Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Logi.5612


thought id put the video here aswell since its an Ele PoV…

Enjoy… hopefully! ^^

Currently in EU – [Au]

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


Nice video… but just show why elementalis bunker are the “OP” right now.
Crap load of CC? Check.
Crap Load of Stun break? Check.
Crap load of Mobility skills? Check.
Using bad codding to teleport while casting, when the fact if you walk it stops? Check.
Hitting 1,2k in normal hits, when most of the dps builds hit 2k at best? check.

Fun video but it shows clearly why Elementalist are being nerfed/will be.

PS: the main problem with elementalist is that they have “a crap load of everything”

(edited by Divinorium.8952)

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Hitting 1,2k in normal hits, when most of the dps builds hit 2k at best? check.

I really think you missed the green arrows.

Above all that I saw CE not connecting lots of good team work and very little scrimmaging on the part of the ele. On top of that I saw no focus on the DD by mobile classes like warrior and thief (or any class for that matter). I saw very little burst and even less downing enemies. The video is mostly harassing and escaping vs WvW owning. Even then they had guild buffs I saw very burst getting out.

On top of all that there were only a hand full of immobilizes ans nearly 0 chase by the enemy.

Now I know this is supposed to be impressive and show how OP DD ele is but ali I saw was a class that can’t connect DPS and enemies not chasing and the ones who did “chase” being up leveled.

Even among the many DD ele 1vx videos I can’t call this good. I am not trying to insult the OP but if it isn’t good don’t post it that’s the general rule. With the exception of the 2 or 3 times you Mistform + ER this type of play wont be changing and nothing I saw there was worth nerfing.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

(edited by TheGuy.3568)

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


Hitting 1,2k in normal hits, when most of the dps builds hit 2k at best? check.

I really think you missed the green arrows.

Above all that I saw CE not connecting lots of good team work and very little scrimmaging on the part of the ele. On top of that I saw no focus on the DD by mobile classes like warrior and thief (or any class for that matter). I saw very little burst and even less downing enemies. The video is mostly harassing and escaping vs WvW owning. Even then they had guild buffs I saw very burst getting out.

On top of all that there were only a hand full of immobilizes ans nearly 0 chase by the enemy.

Now I know this is supposed to be impressive and show how OP DD ele is but ali I saw was a class that can’t connect DPS and enemies not chasing and the ones who did “chase” being up leveled.

Even among the many DD ele 1vx videos I can’t call this good. I am not trying to insult the OP but if it aint good don’t post it that’s the general rule. With the exception of the 2 or 3 times you Mistform + ER this type of play wont be changing and noting I sa there was worth nerfing.

You are D/D Ele Main. Didn’t get that even being highly outnumbered and CCed they had no chance to actually finish him.

He coulnd’t land a solid combo and kill 20 players when his own group is only 5 and you think it’s a issue?

There’s no classe in the game that could have done that. And 2, mesmer and thiefs, that could have Escaped these situation.

And guess what? both have very limited Aoe damage, one has almost no support abilities and other relies in a easy to find the real one mini-game.

Elementalist right now has:
Lots of CC.
Lots of team support skills.
Lots of survivability potential.
Lots of mobility on top of that.

And a average easy damage, read auto-attacks and poorly used skills, and one of the highest damage when he can land a solid combo.

All that in the same kittening build without changing a single skill.

If you don’t see a problem in that i guess you want the thief of when the game launched back.

(edited by Divinorium.8952)

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Hitting 1,2k in normal hits, when most of the dps builds hit 2k at best? check.

I really think you missed the green arrows.

Above all that I saw CE not connecting lots of good team work and very little scrimmaging on the part of the ele. On top of that I saw no focus on the DD by mobile classes like warrior and thief (or any class for that matter). I saw very little burst and even less downing enemies. The video is mostly harassing and escaping vs WvW owning. Even then they had guild buffs I saw very burst getting out.

On top of all that there were only a hand full of immobilizes ans nearly 0 chase by the enemy.

Now I know this is supposed to be impressive and show how OP DD ele is but ali I saw was a class that can’t connect DPS and enemies not chasing and the ones who did “chase” being up leveled.

