Tempest Outnumbered Roaming Video!
This was a really nice video! The reaper/tempestorele combo looks really powerfu since you can literally sustain the reaper with boonspam.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
This was a really nice video! The reaper/tempestorele combo looks really powerfu since you can literally sustain the reaper with boonspam.
Yep! you caught on to it Thats exactly what the aim was.
Tempest isn’t convincing me at all at the moment.
In your video it looks to me like the reaper is having much more fun… You could replace Tempest with a guardian and have support while not losing the damage. Even a staff ele would give the reaper better support and cc. I’ll give you credit you are really making it seem as good as it can be at the moment. But even the support doesn’t start to compare to the kind of support a Chronomancer can do.
Major improvements have to be made by Anet.
Yea, the gameplay was cool to watch, but I don’t really see anything you couldn’t have done better with a Staff Ele or better yet, a Guardian who could have given him more Stability.
Yea, the gameplay was cool to watch, but I don’t really see anything you couldn’t have done better with a Staff Ele or better yet, a Guardian who could have given him more Stability.
Thank you for all the feedback guys.
I agree that there is still a fair bit that ANet needs to work on in regards to Tempest. Although it does do well with what it is supposed to do, there are still more viable classes/builds to play. Nonetheless, it is still fun Glad you enjoyed the footage!
The first thing I noticed in this video is that Tempest really needs a way to avoid getting immediately interrupted when channeling an Overload.
Yes >.> It is extremely annoying and as you can see in that first clip it happened to me multiple times :P – I guess running armor of earth could help with that.
All shouts should give stability
This was a really nice video! The reaper/tempestorele combo looks really powerfu since you can literally sustain the reaper with boonspam.
Yep! you caught on to it
Thats exactly what the aim was.
Also did you pull one of the songs near the end from the soundtrack of xenoblade chronicles X?
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
What I see in that video is a buffed reaper fighting 3 and 4 people at the same time. There were time when he is literally alone and still survives (like when the ele is stomping one downed, or when he run leaving the reaper alone for 5-7 secs). With buffs the reaper seems like a beast.
The thing that really stood out to me was how bad Overloads were – they were interrupted around 50% of the time, and even when he/she got them off, they were pretty ineffectual. The water overload seems to be the only semi-useful and even then, it’s a high risk use of 3sec channelling when he/she could have achieved as much or more healing in that 3sec using other skills without locking out water attunement for 20sec and risking easy interruption.
tl;dr: Overloads are currently useless.
Lol so much negativity. Curious why people think “xxx is useless!” and such is in anyway useful.
I think more play should be had to get used to Ele and Tempest but I think you played strongly. I will say that it was rare that the overloads played much part in the battles’ outcome except perhaps water overload. That either says you need more practice using them or that the overloads themselves need some help or perhaps some of both (and it’s likely either the 2nd or 3 option).
Reaper does look strong. Not sure if they plan to tweek it up some more or down but I think Tempest has nowhere else to go but up.
And it didn’t seem like the Dragonhunter in those battles was much of a hinderance. Its traps might need improving too.
It was entertaining but no. I killed every Ele D/H in hotjoins, solo, unrank and rank so….. it’s a no. Having a nerco is a stronger cover and it’s not accurate since that’s not roaming. A sad 1v4, 1v7 and 1v20s are sad tiring roaming fights… that ends with sour results lol. D/D is better in combat while D/F is better in mix combat in greatly outnumber fights like a 1v7 You might live by the tip of you hair downing 2 of the 7 players. But if 2 skilled players running meta builds = top 200 in rating spvp using semi condi and boon rips = ele dies painfully if you’re a D/D ele let alone the much weaker D/H.
I still want my sword off hand! PS you still remember me from BP I hope. I used to face battle zergs when you were on BP. Still kinda but lower hp and healing sustain = mix results.
Lol so much negativity. Curious why people think “xxx is useless!” and such is in anyway useful.
Of course it’s useful, it’s feedback that as currently implemented, the opportunity cost of overloads are not worth the reward of using them – ie: they are useless.
