Secondary Profession Speculation

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Confrimed that every profession will be getting a secondary profession with new weapons, heals, utilities and traits i expect something like an arcanist that utilizes arcane arts more.

Bad Elementalist

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Belorn.2659


Swords. We can’t atm use them nor can we conjure a sword. Torches could also be possible, but it sound silly for a ele.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Magi.8643


Personally i would like to have a bow instead

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Weapons are not professions.

Bad Elementalist

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jski.6180


If there are 3 then i think we will see support tank and dps types but if there only one i am guessing something jungle bast maybe some type of earth magic with a shield and something.

Its kind of hard to say if ele will be off atuments and going all in to thoughts atuments. Kind of becoming one with elements that ele use.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


from what colin said the entire concept of f2 abilities would change when you become the secondary profession. could be the same for the attunements? who knows.

Bad Elementalist

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wynne.3908


Will there be a choice of specialization?

They mentioned that ranger would be able to specialize as a druid. If we only get one choice to specialize in its not really a secondary prof is it? Everyone will do it and no one will be ‘special’ at all.

Hopefully we get a choice!

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Will there be a choice of specialization?

They mentioned that ranger would be able to specialize as a druid. If we only get one choice to specialize in its not really a secondary prof is it? Everyone will do it and no one will be ‘special’ at all.

Hopefully we get a choice!

it would be more of a personal choice. if the secondary profession is better overall then the normal one than it will be used but if it isnt then it will never be used.

Bad Elementalist

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


Will there be a choice of specialization?

They mentioned that ranger would be able to specialize as a druid. If we only get one choice to specialize in its not really a secondary prof is it? Everyone will do it and no one will be ‘special’ at all.

Hopefully we get a choice!

This is what I’m wondering also. There needs to at least be two options starting off as otherwise the new system doesn’t make any sense.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: silvermember.8941


Personally this new “specialization” sounds more like a fancy way of saying new weapons.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jski.6180


Personally this new “specialization” sounds more like a fancy way of saying new weapons.

Its not though they are giving new ability in utility too. We may even see such as ele’s f1-f4 become something different a new set of atuments. Though what else is there in GW that there 4 of something magic base? Dark light chaos and order?

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Wizard/Mage sounds like a reasonable secondary profession for elementalist.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Or a Void Knight as a secondary with sword and shield offhand for counter magic role…

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: MyPuppy.8970


Or specialization in earth&water could also make elementalists as druids? So there would be different types of druids…

Lily Bertine [NG]/[GiRL]
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Hopefully we’ll also get weapon swap out of combat.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: MyPuppy.8970


and [Templates]

Lily Bertine [NG]/[GiRL]
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


I’m casting my vote for a battle-mage spec. Sword/Sword being the new weapon options, maybe sword/shield. Lots of close range, AoE, and an emphasis on defense/support where dagger/dagger goes for a more Thief-style glass cannon.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Not secondary professions. Profession Specialization.

The person that said it sounded like a special phrase for new weapons is sort of right. But it’s not only new weapons, it’s new utilities and traits as well as a possible alteration to the profession mechanic.

I don’t think it’d be that a specialization would be “better” and so everyone would be it. Think what specialization means. Usually when you specialize in something, you slack on something else. There probably will be something you could do on an Elementalist that you can’t do on its specialized version.

Personally hoping for Ele, they specialize in the combination of two elements, being able to use the two + its combination. I’m rooting for either Sword main-hand or Long/shortbow.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: TomoHawkx.8139


I’m most excited to see what the new Elite for this ‘Specialization’ will be, it can’t be worse than any of the ones we have atm.

S/F ele Channel

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kelthien.8593


Not secondary professions. Profession Specialization.

The person that said it sounded like a special phrase for new weapons is sort of right. But it’s not only new weapons, it’s new utilities and traits as well as a possible alteration to the profession mechanic.