Even among the many DD ele 1vx videos I can’t call this good. I am not trying to insult the OP but if it aint good don’t post it that’s the general rule. With the exception of the 2 or 3 times you Mistform + ER this type of play wont be changing and noting I sa there was worth nerfing.

You are D/D Ele Main. Didn’t get that even being highly outnumbered and CCed they had no chance to actually finish him.

He coulnd’t land a solid combo and kill 20 players when his own group is only 5 and you think it’s a issue?

There’s no classe in the game that could have done that. And 2, mesmer and thiefs, that could have Escaped these situation.

And guess what? both have very limited Aoe damage, one has almost no support abilities and other relies in a easy to find the real one mini-game.

Elementalist right now has:
Lots of CC.
Lots of team support skills.
Lots of survivability potential.
Lots of mobility on top of that.

And a average easy damage, read auto-attacks and poorly used skills, and one of the highest damage when he can land a solid combo.

All that in the same kittening build without changing a single skill.

If you don’t see a problem in that i guess you want the thief of when the game launched back.

What does thief at launch have to do with this?

You should have read what said instead of getting angry about DD ele. That was simply a kitten example of DD ele being op and a bad example of out numbered fighting. You took it as a platform to criticize DD I merely criticized the video. Learn the difference. There are a number of complaint threads. Choose one and rant away.

BTW “lots” is a relative term. Hammer warrior has “lots” of CC. Guardian has “lots” of support skills. Thief has “lots” survivability potential. Thief, ranger, and warrior all have “lots” of mobility. You need to compare skills cross class or your analysis is garbage. Understand? BTW you mean “DD” ele staff would argue with what you just posted.

If you are going to post a WvW video of good play then post one where you finish off target and get kills in while holding your ground . Rewatch the video and take your complaints to another thread. the point of posting a WvW video is about showing good play with bad odds of winning. What saw there wasn’t that. It doesn’t matter what class your on those are the basics.

Also I think you mis-counted that “20” for most of the video.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

(edited by TheGuy.3568)

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


If you are going to post a WvW video of good play then post one where you finish off target and get kills in while holding your ground

Yeah sure… “hold your ground” when outnumbered.

I could have stopped here and just ignore your opinion since you are a noob. but lets go.

What does thief at launch have to do with this?

Because it was the same state as Elementalist right now. GOD Mode.
And for your sign you have a thief, guess you changed to ele because it got “too hard” right?

You should have read what said instead of getting angry about DD ele. That was simply a kitten example of DD ele being op and a bad example of out numbered fighting. You took it as a platform to criticize DD I merely criticized the video. Learn the difference. There are a number of complaint threads. Choose one and rant away.

No it IS a good example that just show the potential of a elementalist even in the hands of “not the best player over here”

BTW “lots” is a relative term. Hammer warrior has “lots” of CC. Guardian has “lots” of support skills. Thief has “lots” survivability potential. Thief, ranger, and warrior all have “lots” of mobility. You need to compare skills cross class or your analysis is garbage. Understand? BTW you mean “DD” ele staff would argue with what you just posted.

Let’s go by parts:

BTW “lots” is a relative term. Hammer warrior has “lots” of CC.

D/D Element has:
1 – Churning earth.
2 – Earthquake – Hard CC – Knock down
3 – Magnetic Grasp – Hard CC – Immo
4 – Ring of Earth
5 -Updraft – Hard CC – Blowout/knockdown
6 – Shocking Aura – Defensive hard CC -Stun
7 – Frist Aura
8 – Frozen Burst

Hammer war has:

1 – Earthshaker – Hard CC – Stun
2 – Backbreaker – Hard CC – Knock down
3 – Staggering Blow – Hard CC – Knock down
4 – Hammer Shock

Thief has “lots” survivability potential.

No they don’t, once he is CC he is pretty much dead. The fact he can out maneuver you doesn’t mean he can survive your attacks.

Ele has:
1 – Lightning Flash – Stun Breaker
2 – Cleansing Fire – Stun breaker
3 – Mist Form – Invul AND Stun breaker
And others forms of shields that mitigate damage but i’m not going to post because it will make the post way too long

Guardian has “lots” of support skills.

