Un nerf Elementalists!

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: SilverUniverse.7103


Guardians – OMG why do warriors have so much HP I have to spec to get more HP why is my base HP as low as a elementalist who is a cloth class! OMG. Why can’t I go full zerker like Warriors (sPvP, WvW) Why do I have to spec heavier in healing power than a elementalist!

glad you pointed out sPvP and WvW, because PvE is fine to say the least.


(edited by SilverUniverse.7103)

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Ive never pved in my life.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shar.3402


then you should stop trolling.

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kouryuu.4213


I love the ele changes myself, I mainly play spvp with it and the fresh air buff sent my playstyle through the roof!

I think the weakness of the class is aimed at pve, maybe wvw (for large scale stuff, small scale is probably fine).

I think the core of the issue is simply how required arcana is, and partly the low hp requiring you to pick up health somewhere which is usually water traits (which gives you healing).

I used to try less than 30 arcana builds but I recently gave up, its simply too huge a kitten to have less than 30. Fire has weak traits but moreso weak stats, compared to air which has crit chance and crit damage in the same tree along with amazing damage traits, why would you spec anything else for damage?

Forever unranked.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


then you should stop trolling.

Because I made Anet nerf the elementalist into the ground? No, they are trolling you.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Ive never pved in my life.

Do you have videos? I wanna learn from the master?

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Stop arguing with Loseridïot. He’s either a troll or is so hopelessly confused that you can’t help him.

dude, i am interested in player that is better than me.

If he can play a warrior better than most people

I will clap. There is nothing wrong with asking videos of good plays

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


The class is complete garbage now anet. Man up and admit you made a mistake, and take away the stupid nerfs.

Haha I was just thinking that Ele was one of the best classes in the game. Whatchu talkin’ ’bout???

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


So, from the first page of this thread I gathered this information;

1; you aren’t happy with Ele? make a new class or quit the game.
2; devs are smart and always know best.

riiiiiight. Well, i saw what they were doing with Ele a few months ago when I quit the first time, I came back in hopes they had become more viable, and I am now leveling a guardian because the “Jack of all trades” support type role is more efficiently done with Guardian instead of Elementalist, which I had originally thought was the main support class. Oh well. They have no idea what they want to do with this class, nearly every class in this game can do a little of everything, Ele is the least versatile, yet are labeled as the “Jack of all trades”. Right. I understand now.

My Ranger is 35, my Necro is 30 and my Mesmer near 20…I think I will stick with Guard/Ranger though as my mains, since they are the true supports, if not just make an Engineer which had kittentons more support than the Elementalist.

(edited by Efaicia.3672)

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Benji.9203


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Ive never pved in my life.

^This right here is how you lose all credibility. If we aren’t talking about pve than I have no idea what you are talking about. No offense but do you even play ele? You just said WARRIORS ARE THE BEST CLASS FOR PVP like….what? DOUBLE ELE comps are not unheard of I think that says something about the state of the class.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bryzy.2719


Rangers are the only profession with the right to QQ at the moment.

Yes I main a ranger but i also have experienced play in mesmers, eles and guardians. I can say without a doubt that ranger gameplay is seriously neglected. It feels, especially compared to guardian, like an unfinished project.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


Rangers are the only profession with the right to QQ at the moment.

Yes I main a ranger but i also have experienced play in mesmers, eles and guardians. I can say without a doubt that ranger gameplay is seriously neglected. It feels, especially compared to guardian, like an unfinished project.

I think everything feels like an unfinished project compared to guardians LOL!

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Senticon.3452


I don’t think switching weapons is good idea for ele to be honest, devs could cut
our ability to utilize some sigils at their maximum in return, which other classes
cannot. It’s really nice advantage, and we still can swap weapons out of combat.
I always keep Staff with S/D in my backpack.

Things that really have to be fixed:
1) Fire Trait line. Used only for very specific builds, overall effectiveness
is highly arguable.
2) Staff Ele for PvP… Unsteady Ground – only PvE mobs cannot avoid it and take
some punishment from it, Eruption – a joke? Gust – even after recent patch, still
anyone with open eyes avoids it with no problem, Ice Spike – you can slowly walk
out of it’s field, but even if you are too lazy to do so, no big deal, dmg is minimal.
Some issues too, but those should be taken care of somehow.

Many players proposed to give Eruption early blast option in return of extended CD,
fair trade if you ask me. Unsteady Ground must be extended somehow, this small
strip can’t hurt anyone, condition dmg is laughable + everyone have few condition
removers, so it won’t hurt. And I don’t know what to do to Ice Spike, but I switch to
water only for the fields, not this nonsense…

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: sinzer.4018


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Ive never pved in my life.

I’d advise you to create a thread in the warrior forum about how awesome they are in pvp. It’ll be hilarious.

