[PVP] My idea of best working build after R&D
Agree on Mender being the best substitute all around for cele amulet, loosing on condi damage, having a sage as the obvious alternative.
The build looks nice, tried something similar (cleansing with cantrips) and seems to work perfect in short battles but for me kinda fell short on longer battles because of cantrips cooldown… I tried witht an amulet with no healing power tho, might give it a try with this and check again … amulet kinda matters more than everything else as long as you keep water trait.
My build is similar to yours and I can vouch for it. Closest thing I found to old cele D/D ele.
Although with so much necro around I always prefer choosing Mist Form than Armor of Earth to prevent boon corruption.
I also tried the D/F focus which I find better. You lose a bit of mobility but in all honesty, Focus skills are much more supportive and useful as offhand dagger’s. The invul + condi cleanse/projectile on earth alone is worth the taking of Focus. But Gale has become one of the best CC in the game since it’s unblockable.
(and on a side note, you have same number of auras than with offhand dagger, so the healing from Elemental Bastion is the same).
What do you think about this ?
As for warhorn, I think it’s utter trash and can’t be used effectively. All the skills are slower than staff’s and you get destroyed by melee classes :/
I did play a bit with Mercenary and Sage. Both work not so bad. Since i did´t play cele i can´t realy compare. Its more that i don´t like the build …. I always had my own more offensive one condi oriented without cele and DS. I could break all bunkers exept DS ele with it and smash all burst builds. But i had only the vit from soldiers which was never a problem for me even in 1:2 . Now with the builds changing this low vit is much more problem for me especially the mercenary amulet is the worst thing for my build because i usualy counter burst builds not heavy sustainend damage combining power + cond… Dam thing …. I have to think more what to do. Menders would be good with condi not power. Best fitign for me would be wanderers with toughness and precision swaped :-).
I have some moderate experience with a healing aurashare tempest which can hold point in an even team fight 2v2, 3v3 and 2v3. I changed out my amulet and runes depending on the enemy team comp. Against teams that are heavy in lock down dps, rev/thief/scrapper,crusader ammy and scrapper rune. Kaypud’s Unrelenting Assault on me was like 2k in total. Against teams that have reapers, mender ammy and soldier rune. In this case, my team tries to break into smaller fight and avoid getting snowballed. Mender is really good at holding up in small skirmish with diamond skin and is decent at watching points
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I played with pala amu a classic fresh air tempest. When the enemy team got no thief and tons of condi classes i swap to marau amu for more burst. For the runes i go pack to get perma fury with the zphyr boons trait and the rune proc.
To be honnest in more than 80% of my games i’m the top damage dealt player, air overloads deal tons of damages in teamfights.
The big issues i find for this build are:
Thieves: because they can dodge our fire burst with scepter. Stealth prevent them from getting hit by us and we can’t answer to their backstab.
Necros: especially that perma chill spam. Chill was already the nightmare of every ele but now it’s just “OMFG”. Like seriously anet…
I also try some dagger build but in my opinion it’s too hard to play melee ele in this meta. Any decent reaper will insta lock you down with chill.
I also think we need to stop thinking as supports, we are too squishy to cover anyone. When i’m trying some new builds I focus on my own survivability and on damage.
Finally, we need to adapt our amu/runes to the enemy compositon. Tougness is useless against condi classes but we need it against thieves otherwise it’s impossible. Also rune of the scrapper, rune of the pack, … are all good on ele depending on the situation.
I play ele since the beta, got 1k5 pvp games with it, I manage to go all the way up to legendary with it. I still don’t understand why anet decided to remove cele since we were not really in a good spot (0 tempest in the top esl teams). For me, the only way to be viable as an ele is to outplay our opponents.
Only good eles players will remain <3
I also think we need to stop thinking as supports, we are too squishy to cover anyone. When i’m trying some new builds I focus on my own survivability and on damage.
I think this a flawed line of reasoning, as the justification of eles being so weak and ineffective on their owns is that they have such powerful capabilities to support. Let’s be honest, any selfish ele build is inherently worse than another class unless it focuses primarily on being a heal/cleanse/boon bot.
Roaming dps – even with dagger, you lack map mobility compared to thief/rev/mesmer. Your burst is a much longer CD, your defenses are far inferior, and you are hardcountered by other roaming dps (esp. thief/rev) to a pathetic degree. This is honestly not a viable role for ele.
Bunker – You have no true hard mitigation, and poor access to stab for stomps/resses. Also, no effective res utilities to make up for that.