Not going to argh here Guardians are the kings of supports skills BUT when specced for it.

Thief, ranger, and warrior all have “lots” of mobility.

Ranger? are you sure? Still: right now Ele D/D outmaneuver both thief, ele can have have swift almost 100% of time, and Warrior, Ele has better/more teleports. not going to post what you know.

And you see something funny? Not a single profission enter in the rank of “good” at more than one point. While D/D Ele is as good, if not better as the top tiers profissions.

If you are going to post a WvW video of good play then post one where you finish off target and get kills in while holding your ground . Rewatch the video and take your complaints to another thread. the point of posting a WvW video is about showing good play with bad odds of winning. What saw there wasn’t that. It doesn’t matter what class your on those are the basics.

If you actually paied attention at the video His server were doing 270 and 310 points. that’s the amount of points a leader do.
If his server is doing the biggest chunk of points 5 players holding 20 at their camp IS A FREAKING GOOD TACTIC. You are actually cutting the power to fight back of them.

finish off target and get kills

Also I think you mis-counted that “20” for most of the video.

3:00 Min > ahead of the video. you will see the numbers of enemies and the enemies dead.

Dude seriously. Did you ever played W3? Most of the times you don’t get to finish off the guy you are attacking, but your team do.

Get out of the Spvp learn a bit how to play. THEN come back.

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Usual thief player thread

Let see:

300 normal hits
700 dmg crits
CC limited to 5 (try to CC a guard or a war……)
Saved repeatedly by thieves
hitting for 5 seconds, running for minutes…..

That is why i stop using D/D in WWW a month ago….you get better results with any other weaponset….(i also have 3 armorsets with many trinkets: 1 zerker. 1 knight, 1 PVT so i could test a lot).

You are more useful to just hit with a semi GC D/D from the side…At least you deal 4000 and then run away.

But the sad truth is to be useful you’ better just switch to necro or mesmer (i’m working on this).

The real truth is ele is bad in WWW (this possible due to current broken WWW state where Wells, marks, glamour and stuff can be turned in CAPless aoes and overeffective area control), maybe OP in PvP and horrible in PvE but just because the only class “balanced” according to anet are those monstruos things called guardian and warriors so any other class is horrible in PvE.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

(edited by LordByron.8369)

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Yeah sure… “hold your ground” when outnumbered.

I could have stopped here and just ignore your opinion since you are a noob. but lets go.

Because it was the same state as Elementalist right now. GOD Mode.
And for your sign you have a thief, guess you changed to ele because it got “too hard” right?

No it IS a good example that just show the potential of a elementalist even in the hands of “not the best player over here”

Let’s go by parts:

D/D Element has:
1 – Churning earth.
2 – Earthquake – Hard CC – Knock down
3 – Magnetic Grasp – Hard CC – Immo
4 – Ring of Earth
5 -Updraft – Hard CC – Blowout/knockdown
6 – Shocking Aura – Defensive hard CC -Stun
7 – Frist Aura
8 – Frozen Burst

Hammer war has:

1 – Earthshaker – Hard CC – Stun
2 – Backbreaker – Hard CC – Knock down
3 – Staggering Blow – Hard CC – Knock down
4 – Hammer Shock

No they don’t, once he is CC he is pretty much dead. The fact he can out maneuver you doesn’t mean he can survive your attacks.

Ele has:
1 – Lightning Flash – Stun Breaker
2 – Cleansing Fire – Stun breaker
3 – Mist Form – Invul AND Stun breaker
And others forms of shields that mitigate damage but i’m not going to post because it will make the post way too long

Not going to argh here Guardians are the kings of supports skills BUT when specced for it.

Ranger? are you sure? Still: right now Ele D/D outmaneuver both thief, ele can have have swift almost 100% of time, and Warrior, Ele has better/more teleports. not going to post what you know.

And you see something funny? Not a single profission enter in the rank of “good” at more than one point. While D/D Ele is as good, if not better as the top tiers profissions.

If you actually paied attention at the video His server were doing 270 and 310 points. that’s the amount of points a leader do.
If his server is doing the biggest chunk of points 5 players holding 20 at their camp IS A FREAKING GOOD TACTIC. You are actually cutting the power to fight back of them.