The fire overload is the most useless, as it’s a 5sec channel and the fire tornado just sits there and does nothing. Either it should move in a direction, or have a larger AOE or some secondary effect.
But by far the biggest contributor to uselessness is the 2.75-5sec channel times + punitive attunement lockout for 20sec considering how easily overloads will be interrupted in practise, not to mention going on 20sec CD even while switching attunements.
Overloads are really, really crap at the moment, just read any of the feedback threads, this sentiment is universal, and there’s no way to sugar-coat it.
I think more play should be had to get used to Ele and Tempest but I think you played strongly. I will say that it was rare that the overloads played much part in the battles’ outcome except perhaps water overload. That either says you need more practice using them or that the overloads themselves need some help or perhaps some of both (and it’s likely either the 2nd or 3 option).
Undoubtedly. Anet has tried to make the case that Tempest “requires good positioning” but with the current (small) ranges that argument doesn’t hold up at all – overloads simply require your opponent to be outright incompetent (in the sense that if you can’t interrupt a 5sec super-obvious channel, then you are indeed incompetent).
In the case of the fire overload, if you can’t move away from the super-obvious but stationary fire tornado, you are also totally incompetent.
Reaper does look strong. Not sure if they plan to tweek it up some more or down but I think Tempest has nowhere else to go but up.
Agree, tempest is already rock-bottom, and if I got anything out of this video, it’s that reaper looks really good. Others have raised mobility & slow attacks as a problem but I didn’t get that from the video.
Agree with others that OP would have been a lot more effective with off-hand dagger or focus. or staff for that matter.
This was a really nice video! The reaper/tempestorele combo looks really powerfu since you can literally sustain the reaper with boonspam.
Yep! you caught on to it
Thats exactly what the aim was.
Also did you pull one of the songs near the end from the soundtrack of xenoblade chronicles X?
No all songs were from Attack on Titan.
First song is – Counterattack Mankind
Second song is – E.M.A
I applaud you in your attempt to prove tempest and reaper aren’t all that bad, but the sad truth is they still are.
Lol so much negativity. Curious why people think “xxx is useless!” and such is in anyway useful.
Of course it’s useful, it’s feedback that as currently implemented, the opportunity cost of overloads are not worth the reward of using them – ie: they are useless.
Well more feedback is required than that. But my message is mainly going out to posts like the one above this one >_>
This was a really nice video! The reaper/tempestorele combo looks really powerfu since you can literally sustain the reaper with boonspam.
Yep! you caught on to it
Thats exactly what the aim was.
Also did you pull one of the songs near the end from the soundtrack of xenoblade chronicles X?
No all songs were from Attack on Titan.
First song is – Counterattack Mankind
Second song is – E.M.A
Oh that explains it, Hiroyuko Sawano wrote the music for both attack on titan and XCX, which is why they sounded so similar.
But yeah his music is so epic, you should check out his other work!
This song in particular sounds very attack on titanesque.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
(edited by nearlight.3064)
I applaud Noodica but….. D/H is still so bad. Without Sustain how can you 1v4. D/D meta burn ele is viable with Balthazar runes over fusion of dire/and rampager stats while accessories are Cleric. You need to sustain 500+ healing to deal out that 10-15 stack burns with 1.6k-2k 1 attacks with chain combos bursting at 2k, 3k, 2k and into a 5.6k-7k firegrab. The burn should deal around 1.5k to 2k damage per second unless cleared. But that allows you the power to fight no more that a 1v3 -1v4 be you risk death only downing 1-2 average level so silver to light gold level players.
D/D air using holbreak runes/ zerker armor mixed with 1/3 soldier gear + cleric accessories allows you to fight 1v3 or 1v5 spreads but you can only at most proc kill 1 character but super speed helps you do around 25% to 45% more damage but that’s still like 1.6k -2k per 1 attack combos hit like 3k – 2,5k, 2.5k and fire grab 8k. to 9k. tops but if you miss the box game gives you a wonderful 1.2k FG! Super effective. So D/H still weak if you measure at that level of game play.
It’s more of a team support no…. D/D or D/F will out support that with EA X EA and living longer helps.