I am probably a terrible player but then that kinda backs up my statement that eles are more forgiving when you make a mistake especially considering my warrior was my first profession and it’s got the most playtime.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Ive never pved in my life.

I’d advise you to create a thread in the warrior forum about how awesome they are in pvp. It’ll be hilarious.

I am probably a terrible player but then that kinda backs up my statement that eles are more forgiving when you make a mistake especially considering my warrior was my first profession and it’s got the most playtime.

warriors have too many threads about how blind and about anet love they recieve. Naw, feels little depressing i cannot harness the powerful warrior in pvp.

I want some videos. If ARM say they are in a good place, we can all learn from him. I feel like his non reply means he is super good and hiding a special power

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Ive never pved in my life.

I’d advise you to create a thread in the warrior forum about how awesome they are in pvp. It’ll be hilarious.

I am probably a terrible player but then that kinda backs up my statement that eles are more forgiving when you make a mistake especially considering my warrior was my first profession and it’s got the most playtime.

warriors have too many threads about how blind and about anet love they recieve. Naw, feels little depressing i cannot harness the powerful warrior in pvp.

I want some videos. If ARM say they are in a good place, we can all learn from him. I feel like his non reply means he is super good and hiding a special power

I don’t have any videos proving how badly you play your warrior. The fact that you think that class is bad is all the proof that is needed.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Ive never pved in my life.

I’d advise you to create a thread in the warrior forum about how awesome they are in pvp. It’ll be hilarious.

I am probably a terrible player but then that kinda backs up my statement that eles are more forgiving when you make a mistake especially considering my warrior was my first profession and it’s got the most playtime.

warriors have too many threads about how blind and about anet love they recieve. Naw, feels little depressing i cannot harness the powerful warrior in pvp.

I want some videos. If ARM say they are in a good place, we can all learn from him. I feel like his non reply means he is super good and hiding a special power

I don’t have any videos proving how badly you play your warrior. The fact that you think that class is bad is all the proof that is needed.

i agree, that I am pretty bad as a warrior but I wanna learn from the master. may I see videos of you playing a warrior ARM in pvp?

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Ive never pved in my life.

I’d advise you to create a thread in the warrior forum about how awesome they are in pvp. It’ll be hilarious.

I am probably a terrible player but then that kinda backs up my statement that eles are more forgiving when you make a mistake especially considering my warrior was my first profession and it’s got the most playtime.

warriors have too many threads about how blind and about anet love they recieve. Naw, feels little depressing i cannot harness the powerful warrior in pvp.

I want some videos. If ARM say they are in a good place, we can all learn from him. I feel like his non reply means he is super good and hiding a special power

I don’t have any videos proving how badly you play your warrior. The fact that you think that class is bad is all the proof that is needed.

i agree, that I am pretty bad as a warrior but I wanna learn from the master. may I see videos of you playing a warrior ARM in pvp?

No, but you can transfer to any server GOM is fighting and you can challenge my warrior with your ele… ill post that video.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Demon.5082


how do we “have it better” than some classes? which classes and how?

I do not pve a lot apart from occasional dungeons so most of my statements are for spvp and tpvp.

Warriors are nowhere near us in pvp. If you got killed by a warrior, he was either very good or you were very bad. They do have insane mobility but the worst sustain in game. Warriors are ironically no “warriors” in a fight.

Mesmers can be called OP and such but the fact of the matter is they suck when fighting a skilled opponent. Play a mesmer and fight some one who knows how to target the real you and destroy you. Against a good opponent I would anyday play an Ele over a mesmer sinc we can at least run away (yes even with the nerfed RTL) but they cannot heal (other than heal skill) nor run (1 measly blink and no swiftnesss)
If mesmer portal/IoL skills were removed in tpvp, you wont even find any mesmers anymore.

Thieves. I agree their mobility/evasion/stealth is over the top but I breakdown most thieves that I meet in a single knockdown (provided it connects). They are extremely squishy (think about elementalist without water) and stealth/evasion is their only mechanic. Even then, a good player lands PBAoEs and can destroy a stealthed thief.

Necros are very hard to deal with (I changed my build to add more condi cleanses just for them lol) post patch. So I would say they are in a better place right now. But they are prone to CC/conditions a lot more than us.

Seriously guys, some of the whining here is over the top. I can understand how we pale in comparison to the pre-nerf elementalist but we are not GARBAGE.

You have to focus on the issue you guys keep throwing more and more hats into the ring to make the case against 1 class.

Argument is brought up that Elementalist need higher base stats to match a Mesmer.

Then on the other hand guardian is brought up because it does more damage being tanky than a Elementalist but a Guardian has lower base HP than a mesmer, that’s not brought into the discussion because it doesn’t prove the persons point.

You need to look at the class on its own merit it’s skills on their own merit. You can’t pick and chose the counter argument of “X class can do this” thats stacking the deck against the elementalist.

