressed.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Solori.6025


Yes the d/d ele is currently the best roamer class for WvW in the game. It is getting annoyingly popular as well, with d/d eles coming out of the woodwork in wvw these days. D/D ele is not particularly hard to play. You pretty much just cycle attunements spam abilities and use certain utility skills as necessary. I think the main issue with D/D eles is not that their skills are overpowered so much as the fact that they get 4 attunements, each on separate CDs with 60% reduced swap time. The attune swap mechanic is the problem. When you can attune swap every few seconds you basically always have a powerful skill to use at all times and you are never that far away from gaining access to something you really need like ride the lightning. A normal class has to wait 15 seconds to swap back and forth between just 2 weap sets. Ele can swap to a new set of skills every couple seconds and return to the original set in less than 10 seconds.

Note that the reduction in attunment swap to 9 seconds requires 30 points invested in the arcana trait, which provides no major/minor stats. In addition, 3 out of the 5 skills on each attunment have a 15-45 second cooldown, so if you spam swapping attuments, you wont always have the powerful skills available to use.

In response to the OP, I’m pretty sure he’s trolling, but to clarify: anyone who feels god mode on a d/d ele likely just picked up the build as FotM and has not played the class long enough to know it’s true strengths and weaknesses. Most of these players build full defence, and believe jumping into groups of enemy players and jumping out is god mode. Good players know how to shut down spamming d/d eles, and know they are hardly a threat.

A good d/d ele has to be creative and outplay a good enemy in order to beat him (and not just taking damage then running away). Spamming cycles and predictable combos won’t work against competent players. In addition, few ppl know that d/d eles benefit from balanced specs, sacrificing a little surviability to gain much more offensive capability in burst or condition damage. That is when a d/d ele becomes a threat.

This..I agree with you 100% on this..

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vanillea.5764


Replace part of your post with (shadowstep, stealth, and steal), and now you’re talking about thieves :p

Except that the extreme mobility of a D/D is also coupled with their insane regeneration/healing, Tankiness, and utility. Whereas thieves by and large lack all that.

Also for what its worth, a well played thief will not be able to outrun or get away from a marginally well-played played D/D. The D/D holds all the cards. Tankiness and heals of a guardian, mobility and movement of a thief, and utility and finesse of a mesmer—-all wrapped in one.

Its broken, and it needs to be addressed.

Ele has it all: tankiness, mobility, dmg and utility but:

Not as tanky as Guard : ageis, block, retaliation and even base armor make guardian talkier. It is arguable that ele has more heal than guardian
Not as bursty as thief, mesmer and warrior
Not as much sustain dmg as ranger and necro or engi.
Not as mobility as Thief . S/D and staff ele might not even as mobile as warrior
And we have different utilities from Mesmer and Engi. I wouldn’t say Ele has more thou. Not thing can replace Portal and Time Warp. And we all know it is a nightmare to face a good engi.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cirax.9231


Replace part of your post with (shadowstep, stealth, and steal), and now you’re talking about thieves :p

Except that the extreme mobility of a D/D is also coupled with their insane regeneration/healing, Tankiness, and utility. Whereas thieves by and large lack all that.

Also for what its worth, a well played thief will not be able to outrun or get away from a marginally well-played played D/D. The D/D holds all the cards. Tankiness and heals of a guardian, mobility and movement of a thief, and utility and finesse of a mesmer—-all wrapped in one.

Its broken, and it needs to be addressed.

Thieves have stealth, which is a different way of mitigating damage than eles. Thieves can also spec to regen in stealth, and have lots of utility in their disposal as well. There is a reason why both these classes are slippery because of their low base health pool and armor.