Yea, the gameplay was cool to watch, but I don’t really see anything you couldn’t have done better with a Staff Ele or better yet, a Guardian who could have given him more Stability.
2 mez would of take that group down a lot easier that kind of the problem with running the “best” you simply cant all the time and GW2 not that type of game.
They where just trying out something new and it was working for them yet ppl are getting so embedded into one ideal that any thing that even hits at proving it wrong they must go out of there way to debunk it with nothing more then worlds.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Yea, the gameplay was cool to watch, but I don’t really see anything you couldn’t have done better with a Staff Ele or better yet, a Guardian who could have given him more Stability.
2 mez would of take that group down a lot easier that kind of the problem with running the “best” you simply cant all the time and GW2 not that type of game.
Do you just look for random excuses constantly?
If you’re going to be supporting a Reaper in outnumbered fights, a Guardian or Staff Ele would be much better. Fact.
Yea, the gameplay was cool to watch, but I don’t really see anything you couldn’t have done better with a Staff Ele or better yet, a Guardian who could have given him more Stability.
2 mez would of take that group down a lot easier that kind of the problem with running the “best” you simply cant all the time and GW2 not that type of game.
Do you just look for random excuses constantly?
If you’re going to be supporting a Reaper in outnumbered fights, a Guardian or Staff Ele would be much better. Fact.
Staff ele i do not think can do it unless your a full tank staff ele (mind you tempest can still use a staff with a bit more support then ele has.) Ya sure guardian would work too but that was kind of my point (best in use) is not a GW2 thing or at least it not aimed to be its more of a players elitism point of view. If tempest could out support a guardian then why would you need guardians any more? I image that a d/d ele or a war could out do a reaper in outnumbered fights why do we need reapers?
When you ask one class to reparable another you must think beyond just that one swap if your going all in (best in use) every thing is on the table. To the point of removing many classes and weapons from this game even races making things a lot more boring. Be-careful how you judge builds classes other players becuse you may end up judging your self out of a lot of fun and experiences.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Yea, the gameplay was cool to watch, but I don’t really see anything you couldn’t have done better with a Staff Ele or better yet, a Guardian who could have given him more Stability.
2 mez would of take that group down a lot easier that kind of the problem with running the “best” you simply cant all the time and GW2 not that type of game.
Do you just look for random excuses constantly?
If you’re going to be supporting a Reaper in outnumbered fights, a Guardian or Staff Ele would be much better. Fact.Staff ele i do not think can do it unless your a full tank staff ele (mind you tempest can still use a staff with a bit more support then ele has.) Ya sure guardian would work too but that was kind of my point (best in use) is not a GW2 thing or at least it not aimed to be its more of a players elitism point of view. If tempest could out support a guardian then why would you need guardians any more? I image that a d/d ele or a war could out do a reaper in outnumbered fights why do we need reapers?
When you ask one class to reparable another you must think beyond just that one swap if your going all in (best in use) every thing is on the table. To the point of removing many classes and weapons from this game even races making things a lot more boring. Be-careful how you judge builds classes other players becuse you may end up judging your self out of a lot of fun and experiences.
You keep saying this crap as if anyone is saying that Tempests need to be stronger. No. They need to be at least equal OR do something that class cannot do. Tempests are basically a worse Staff Ele and don’t compare to the boons Guardian can provide, so it fails as a healer and fails as a boonbot. It tries to do both, but lacks the tools to do so. Why not just take the Guardian that can heal and apply Stability to the Reaper, which lacks it? Why not take a Staff Ele that has ranged CC and can blast Water fields? Tempest can do that too, but then has to give up either Stone Heart, Cleansing Water, or Evasive Arcana for a pathetic Aura heal you can barely use because you only apply AoE auras easily with the Shouts.
Yea, the gameplay was cool to watch, but I don’t really see anything you couldn’t have done better with a Staff Ele or better yet, a Guardian who could have given him more Stability.
2 mez would of take that group down a lot easier that kind of the problem with running the “best” you simply cant all the time and GW2 not that type of game.
Do you just look for random excuses constantly?