I don’t think it’d be that a specialization would be “better” and so everyone would be it. Think what specialization means. Usually when you specialize in something, you slack on something else. There probably will be something you could do on an Elementalist that you can’t do on its specialized version.

Personally hoping for Ele, they specialize in the combination of two elements, being able to use the two + its combination. I’m rooting for either Sword main-hand or Long/shortbow.

Oooh I like that idea! Like picking either air+water or fire+earth. Losing the ability to ‘attune’ to the others, but getting a refreshed class mechanic. That would be neat!

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


On the off chance there’s 5 specials per profession, you might see a specialization for each trait line, like a Fire Master, Air Master, Earth Master, Water Master, and Arcane Master, each gaining more of what the line specializes in, meaning pure damage, pure control, pure tankiness, pure support, and whatever the Arcane line is[I’m not an ele…].

Or, there could be 3-4 which combine the lines, such as Magma, Steam, Mud/Wood/Plant, etc. which could also be cool.

Elementalist is probably the hardest to guess, but my personal opinion is that it’d be cool for you guys to have a MH sword~

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Pyro-,Aqua-,Aero-,Tera- mancer and Arcanist lol.. class mechanic changes after all I don’t believe we would still have 4 elements 1 class and people have been asking for specific element class for a while.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Warlock, Shaman, Inquisitor?

No idea man haha. Its fun to speculate, though.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morsus.5106


A militarized Battlemage trained by the Pact. Dual wields Swords (maybe pistols too!), and focuses on inflicting conditions.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Or a Void Knight as a secondary with sword and shield offhand for counter magic role…

You and your permanent thousands of different knights everywhere, even at classes, where it makes absolutely zero sense at all.
It starts to get really annoying.

the most simplest way for the Elementalist to specialize is to go either for the path of an Arcanist, what would be more the kind of Jack of all Trades Specialization, that turns the Elementalist also more into a kind of Battle Mage with Swords being elemental attunemental Melee Weapons for them together with Shields to give the Arcanist elemental defense skills that help them to survive with more defebnse power in melee combat.

Or to go the Rout for each individual of the four elements, becoming either pyromancers, Hydromancers, Geomancers or Aeromancers, what WILL fundamentally change for each of these specializations the original Elementalists F-Button mechanics massively, cause by choosing such a specific element specializastion, that would mean that you would give up the Attunement System for the profit of becoming able to use also Weapon Sets then, therefore you would have only Skills on your chosen specialized element, which in turn therefore again would be more effectful and efficient, as when you are splitted up between all 4 elements at the same time to be able to switch between the elements in an blink of an eye.

That would be the most logical way of specialization for the Elementalist, based on it, that every profession might get perhaps for every profession specific attribute 1 specialization, what would be 5 for each, what would be a good number to give players enough choice options to specialize, so that nobody can say, its just an addition, but you would actually have a hand full of choice options then, about which each choice would fundamentally change the experience anc gameplay mechanics you would receive from your sub class and thats what it is, not secondary class.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

the most simplest way for the Elementalist to specialize is…

Those really aren’t the most simplest ways, now are they?

I still fancy my idea of infusing two elements as a form of specialization. So a Meteomancer uses water and air as well as combines them into storms and uses bows while an Allomancer uses fire and earth as well as combines them into crystals and metals and uses swords. The Meteomancer would obviously be a ranged-type, perhaps with very limited healing from water while the Allomancer is a hybrid offense/defense melee-type with a focus on self-preservation and a bit of CC. Neither has the scope of capability of an Elementalist but each can perform their specialized task much better.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Swimsasa Stoon.8936

Swimsasa Stoon.8936

As summoned weapons we have:

We already had:

this leaves us with:
mace, sword, rifle or pistol.

I am thinking sword but I think the other three would be very interesting too.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Coinhead.7591


I have few ideas here:

Gunslinger – Pistol
As seen in the old concept art picture. Skills include evades and quick single target skills.

Arcane Fury – Axe
Chaotic skills and toss elemental energy all over the place. Example skill: Celestial Storm that deals damage from each element at the same time.