3:00 Min > ahead of the video. you will see the numbers of enemies and the enemies dead.

Dude seriously. Did you ever played W3? Most of the times you don’t get to finish off the guy you are attacking, but your team do.

Get out of the Spvp learn a bit how to play. THEN come back.

Sigh….Ok so one of these guys again. Call me a noob whatever I could literally give less of a kitten. I am not going to do one of those huge post so I will keep it as short as I can.

You call DD ele “GOD Mode” but you also say it cant stand its ground in zerg.

So you know out numbered doesn’t mean out numbered in your area it means on the map. You judge the situation by the players you see not the other ones half way across the map.

If you don’t mention cool downs don’t talk about CC. That half truth BS doesn’t really make any sense to me. You mention the number of skills but not the Cooldowns. You also forget you get 2 weapon sets on other classes.

Thief. I am sorry but your an….sigh…listen thief has the best stunbreak in the game and every class gets them so get over it.

Guardian has support innately ( you know what that word means?). Virtues are part of the class DPS or support speced. Eles are not you trait for it.

Mobility comparison done by me wala. Read ranger section and learn something it might be beneficial to you when you choose to argue with someone who doesn’t know kitten.

You count “20” I count far less until the end. Even if it was 20 v 5 isn’t that just 1 on 4 with upscales mixed in? Is that really impressive?

I Wv3 thief and warrior you can check my other post to confirm. Both were created after my ele so…….Also I ususally get my downs off think about it (hint: I play a thief).

We done here noob (or whatever derogatory term will get you to shut up)? Learn the facts before you chose to comment here a link to the wiki you have some studying to do. You could also do it in game by playing more classes. Either way make sure you get your info straight.

Listen kid give it up already. I know so much about this game that arguing with me would be pointless on your part. You cant possibly do it. You’ll toss out insults, say I can’t play, etc. End of the day ill prove you wrong with general facts. You’ll moan and groan and try and get me angry but I will still be right lol. Realize your wasting your time.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

(edited by TheGuy.3568)

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


D/D Element has:
1 – Churning earth.
2 – Earthquake – Hard CC – Knock down
3 – Magnetic Grasp – Hard CC – Immo
4 – Ring of Earth
5 -Updraft – Hard CC – Blowout/knockdown
6 – Shocking Aura – Defensive hard CC -Stun
7 – Frist Aura
8 – Frozen Burst

Hammer war has:

1 – Earthshaker – Hard CC – Stun
2 – Backbreaker – Hard CC – Knock down
3 – Staggering Blow – Hard CC – Knock down
4 – Hammer Shock

Why are you comparing 4 attunements to 1 weapon set? Do you not swap weapons?

No they don’t, once he is CC he is pretty much dead. The fact he can out maneuver you doesn’t mean he can survive your attacks.

Ele has:
1 – Lightning Flash – Stun Breaker
2 – Cleansing Fire – Stun breaker
3 – Mist Form – Invul AND Stun breaker
And others forms of shields that mitigate damage but i’m not going to post because it will make the post way too long

If you complain about 3 stun breakers, why won’t thief grab sword mainhand, shadowstep, roll for initiative and infiltrator’s signet, now it has 5 stun breaker with much shorter cooldown.

Ranger? are you sure? Still: right now Ele D/D outmaneuver both thief, ele can have have swift almost 100% of time, and Warrior, Ele has better/more teleports. not going to post what you know.

Ranger is the best orb runner on spirit watch even before rtl double nerf and mist form nerf there. And currently ele wins with thief only on plain ground, on maps like khylo thief has much better mobility. After rtl nerf there’s going to be no contest on other maps.

Every weapon set of ele will have loads of cc, survivability and team support because that’s the whole design of ele, be jack of all trades.

Last thing, I wouldn’t really evaluate balance by proffesions’ performance in zvz, that game mode is completely imbalanced with mostly pvers playing it.

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Logi.5612


Thxs for the feedback! My role in the video was merely to pressure enemies with aoe and splash heal when needed on the stack aswell generally providing a distraction so that our thieves could do all the killing and stomping, cause they can stealth etc.