You can take any class in the game and make a case for buffs for that class using other classes to support your argument.

Its easy

Mesmer needs stability OMG! – Warriors, Elementalist, Guardian, Rangers all have easy access to stability what do we get? 2 secs on a mantra nobody cares about mantras!

Thief needs 1200 range – OMG we are the only class that doesn’t have 1200 range (see every class in the game)

Thief omg my support sucks why can’t I haz phat healz! – See Guardian, elementalist, even warriors can get phat healz with shouts and banners! They should allow you to load water bullets into pistol so we can shoot people with support!

Rangers OMG we are rangers the word Range is in our name but we are the worst ranged class – (see every other class except thief)

Guardians – OMG why do warriors have so much HP I have to spec to get more HP why is my base HP as low as a elementalist who is a cloth class! OMG. Why can’t I go full zerker like Warriors (sPvP, WvW) Why do I have to spec heavier in healing power than a elementalist!

Mesmer – OMG I need out of combat swiftness I mean Thieves move around alot, Warriors are faster than us and do more damage, Elementalist have swiftness. We Need Moar swiftness access.

Warrior – I need sustain I mean ele’s have protection, mesmer get protection easily, guardians have protection. I mean I’m a melee class I’m front lines baby! I need prot! Why don’t I get protection when I’m melee?

+1. You sir, have just summed up the entire GW2 class forums in 1 post.

Cevinian (elementalist), Gesmia Romirr (mesmer), Zerkarr (warrior) Devona’s Rest – US.
Breakdown of class roles in tpvp
Suggestions for improving/fixing elementalists

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Ive never pved in my life.

I’d advise you to create a thread in the warrior forum about how awesome they are in pvp. It’ll be hilarious.

I am probably a terrible player but then that kinda backs up my statement that eles are more forgiving when you make a mistake especially considering my warrior was my first profession and it’s got the most playtime.

warriors have too many threads about how blind and about anet love they recieve. Naw, feels little depressing i cannot harness the powerful warrior in pvp.

I want some videos. If ARM say they are in a good place, we can all learn from him. I feel like his non reply means he is super good and hiding a special power

I don’t have any videos proving how badly you play your warrior. The fact that you think that class is bad is all the proof that is needed.

i agree, that I am pretty bad as a warrior but I wanna learn from the master. may I see videos of you playing a warrior ARM in pvp?

No, but you can transfer to any server GOM is fighting and you can challenge my warrior with your ele… ill post that video.

not interested, i never claim that i am a skilled ele. you will probably win because i am trying to theory craft very odd builds for the engineer. Until the class settles down, i might play the class again
i am a type of person that forgets how to play a class.

(edited by loseridoit.2756)

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Raif.9507


I love the ele changes myself, I mainly play spvp with it and the fresh air buff sent my playstyle through the roof!

I think the weakness of the class is aimed at pve, maybe wvw (for large scale stuff, small scale is probably fine).

I think the core of the issue is simply how required arcana is, and partly the low hp requiring you to pick up health somewhere which is usually water traits (which gives you healing).

I used to try less than 30 arcana builds but I recently gave up, its simply too huge a kitten to have less than 30. Fire has weak traits but moreso weak stats, compared to air which has crit chance and crit damage in the same tree along with amazing damage traits, why would you spec anything else for damage?

Other way around. Elementalist is very good in large engagements, decent in small mans, and is mediocre in solo/duo roaming.

Staff for large zerging is awesome. People always want more elementalists for the large stuff for the static fields and the aoe.

Small mans prefer elementalists to go D/D for the aura share (shocking aura) and the aoe heals and cleanses that the standard 0/10/0/30/30 build has. You can also use the new fresh air builds with S/D, but it doesn’t offer as much group utility as the D/D does. It does however offer lots of damage.

In solo/duo roaming the class is decent on D/D and S/D. We are out classed by the higher mobility classes like thieves and warriors (yes warriors) as they can zip in and out and escape much better than you, but do decent enough in flipping camps/killing dolyaks/sentries and scouting for the server so long as you have the FGS on you to get away when needed. A dead scout tells no tales.

For those asking about the 1vx capabilities, it’s there. It becomes skill moreso than the class, but the thief is is the better roamer (it’s why you see so many) but you are still 3rd or 4th best roamer. You don’t do the damage, but you have a mix of survivability and damage to do what you need to do. The mobility could be better (and should) which would fix the roaming problems the elementalist has in small mans/roaming but it is still decent.

Asharìa March – 80 Elementalist
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall – www.Primedefense.net

(edited by Raif.9507)

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Revert mist form nerf, add an additional -30% (-50% total for air skills) cooldown for movement skills (rtl, burning speed, etc.) to Aeromancer’s Alacrity, and put a stun breaker back on lightning flash. That would be enough to make me happy.

It would also be enough to re-OP the ele.