If you’re going to be supporting a Reaper in outnumbered fights, a Guardian or Staff Ele would be much better. Fact.Staff ele i do not think can do it unless your a full tank staff ele (mind you tempest can still use a staff with a bit more support then ele has.) Ya sure guardian would work too but that was kind of my point (best in use) is not a GW2 thing or at least it not aimed to be its more of a players elitism point of view. If tempest could out support a guardian then why would you need guardians any more? I image that a d/d ele or a war could out do a reaper in outnumbered fights why do we need reapers?
When you ask one class to reparable another you must think beyond just that one swap if your going all in (best in use) every thing is on the table. To the point of removing many classes and weapons from this game even races making things a lot more boring. Be-careful how you judge builds classes other players becuse you may end up judging your self out of a lot of fun and experiences.
You keep saying this crap as if anyone is saying that Tempests need to be stronger. No. They need to be at least equal OR do something that class cannot do. Tempests are basically a worse Staff Ele and don’t compare to the boons Guardian can provide, so it fails as a healer and fails as a boonbot. It tries to do both, but lacks the tools to do so. Why not just take the Guardian that can heal and apply Stability to the Reaper, which lacks it? Why not take a Staff Ele that has ranged CC and can blast Water fields? Tempest can do that too, but then has to give up either Stone Heart, Cleansing Water, or Evasive Arcana for a pathetic Aura heal you can barely use because you only apply AoE auras easily with the Shouts.
What dose tempest lose that makes it worst support then ele? You seem to think tempest means you lose all the effects of ele class yet with tempest you can go water arcain and still be just as support aimed as ele and at the same time you get a shout set that is pure support and 4 ability that are mostly support effects that ele cant use at all. You do understand ele cant use the shouts right? You do understand ele cant use overlords? You do understand tempest can use staff?
In a pure support for tempest in the line of tempest water arcain what dose ele get that makes it more support then tempest? (mind you i got to go so i cant see what you say for a good 8hr sry)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Yes, I’m sure dropping Earth is worth the ability to drop all your defensive utilities and a chance to kill yourself with Overloads. /sarcasm
Yes, I’m sure dropping Earth is worth the ability to drop all your defensive utilities and a chance to kill yourself with Overloads. /sarcasm
Because ele is only able to have def in earth line that why all the ele are running earth fire air d/d?
Also you avoid the question what SUPPORT do you lose not def. Earth is a good def line but you mostly need to be in earth to get use out of it cutting a lot of your abitly to support other ppl when your simply trying to stay alive. Having def skills and effect in more of a gen atument such as seen in water, arcain and tempest line allows you to stay alive over all atuments better and support at the same time. It may not seem like it by tempest line is a very def aimed one with counter soft cc a stun brake an abitly to make protection stronger.
Though i would like to know what the build of the OP was. (trying to bring it back to the video)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
Yes, I’m sure dropping Earth is worth the ability to drop all your defensive utilities and a chance to kill yourself with Overloads. /sarcasm
Because ele is only able to have def in earth line that why all the ele are running earth fire air d/d?
Also you avoid the question what SUPPORT do you lose not def. Earth is a good def line but you mostly need to be in earth to get use out of it cutting a lot of your abitly to support other ppl when your simply trying to stay alive. Having def skills and effect in more of a gen atument such as seen in water, arcain and tempest line allows you to stay alive over all atuments better and support at the same time. It may not seem like it by tempest line is a very def aimed one with counter soft cc a stun brake an abitly to make protection stronger.
Though i would like to know what the build of the OP was. (trying to bring it back to the video)
- 1. Staff is far better in support that warhorn + you can cast it in a long range = you are better protected.
- 2. Overloads are crap and only water can provide some “support”, but it is just so weak and not worth it. It is also close range, means you are more in danger. It is also easily interruptable. It also locks you out of this important element (Or force you to stay in it while your major skills are on cd, you can choose).
- 3. Elite skill is even worse crap. You can support your ally far better with Glyph of Elementals thanks to water elemental’s big heal, air elemental’s stun or prot/cripple/living shield from earth one. Or by taxi gs for easy escape.
- 4. Healing skill is interesting, but I am not sure if some ele would like to give up SoR or ER.