Bruiser – if you try to build as a bruiser, you become a really bad version of scrapper/druid. You have less mobility, way less damage, you take way more damage, and you should lose the 1v1 matchup with both due to their superior damage/survival balance. While the game doesn’t revolve around 1v1’s, being a bruiser DOES, as being able to 1v1 effectively is one of the primary roles of a bruiser.
Support – Ele can probably cleanse the most conditions per 10s of any class. With healing auras, ele can provide lots of team heals to keep a team-mate healthy, while having a couple good CC skills to help a dps player lock someone down. Also, all of the self-survival traits ele takes are naturally AoE mostly, allowing you to share those powerful survival tools with team-mates. It is debatable if this is even a worth-while role or if other classes like guard or druid won’t just end up usurping eles here too, but at least you can be effective.
I paly ele as a support hybrid with S/F and it works well. I can´t 1:1 some builds (mainly reaper, scrapper) well but it depends largeley on player skill.
I also think we need to stop thinking as supports, we are too squishy to cover anyone. When i’m trying some new builds I focus on my own survivability and on damage.
I think this a flawed line of reasoning, as the justification of eles being so weak and ineffective on their owns is that they have such powerful capabilities to support. Let’s be honest, any selfish ele build is inherently worse than another class unless it focuses primarily on being a heal/cleanse/boon bot.
Roaming dps – even with dagger, you lack map mobility compared to thief/rev/mesmer. Your burst is a much longer CD, your defenses are far inferior, and you are hardcountered by other roaming dps (esp. thief/rev) to a pathetic degree. This is honestly not a viable role for ele.
Bunker – You have no true hard mitigation, and poor access to stab for stomps/resses. Also, no effective res utilities to make up for that.
Bruiser – if you try to build as a bruiser, you become a really bad version of scrapper/druid. You have less mobility, way less damage, you take way more damage, and you should lose the 1v1 matchup with both due to their superior damage/survival balance. While the game doesn’t revolve around 1v1’s, being a bruiser DOES, as being able to 1v1 effectively is one of the primary roles of a bruiser.
Support – Ele can probably cleanse the most conditions per 10s of any class. With healing auras, ele can provide lots of team heals to keep a team-mate healthy, while having a couple good CC skills to help a dps player lock someone down. Also, all of the self-survival traits ele takes are naturally AoE mostly, allowing you to share those powerful survival tools with team-mates. It is debatable if this is even a worth-while role or if other classes like guard or druid won’t just end up usurping eles here too, but at least you can be effective.
You’re right, and that’s why this is pathetic. Back to the class that can’t do jack **** on their own. As if we didn’t have enough time as the support already, now we even get nerfed to the point where it’s the only thing we can do, and at less efficiency than before.
In the previous season it was already clear that tempests fall easily to coordinated teams, now that our survivalbility took a hit, I doubt people would want a support that can barely stay alive.
I also think we need to stop thinking as supports, we are too squishy to cover anyone. When i’m trying some new builds I focus on my own survivability and on damage.
I think this a flawed line of reasoning, as the justification of eles being so weak and ineffective on their owns is that they have such powerful capabilities to support. Let’s be honest, any selfish ele build is inherently worse than another class unless it focuses primarily on being a heal/cleanse/boon bot.
Roaming dps – even with dagger, you lack map mobility compared to thief/rev/mesmer. Your burst is a much longer CD, your defenses are far inferior, and you are hardcountered by other roaming dps (esp. thief/rev) to a pathetic degree. This is honestly not a viable role for ele.
Bunker – You have no true hard mitigation, and poor access to stab for stomps/resses. Also, no effective res utilities to make up for that.
Bruiser – if you try to build as a bruiser, you become a really bad version of scrapper/druid. You have less mobility, way less damage, you take way more damage, and you should lose the 1v1 matchup with both due to their superior damage/survival balance. While the game doesn’t revolve around 1v1’s, being a bruiser DOES, as being able to 1v1 effectively is one of the primary roles of a bruiser.
Support – Ele can probably cleanse the most conditions per 10s of any class. With healing auras, ele can provide lots of team heals to keep a team-mate healthy, while having a couple good CC skills to help a dps player lock someone down. Also, all of the self-survival traits ele takes are naturally AoE mostly, allowing you to share those powerful survival tools with team-mates. It is debatable if this is even a worth-while role or if other classes like guard or druid won’t just end up usurping eles here too, but at least you can be effective.
You’re right, and that’s why this is pathetic. Back to the class that can’t do jack **** on their own. As if we didn’t have enough time as the support already, now we even get nerfed to the point where it’s the only thing we can do, and at less efficiency than before.
