New talent/elite idea

New talent/elite idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Frostmane.9734


So the basic premise of this class is supposed to be attonement dancing, right? Blending each tree together to work in symphony with eachother. The problem is, a lot of the basic design features of the class do not support that general idea; i.e trait lines are split up into attonements and certain traits only work when in a certain attonment or give bonuses for staying in a single attonement longer. Arcana is the only tree that supports attonement dancing and is thus borderline neccessary.

Now, it’s unlikely that Anet is going to rework the ele from the ground up at this point so what I’d like to suggest is one of three things:

1) A new talent, call it “Elemental Harmony” or something, which increases the damage of your first attack after swapping attonments by X amount. 10%, 20%, whatever. Place it in Arcana.

2) Rework each of the 5 point minor talents in fire, air, water, and earth to increase the damage of the first attack from that attonement after swapping by 10%.

3) Introduce a new elite skill or replace an existing one as I think they’re all pretty “meh” at best with “Elemental Harmony”. For the next 20/30 seconds your first attack after swapping attonements does an extra 20% damage. Currently we don’t really have an elite that supports or bolsters are basic skill set; Fire sword is only good because it’s bugged right now, glyph of elements is a pet and is subject to AI issues, and tornado is underwhelming and replaces our skills anyway.

Overall, I don’t really care how Anet does it, I just want the class to benefit more from swapping attonements than it currently does and think this is a good kickoff point.

(edited by Frostmane.9734)

New talent/elite idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


1. Meh
2. Meh
3. Meh

None of these changes would go towards fixing/improving the class and the issues it currently has

New talent/elite idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jabberwock.9014


This helps our sustained damage how? We already have decent burst if specced right, but what we are horrible in is sustained damage (without lightning hammer).

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New talent/elite idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


They should turn the Conjure weapons into “kits” Adjust the damage down 5-10% but allow us to use them for as long as we have them “equipped”

Leave the Greatsword the way it is. The others however would work better as weapons we could equip. Maybe give them 15seconds or so cool down when you switch out of them

New talent/elite idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: Frostmane.9734


This helps our sustained damage how? We already have decent burst if specced right, but what we are horrible in is sustained damage (without lightning hammer).

It’s a way to increase both sustained and burst damage. Your primary combinations will benefit from the bonus as well as auto attacks (provided you are switching attonements). It may not be much but it encourages the way the class is intended to be played and rewards you for doing so.

As to the conjured weapons; I persoanlly wouldn’t use them….ever. They are very filler/fluff to me. We have enough skills at our disposal to NOT have to deal with kits and conjured weapons that, for a short time, override our base skills. That is the core mechanic of the engineer and it works for them as they only have 4 weapon skills….we have 16. If we are ever better off replacing the use of those 16 skills with the 4 from a conjured weapon, something is wrong. Just my opinion, yours may vary.

New talent/elite idea

in Elementalist

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Interesting ideas. However I don’t see 1 helping at all. Due to the way many auto attacks work, changing attunements to get the bolstered 10-20% damage would be waisted by either auto attacks or the damage on change attunement skills (if far enough down that tree – generally 15 points).

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