But i’d like to see more constructive feedback as to how to improve myself. Ty for watching though

Edit: also in no way am i trying to advertise or show anything about a DD ele itself, its merely a video with an ele as pov an i decided to put it here.

Currently in EU – [Au]

(edited by Logi.5612)

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Using bad codding to teleport while casting, when the fact if you walk it stops? Check.

I’m going to nitpick this one because it bothers me. How in the world is burning a stun breaker in order to land an attack not fair? That’s a fairly large cost, and all instant cast skills like mesmer’s blink, or thief’s steal can do this.

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


Every weapon set of ele will have loads of cc, survivability and team support because that’s the whole design of ele, be jack of all trades.

Last thing, I wouldn’t really evaluate balance by proffesions’ performance in zvz, that game mode is completely imbalanced with mostly pvers playing it.

Being the “Jack of all trades” is ok. Being “jack of all trades” while being top tier in every single point isn’t.

Using bad codding to teleport while casting, when the fact if you walk it stops? Check.

I’m going to nitpick this one because it bothers me. How in the world is burning a stun breaker in order to land an attack not fair? That’s a fairly large cost, and all instant cast skills like mesmer’s blink, or thief’s steal can do this.

They can and it’s alike unfair. That’s bug exploide and shouldn’t be in the game for any profession.

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Grevender.9235


we have lot of this lot of that ecc.. lol, how many utility slots do we have compared to other classes? 50? nah, lemme reveal you the secret: we have three and a decorative icon on the further right.
IF we choose high mobility (it can be good, still nothing compared to the unpunished perma stealth teleport of youknowwho, but still good) we also poke our enemies, a nuisance in most of cases, but nothing that a single heal can’t handle. If we choose lots of CC, there goes our mobility (or at least a good half of it), if we choose to burst…ahaha lol, I was kidding, we can’t burst.
And it’s not like our skills will allow us to fight back when someone is shooting us to death by far, ‘cause you know we can’t swap, and now we can’t rely on our gap closer anymore since that would be just setting the X on the ground where to build our tombstone.
RTL and Mist Form nerfs are worth a weapon swapping in exchange….

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


Being the “Jack of all trades” is ok. Being “jack of all trades” while being top tier in every single point isn’t.

Those cc, survivability and team support skills have much longer cooldown than their counterparts. And I really don’t see how eles are top tier in damage department. The bunker build is (hopefully was) overpowered but I have yet to see complains about ele dps (before launch that is).

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


Being the “Jack of all trades” is ok. Being “jack of all trades” while being top tier in every single point isn’t.

Those cc, survivability and team support skills have much longer cooldown than their counterparts. And I really don’t see how eles are top tier in damage department. The bunker build is (hopefully was) overpowered but I have yet to see complains about ele dps (before launch that is).

Longer CD when their counterparts are specced for it.

And from my first post:
“Hitting 1,2k in normal hits, when most of the dps builds hit 2k at best? check.”

You aren’t top tier in one point? OH GOD HOW YOU WILL PLAY LIKE THAT! You only have Survive, mobility, support and CC in your favor…. Oh GOD.

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Using bad codding to teleport while casting, when the fact if you walk it stops? Check.

I’m going to nitpick this one because it bothers me. How in the world is burning a stun breaker in order to land an attack not fair? That’s a fairly large cost, and all instant cast skills like mesmer’s blink, or thief’s steal can do this.

They can and it’s alike unfair. That’s bug exploide and shouldn’t be in the game for any profession.

So you’re just baselessly saying this because you don’t like how instant cast skills work? Not liking it doesn’t make it an exploit, and if all classes have them, it’s not unfair. It’d be pointless to have an instant cast skill if they interrupted other actions. They’d just be 1/4sec activation skills if that’s what anet wanted.

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


Longer CD when their counterparts are specced for it.

Check you hammer cooldowns again and with 2nd weapon. Stop comparing 1 weapon set to 4 attunements. Unless 40s < 30s and 45s < 30s and other seemingly magical math properties exist.

And from my first post:
“Hitting 1,2k in normal hits, when most of the dps builds hit 2k at best? check.”