Mentalist – Sword
Based on Guild Wars elementalist skills Mind Blast, Mind Freeze, Mind Burn.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


It will be very similiar to the MLs of DAOC. Meaning,

you will receive the ability (with the emphasis on group)

to specialise in additional roles , BUT in a very minor way.

Example, you will now be able to give group bonus to heal for all members by 5%

The exact specifics are not to be revealed until we can confirm them.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nutshel.7264


I wouldn’t mind dual wield shields, though knowing anet they would make it boring and static

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I’d love a more tech focused version of the elementalist, I’ve always seen the class as being at the cutting edge of research, combining our spells with guns would be awesome.

@Nutshel, since we have the only 5skill shield in the game, and that’s not really very static aside the skill 5, i’m sure they’d do fine :p

Welcome to my world –

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Caelmir.2514


I think a conjurer that equips the existing weapon conjures in the F1-4 slots would be interesting. It would keep all of the existing traits and mechanics intact while completely changing the play style. Fire Axe for ranged offense and skirmish. Lightning hammer for melee offense and control. Earth Shield for defense and Frost Bow for healing and support. I’m excited just typing about it!!

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: CountzuCrytus.7256


A Spear would be a great addition for the Ele i believe. It can be used for melee weapon or you can cast spells with it as a staff. As far as new mechanics go i would like to see something along the lines of a an Arcane Mage. It changes your F1-F4 attunements into a single Arcane Attunement.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: DrJingles.6257


I have few ideas here:

Gunslinger – Pistol
As seen in the old concept art picture. Skills include evades and quick single target skills.

Arcane Fury – Axe
Chaotic skills and toss elemental energy all over the place. Example skill: Celestial Storm that deals damage from each element at the same time.

Mentalist – Sword
Based on Guild Wars elementalist skills Mind Blast, Mind Freeze, Mind Burn.

I love all of those ideas. Especially the gunslinger. imagine attuning (assuming we keep attunements) to different elements with dual pistols?

Here’s an idea: Elemental Lord-drop attunement swapping for weapon swapping and be attuned to all 4 at once? Make it work somehow lmao

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

It will be very similiar to the MLs of DAOC. Meaning,

you will receive the ability (with the emphasis on group)

to specialise in additional roles , BUT in a very minor way.

Example, you will now be able to give group bonus to heal for all members by 5%

The exact specifics are not to be revealed until we can confirm them.

Well THAT sounds boring as kitten.

I mean, I get where you’re coming from, you’re trying to be conservative with possibilities/speculation, but that right there is just boring. Extra healing on all members by measly%? Elementalist can already do that now…

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nutshel.7264


@Nutshel, since we have the only 5skill shield in the game, and that’s not really very static aside the skill 5, i’m sure they’d do fine :p

I meant I’d be afraid that if we got shields they would be made to be defensive, put up bubble, shield this shield that. Instead I’d love to see spin on dual shields used primarily as offensive, though that niche could be already taken by dd.

Magicslinger could be fun as well, either pistols or riffle.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


I’m hoping for dual wield pistols, or dual wield focus. I cant be the only one who wants to be able to hold 2 Anomalies. Mostly hoping for pistols though if it will be as cool as the gun mages from the final fantasy games.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phantaram.4816


I think something like a “battle-mage” concept is probably the easiest and most likely but I got a cool idea.

What if torch off hand came with a specialization like “mistweaver”. Since the Revenant seemingly has abilities based on the “mists” then maybe some other classes can see some of that pop up and elementalist is the perfect candidate. Elementalist already has a few abilities/traits based on mist or vapor.

The new specialization would change water attunement into vapor/mist attunement and be mostly based on fire (that’s why the water is now in vapor/mist form)

Heck, each attunement could be sort of based on fire essentially making it a pyromancer of sorts. Air attunement abilities so hot they burn. Earth abilities based on lava/volcanos, extremely intense fire abilities, and the vapor/mist abilities/attunement to replace water attunement like I mentioned.

