Shatterstone - broken
Fortunately for all of us, shatterstone wasn’t good before, so we aren’t being “nerfed” with this bug. :P
It gets interrupted by autoattacking, along with focus fire 4 (firewall). It has something to do with reduction of the aftercast after recent patch. You have to disable the autoattack to get it working.
I’ve already made a post about it in bugs section. Feel free to post the video there as well so there’s bigger chance devs notice it.
Yeah, it’s any skill with a cast time. If you try to queue anything that’s not insta-cast, it doesn’t interrupt the skill per-se, because shatterstone will still go through it’s FULL 1 second cast, but the shatterstone will never actually show up… Bad.
Noticed this too, and same goes for Firewall (focus Fire #4)
I was just trying out an Ele again and got this while in the starting tutorial. Looks really bad as far as first reactions would go with a new player.
I copied some of you guys posts to the Game Bugs thread, so the devs might actually see them. I’m 99% sure they’d never see them on this forum.
just checked and it doesn’t happen to me, I use fast cast ground targeting though so the spell gets casted automatically where I point my cursor
You’re wasting your breathe, Anet doesn’t care about Elementalists :c We’ve had bugs this bad on Ele since launch that are still there. They talk about making more viable builds but nerfing the only viable staff build in PvP in the same breathe.