Solo Arah on Elementalist?

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Hey so lately I’ve been posting lots of threads about soloing arah, and after much deliberation and rT solo video watching, I’ve decided that it’s be much more efficient to use ele instead of ranger necro or mesmer to solo arah. I plan to sell so it makes sense that I should be relatively efficient, but I don’t have a leveled warrior so there’s that.

So what are some tips you arah vets would recommend for this? When should I use staff and when should I use D/F or S/F? I’ll probably start with p3. Do I need full clerics to solo the orb? Should I wait to make ascended weapons before I attempt this? And would there be any difference between force/night and force/undead for arah? Force/undead just seems impractical if I do fractals or something.

Oh! And how necessary are energy sigils for lupi, is renewing stamina enough to give me all the dodges I’d need? Is it worth it to bring a super bunker set of gear and traits for the trash skips, even though they’re not too bad for p3.

Anyway thanks for the advice, I appreciate it greatly already

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
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Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Unfortunately phase 2 is about 90% RNG and 10% skill. It doesn’t take long to learn when you’re supposed to evade, but you have no control over the ‘random’ projectiles. Keep in mind each entity is only targeted twice, so the two projectiles that you evade while hit at the exact same times every time with the addition of X random projectiles that can either land in completely different locations to where you are, or directly on top of you. There is virtually no way that you can control this other than projectile blocks/invulnerability or evasions.

You shouldn’t ever be in endurance deficit really aside from phase 3. Sometimes really unfortunate RNG on phase 3 requires immediate access to dodge rolls/evasions. If you use FGS, you’ll find phase 3 a breeze and I suggest 66200 with energy sigil instead of renewing stamina. Reason being you want that extra damage modifier and if endurance is needed, can swap attunements. Since each skill with FGS will only count as one attack, you won’t really benefit too much from renewing stamina. If you aren’t using FGS, renewing stamina is a lot more useful and you should take that over energy sigil and you’ll have essentially perma-vigour.

The sigils I suggest depending on what you’re using:
D/F without FGS and 66002 traits:
-Dagger with 1x Superior Sigil of Strength (or Undead Slaying)
-Focus with 1x Superior Sigil of Battle (or Undead Slaying)

I think I recall Particlar saying Battle sigil helped him maintain ~20 stacks of might in a solo setting with Strength runes, not sure. Either way, Strength sigil is very good on an ele with Strength runes!

D/F with FGS and 66200 traits:
-Dagger with 1x Superior Sigil of Battle (or Undead Slaying)
-Focus with 1x Superior Sigil of Energy

I will add that if you truly want to make sure you’ll have access to endurance at all times, feel free to go energy sigil + renewing stamina. I do that in casual solos when I can’t be bothered to gamble with RNG.

I will also add that 66200 without energy sigil is indeed possible as well, but only with superb RNG and FGS.

The utilities I typically take are: Arcane shield (for the phase 1>2 transition grub), Lightning Flash, Signet of Fire

Hope this helps.

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Unfortunately phase 2 is about 90% RNG and 10% skill. It doesn’t take long to learn when you’re supposed to evade, but you have no control over the ‘random’ projectiles. Keep in mind each entity is only targeted twice, so the two projectiles that you evade while hit at the exact same times every time with the addition of X random projectiles that can either land in completely different locations to where you are, or directly on top of you. There is virtually no way that you can control this other than projectile blocks/invulnerability or evasions.

You shouldn’t ever be in endurance deficit really aside from phase 3. Sometimes really unfortunate RNG on phase 3 requires immediate access to dodge rolls/evasions. If you use FGS, you’ll find phase 3 a breeze and I suggest 66200 with energy sigil instead of renewing stamina. Reason being you want that extra damage modifier and if endurance is needed, can swap attunements. Since each skill with FGS will only count as one attack, you won’t really benefit too much from renewing stamina. If you aren’t using FGS, renewing stamina is a lot more useful and you should take that over energy sigil and you’ll have essentially perma-vigour.

