Tempest ain't getting warhorn!
Data mined sword skills
Data mines ele theme swords
The 1st sword looks like the sword from the reverent pic. The 2nd sword I could say alright maybe, because it makes me think of CTHD. As 4 the warhorn I don’t know it is windy, and I don’t think warhorn would make a good weapon. Now because we don’t know of anyother specializations I don’t know what 2 say about the warhorn. I guess thought I would think of something different than a stormy type element. If we really want 2 speculate it could be a reverent skin, those that don’t agree I would ask that we don’t know all the weapons, who knows Glamor line (Glint line) might not be the revent speculation, don’t have an idea on it ether.
Didnt they say on some stream a while back that, yes, eles are getting swords?
I’m sure they said that.
maybe its an axe? (Runs away for cover)
So basically no one knows and everyone is ready to fight over it.
Didnt they say on some stream a while back that, yes, eles are getting swords?
I’m sure they said that.
I don’t remember anything about them getting swords, I did think something in the trailer tracks.
But there are 4 things I want out of Tempest:
1) 10% buff to damage
2) cleansing/survive-ability
3) Main-hand sword
4) Off-hand sword
So I look at these leaks and I come to a conclusion that might be a good middle ground
Now for arguments sake. lets say we are getting warhorn. how do you explain those weapon skills.
Now this might actually be a really cool idea. what if those weapon skills are conjure weapons. There is supposedly and overhaul to conjure weapons on it’s way. what if with the warhorn we also get the ability to conjure swords. give it a name like “Blade of the Termpest”. and unlike the other conjure weapons we have. this one changes based on our attunment. similar to how our glyphs work.
This however does give me another idea. there are more weapons then elite specs. what if some unused weapons are given a themed appearance to make a complete set. We have skins for our conjure weapons even though ele can’t use them. so what if we get a conjure warhorn and the ascended warhorn skin is the skin of our conjured warhorn
Of course this theory holds less water because we have a new shield skin and it isn’t chrono based which would lead to 2 skins for 1 weapon
then again that could very well be evidence that the “Asscended” skins having nothing to do with elite spec.
So I look at these leaks and I come to a conclusion that might be a good middle ground
Now for arguments sake. lets say we are getting warhorn. how do you explain those weapon skills.
Now this might actually be a really cool idea. what if those weapon skills are conjure weapons. There is supposedly and overhaul to conjure weapons on it’s way. what if with the warhorn we also get the ability to conjure swords. give it a name like “Blade of the Termpest”. and unlike the other conjure weapons we have. this one changes based on our attunment. similar to how our glyphs work.This however does give me another idea. there are more weapons then elite specs. what if some unused weapons are given a themed appearance to make a complete set. We have skins for our conjure weapons even though ele can’t use them. so what if we get a conjure warhorn and the ascended warhorn skin is the skin of our conjured warhorn
Of course this theory holds less water because we have a new shield skin and it isn’t chrono based which would lead to 2 skins for 1 weapon
then again that could very well be evidence that the “Asscended” skins having nothing to do with elite spec.
Perhaps the conjures could be reworks from GW1’s conjure skills. Now IF we got sword, suppose this will be the new conjure rework. I’d love some new visuals to show off our attunement that we would be currently in besides a tiny little ring around my ele’s wrists. I’ve seen many people request having conjures be able to swap weapons/skills or visuals via attunement swap:
Obviously this is bland in comparison to what GW2 would bring to the table regarding conjures, but at least you’d be able to swap effects/skills upon attunement swapping.
Suppose your weapon becomes the conjure instead of summoning one, and it actually has a fiery tone/effects, freezing look to it , or lightning effect. Obviously not on par with a legendary weapon like Bolt or Frostfang, but at least something to give you a real feeling for the attunement you are in. IDK, just throwing ideas out there until official word is given lol.
So I look at these leaks and I come to a conclusion that might be a good middle ground
Now for arguments sake. lets say we are getting warhorn. how do you explain those weapon skills.
Now this might actually be a really cool idea. what if those weapon skills are conjure weapons. There is supposedly and overhaul to conjure weapons on it’s way. what if with the warhorn we also get the ability to conjure swords. give it a name like “Blade of the Termpest”. and unlike the other conjure weapons we have. this one changes based on our attunment. similar to how our glyphs work.This however does give me another idea. there are more weapons then elite specs. what if some unused weapons are given a themed appearance to make a complete set. We have skins for our conjure weapons even though ele can’t use them. so what if we get a conjure warhorn and the ascended warhorn skin is the skin of our conjured warhorn
Of course this theory holds less water because we have a new shield skin and it isn’t chrono based which would lead to 2 skins for 1 weapon
then again that could very well be evidence that the “Asscended” skins having nothing to do with elite spec.
The second shield is for the Revenent line that Glamor is a part of, and basing on other professions Warhorn skills, they then to be supporty, giving swiftness, might, fury, so i can’t imagine that i would want them that much, it might be a good weapon for movement but why give up dagger’s Fire Grab, for something that seems like little to no damage.