Ah the tears of the fallen…so tasty.

I’m waiting for all the bunker ele, OP class only players to switch to troll thieves and get those nerfed. That’ll be at least a couple months yet, but man will it be sweet.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


I would not say Elementalists are garbage since we do have it better than some classes. Sadly, our build diversity is down the toilet with fire/earth just not being as powerful as air/water and arcana just being too good respective to the others in spvp/tpvp.

how do we “have it better” than some classes? which classes and how?

This^. I would LOVE to hear what class we have it better than.

Warriors, to name one.
Also, having it better than some other classes doesn’t necessarily means that we’re stronger 1vs1. And that leads us to be far better than rangers in team fights.

Warriors are one of the best classes in WvW. Who cares about 1v1… no part of the game meta is 1v1 centric.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


I’m waiting for all the bunker ele, OP class only players to switch to troll thieves and get those nerfed. That’ll be at least a couple months yet, but man will it be sweet.

The only people that complained about bunker eles were bad players. Sure they were nasty 1v1, but even at their height of ability were still not even close to where guardians are now in overall effectiveness.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

I’m waiting for all the bunker ele, OP class only players to switch to troll thieves and get those nerfed. That’ll be at least a couple months yet, but man will it be sweet.

The only people that complained about bunker eles were bad players. Sure they were nasty 1v1, but even at their height of ability were still not even close to where guardians are now in overall effectiveness.

This. A hundred times this. Whenever we have problems with other (seriously OP) classes we get told to “L2P” and that the other player was just better than us. Yet when it was us that was close to OP the other ones weren’t bad players and we weren’t really better than them, no it was simply our class that was OP and needed swift and severe nerfs.

I frakking hate double standards with a vengeance.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Raif.9507


I’m waiting for all the bunker ele, OP class only players to switch to troll thieves and get those nerfed. That’ll be at least a couple months yet, but man will it be sweet.

The only people that complained about bunker eles were bad players. Sure they were nasty 1v1, but even at their height of ability were still not even close to where guardians are now in overall effectiveness.

This. A hundred times this. Whenever we have problems with other (seriously OP) classes we get told to “L2P” and that the other player was just better than us. Yet when it was us that was close to OP the other ones weren’t bad players and we weren’t really better than them, no it was simply our class that was OP and needed swift and severe nerfs.

I frakking hate double standards with a vengeance.

I don’t like agreeing with Aether, but he is right. I love the elementalist as a class, it’s the most fun I’ve had in a game in SUCH a long time. There seems to be some double standard when it comes to the class because it has so many options built into its weaponset and the devs are being to careful.

Revert RTL and the class will be fine save for the bugs. Lower the scaling of the heals with healing power, up the base heals. make a person who wants to be tanky SPEC and GEAR for it. Make a person who wants to be a damage dealer be one. The elementalist needs the mobility for it to be able to deal damage.

People who complained “the ele tanked 10 of us and we couldn’t kill him” more often than not have no idea how to PvP. If 10 people can’t kill 1 player, the problem isn’t that player, it’s the group. It just boggles my mind when I see the videos of people taking 10 players and how they just don’t seem to work together to pin/chain CC and just pound the crap out of them. They also don’t realize that the elementalist did exactly what thieves do right now. Distract 10 people so they don’t kill a yak or flip a keep or whatnot. Seriously, blind, chill cripple the kitten ele and they are done for.

Guardians are still tankier and will always be tankier than us.

Asharìa March – 80 Elementalist
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall – www.Primedefense.net

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


I can’t really take the complaints about ele nerfs seriously tbh. Even after the nerfs i’d still rather play my ele over my warrior. It’s far more forgiving.

Then you are VERY bad at playing a warrior. That’s the best class in the game by far.

in easy mode pve…….

wvwvw and pvp are a different beast

Ive never pved in my life.

I’d advise you to create a thread in the warrior forum about how awesome they are in pvp. It’ll be hilarious.

I am probably a terrible player but then that kinda backs up my statement that eles are more forgiving when you make a mistake especially considering my warrior was my first profession and it’s got the most playtime.

warriors have too many threads about how blind and about anet love they recieve. Naw, feels little depressing i cannot harness the powerful warrior in pvp.

I want some videos. If ARM say they are in a good place, we can all learn from him. I feel like his non reply means he is super good and hiding a special power

I don’t have any videos proving how badly you play your warrior. The fact that you think that class is bad is all the proof that is needed.

i agree, that I am pretty bad as a warrior but I wanna learn from the master. may I see videos of you playing a warrior ARM in pvp?

No, but you can transfer to any server GOM is fighting and you can challenge my warrior with your ele… ill post that video.

not interested, i never claim that i am a skilled ele. you will probably win because i am trying to theory craft very odd builds for the engineer. Until the class settles down, i might play the class again
i am a type of person that forgets how to play a class.