The sigils I suggest depending on what you’re using:
D/F without FGS and 66002 traits:
-Dagger with 1x Superior Sigil of Strength (or Undead Slaying)
-Focus with 1x Superior Sigil of Battle (or Undead Slaying)

I think I recall Particlar saying Battle sigil helped him maintain ~20 stacks of might in a solo setting with Strength runes, not sure. Either way, Strength sigil is very good on an ele with Strength runes!

D/F with FGS and 66200 traits:
-Dagger with 1x Superior Sigil of Battle (or Undead Slaying)
-Focus with 1x Superior Sigil of Energy

I will add that if you truly want to make sure you’ll have access to endurance at all times, feel free to go energy sigil + renewing stamina. I do that in casual solos when I can’t be bothered to gamble with RNG.

I will also add that 66200 without energy sigil is indeed possible as well, but only with superb RNG and FGS.

The utilities I typically take are: Arcane shield (for the phase 1>2 transition grub), Lightning Flash, Signet of Fire

Hope this helps.

Hey thanks for you advice a lot! That basically sums up the vigor vs. energy debate.

Are there any other suggestions for the rest of the path besides lupi?

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

As for everything else, ele is just flat-out obnoxious for soloing Arah from a firsthand experience. Comparing it to warrior, literally every single thing is bad by comparison unless I can burn it down with FGS. It’s strange, but I can do things just about as fast with my warrior using no armor (naked, but with trinkets).

Since you specified p3, I’ll put each encounter into perspective for you:

-Average solo time on warrior ~2:30-2:40
-Average solo time on ele with D/F ~4:00+ depending on how fast hunter is cleaved down initially to prevent the poison clouds

If you can find a perfect LOS spot with FGS and kill the hunter ASAP so that he doesn’t consistently do the poison cloud anymore, then ele will be wonderful. On a warrior you can pretty much tank the poison cloud, but on an ele it just destroys you. Everything destroys you. It’s also incredibly hard to properly FGS this encounter, since you have to ensure the NPC dies as well else you’ll be permanently immobilised.

Mage crusher:
-Can essentially wipe an ele in roughly 2 autoattacks that have no tells.
-Life leech takes roughly 5 seconds from full hp to kill an ele, give or take, so if you are low health when he starts channeling this then GG.

-Very buggy, can’t use FGS on him efficiently anymore either. His autoattacks are dangerous on a warrior as it is, so getting hit at all on an ele is very dangerous especially since he applies both poison and bleeds. Magnetive wave (earth #4) on focus is your saving grace for this, but ideally it’s nice to be able to use it as a blast finisher.

Sorry to be so negative about it, but soloing Arah on an ele truly is awful by comparison with a warrior. As well as soloing… for the most part Goku and I have even found duoing P2 and P4 faster with warr/warr, just because literally anything that you aren’t using FGS for is going to be slower (not by much, but just saying).

I’m also going to throw in that selling Arah has died fast the past few months. All of the new sellers have been putting their prices extremely low and as a result doing regular dungeon tours tends to be superior gp/hr than selling Arah paths is now, assuming your teams aren’t too horrible.

Either way, good luck!

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Okay thanks again! I probably would do it on warrior, but I don’t have one, nor do I have free character slots to make one. And yeah that is kinda depressing that selling seems to have died. I basically wanted a way to make money in this game without boring myself to absolute tears, and I thought selling arah would do it, since that is fun, challenging, and engaging. What is the price that the new sellers are using compared to the ones that the old ones have used?

Anyway.. I guess I have to decide if this is worth the limited time I have to invest, or it I’m better off just pugging on my ranger/ele and doing fractals and faceroll dungeon runs.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

For elementalist soloing orbs, I change my traits to…

5 (V VIII)
3 (III)
6 (- VIII XI)

Reason for the hyphen as the adept trait for arcana is because there’s nothing relevant there. You ideally want to blast swiftness before using either executioner’s axe toy to rush or RTL and then immediately swap to water.

I use full cleric exotic gear + trinkets swap for this particular encounter. It’s possible with cleric armor and non-cleric trinkets but very frustrating.

