what are your crit% chance numbers?

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Voltic.6912


I am relatively new to 80 and only have rare gear and major runes of the eagle currently slotted. I have lots of room to grow precision.

I have a 54% chance to crit. Kinda curious how high it can get. I put a ton into precision and divided the rest between arcane and power and am considering taking the points out of arcane as I am clueless what this does other than I read others putting 20 points here, hehe. like WTF is a boon.

I love using air when there are 2-3 mobs and the bolt bounces back between em. Things die super fast. Things die pretty fast to with fire if I target the mob in the back and the other mobs take damage as my fireball passes through them.

btw this is the pve build, havent modified it much for pvp as usually its mob vs mob out there


what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mytheos.7205


Boon = Might, Fury, Regen and so forth.

Fireball’s projectile doesnt pass through targets and has small AE damage where it lands.

I have 48% Crit chance, and 86% Crit Dam, but I use the Sigil that stacks prec, so at 25 stacks I have 60% crit., 80% with furry.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: wertyuio.8630


i have 4% crit damage, and have been wearing the same assorted exotic set i’ve owned for the last month… and i can kill things faster than you.

elementalists isn’t about glass cannon. i once saw someone write: “I’d like a bit more cannon to go with my glass.” that is especially true with us. a thief with the same gear will be dealing almost twice the damage as you in a single target scenario, but will still be slightly less squishy due to medium armor.

glass cannon ele is not the way to go. if you spec earth and water with 10 points in arcana, you will be very survivable. anecdote: i haven’t died in a fight vs. <5 normal mobs for 3 weeks, and i can solo veteran giants in orr… i seriously doubt you can do the same with a glass cannon staff build.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mytheos.7205


Challenge accepted, name the time and place

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: wertyuio.8630


Challenge accepted, name the time and place

whenever… and add me if you’re serious about it

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mytheos.7205


Of course I am serious, if a build with less DPS and better survivability can outdps one that has more DPS, I would love to see it and then talk shop after.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: wertyuio.8630


Of course I am serious, if a build with less DPS and better survivability can outdps one that has more DPS, I would love to see it and then talk shop after.

the principle.. is i can survive fights you can… and you won’t be dealing damage if you’re dead. orr you could go and solo a veteran giant in orr… tell me how that goes for you.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mytheos.7205


Have a WP they are near? I assume you mean Cursed Shore?

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: wertyuio.8630


yep. cursed shore near caer shadowfain.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: zetherin.8372


wertyuio, could you post your build because you got me all curious

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: wertyuio.8630


i run dual dagger, with 0/0/30/20/20 traits. i don’t focus on any single element; i use everything available to me at any given time… and depending on the situation, i run signet of fire/arcane wave, signet of air/lightning flash, and arcane shield. and i use hounds of balthazar to tank for me and make my life easier (though elementals work too if you’re not human)

on my mainhand dagger, i use a superior sigil of battle, which is basically 7-10 free stacks of might whenever i’m in a fight. (hey, it rhymed)

i use earth 3, 9, and 11
water traits 5 and 7,
and arcana 4 and 5.

with this, i have 2 arcane shields, armor of earth (which i hear is supposed to break stuns… meaning anet might fix it in the future), and with water, each time i attune to it i heal as well as cure conditions.

and i’d recommend either carrion or knight’s armor (though i’m personally too cheap to buy it for myself)

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rekina.6078


like 4% chance something. I wonder how low it can go :P

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Krabpeople.3469


Currently at 67% chance to crit with 103% crit damage.
> Full Berserker’s armor + Staff.
> Berserker accessories.
> Ruby Orbs in everything.
>Signet of fire passive.

don’t even know if there is food to increase it, there probably is.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mytheos.7205


Finally had a chance to play today (Hanging with the GF)

Took a few to find them as I didnt have the map finished.

But they were not very hard killed two, one with pet one without.

With pet was really easy, and without I ended up having to kill a couple adds on top of it but in the end only the adds made it any kind of challenge.

Should have timed it but took like 15-20 seconds I’d guess?

I dont have any issues solo’ing any Vets so not surprised.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sharpe.1485


Slightly below 40% crit chance (38% without fire glyph if memory serves me correctly)
This is the happy medium I use between damage and survivability.
Crits often enough to proc quickness – pretty much every other hit.
Nearly 1500 Toughness
Slightly above 14k HP
Power at 2k plus change.