I agree mobility is very strong in open wvw which is what makes these classes strong, and perhaps the commotion for these classes is because players rarely spec specifically against mobility; but this is counterable, and everyone knows when you take away an ele or thief’s mobility , they will melt.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vanillea.5764


There is no escaping a D/D. A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever getting away (RTL—>mistform—>teleport)

There is no catching a D/D. A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever catching them (through same mechanics as above)

If you’re winning the fight, the D/D gets away instantly and survives. If you’re losing the fight, the D/D prevents you from ever getting away. Either way, the D/D has the advantage at all times, win or lose.

This is what makes the build utterly broken (and yes, i agree with the OP) and boring to play!

Glad others are seeing this as well, and I doubt these blaring issues have gone unnoticed by Arenanet, hopefully they do something about it.

Replace part of your post with (shadowstep, stealth, and steal), and now you’re talking about thieves :p

U forgot Infiltrator’s Arrow and Heart Seeker

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Solori.6025


I have a D/D ele and a Shatter Mesmer. I am sorry but the ele is not OP. I have yet to meet a bunker ele that can take my mesmer down 1v1. I don’t really think any class is OP right now. You must play some really bad players on your server. If ele’s were OP I would never be able to kill one.

I think ppl don’t really understand what OP means.

Your whole build revolves around your shatter clones. An ele has a few AOE attacks that can take them out fairly easily. If the ele misses his chance to take out the clones and happens to take too much damage then just mist>teleport>RTL away, regen instantly, come back and try again. Rinse and repeat until the ele wins since the mesmer cannot outrun the ele. Ele is free to harass any player indefinitely this way.

Most of the issue is the silly mobility. Seriously, the cool down on RTL is like 15 seconds. Really?

O man you need to fight a good mesmer..

For one, the damage a shatter mesmer can put out is still pretty strong, AoE’s mean crap if the mesmer is shattering.
And for shatter builds or hybrid shatters, that will be often.

You think you can deal damage, gl
Stealths, and CC make fighting an ele for mes easy. ( especially with culling being wacky)

You think you can run away?
OF course you can.
Be my guest.
The more ground you give me is more time my forces can gather to the area and take or defend..

You underestimate the power of proffessions specifically ment to deal with situations involving 1 v 1

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Azrael.1408


1v1 are rare in this game unless one is too selfish not to aid his teammates.

Elementalist can prevent someone from getting away IF the said skills are not on cooldown. I’d love to see ele killing multiple players all having immobilize skills. This is assuming. In prolonged fight it depends.

I am also able to get into zerg and get away but just because just few ppl bother to attack me. As Cirax said thief also have good escape mechanics, if not better. Remove stealth?
Healing and tanking are possible ok, but our damage got nerfed! And I am one of those players who refuse to flood their utility skills bar with escape skills. I use different utilities. So ability to escape comes at a cost.

If you take away the escape capability the build would be UP?

Let’s talk about the build – it is boring and you still use it. It is D/D no other weapons. You have 3 get-away skills and you use ALL to get away from SINGLE fight (probably then waiting for recharge). Boring but A LOT of players are using heaving investment into water and arcana not only for PvP but also in PvE and also during leveling. Why? Because (quoting tons of threads) ‘it is hard to survive else’ (wrong!).

Am I the only guy who sees problem elsewhere?? Why the most boring build is the most wanted one?

I speak only for PvE but I never invested in water during leveling. Now I have rare gear with all-round stats and some MF (like 70%) so I can equip any weapon I want and deal some nice damage and have survivability at the same time. I invested 10 points in water after getting to 80 just to have some HP increase from the base. So there is different path.

And do not forget exotic gear comes at the cost of heavy grinding. If you have 5-6 hours a week and you do not want to be too repetitive in gameplay I doubt you’ll get it that easy.

So nerf.. what? Escape? I see qq threads ’ my tanky ele is useless’. Damage, vitality scaling? Other builds will be much less effective leading to the most boring build being the only one. Nerf all escpaes? same.

What I’d love to see is trait stats having more weight on endgame as well as increased condition damage overall. Then I’d love to see those threads ’my-tanky-ele-does-not-deal-enough-dmg.

Also, do not give WvW as example because people are usually distracted by other factors.