Use a mango pie nourishment too.


As for prices, I was able to sell at these prices for months but not any longer unless I try to sell at the perfect window of opportunity super early in the morning for me:

P1 – 7g, P2 & P3 – 6g, P4 – 18g

P1’s price has tanked ever since they’ve fixed the tar waypoint and fixed the underwater exploit that all of the amateurs used to use to skip the entire path in P2. Now many of them have shifted over to P1, thus ruining my favorite moneymaking method. It’s rare to see P1 sellers stick above 5g, and quite often you’ll see people selling it at 4g…

P2 was for a month fine and I was able to consistently sell it at 6g because a lot of people didn’t know how to kill Brie and the underwater exploiters didn’t know how to actually do the path, so there was less competition. Now you will struggle to sell it at 4g/slot again, and it shows no promise of improving.

P3 has been terrible for a while because for similar reasons as yours, most new sellers start with this path because they’re under the impression of it being easiest. You will struggle majorly with trying to outcompete them to the point of it not even worth selling the slots due to how low you’ll have to go. Average prices tend to be around 3-4g unfortunately.

P4 has been in just about the worst state among the four paths. I see people selling the slots as low as 10g or even under, 3-4 different groups at a time on the LFG sometimes. It’s horrible! Considering how much more effort this path requires to solo/duo by comparison to the others and how much longer you need to wait to sell all four slots, this path is the lowest gp/hr to sell. It also has the most competition.

There’s nothing that we can really do since it’s a free market. Oh well… it was nice while it lasted.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


There’s nothing that we can really do since it’s a free market. Oh well… off to selling FotM 50 runs it is ^^

Hahaha wow, I didn’t even know it was possible to solo fractals! I assume you just reroll if you get the swamp?

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

There’s nothing that we can really do since it’s a free market. Oh well… off to selling FotM 50 runs it is ^^

Hahaha wow, I didn’t even know it was possible to solo fractals! I assume you just reroll if you get the swamp?

Duo them, it’s faster. I roll for underwater ruins.

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


There’s nothing that we can really do since it’s a free market. Oh well… off to selling FotM 50 runs it is ^^

Hahaha wow, I didn’t even know it was possible to solo fractals! I assume you just reroll if you get the swamp?

Duo them, it’s faster. I roll for underwater ruins.

Hmm I may have to try that. The only big downside is that I wouldn’t be able to repair armor if I kept wiping unless I duoed it. Do people actually buy them?

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well when I solod a FotM 50 run I had to have a friend join instance temporarily while I went to character select & waypointed in LA to repair. Like I said, it’s really tough to solo some of the fractals at level 50.

Duoing cliffside with 2 warriors was dreadful too, and if you don’t get Jade Maw then it could be messy trying to sell at the end. You need to be pretty consistent with Mai Trin/Molten Duo to pull it off, else you will just be wasting your buyers’ time and money.

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I’ll have to go look up some youtube videos of low man fractal runs. I only have a few friends that are really that into fractals, so I’d have to see if their interested.

I’ll also try to see if the arah selling community on NA has as low of prices as the ones you described. I doubt it’d be much different, but I suppose its worth looking into.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I think on NA it’s a lot better to sell Arah than EU. I have some friends on NA servers that laugh at me because of how many problems I have had selling paths that they sell in a fraction of the amount of time I have to wait.

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: nearlight.3064


I think on NA it’s a lot better to sell Arah than EU. I have some friends on NA servers that laugh at me because of how many problems I have had selling paths that they sell in a fraction of the amount of time I have to wait.

Hahaha okay I’ll look into it. I have no idea what the dungeon culture in EU is generally like.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Solo Arah on Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malchior.5732


I think on NA it’s a lot better to sell Arah than EU. I have some friends on NA servers that laugh at me because of how many problems I have had selling paths that they sell in a fraction of the amount of time I have to wait.

I play on NA and I duo’d p2 with a friend and we sold the path for 7g in about 10 minutes. We probably could have even gone to 8g.