That’s a mix of Valkyrie, Knight and Zerker and a couple karma pieces – full exotics ofcourse, including accessories

(I didn’t roll an elementalist to play a tank – but I didn’t roll an elementalist to be steamrolled in 3 hits, which is what happens in pvp if you go full out on glass cannon)

(edited by Sharpe.1485)

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


No you didn’t. Thats complete and total bullkitten. You did not take 15-20 seconds to kill a veteran giant in orr. That fight will last at least a minute or 2, those giants have a massive amount of hp, they spawn grubs all over the place, and are by far harder than some champions to solo because of the adds and hp. If you actually killed it in 15-20 seconds, I challenge you to post a video on youtube of you doing so.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sharpe.1485


It’s obvious he didn’t kill an Undead Giant in 15-20 seconds…

He’s lying to support his case, just like alot of the “Elementalists are fine” people in this very forum. It’s a wounded ego thing, and you should just nod your head and move away because it’ll just start an argument that neither can win.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Stobor.8041


He’s lying to support his case, just like alot of the “Elementalists are not fine” people in this very forum. It’s a wounded ego thing, and you should just nod your head and move away because it’ll just start an argument that neither can win.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Puandro.3245


I run a 30/10/0/10/20 build with staff (i run it in dungeons) with Rare Magic Find gear and can kill those giants NP, its really not difficult.

GW2 Videos WvW Ele/Thief/Mesmer/Ranger/Warrior PvP Videos
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Oranisagu.3706


I’m very fond of the knights set.. finally got my exotics together and thanks to 30 in earth I can pretty much stand in front of most mobs and cast aoe’s at its feet. I really wanted to do d/d or s/d but the playstile just won’t come to me (I guess I lack the fast reactions necessary), whereas staff feels very natural. this might not be the most efficient play, but I usually just lay aoes, and slows and kite the mobs through my fields. veterans are still tough, but more in the sense that they take long to finish because my attack isn’t that strong (it’s aoe after all, not single target).

my crit chance is about 35% and seems to proc rather often – armor is 2.4k or so. my condition dmg and healing are totally unusable (esp. healing) so I’m considering a few changes to improve there.

all in all the ele now works rather well (only after getting the exotics though, until then it was a pain) and while he’s fun to play, he’s still very weak (damage and toughness wise) compared to my warrior.

edit: I started going with knights for pve, but noticed in wvw group-fights this spec is incredible – people trying to burst the squishy in the group of enemies are in for a surprise and often die themselves (not by you ofc) and your support and aoe (blasting staff) is great. but NEVER EVER leave the group ;-)

(edited by Oranisagu.3706)

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Voltic.6912


drool. I’ll be trying to shoot for this. I love seeing the big numbers of crits and mobs melt.

‘Currently at 67% chance to crit with 103% crit damage.’

Also I can take vet mobs with 2 adds no problem. ie, skill challenge mob that has 2 helpers. I survive very well pve with my setup. If I am suprised by a respawn or a wanderer during a fight things can get dicey but if I initiate it 2-3 mobs is pretty easy. Always moving and swapping attunements during fights. Once I complete the map and venture into pvp I might change things around but for now, I am very happy.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nicomachiavelli.3046


I’ve been hearing conflicted reports on this whole business of PvE in Orr, so I have gone 100% glass cannon. It is physically impossible to be more of a glass cannon than I am presently unless you count mist form. I’m only in the zones leading up to Orr via the story, but currently I am kicking names and taking butts.

In fights, I have near-constant fury, so 64% crit chance, 66% crit damage. I just hit 80. It’s fun to do a combo where you don’t even get to finish before the creature dies. You hit HARD. It’s a lot of fun dancing around your opponents whilst melting their faces. This is in opposition to the build I had run previously which was more survivable. The fun difference is night and day, and if you’re quick, you live. I haven’t died, actually, since the switch to pure glass.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Selo.1250



how did you get 67%?

i have full CoF/Arah set with ruby orbs, full exotic jewellry set with ruby orbs and berserker staff.

with fire sigil i only get up to 60%, you must have some item buff, food or player buff.
or superior sigil of perception?

(edited by Selo.1250)

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mytheos.7205


Sigh Whatever I’ll time it and try to get a fraps video…when I get home today. Never posted a youtube video or recorded a fraps video, so no promises.

So maybe it took 25-30 seconds again I am just rough estimating, but no way it took 2 mins.

It is a difficult fight to parse due to getting trained by people running through and also by the fact the giant I was fighting pathed through a crap ton of adds.

Am I not killing the right thing? Cursed Shore, Giant Vet and throws grubs?

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mytheos.7205



One of the Elementalists are fine people.

Look at the board I post often, and am one of the very first to say Elementalist are UP and VERY far from fine.