There is no probably to it. Hence the thread.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aether McLoud.1975

Aether McLoud.1975

I’m waiting for all the bunker ele, OP class only players to switch to troll thieves and get those nerfed. That’ll be at least a couple months yet, but man will it be sweet.

The only people that complained about bunker eles were bad players. Sure they were nasty 1v1, but even at their height of ability were still not even close to where guardians are now in overall effectiveness.

This. A hundred times this. Whenever we have problems with other (seriously OP) classes we get told to “L2P” and that the other player was just better than us. Yet when it was us that was close to OP the other ones weren’t bad players and we weren’t really better than them, no it was simply our class that was OP and needed swift and severe nerfs.

I frakking hate double standards with a vengeance.

I don’t like agreeing with Aether, but he is right. I love the elementalist as a class, it’s the most fun I’ve had in a game in SUCH a long time. There seems to be some double standard when it comes to the class because it has so many options built into its weaponset and the devs are being to careful.

Revert RTL and the class will be fine save for the bugs. Lower the scaling of the heals with healing power, up the base heals. make a person who wants to be tanky SPEC and GEAR for it. Make a person who wants to be a damage dealer be one. The elementalist needs the mobility for it to be able to deal damage.

People who complained “the ele tanked 10 of us and we couldn’t kill him” more often than not have no idea how to PvP. If 10 people can’t kill 1 player, the problem isn’t that player, it’s the group. It just boggles my mind when I see the videos of people taking 10 players and how they just don’t seem to work together to pin/chain CC and just pound the crap out of them. They also don’t realize that the elementalist did exactly what thieves do right now. Distract 10 people so they don’t kill a yak or flip a keep or whatnot. Seriously, blind, chill cripple the kitten ele and they are done for.

Guardians are still tankier and will always be tankier than us.

Even if 2 or 3 people can’t kill a bunker ele they are simply bads. Before and after the nerfs. Take thieves for example, most of them are mouthbreathers who you can kill in a single knockdown after they stun themselves on your shocking aura. Yet yesterday I’ve met a thief in hotjoins that seriously gave me trouble, not only did he have unpredictable movement and stealth methods, he also killed me flat in 2 seconds THROUGH MY 1900 toughness when he opened from stealth and I had no stunbreaker ready.

Yet thief burst never gets nerfed as hard as eles get every single patch.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


I`ve always said it is down to the clueless noobs who never think once to stun/immob` an Ele` (probably as they only have pewpew spells on their bars) that it should be their problem, not the Ele` players.

But as we`ve seen constantly, anet are catering to the clueless care bears.
Guardian puts out more damage as standard, higher armour & is even tankier.
Thieves….scum of tyria, anet allows them highest mobility, highest damage & stealth.

Sat in borderlands ages ago I saw six or seven puggers of our side trying to get one poor little old d/d ele down, whilst watching from a tower & giggling/cringing, I never once saw any of them use a stun or immobiliser.

Fifteen minutes this went on before I dropped down, stunned it once & they pounced & went to finish the job & they even failed at that lol

But don`t expect them to revert anything.
Look how long it took them to revert EA & even then, only partially.
Even been talk of them nerfing S/? & FGS already.


“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864



I have seen them say anything about nerfing S/?

The burst S/? builds where mentioned in the last SOTG. Everyone said its good, the dev said do you think its to much. Nobody said it was to much. Zombify said its crazy but I think its good.

FGS was mentioned in Izzy’s video he said thakittens interesting that people use it for mobility instead of damage. He admits that he uses it for the samething also. Said he recognizes its a trade off. They said they talked about FGS from a balance perspective. You can take that how you want.

I watch the video and took away more that FGS isn’t good enough to be used for more than mobility.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


No talk of them ever nerfing thief stealth though unfortunately. Remember when reveal was at 4 seconds and they actually said that was too “extreme” of a change and crippled the class? 1 fracking extra second on a broken mechanic that NEEDS nerfing was crippling? Yet ride the lightning, which was a death sentence if you immobilized us when we did it, is fine at 40 seconds? It’s obvious most of the devs are clueless noobs who main thief. It’s their pet class and if they have to change any of their damage or stealth abilities on their utility bar to deal with anything, because god forbid they think to bring an immobilize skill with them, you’d best believe they’re going to nerf anyone that they can’t insta-kill.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: KeybladeMaster.3148


bring the cooldown for ride the lightning back down! It’s my main form of transportation!!!!!

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Guardians – OMG why do warriors have so much HP I have to spec to get more HP why is my base HP as low as a elementalist who is a cloth class! OMG. Why can’t I go full zerker like Warriors (sPvP, WvW) Why do I have to spec heavier in healing power than a elementalist!

glad you pointed out sPvP and WvW, because PvE is fine to say the least.