Experienced players can escape your highest damage skill leading you to doing small amounts of damage. I had a PvP fight where an asura necro managed to evade my churning earth skill every time 4 times in a row and it was not 1v1. he was paying attention. Takiness over damage seems good tradeoff – it is all the build is about. And I never used it even i sPvP.

I cannot kill certain guardians at all so they are also OP right?

I do not want to offend anyone and maybe something needs to change but not at the cost of crippling escape mechanics nor nerfing damage. Remember you sacrifice damage, variety of weapon skills and fun for tanki-ness and boring-ness. There must be raw damage, survivability, condition damage, middle-ground builds and more than one from a type to achieve

P.S. @OP – people are saying you are trolling because you did not have any single creative suggestion for change without crippling other areas, because you say it is boring but you use it, because they think if you are experienced you would have used other build.
P.P.S. Get a video of such ele killing 2 thiefs with perma stealth and condition damage+2 guardians and I’d agree it is ‘way OP’.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

Stealth >>>>>>> regeneration. Fact.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

Stealth >>>>>>> regeneration. Fact.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


P.P.S. Get a video of such ele killing 2 thiefs with perma stealth and condition damage+2 guardians and I’d agree it is ‘way OP’.

Wait. You’re saying that a class isn’t OP until it beats two exploiting (culling issue) perma stealth thief builds alongside 2 really tanky guardians? That’s funny…

It’s very easy for people to say to come up with “scenarios” where an ele would “melt” but it just doesn’t happen in WvW. There isn’t a dedicated anti D/D squad running around with pure immobilize. There isn’t groups of exploiting “perma stealth” thieves running alongside perfect guardian builds. These things don’t happen in WvW. If there just so happens to be the perfect combo of classes that can deal with a D/D ele then the ele can just insta-vanish. Nothing they can do.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Samiell.1259


Each time I play my Ele, I feel sad for my other classes I play. The sad part is that the Ele isn’t op. This is where every class should be. So nerf Ele’s? No. Fix the other broken classes first then address class balancing.
I just wish Anet would stop listening to the squabbling minority of spvp to nerf kittening everything and just fix the classes bugs for abilities.

Black Ops supply line disruptions.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


Yes the d/d ele is currently the best roamer class for WvW in the game. It is getting annoyingly popular as well, with d/d eles coming out of the woodwork in wvw these days. D/D ele is not particularly hard to play. You pretty much just cycle attunements spam abilities and use certain utility skills as necessary. I think the main issue with D/D eles is not that their skills are overpowered so much as the fact that they get 4 attunements, each on separate CDs with 60% reduced swap time. The attune swap mechanic is the problem. When you can attune swap every few seconds you basically always have a powerful skill to use at all times and you are never that far away from gaining access to something you really need like ride the lightning. A normal class has to wait 15 seconds to swap back and forth between just 2 weap sets. Ele can swap to a new set of skills every couple seconds and return to the original set in less than 10 seconds.

1) YOU DO NOT SPAM ELE ABILITIES…….EVER! Ele require more thought then any other class because of being so squishy. Your heals mean nothing if you stay in close range to melee classes, and don’t use environment to your advantage. I don’t know where you thought spamming is winning. I think you mean warrior or thief.

2) Just because you put points into arcane doesn’t mean much as people think. You can use any move, switch attunements, switch back to the first attunement and still have a cooldown on that spell. We deal with, not 1, but 2 cooldowns. So regards if you can switch attunements faster or not, you still have to wait on spell cooldown.

3) We are the MOST predictable class in the game. Which also destroys your spam comment. Every class has everything they need to avoid ele damage. And trust me ele has to learn more about you and his environment, then you having to learn about the ele and environment.

For everyone else, this topic is a joke. And baffled that people call ele, of all classes, OP. People are slinging the word around like nothing. OP is an obvious troll, and you got people following him. So sad.