It’s zvz, damage is boosted to incredible amount thanks to food, other buffs and much more stats from gear. Dps builds in that game mode hit for much more. Bunkers hit for so much because they stack mights. I don’t see you crying on engy forum about hgh builds which are even better at that.

You aren’t top tier in one point? OH GOD HOW YOU WILL PLAY LIKE THAT! You only have Survive, mobility, support and CC in your favor…. Oh GOD.

You’re overdramatizing now. If you have anything productive to add, it’s often wise to express that without writing whole sentence in capital letters.

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Divinorium.8952


Longer CD when their counterparts are specced for it.

Check you hammer cooldowns again and with 2nd weapon. Stop comparing 1 weapon set to 4 attunements. Unless 40s < 30s and 45s < 30s and other seemingly magical math properties exist.

And from my first post:
“Hitting 1,2k in normal hits, when most of the dps builds hit 2k at best? check.”

It’s zvz, damage is boosted to incredible amount thanks to food, other buffs and much more stats from gear. Dps builds in that game mode hit for much more. Bunkers hit for so much because they stack mights. I don’t see you crying on engy forum about hgh builds which are even better at that.

You aren’t top tier in one point? OH GOD HOW YOU WILL PLAY LIKE THAT! You only have Survive, mobility, support and CC in your favor…. Oh GOD.

You’re overdramatizing now. If you have anything productive to add, it’s often wise to express that without writing whole sentence in capital letters.

And i’m not comparing the 2 weapon of a ele. And unless i lost something in the way 8 CC with 40 secs of CD > 4 of 30.

Eng doesn’t have Top tier in all the others points with the same build

And the overdamatization was to show how stupid your post was.
“I have score 5/5 in Survive, mobility, CC and support but i only have score 3/5 in Dps that makes me completely fine.”



So you’re just baselessly saying this because you don’t like how instant cast skills work? Not liking it doesn’t make it an exploit, and if all classes have them, it’s not unfair. It’d be pointless to have an instant cast skill if they interrupted other actions. They’d just be 1/4sec activation skills if that’s what anet wanted.

Baseless? Sure. funny how warrior has skills that are “instant” there’s no cast in most of their gap close and still stop action. But who i’m to say that a bug exploider is a bug exploider right?

(edited by Divinorium.8952)

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Bug exploiting means 1)there is a bug and 2) people are abusing it. There’s certainly no bug, and it’s been stated that instant cast skills are not supposed to interrupt other skills. Questioning whether that’s too strong is a different story, but it’s certainly not an exploit. And instant cast doesn’t mean no cast time, it means instant cast. Shouts are instant cast and so are stances and neither of them interrupt skills you’re using. If you mean instant cast movement skills, then half the classes still have them.

But I get it, you’re a warrior, and frankly you guys are pretty weak in pvp, so a lot of things probably seems unfair from that angle.

Oh and you still failed to provide any base as to why it is a bug that is being exploited. Instead you only denied that you’re baseless by sarcastically citing you’re right to call people bug exploiters.

(edited by Navzar.2938)

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: haviz.1340


And i’m not comparing the 2 weapon of a ele. And unless i lost something in the way 8 CC with 40 secs of CD > 4 of 30.

Are you a troll or just you don’t get it? Ele can’t swap weapons, warrior can.

Eng doesn’t have Top tier in all the others points with the same build

No, he just have dps (easily kills bunkers), team support (condition removal and might stacking) and cc. Lacking only survivability.

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Why has no one mentioned the video has been manipulated? It’s running at least 25% faster than normal. So of course the Ele appears to be super mobile.

I would go on further but, realize Divinorium is a Thief trolling the Ele boards. Go back to two fingering your way through the game bub.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kaleban.9834


D/D Element has:
1 – Churning earth.
2 – Earthquake – Hard CC – Knock down
3 – Magnetic Grasp – Hard CC – Immo
4 – Ring of Earth
5 -Updraft – Hard CC – Blowout/knockdown
6 – Shocking Aura – Defensive hard CC -Stun
7 – Frist Aura
8 – Frozen Burst

You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about, and I’m quoting the above to pick apart for you to show you how wrong you are.