- 5. Other shouts can see some usage but their long cd hurts a lot. Also again you need to be in close range to make them useful. And in pvp/wvw you will not survive in close range/melee without cantrips/dagger mobility/focus defense for a long time.
- 6. For support, water+arcane are mandatory. In Tempest traitline, minor traits are all about overloads, so they aren’t useful for us. (Note: 1 more thing working against overloads: Arcane traitline. EA and EAtt + many other traits are so strong because of constantly swapping attunements) The rest.. ehm.. Let’s take it from that point of supporting others. Half of them are, again, for overloads, which as I said are crap. Then, there’s Earthen Proxy, that provide something little for you without overloads. This trait is not even so powerful as it looks like. So 5 traits remains that can maybe do something for support:
1. Gale Song – Maybe it works, in the case that both you and your ally are disabled at the same time and close enough to each other (This usually only happens if both you and him are fighting in melee/close range. As I said above, this distance have many cons for you).
2. Latent Stamina – This trait should be in water traitline. Even that, the vigor bonus is not so big and again you need to be really close to your ally to make it work. (Again, overloads are working against this, because camping att causes this trait to be triggered far less)
3. Tempestuous Aria – Not such a big bonus for shouts with so long cd. Force you to use shouts, but as I said above, without some cantrips you will not survive. Even in that video he’s using just 1 shout. Taking this trait for 1 shout is not worth it I think.
4. Element Bastion – Probably the only good trait. Healing on aura is pretty nice. But again forcing you to close range.
5. Imbued Melodies – This is a bad trait. If you are running staff, which is far better for support than warhorn, this trait does nothing for you. If you really take that warhorn, chance that you will be able to use it, is low. Your ally will usually not wait for you to stun break him, but instead use his own stun break. If he doesn’t have stunbreak or it’s on cd, still before you get close to him and use it, stun will be probably over. No reason to pick this over Element Bastion.
So why to pick up Tempest, when:
- For best support you will use staff (warhorn out)
- Overloads are useless and do nothing for your support (New mechanic out)
- You will most likely not replace SoR or ER by Wash the Pain Away (heal out)
- Rebound is far far worse than our other elites. (Elite out)
- Shouts are only useful on melee/close range, but as I said, you will not survive here without cantrips. As a staff ele you are also staying on long range. Also cantrips are useful for support too thanks to easier ressing/finishing by Armor of Earth/Mist form. I can’t imagine ele running without Lightning Flash. So I can see filling max 1 slot by shout. (Utilities half out)
- Traits are really bad, that little support they provide is far less noticeable than support from water/arcane. Even fire traitline can be more helpful for support build than tempest thanks to blind on burning, longer lasting fire fields, fury on blasting fire fields and some personal damage increase. With earth traitline you are almost immortal if running support, means you are able to stay longer in fight and decreasing chances that you will be downed, saving your non-support based allies from ressing you. Support from water/arcane is more than excellent and I am sure many peope will prefer adding fire or earth to it. (Traits out = Tempest out)
So would you like to pick up Tempest for 1 shout? That’s it? Sacrificing powerful traitlines for 1 shout?
Hope you understand now. If not, then you are probably this:
So why to pick up Tempest, when:
- For best support you will use staff (warhorn out)
- Overloads are useless and do nothing for your support (New mechanic out)
- You will most likely not replace SoR or ER by Wash the Pain Away (heal out)
- Rebound is far far worse than our other elites. (Elite out)
- Shouts are only useful on melee/close range, but as I said, you will not survive here without cantrips. As a staff ele you are also staying on long range. Also cantrips are useful for support too thanks to easier ressing/finishing by Armor of Earth/Mist form. I can’t imagine ele running without Lightning Flash. So I can see filling max 1 slot by shout. (Utilities half out)
- Traits are really bad, that little support they provide is far less noticeable than support from water/arcane. Even fire traitline can be more helpful for support build than tempest thanks to blind on burning, longer lasting fire fields, fury on blasting fire fields and some personal damage increase. With earth traitline you are almost immortal if running support, means you are able to stay longer in fight and decreasing chances that you will be downed, saving your non-support based allies from ressing you. Support from water/arcane is more than excellent and I am sure many peope will prefer adding fire or earth to it. (Traits out = Tempest out)
So would you like to pick up Tempest for 1 shout? That’s it? Sacrificing powerful traitlines for 1 shout?