Care to prove the effectiveness of conjured in fotm 48?
Most people believe that conjured is a gimmick build for farmers….while a zerker warrior is perfectly viable everywhere.

Nobody still proved it false…..

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Caffynated.5713


Revert mist form nerf, add an additional -30% (-50% total for air skills) cooldown for movement skills (rtl, burning speed, etc.) to Aeromancer’s Alacrity, and put a stun breaker back on lightning flash. That would be enough to make me happy.

It would also be enough to re-OP the ele.

Ah the tears of the fallen…so tasty.

I’m waiting for all the bunker ele, OP class only players to switch to troll thieves and get those nerfed. That’ll be at least a couple months yet, but man will it be sweet.

Nobody considered 0 20 0 20 30 eles OP when we had a flat 12 second 1550 range RTL. Having it be 10 hit/20 miss wouldn’t be any better.

Mist form/elixir S have been nerfed to a point that a lot of people consider them not worth taking. I think most people agree that the nerfs went too far.

Cantrip ele had already been brought in line months before they kitten lightning flash.

“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Revert mist form nerf, add an additional -30% (-50% total for air skills) cooldown for movement skills (rtl, burning speed, etc.) to Aeromancer’s Alacrity, and put a stun breaker back on lightning flash. That would be enough to make me happy.

Lightning Flash is much better now.

It got the cooldown slashed down to 40seconds, the damage is higher if you care about that.
Sure it lost the stunbreaker. But! You can still teleport while stunned.

Sure you remain stunned, but you are out of harms way and stuns dont generally last all that long. Especially not in PvP where the longest stuns are 2seconds(?). The guy that stunned you now has to les then 2seconds to jog towards where you flashed to actually take advantage of that stun.
Given human reaction times and having to find you he’ll likely have barely 1sec to close 900range, and thats with a 2sec stun.

“Slashed” to 40 seconds. A whole 5 seconds in exchange for losing its stun breaker. Oh and don’t forget that it now hits for 1200 instead of 800. Watch out, I might one shot somebody.

If it’s such a trivial change that makes no difference, why would they bother making it and why would you object to it being changed back?

Hint: it’s a big kittening deal

Unfortunately I have to agree. Signet of air got a 10 second increase to its cd for its added stun break not to mention it nolonger works with written in stone correctly (Written in stone thinks its cd is the old cd). Lightning flash should have had its CD reduced by 10 seconds and no extra damage added, but that would make us too mobile.

Do the devs program with “classes” or variables? You know, so when you change the CD to 10 seconds the skill gets an update, the tool tip gets an update, the corresponding traits work correctly and everyone is happy. Or do they hard code all the values. For this example, Lets add 10 second cd to air signet, find the code for that, find the code for its tool tip … oh, find the cd reduction trait, yep good, that was all? Yep, all good, test for an hour, no problems done. (Except that other trait we forgot about).

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


I’m waiting for all the bunker ele, OP class only players to switch to troll thieves and get those nerfed. That’ll be at least a couple months yet, but man will it be sweet.

The only people that complained about bunker eles were bad players. Sure they were nasty 1v1, but even at their height of ability were still not even close to where guardians are now in overall effectiveness.

This. A hundred times this. Whenever we have problems with other (seriously OP) classes we get told to “L2P” and that the other player was just better than us. Yet when it was us that was close to OP the other ones weren’t bad players and we weren’t really better than them, no it was simply our class that was OP and needed swift and severe nerfs.

I frakking hate double standards with a vengeance.

I don’t like agreeing with Aether, but he is right. I love the elementalist as a class, it’s the most fun I’ve had in a game in SUCH a long time. There seems to be some double standard when it comes to the class because it has so many options built into its weaponset and the devs are being to careful.

Revert RTL and the class will be fine save for the bugs. Lower the scaling of the heals with healing power, up the base heals. make a person who wants to be tanky SPEC and GEAR for it. Make a person who wants to be a damage dealer be one. The elementalist needs the mobility for it to be able to deal damage.

People who complained “the ele tanked 10 of us and we couldn’t kill him” more often than not have no idea how to PvP. If 10 people can’t kill 1 player, the problem isn’t that player, it’s the group. It just boggles my mind when I see the videos of people taking 10 players and how they just don’t seem to work together to pin/chain CC and just pound the crap out of them. They also don’t realize that the elementalist did exactly what thieves do right now. Distract 10 people so they don’t kill a yak or flip a keep or whatnot. Seriously, blind, chill cripple the kitten ele and they are done for.

Guardians are still tankier and will always be tankier than us.

Even if 2 or 3 people can’t kill a bunker ele they are simply bads. Before and after the nerfs. Take thieves for example, most of them are mouthbreathers who you can kill in a single knockdown after they stun themselves on your shocking aura. Yet yesterday I’ve met a thief in hotjoins that seriously gave me trouble, not only did he have unpredictable movement and stealth methods, he also killed me flat in 2 seconds THROUGH MY 1900 toughness when he opened from stealth and I had no stunbreaker ready.