You say Eles are GOD mode. Lowest health and armor in the game, D/D is a melee set, RtL and MF nerfed to no longer provide the breathing room needed for a melee build that has tissue paper for armor, etc.

Then you compare some skills we have and say they’re so much better. Okay, here we go:

1. Churning Earth – 3.25 sec casting time, obvious animation, red circle, hits like a wet noodle in bunker spec/gear, applies Cripple. The Cripple is seldom applied because most Eles pair this with LF for the surprise attack, so CC is irrelevant. When it is relevant, how bad a player are you to not CC the Ele for over 3 seconds, or simply walk even with Cripple out of the blast radius?

2. Earthquake. Pitiful damage (not massive as the wiki states), small AoE and a 45 second CD. This will probably be the go to skill now to KD your foes, LF and RtL as far away as possible. The CD makes this prohibitively expensive to use.

3. Magnetic Grasp. The amount of times this skill bugs out still makes it irrelevant. Not to mention that with all the nerfs getting into melee range is suicide. Moving on.

4. Ring of Earth. A 3s Cripple. Nice, if you have the survivability required to sit in melee, which now we don’t.

5. Updraft. 40s CD for a blowout skill. Again, how do we use this? For running away, which is why it applies Swiftness, rather than something like Bleed stacks on the target. Are you starting to see the pattern here? Other professions use CC like Cripple and Immobilize to keep their targets rooted so they can do damage, the Ele uses CC to escape, now more than ever thanks to the destruction of RtL and MF.

6. Shocking Aura. Ahh the bane of Thieves. On a 25s CD. Which only lasts 4s, with an ICD of 2s. Which means with PERFECT timing you get a total of 2s of Daze on a target that is hitting you in melee. So, not so much a bane, but a temporary annoyance, because this was a great skill to help escape from bad situations. Now, with no escape options, no buff to damage, and no ability to kill anyone else before we get killed, exactly how is this skill useful?

7. Frost Aura. A 7s duration aura on a 40s CD. Imparts Chilled and a 10% reduction in damage from direct attacks. Chilled is a nice CC, if its being cast at range, to help keep enemies from closing the distance. So no help there. The 10% DR is nice, but isn’t as great as it seems, given the extremely low health pool Eles have in the first place, coupled now with low survivability and sustain, and crap mobility.

8. Frozen Burst. A 3s Chilled effect on a 15s CD paired with minimal damage, useful, again, only at melee range. As I pointed out above, melee CC is only useful for classes that actually do damage. So bleh here as well.

So almost all our CC is geared towards running away, which with the D/D range, means we’re not actually utilizing CC in an efficient manner. The “escape CC” would be fine if our mobility was up to par and our damage competitive, to compensate for lowest health and armor in the game. However its not, so it isn’t.

Also, don’t forget that not only do we have to manage the individual CDs on all these skills, which are in general double or longer than other professions’ CC, we also have to manage the four different attunements, which means often we’ll be locked out of a particular skillset. What’s worse, we still have to invest a minimum of 25 points into Arcana to get attunement swapping down to the baseline weapon swap of every other class, and we still have to swap between four attunements while other classes only have to manage two weapons. Except for the Engineer’s kits of course, which only have a 1 second ICD for swapping.

As I’ve pointed out in MANY other threads, the majority of legitimate QQ directed at the Ele was/is bunker point camping in PvP. That was the real problem, not the terribad players’ assertion that PVT D/Ds are somehow doing berserker damage blitzkrieg style on Warriors and Guardians in WvWvW, which you see all the time on the forums, but is a complete and utter falsehood.

Bottom line is, Ele nerfs were unwarranted in every game mode except possibly PvP, and the end result of nerfs makes every other build but D/D even more non-viable in a competitive sense. And no amount of edited dueling of upleveled noobs in WvWvW will change these facts. And for people like you to continue to spew falsehoods in an effort to get ANet to make Eles totally free kills is morally and ethically wrong.

Small vs Zerg, ele PoV

in Elementalist

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


^applause! GJ

The question is, can we stop generalizing and labeling all things sPvP D/D as an Ele? We exist in other forms.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.