Hope you understand now. If not, then you are probably this:
This is exactly what I fear: People will run the same old build with staff (which is quite good) and perhaps change mist form or armor of earth for a new shout, but only until the novelty wears off. That’s it, as it currently is nothing else will get used, I would rather learn to play warrior, reaper, guardian, hammer engi, chronomancer, etc, than force myself to enjoy warhorn on ele.
Still have yet to say how tempest is worst then ele as supporting i think you seem to think staff is an ele only wepon and tempest cant use a staff?
Mostly in this video a staff would of most likely just been sniped down and the necro would be killed after. I think d/wh was the best chose for the fight. I would still love to know what build this tempest was running.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
You hardly achieved 10 stacks of might while in D/D it’s pretty much granted to get permanent 25 stacks. Your reaper pal had more might stacks than you, by large margin. It’s really sad to see tempest so underwhelming.
Still have yet to say how tempest is worst then ele as supporting i think you seem to think staff is an ele only wepon and tempest cant use a staff?
Mostly in this video a staff would of most likely just been sniped down and the necro would be killed after. I think d/wh was the best chose for the fight. I would still love to know what build this tempest was running.
Omg, I wrote so many reasons why it is not worth taking Tempest. And you wrote this… LOL
1 thing: Staff is far BETTER SUPPORT weapon than warhorn. Why? Because it’s long range weapon, have more fields (that are also stronger), have more CCs, have more damage, etc. BUT there are no good traits in tempest traitline which can rly help staff ele with support. So why to pick up tempest? (Other aspects of tempest are useless because of reasons I mentioned above).
So YES, tempest is making staff ele worse. You HAVE TO sacrifice so many superior traits for really bad traits.
To your point that staff would be sniped down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSezIHteaPc
If solo staff ele almost in full berserk can survive (also he doesn’t have earth traitline) why not that one in the 1st video?
You hardly achieved 10 stacks of might while in D/D it’s pretty much granted to get permanent 25 stacks. Your reaper pal had more might stacks than you, by large margin. It’s really sad to see tempest so underwhelming.
Well ya that is a reaper and necro lose nearly all there ranges dps to become a full on reaper well a reaper that is worth playing. Tempest only gives up one line. Tempest is still an ele but with one line less for build chose but i gets 4 new skills added to current and a chose of a new off hand wepon and a new set of utility. What else would you want for just giving up one line?
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Well ya that is a reaper and necro lose nearly all there ranges dps to become a full on reaper well a reaper that is worth playing. Tempest only gives up one line. Tempest is still an ele but with one line less for build chose but i gets 4 new skills added to current and a chose of a new off hand wepon and a new set of utility. What else would you want for just giving up one line?
What? I really cannot fathom how you arrived at that conclusion. Does reaper lose weapon swap?
Well ya that is a reaper and necro lose nearly all there ranges dps to become a full on reaper well a reaper that is worth playing. Tempest only gives up one line. Tempest is still an ele but with one line less for build chose but i gets 4 new skills added to current and a chose of a new off hand wepon and a new set of utility. What else would you want for just giving up one line?
What? I really cannot fathom how you arrived at that conclusion. Does reaper lose weapon swap?
Reaper lose its ranged f1-f5 for melee f1-f5 that is a major changes in class type. With out ranges f1-f5 that necro has they lose a lot of there abitly to ranges dps. That the thing about tempest all you give up is one line the F1-F5 only get an add on not a changes where other classes specialization must give up a line and there old F1-F5 (for a new set or simply just lose one altogether). I think tempest atm is made week becuse if they overdo it tempest is in a real position to simply replaces the ele class. It should get some buffs to its current effects but its current effects are not going to changes how they work. Tempest must have a weakness as a class (its mostly dmg atm though its self def is a bit week to) or it will be op and ele will become a dead class.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Reaper lose its ranged f1-f5 for melee f1-f5 that is a major changes in class type. With out ranges f1-f5 that necro has they lose a lot of there abitly to ranges dps. That the thing about tempest all you give up is one line the F1-F5 only get an add on not a changes where other classes specialization must give up a line and there old F1-F5 (for a new set or simply just lose one altogether). I think tempest atm is made week becuse if they overdo it tempest is in a real position to simply replaces the ele class. It should get some buffs to its current effects but its current effects are not going to changes how they work. Tempest must have a weakness as a class (its mostly dmg atm though its self def is a bit week to) or it will be op and ele will become a dead class.