In the previous season it was already clear that tempests fall easily to coordinated teams, now that our survivalbility took a hit, I doubt people would want a support that can barely stay alive.
I also think we need to stop thinking as supports, we are too squishy to cover anyone. When i’m trying some new builds I focus on my own survivability and on damage.
I think this a flawed line of reasoning, as the justification of eles being so weak and ineffective on their owns is that they have such powerful capabilities to support. Let’s be honest, any selfish ele build is inherently worse than another class unless it focuses primarily on being a heal/cleanse/boon bot.
Roaming dps – even with dagger, you lack map mobility compared to thief/rev/mesmer. Your burst is a much longer CD, your defenses are far inferior, and you are hardcountered by other roaming dps (esp. thief/rev) to a pathetic degree. This is honestly not a viable role for ele.
Bunker – You have no true hard mitigation, and poor access to stab for stomps/resses. Also, no effective res utilities to make up for that.
Bruiser – if you try to build as a bruiser, you become a really bad version of scrapper/druid. You have less mobility, way less damage, you take way more damage, and you should lose the 1v1 matchup with both due to their superior damage/survival balance. While the game doesn’t revolve around 1v1’s, being a bruiser DOES, as being able to 1v1 effectively is one of the primary roles of a bruiser.
Support – Ele can probably cleanse the most conditions per 10s of any class. With healing auras, ele can provide lots of team heals to keep a team-mate healthy, while having a couple good CC skills to help a dps player lock someone down. Also, all of the self-survival traits ele takes are naturally AoE mostly, allowing you to share those powerful survival tools with team-mates. It is debatable if this is even a worth-while role or if other classes like guard or druid won’t just end up usurping eles here too, but at least you can be effective.
Next meta ele build is probably going to be clerical with shouts… Of course it’s easier for us to go full healtard. But if you consider ele as the biggest damage dealer in the game (yes it is) and just try a pala air/water/tempest fresh air build with SF you will see the big damages. You can contest almost everything in 1v1 (except revenant) and you have the biggest dps in teamfights. Air overload deals so much damage with basically no cooldowns and necro can’t even beat you since you can kite them. Of course, this build require lot of skills, it’s harder to play than revenant or scrapper for example but it works. In about 80% of my games i’m the first damage dealer.
Here’s the build with marau amu (pala isn’t avaible on gw2 builder): http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJArdn0XCdOgFOAOOA8RglGAz9y2ZHtEHhawPQoAEA+gA-TJBFABiXGAgTAQN7PQwDAAA
This build also work in wvw, it’s even stronger i only lost duels vs revenants.
Here’s what i’m running in wvw: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJArdn0XCdOgFOAOOA8RglGAz9y2ZHtEHhawPQoAEA+gA-T1BFABUq+DAnAAkU+dlSQCeAAsv/g66BIEQ5JA-w
It’s more tanky but in air with fury you got 84% crit chance which is enough.
I’ve got more than 3k hours and 1k5 pvp games on ele, i know that most people only see eles as supportive bunker but if you take the time and focus on your own skill i’m pretty sure anyone can do well as a dps fresh air ele.
I did games with the next meta ele build and it was awful, since I was only a heal bot I had to trust my team to do the damage. They weren’t good enough and I felt useless. I knew that I could carry the game with my damage build.
yea this is a good build and with paladin its not too squishy. Its back to water+cantrips again but think this one works well. Just FSG is arguable. 180CD in PvP is huge.
An Zephyrs boon? Mistake? Guess its +ferocity.
Zephyrs boon is to get perma fury uptime (with rune of the pack) it’s very important for fresh air to have a lot of crit chance. It also give us perma swiftness which is important too. Ferocious winds will “only” gives 10% crit damage which is less important (for me ) than perma fury and switft
Its because you have only two auras. Fire focus and passive water. But this should be enough with pack rune. Agreed.
you also get an aura each time you use an overload. With this build you have to spam your air overload to get the maximum damage output. So each time you get fury+swift
Yeah right, Paladin is perfect with that crit chance, what sucks it has zero ferocity, so you crit and you still hit like wet noodle because some genious in ANet give ferocity buff to Fresh Air only 5s so the moment you prepare your air overload, the ferocity buff is gone…
I see some people try to play Paladin S/F FA, there was one guy trying to combo signet of earth immobilize to Air Overload so people will not kite his overload and pop armor of earth so he can finish the overload. 75s CD for AoE and 20s CD for SoE just to be able to deploy one Air Overload.
If the enemy team is clever and will not sit in Air Overload, then what?