Sounds cool to me!

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Laki.7160


I don’t see how another weapon would work for Elementalists. That’s 20 more weapon skills to make, compared to 5 weapon skills for other classes.

To be honest, I’d like to have a way to specialize in a specific element. Or to have some bloody skill choices instead of being handed all my skills based on what weapon I take (but I’m not holding my breath for that).

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


I gotta go with others on the single attunement focused spec.

So we’ll only be Fire Elementalist (or Air, or Water, or Earth). However, we lose the other 3 attunements, but get the option to equip additional weapon sets at once (so like Staff / Scepter+Dagger) at increased performance or completely reworked weapon sets. Also we’ll get access to a new weapon, such as Sword or Mace MH in this specialization possibly as a mid-range option (600m). Most likely just 1 element to start.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jski.6180


I don’t see how another weapon would work for Elementalists. That’s 20 more weapon skills to make, compared to 5 weapon skills for other classes.

To be honest, I’d like to have a way to specialize in a specific element. Or to have some bloody skill choices instead of being handed all my skills based on what weapon I take (but I’m not holding my breath for that).

Its a lot more then just a wepon they are adding in its a new class that needs you to be level 80 in another class that has its own weapons sets on-top of new ability. So the new ele super class may changes how the class plays comply we just do not know at this time and will not truly know until its out.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Don’t get your hopes up with attunement overhaul. That would potentially cause them to have to make 5 skills (x4 new attunements? or just one) x 5 (6 with underweapon weaps) new skills to make. That’s 120 new skills to make. No way, they do that. It’s hard enough to balance Ele as it is. Perhaps the new weapon will ignore attunements, while the old ones still use them.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I don’t see how another weapon would work for Elementalists. That’s 20 more weapon skills to make, compared to 5 weapon skills for other classes.

To be honest, I’d like to have a way to specialize in a specific element. Or to have some bloody skill choices instead of being handed all my skills based on what weapon I take (but I’m not holding my breath for that).

Its a lot more then just a wepon they are adding in its a new class that needs you to be level 80 in another class that has its own weapons sets on-top of new ability. So the new ele super class may changes how the class plays comply we just do not know at this time and will not truly know until its out.

they had trouble balancing the current meta for years. And they making suddenly a new profession + 9 (or 18/27) new specializations. You should keep expectations low mate. 1 new healing skill (replacing another old one probably if you choose specialization), 1 new elite, few new traits (overriding old ones ofc), 1 new weapon. More excitement potentially will be big dissapointment. Remember the new healing skills they added like a year ago? That was a test run for them. Same for new traits. Don’t expect much more, they will just throw those things into one patch to make it feel bigger.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jski.6180


I don’t see how another weapon would work for Elementalists. That’s 20 more weapon skills to make, compared to 5 weapon skills for other classes.

To be honest, I’d like to have a way to specialize in a specific element. Or to have some bloody skill choices instead of being handed all my skills based on what weapon I take (but I’m not holding my breath for that).

Its a lot more then just a wepon they are adding in its a new class that needs you to be level 80 in another class that has its own weapons sets on-top of new ability. So the new ele super class may changes how the class plays comply we just do not know at this time and will not truly know until its out.

they had trouble balancing the current meta for years. And they making suddenly a new profession + 9 (or 18/27) new specializations. You should keep expectations low mate. 1 new healing skill (replacing another old one probably if you choose specialization), 1 new elite, few new traits (overriding old ones ofc), 1 new weapon. More excitement potentially will be big dissapointment. Remember the new healing skills they added like a year ago? That was a test run for them. Same for new traits. Don’t expect much more, they will just throw those things into one patch to make it feel bigger.