To put it into perspective. There will be no ele that is close to the best of ele’s in any short amount of time. All these new ones coming out are newbies and didn’t put in the time that others have. If you are struggling with them, go back into learning mode in t/s pvp and get out of your just having fun mode. Because I can guarantee you can beat them.

Also, if you want an OP ele, bring back bwe 1 ele. Then you have all rights to complain. Until then, for the love of god, dev close this useless thread.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Poizie.5187


havent lost to a d/d ele on my eng since i started running 4k confusion

variations of Poiz – Talons [BT] – Fort Aspenwood

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


havent lost to a d/d ele on my eng since i started running 4k confusion

heh, because 99% of those eles just spam skills in the same rotation, probably not even watching their conditions.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Klassic.8057


All I’m hearing is QQ from hotjoin pubstars


My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


OP pls show us the table with tournies infos, win/losses ratio, QP accumulated so far….not interested in the opinion of a ZergVsZerg champion

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


OP pls show us the table with tournies infos, win/losses ratio, QP accumulated so far….not interested in the opinion of a ZergVsZerg champion

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Poizie.5187


havent lost to a d/d ele on my eng since i started running 4k confusion

heh, because 99% of those eles just spam skills in the same rotation, probably not even watching their conditions.

problem is i can mask the confusion well by stacking 5-6 different conditions first making it very difficult to deal with

variations of Poiz – Talons [BT] – Fort Aspenwood

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


I simply want see a single video from this @EvilSardine, with him beating 1v2/3 players of equal rank in a tournament setting.

Can we have it?
If not based on what you make these threads? Your experience in WvWvW doesn’t count for starter as Anet stated from the beginning that WvWvW opinions don’t count toward balance as IT’S NOT PvP, while for zerg vs zerg setting the same developers have “suggested” people to l2p the game before whining and every change is based on accurate collection of data.

In GW1 the balance decisions were made based on experiences from GvG( Guild versus Guild) and HA( Heroes Ascent pre-made 8vs8)…not from experiences based on Alliance battle 12vs12 Zergway(similar to 8vs8 GW2 sPvP) gameplay

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: AryasRevenge.3175


I play elementalist since day one with staff, i do realize D/D is way easier and better but ill stick with me first choice.
However i have to agree D/D is overpowered but the amazing speed and mobility doesnt concern me, the problem i see there is the insane healing power they can achieve, i beleive most of the fights i have against a D/D element i lose unless they dont know how to play it.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


If somebody spec for survival He will have high Healing Power factor, that’s far too obvious for me…it’s like saying somebody spec for damage..and complain later because he does dmg, lmao!

Anet should have sticked to the old GW1 format where only true PvPers were able to play PvP…now every cat and dog join Zerg Zerg and immediately think to be some kind of authority in PvP while talking non-sense.

An entire weapon set should be nerfed because fotm kids spec for survival and win against equally bad fotm kids spamming buttons …..hilarius!
When the OP and those who follow him will satisfy the following reqs, then we can talk about what really maybe be broken and what’s not:

1) QP= 30+
2) Tournaments won= 1000+
3) Most Played profession (90%)= Elementalist
4) Rank= 50

Whatever the OP may say in favour of his cause is non-sense, whatever a Zerg vs Zerg champion or WvWvW “hero” runner will never be considered something worth talking about

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


There is no escaping a D/D. A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever getting away (RTL—>mistform—>teleport)

There is no catching a D/D. A D/D can prevent any opponent from ever catching them (through same mechanics as above)

If you’re winning the fight, the D/D gets away instantly and survives. If you’re losing the fight, the D/D prevents you from ever getting away. Either way, the D/D has the advantage at all times, win or lose.

This is what makes the build utterly broken (and yes, i agree with the OP) and boring to play!

Glad others are seeing this as well, and I doubt these blaring issues have gone unnoticed by Arenanet, hopefully they do something about it.

I want a video of you in TPvP fightning people at r40+ ..without using the 0/10/10/30/30( not that it’d make much difference against opponents who know what they’re doing XD).
Go on Show me how “OP” d/d ele!