Necro shroud skills are optimal at close range. Heck, even dark path teleports you to your target.
You hardly achieved 10 stacks of might while in D/D it’s pretty much granted to get permanent 25 stacks. Your reaper pal had more might stacks than you, by large margin. It’s really sad to see tempest so underwhelming.
Well, if you burst fields and stack might with fire tornado (giving allies might too) you both get 10 or so might. If the elementalist uses heat sync, the ele gets 3 more might then shares his 10+3 might to allies (which will be greater than 10+3).
You hardly achieved 10 stacks of might while in D/D it’s pretty much granted to get permanent 25 stacks. Your reaper pal had more might stacks than you, by large margin. It’s really sad to see tempest so underwhelming.
Well, if you burst fields and stack might with fire tornado (giving allies might too) you both get 10 or so might. If the elementalist uses heat sync, the ele gets 3 more might then shares his 10+3 might to allies (which will be greater than 10+3).
The Fire Overload Might stacks don’t last very long and unless you plan to stay in Fire for even longer, there’s no way to maintain them, especially during a fight.
You hardly achieved 10 stacks of might while in D/D it’s pretty much granted to get permanent 25 stacks. Your reaper pal had more might stacks than you, by large margin. It’s really sad to see tempest so underwhelming.
Well, if you burst fields and stack might with fire tornado (giving allies might too) you both get 10 or so might. If the elementalist uses heat sync, the ele gets 3 more might then shares his 10+3 might to allies (which will be greater than 10+3).
The Fire Overload Might stacks don’t last very long and unless you plan to stay in Fire for even longer, there’s no way to maintain them, especially during a fight.
The fire overload is only an additional mechanic. The other means ele gains and maintains might stacks is still available. I was merely point out the fact that the Reaper might have more might stacks because the ele might have shared might stacks with him.
You hardly achieved 10 stacks of might while in D/D it’s pretty much granted to get permanent 25 stacks. Your reaper pal had more might stacks than you, by large margin. It’s really sad to see tempest so underwhelming.
Well, if you burst fields and stack might with fire tornado (giving allies might too) you both get 10 or so might. If the elementalist uses heat sync, the ele gets 3 more might then shares his 10+3 might to allies (which will be greater than 10+3).
The Fire Overload Might stacks don’t last very long and unless you plan to stay in Fire for even longer, there’s no way to maintain them, especially during a fight.
The fire overload is only an additional mechanic. The other means ele gains and maintains might stacks is still available. I was merely point out the fact that the Reaper might have more might stacks because the ele might have shared might stacks with him.
A Reaper running Spite and constantly attacking in Reaper Shroud can maintain a very large amount of Might by himself.
The Ele might have been more helpful by focusing on CC or Healing via Staff, or just taking a Guard to apply Stability.
Well, if you burst fields and stack might with fire tornado (giving allies might too) you both get 10 or so might. If the elementalist uses heat sync, the ele gets 3 more might then shares his 10+3 might to allies (which will be greater than 10+3).
If? One has to wonder why that hasn’t happened then.
Reaper lose its ranged f1-f5 for melee f1-f5 that is a major changes in class type. With out ranges f1-f5 that necro has they lose a lot of there abitly to ranges dps. That the thing about tempest all you give up is one line the F1-F5 only get an add on not a changes where other classes specialization must give up a line and there old F1-F5 (for a new set or simply just lose one altogether). I think tempest atm is made week becuse if they overdo it tempest is in a real position to simply replaces the ele class. It should get some buffs to its current effects but its current effects are not going to changes how they work. Tempest must have a weakness as a class (its mostly dmg atm though its self def is a bit week to) or it will be op and ele will become a dead class.