Yet thief burst never gets nerfed as hard as eles get every single patch.

This is absolutely the most ridiculous post I have ever seen. 1) you call thieves “mouth breathers” totally nailed it bro! Way to be constructive and on topic. 2)If you didn’t have a stunbreak ready how do you expect to avoid damage paired with a stun? If you didn’t have condi removal and you got 25 stacks of bleed on you and died from it wouldn’t that be your fault? 3) thieves have been nerfed both harder and more often than eles. You can look at patch notes to confirm that. 4) the 0/10/0/30/30 build used to be OP. It simply had everything. It was by far the most mobile class without sacrificing anything, it could take a ton of damage, it had the ability to burst heal large amounts, and it’s damage was good after you got your might stacks up (although it’s in a pretty good place now). 5) you make fun of people who couldn’t kill eles and yet you complain about a thief. And in spvp the thief doesn’t have access to very good burst unless he’s really willing to give up any kind of survivability. From your wording it’s clear that the thief was simply better than you.

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


No talk of them ever nerfing thief stealth though unfortunately. Remember when reveal was at 4 seconds and they actually said that was too “extreme” of a change and crippled the class? 1 fracking extra second on a broken mechanic that NEEDS nerfing was crippling? Yet ride the lightning, which was a death sentence if you immobilized us when we did it, is fine at 40 seconds? It’s obvious most of the devs are clueless noobs who main thief. It’s their pet class and if they have to change any of their damage or stealth abilities on their utility bar to deal with anything, because god forbid they think to bring an immobilize skill with them, you’d best believe they’re going to nerf anyone that they can’t insta-kill.

You have literally never played a thief have you? You really should try playing arena nets “pet class” some time and actual learn about it. It’s obvious from your post you know nothing about thieves or balancing in general. As far as I know, none of the devs main a thief. I’ve never seen a video or picture of one on a thief and we don’t ever have then comment in our sub forum. The devs are balancing the classes in an objective way and it’s very very clear from your post you’re just looking to benefit yourself with the balancing and don’t care about other classes.

Ps try taking a look at the thief class’ change log sometime. It’s gotten more nerfs than ele’s, but I’m not complaining

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Demon.5082


I am sorry but I have to agree with pantsforbirds here. Thieves are no longer a pet class. I agree that they have great mobility + stealth but their so called burst is laughable now.
I usually tank most thieves and nuke them with my S/D ele.
The ones that burst you down fast (what happened to Aether McLoud) will have 0 chance to survive if just a single person stuns him/her and nukes.

In team fights, thieves are a joke (except for the ones using shortbow and know what they are doing). They open on some one and the unintentional AOE getting thrown around often ends up downing them.

Thieves are top in mobility/stealth but they are way below “pet class” status.

Cevinian (elementalist), Gesmia Romirr (mesmer), Zerkarr (warrior) Devona’s Rest – US.
Breakdown of class roles in tpvp
Suggestions for improving/fixing elementalists

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Raif.9507


No talk of them ever nerfing thief stealth though unfortunately. Remember when reveal was at 4 seconds and they actually said that was too “extreme” of a change and crippled the class? 1 fracking extra second on a broken mechanic that NEEDS nerfing was crippling? Yet ride the lightning, which was a death sentence if you immobilized us when we did it, is fine at 40 seconds? It’s obvious most of the devs are clueless noobs who main thief. It’s their pet class and if they have to change any of their damage or stealth abilities on their utility bar to deal with anything, because god forbid they think to bring an immobilize skill with them, you’d best believe they’re going to nerf anyone that they can’t insta-kill.

You have literally never played a thief have you? You really should try playing arena nets “pet class” some time and actual learn about it. It’s obvious from your post you know nothing about thieves or balancing in general. As far as I know, none of the devs main a thief. I’ve never seen a video or picture of one on a thief and we don’t ever have then comment in our sub forum. The devs are balancing the classes in an objective way and it’s very very clear from your post you’re just looking to benefit yourself with the balancing and don’t care about other classes.

Ps try taking a look at the thief class’ change log sometime. It’s gotten more nerfs than ele’s, but I’m not complaining

Well to be fair, if we’re talking all around nerfs, the elementalists since BW1 have been nerfed way more than any other class having their original damage output nerfed almost 60% on pretty much all their skills. Some skills even more.

Asharìa March – 80 Elementalist
Co-Guild Leader of Prime Defense on Sanctum of Rall – www.Primedefense.net

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


@demon & pantsforbird

PvP is way different from www all your statements are the copy paste of cliches discussed in PvP forum…..but used for www and that is a huge mistake.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


In WvW, thieves are godmode. And check my signature, I have one myself.