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Thunderbrew.7034


Is a d/d ele good at surviving and running away? Yes.
Can they go into a group and disrupt them? Yes.
Can they nuke people before they know what going on? No

I am a GC cannon staff ele and I cant tell you how many times
a d/d ele tried killing me before I ran into a keep, and its yet to happen.
One was even on me for 20 seconds at least (of course I was using spells
along the way but a warrior or thief would have dropped me).

Now, if you should showed me MAX bunker with d/d combined with
a MAX dps build, than yea that would be a problem, but you are always
trading one for the other.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


So, this revolves about combat in WvW only I take it?

OP: You should try an offensive build, and not going bunkerish dullness. Mind posting your build? The claims seem exaggerated. A video would help, aka proof.

P.S. I could have missed it in the thread.

Btw, have you tried catching a warrior in WvW? They can escape you. Perhaps the thief as well.. ? Not sure.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


I want a video of you in TPvP fightning people at r40+ ..without using the 0/10/10/30/30( not that it’d make much difference against opponents who know what they’re doing XD).
Go on Show me how “OP” d/d ele!

That’s why elementalists are OP! They have 80 trait points! How come I can’t get that build on my elementalist? Maybe that’s why I suck…..

Also, about using mist form after or in the middle of and escape combo with rtl>teleport….. Anyone advocating that move should have their elementalist opinions viewed with considerable skepticism….. A sword/GS warrior would catch you fast, or get away easily if you tried to use mist form to catch them…..

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


I want a video of you in TPvP fightning people at r40+ ..without using the 0/10/10/30/30( not that it’d make much difference against opponents who know what they’re doing XD).
Go on Show me how “OP” d/d ele!

That’s why elementalists are OP! They have 80 trait points! How come I can’t get that build on my elementalist? Maybe that’s why I suck…..

Also, about using mist form after or in the middle of and escape combo with rtl>teleport….. Anyone advocating that move should have their elementalist opinions viewed with considerable skepticism….. A sword/GS warrior would catch you fast, or get away easily if you tried to use mist form to catch them…..

Oh wow…I added a 10 by mistake and you have noticed it…GZ

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Ill keep my post concise.

-RTL is balanced against other skills that move you (mostly gs skills) please look this up.

-Warriors can literally out run us. (note they also have a trait that breaks snares on the use of movement skills)

-Thieves are the only class with the capability to truly end combat when they choose.

-If you are winning 3 vs 4 than one of 2 things are happening. Your either playing against incredibly bad players or 2 they are lowbies. Competent pvpers will shut most eles down in a 2v1 situation.

-If you are out healing DPS then you are not being hit by dps. Let me repeat if you are out healing dps you are not being DPSed by dps. Take the time to figure it out. True DPS builds (stats for it) will burn you down healing power or no healing power.

-Running a bunker build does not make you good. It doesn’t make you bad either. So if you survive quite well with one its literally doing its job.

Last but not least the more you play the more you will realize that as good as ele is at jock of all trade task its far from OP. There is very little OP in this game just bad players. And I really mean that. Play some more classes to 80 and you’ll understand.

Please hear me out. This whole ele is OP argument is kind of sad now. It isn’t sad because they may nerf some abilities its sad because we aren’t topping anything.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

80 Ele, and I can say for a fact we’re in a very good state right now thanks to D/D.
We can pretty much spike like a Theif and tank enough to survive most stuff.
Some will say otherwise simply because they still need to learn the class yet (specifically D/D build), but I think everyone is noticing that Eles are on a high spot right now in the sPvP meta and WvW as well.

Though I think the Ele does not need a nerf of any sort.
All classes are in a good spot now beside Necros (if DoTs are fixed or power necro buffed they’ll climb up too).
It’s much easier to buff the weaker class to the level of the others rather than nerfing all classes to the level of Necro.
Simple Ockam’s razor logic.