That still a lot that they are adding even if it disappointing to you its a major update and still going to add at least 10 classes to game . It also opens up the game for A-LOT of new classes that can be added over time. In a lot of ways we are going to end up with more classes then GW1 very fast. The cool think about this type of class system is you need to work at leveling before you can unlock them much like FFTA being one of the major drivers for ppl who like to level up things. There is a lot more here then you want to say.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

(edited by Jski.6180)

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ravenfire.4095


A few specializations I could see:

Battle mage: Has the ability to wield sword (and maybe shield) or great-axe. Perhaps enables the usage of heavy armor? I am not sure how they would make this different than d/d. Perhaps it is condition focused, or is truly melee range?

Pyromancer: Wields off-hand torch to power elemental-infused fire spells that have a heavy condition focus. (I think this one is very likely).

Spellslinger: uses pistols to channel the elemental forces with fast single-target attacks. Fills a niche for high sustained ranged damage that isn’t slow as sin.

Arcanist: New mechanic – elemental over-drive that works similar to adrenaline. When activated, unlocks a short-term arcane attunement that allows powerful skills to be unleashed.

Perhaps specializations will also just go into more trait-line focused directions, like fire-mage, water-mage, etc. It will be interesting to see where they take this.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

No way, they do that. It’s hard enough to balance Ele as it is.

That’s what people said about a new profession in general…and added weapons to professions.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Deleven.7508


I had an idea. Maybe a future specialization will be for an elementalist to become an aspect master like the Zephyrites. Instead on the normal attunement swaps you would switch between sun, sky, storm and crystal. It would be a bit too altering to do this for all of the elementalist weapons, so it would only be applied to the main weapon that they would add, and it would likely also have to be a 2 handed weapon so that the off hand wouldn’t cause problems.

The next release isn’t likely to be this though, as they are likely to be getting a 1h sword, but maybe a future specialization this will be true.

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jski.6180


I had an idea. Maybe a future specialization will be for an elementalist to become an aspect master like the Zephyrites. Instead on the normal attunement swaps you would switch between sun, sky, storm and crystal. It would be a bit too altering to do this for all of the elementalist weapons, so it would only be applied to the main weapon that they would add, and it would likely also have to be a 2 handed weapon so that the off hand wouldn’t cause problems.

The next release isn’t likely to be this though, as they are likely to be getting a 1h sword, but maybe a future specialization this will be true.

Now that a cool ideal.

I have a feeling the secondary profession for ele may be the summoner class (no ideal what wepon the class would use though may be a maces) from GW1 utopia much like mez 2ed class seems to be the cronmaser (time mages).

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: oscuro.9720


I would love the ele specialization to be in battle magic and we are able to use more power-based weapons (I.e. sword and shield). These would use ~600 range and attack fairly quickly with high mobility and a few high bursts that comes through 1-3 high base power attacks.
If we get a second option, there should also be high magic which gives us the ability to do extremly high damage skills at a slower attack speed with more range. Maybe get a bow or mace. If we could use off hand weapons as mainlands, I think a mainland focus for this slot would be cool. This would also have several high group support through blast finishers (similar to staff but more versatile)

Secondary Profession Speculation

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


How about a Conjure Master?

The FGS stays as the Elite skill. Then you get each of the four other Conjures as the new profession mechanic, i.e. Fire Axe in F1, Frost Bow in F2, Lightning Hammer in F3, and Earth Shield in F4.

Of course, as long as you’re in Conjure master “form” the weapons stay permanent, and you can switch through them as attunements, using the current CD on attunements. You could also gain the extra “attributes” from each weapon whenever you’re using that specific weapon.

This keeps ANet from having to develop any new skills for a new weapon (8 for offhand, 12 for mainhand and 20 for a two hander), makes it relatively easy to balance since the skills are already in place, and gives us range versatility with the axe and bow, and melee versatility with the hammer and shield.

If ANet wanted to preserve the “sharing” capability of conjures, they could also just setup each of the F1-4 keys as a sequence skill. If you’re in Frost Bow attunement, and you tap it again, you drop a Frost Bow for anyone else to use. Then you just give each conjure attunement’s drop option a 60 second CD.