Necro shroud skills are optimal at close range. Heck, even dark path teleports you to your target.
Yet they are not ture melee ranges and you will not see a pure ranged dmg necro build be used for reapers due to the changes in f1-f5.
But you will see tempest play both melee ranges and long ranges and mid ranges support dps and tankly as they build for becuse the ele dose not give up game play to be a tempest.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Yet they are not ture melee ranges and you will not see a pure ranged dmg necro build be used for reapers due to the changes in f1-f5.
But you will see tempest play both melee ranges and long ranges and mid ranges support dps and tankly as they build for becuse the ele dose not give up game play to be a tempest.
They’re not melee range skills but they promote to be in close to mid range (e.g. increased damage on life blast).
Does it really matter if tempest gives up his mechanics? Because if the new mechanics have too much risk associated with them with low rewards, then why would you use it? If sticking to the old guns is optimal, why would you ever exchange them for new ones?
Yet they are not ture melee ranges and you will not see a pure ranged dmg necro build be used for reapers due to the changes in f1-f5.
But you will see tempest play both melee ranges and long ranges and mid ranges support dps and tankly as they build for becuse the ele dose not give up game play to be a tempest.
They’re not melee range skills but they promote to be in close to mid range (e.g. increased damage on life blast).
Does it really matter if tempest gives up his mechanics? Because if the new mechanics have too much risk associated with them with low rewards, then why would you use it? If sticking to the old guns is optimal, why would you ever exchange them for new ones?
You still have the chose to use it that IS the main point a reaper and DH cant chose to use there old F1-F5 skills in combat a tempest can.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
You still have the chose to use it that IS the main point a reaper and DH cant chose to use there old F1-F5 skills in combat a tempest can.
Maybe because both dragonhunter and reaper got main hand weapons and chronomancer and tempest only offhands?
I see also one pattern – both dragonhunter and tempest still don’t have published any changes based on feedback, both are evaluated as bad implementations and both were designed by the the same person.
You still have the chose to use it that IS the main point a reaper and DH cant chose to use there old F1-F5 skills in combat a tempest can.
Maybe because both dragonhunter and reaper got main hand weapons and chronomancer and tempest only offhands?
I see also one pattern – both dragonhunter and tempest still don’t have published any changes based on feedback, both are evaluated as bad implementations and both were designed by the the same person.
Tempest still gets 8 new “wepon skills” and 4 more just because they are tempest skills. An off hand wepon for the ele class is on the same level as most main hand weapons for other classes.
They talked about why in-fact both of these classes do not have it yet.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Tempest still gets 8 new “wepon skills” and 4 more just because they are tempest skills. An off hand wepon for the ele class is on the same level as most main hand weapons for other classes.
They talked about why in-fact both of these classes do not have it yet.
An offhand for an ele is definitely not on the same level as main hand weapons for other classes. Ele has increased cooldowns, especially on offhands, e.g. single target kd for 2s on 50s cooldown.
Like I said, both chronomancer and tempest got offhands but their profession mechanics weren’t replaced, only expanded. That’s the only official explanation of anet why some specs are stuck with offhands as horrible as warhorn.
Tempest still gets 8 new “wepon skills” and 4 more just because they are tempest skills. An off hand wepon for the ele class is on the same level as most main hand weapons for other classes.
They talked about why in-fact both of these classes do not have it yet.
An offhand for an ele is definitely not on the same level as main hand weapons for other classes. Ele has increased cooldowns, especially on offhands, e.g. single target kd for 2s on 50s cooldown.
Like I said, both chronomancer and tempest got offhands but their profession mechanics weren’t replaced, only expanded. That’s the only official explanation of anet why some specs are stuck with offhands as horrible as warhorn.
Just becuse its on a long cd (like most of ele skills) dose not make it any less fight defining and game play defining. It may make it more defining in how you play becuse of the longer cd means stronger effects. A d/d ele plays different from a d/f ele a s/d ele plays different from a s/f ele and the same is ture for the WH version. Do you even play ele?
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA