Sigil of Fire bugs

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


Surprised more of you, at least those that WvW, aren’t upset about the reduction in the sigil of fire proc damage from some of our abilities, particularly staff…. or if anyone of you have even noticed the bug.

1. Get two characters: 1 staff ele, 1 of anything else

2. Normalize power between the two so they are roughly the same. (both should amp up there crit chance to make the testing easier)

3. Make sure you have no buffs like might or other random traits to increase damage.

4. Proc the flame blast with water/earth/fire #1. (make sure buffs drop from attune swap first) Have the other character proc the flame blast and compare damage.

5. Now proc the flame blast with ice spike, eruption, lava. Compare damage to #4 above.

How’s that 50% damage reduction flame blast treating ya?

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


So I take it that by the lack of ele feedback, that we aren’t overly concerned about a sigil doing less damage for our class than others. Given that I play WvW as primarily staff, it is a pretty big issue for me.

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867

I am a bit lazy to reproduce this myself, could you make a quick vid to document the issue please?

Zelyhn.8069 [rT]
Retired elementalist theorycrafter

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


Don’t have the capacity to take vids. It takes about 2 minutes to reproduce though and can be done 100% of the time.

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


I guess most Ele’s don’t use fire sigil so we aren’t particularly concerned. If you’re certain its a bug, I’d post it in the bug section of the forums.

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


Not concerned it is a bug, I know it is and its been posted for a long time.

Staff eles in WvW should be using Sigil of Fire in the current state of the game tbh.

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jski.6180


Not concerned it is a bug, I know it is and its been posted for a long time.

Staff eles in WvW should be using Sigil of Fire in the current state of the game tbh.

Why? On swap sigil are still crazy op for the ele class even if the main one got nerfed some +60 power evey 9 sec that last well over 20 sec is a lot better then rng aoe dmg.

On crit with icd sigl are not that good on aoe attks they can go off on any one you hit and put it on cd so your main target may not get hit by the sigil but some off target dose but you would never work it out.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


Not concerned it is a bug, I know it is and its been posted for a long time.

Staff eles in WvW should be using Sigil of Fire in the current state of the game tbh.

Why? On swap sigil are still crazy op for the ele class even if the main one got nerfed some +60 power evey 9 sec that last well over 20 sec is a lot better then rng aoe dmg.

On crit with icd sigl are not that good on aoe attks they can go off on any one you hit and put it on cd so your main target may not get hit by the sigil but some off target dose but you would never work it out.

For a staff ele, sigil of fire does more damage than battle or strength is WvW and its not even close. Not only that, it is front loaded, which is more important than damage over time.

However, I should clarify that I only run with my guild in WvW and we coordinate our hits. Pretty much every time my melee train hits another group, I am time my AoE burst with it. Given that we run a couple of eles, having an extra 1300ish damage X number of eles front loaded on an enemy group is vastly superior. Given the nature of fights, positioning, and hit frequency …I can pretty much guarantee my fire proc adding to the burst each hit.

Now if you are just spamming abilities on whatever…. you may have a point, but the fire proc still does more damage over time. /shrug

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Myxam.2790


It depends on your Guild’s Strat. If you’re front loading Eles, then yeah, Sigil means more burst which means more Downs per clash, but if you’re Melee-Train, Your role as an Ele is support and Utility, which puts weapon swap sigils FAR FAR above.

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: cillard.3986


I will have to disagree. We are a heavy melee train, but our ele’s are still expected to time our damage appropriately. Really, any eles that know how to play the class and are willing to work together are already coordinating water fields, cc, and damage. Eles that limit themselves to strictly a support role are not only hurting themselves, but the people they play with because they aren’t maximizing effectiveness.

On topic: The sigil is bugged

Off topic: So which weapon swap sigils do you think are superior?

Sigil of Fire bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: dietzero.3514


Use the 7% crit sigil.