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: ARM.3912


In WvW, thieves are godmode. And check my signature, I have one myself.

Godmode, AND incredibly easy to play. The only way I can have fun on my thief is by continually challenging zergs.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: covenn.7165


I don’t even play my thief because I can literally slap my kitten all over the keyboard and still kill most people.

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


No talk of them ever nerfing thief stealth though unfortunately. Remember when reveal was at 4 seconds and they actually said that was too “extreme” of a change and crippled the class? 1 fracking extra second on a broken mechanic that NEEDS nerfing was crippling? Yet ride the lightning, which was a death sentence if you immobilized us when we did it, is fine at 40 seconds? It’s obvious most of the devs are clueless noobs who main thief. It’s their pet class and if they have to change any of their damage or stealth abilities on their utility bar to deal with anything, because god forbid they think to bring an immobilize skill with them, you’d best believe they’re going to nerf anyone that they can’t insta-kill.

You have literally never played a thief have you? You really should try playing arena nets “pet class” some time and actual learn about it. It’s obvious from your post you know nothing about thieves or balancing in general. As far as I know, none of the devs main a thief. I’ve never seen a video or picture of one on a thief and we don’t ever have then comment in our sub forum. The devs are balancing the classes in an objective way and it’s very very clear from your post you’re just looking to benefit yourself with the balancing and don’t care about other classes.

Ps try taking a look at the thief class’ change log sometime. It’s gotten more nerfs than ele’s, but I’m not complaining

Well to be fair, if we’re talking all around nerfs, the elementalists since BW1 have been nerfed way more than any other class having their original damage output nerfed almost 60% on pretty much all their skills. Some skills even more.

That’s fair. Unfortunately i wasn’t around to see what the game was like during BW1 or 2. I do know that the game wasn’t very balanced yet (to be expected in a beta) and that the gs a/s warrior was king of hotjoin spvp during the first couple weeks of the game,

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


@demon & pantsforbird

PvP is way different from www all your statements are the copy paste of cliches discussed in PvP forum…..but used for www and that is a huge mistake.

WvW is a completely different area of the game and i have to agree with you completely. My WvW build does much more damage than the same build would in spvp (although it has like 3-4k less hp). WvW allows for greater customization of builds, and alllows for much more extreme builds, but this applies to all classes. Necros can get their fear times to a scary high number, and food buffs allow for some crazy damage output along with it. Eles are capable of getting some VERY impressive burst dps from range with the s/d weaponset.

The biggest problem with WvW is the people. If you are not solo roaming and you run across someone who IS solo roaming, guess who is going to win? I have my thief specced for 1v1 or 1vX fights. If you are specced for zerging there is almost no chance of you winning (provided we are the same skill level). I also spend 80% of my time in game practicing duels in spvp, playing tpvp, and solo roaming in WvW. I spend a lot of my time practicing the “meta” builds on all of the classes (i dont have ranger yet, but i plan on getting on soon) so that i can better counter them when I run into them 1v1.

ps If you ever want help dealing with thieves please feel free to message me in game! (My thief name is in my sig and you can always use my account name as well). I love dueling and am always looking to increase my skill or help others to increase theirs! Lets try to keep the community friendly

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


I don’t even play my thief because I can literally slap my kitten all over the keyboard and still kill most people.

I almost never die to a thief in wvw. I noticed a lot of thieves haven’t taken the time to know their class very well, and are very easy to counter.

My absolute favorite are d/d basilisk venom thieves. I will see them pop their BV, so ill go ahead and pop mine as well. It usually boils down to who will steal first right? So i look at my steal bar (or if you aren’t a thief any 900 range skill will work), and as soon as the out of range indicator disappears i dodge forward. The thief will almost always steal to me with a precasted cloak and dagger and you have not only wasted their BV, but also up to half of their initiative. Its super easy to do and will throw off a surprising number of thieves.

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: oZii.2864


Most thieves don’t know anything about other classes.

Go into WvW find random thief watch him pop his basilisk venom you pop your armor of earth in plain sight you know rocks floating all around you and he will still try to basilisk you rofl.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Strever.8764


I don’t get what all this kittening is about. Ele’s are fine, I have no problem fighting anything except really good engis and phantasm mesmers and not even that after the mesmer nerf last patch. Learn how to play the class and you will do absolutely fine in PvP. Now in PvE I have no idea about balance, but I have never had a problem getting a group for a dungeon and have absolutely never been kicked just because of my class. Eles bring a lot to the table and you’d realize it if you spent more time mastering the class than complaining on the forums.

Ipsum Elusus [GG] Sourceri – Elementalist – BP Roamer

Un nerf Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: flyingfox.6150


They just made Air (or really lightning at this point…) more viable and fun. Next up they need to work Fire and Earth, also making Water just a tad bit more offensive than it is now and we’re set for life.

I would love to see Fire get some love real soon.