You’re crazy if you think we are anything but lowest tier

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


30/30/0/0/10 + berserker gear + jewelry w/ ruby orbs + fire signet + sup sigil of accuracy.
The game doesn’t add the +5% crit chance from the sigil. I have no idea how he managed the 103% crit damage though.

curry butternut squash soup is +100 percision 10% crit damage. It costs about 2.5 silver each.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mytheos.7205


Well I have a video, was a first attempt and it took 50sec, but I did it half assed using a non optimized DPS chain, no pet, no food, and with 2 adds.

Just to show you dont have to be awesome or maxed out or lucky to do it.

I was trying to get one using a good chain and without adds, but people kept running by and attacking it 8-/

Going to try again tonight when there are fewer people on.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Krabpeople.3469


Here is my whole gear set: http://imgur.com/a/oepLB#0.

If the images are too small, click on the cog in the top right of the image and click on view in full resolution.

Could upgrade to a rare backpiece from the story one, but I don’t feel 5 gold is worth it for 2 power and 1 precision.

I totally thought it was 67% crit, but it’s 65%. Guess I might have had a buff or something. It doesn’t account for the sigil of accuracy so it shows only 60%.

The 103% crit damage is working. So far my highest auto attack has been 8k fireball. With meteor shower critting for 12k. Ice spike hit for 11k (it’s a lot stronger than I ever thought).

(edited by Krabpeople.3469)

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Sharpe.1485


You guys going full bezerker – how’s your PvE farming? (honest question)

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Krabpeople.3469


Whenever I go out and do pve stuff, (not necessarily farming) it’s really really easy. Lava font crits for 3k, which it does most of the time, so just sitting on my lava font with auto attacks is enough to kill any 80 non-veteran mob.

Just sit on lava font and auto attack and if things get dicey, hop into water and use ice spike + frozen ground to kite mobs. I usually have to switch into water attunement if there are more than 3 mobs.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nicomachiavelli.3046


So I thought I would report back after having been in Orr for a day. This is roughly my spec (full zerker’s). I should add that I do not yet have full scholar’s… still working on the money to afford it. I might go eagle’s eventually, but it’s more expensive. Using rare-quality silk zerker gear I made myself (not gossamer).

I’m Sylvari, btw, which gives me the plant turret elite skill in PvE. That’s what I use instead of our class elites.

I have to say that Orr is a piece of cake. I was doing map completion with very few problems except when events were taking place in places I needed to go. I could take on entire rooms at a time, meaning 4-5 guys. If a vet were to add, it wouldn’t be too much problem.

As for the veteran giants mentioned earlier, when killing them in story mode, they didn’t last but two rounds of burning speed/ring of fire, so the above estimate of 25-30 seconds is far from impossible. I’m pretty sure I saw a fire grab hit for 11k.

Here’s my facemelt combo (D/D): 3, 4, 5, F1, 3, 4/7/8 (slashes indicate simultaneity), 5. That will decimate an entire group. Clean up with 2; F4, 4, 2; or F2, 4, 3, 2 (or any combination of those). Chances are, though, that if you’re just killing a single creature, it didn’t last long enough even to use fire grab. Start to finish, the fight lasts maybe 3 seconds. Lightning whip also hits like a freight train. Use F3 in conjunction with RTL to get a whole bunch of hits really fast.

If feces and fan collide, mist form/ether renewal. Ether renewal is far and away our best heal, because it will cure you of 12 conditions. It takes longer to cast, but it heals for more and keeps you out of cc. It’s also a good filler skill while waiting for your heavy-hitters to recharge.

Even your water skills are pretty good under this spec. Aside from some seemingly-bugged creatures with absurdly high damage, I was demolishing underwater. Water and lightning attune are your heavy hitters, with a few decent spells in the other two. I rarely used whirlpool, but it still hits like a freight train even post-nerf.

All in all, I love this spec. I can’t speak to how it would perform in dungeons, but it excels in quests, general pve, and dynamic events.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


Here is my whole gear set: http://imgur.com/a/oepLB#0.

If the images are too small, click on the cog in the top right of the image and click on view in full resolution.

Could upgrade to a rare backpiece from the story one, but I don’t feel 5 gold is worth it for 2 power and 1 precision.

I totally thought it was 67% crit, but it’s 65%. Guess I might have had a buff or something. It doesn’t account for the sigil of accuracy so it shows only 60%.

The 103% crit damage is working. So far my highest auto attack has been 8k fireball. With meteor shower critting for 12k. Ice spike hit for 11k (it’s a lot stronger than I ever thought).

I STILL don’t see how you have 103% crit damage.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Krabpeople.3469


Full Berserker’s Exotic: 16%
Ruby Orbs in Berserker’s Armor: 12%
Berserker’s Exotic Staff: 9%
Back: 1%
Ruby Orb in Back: 3%
Berserker’s Accessories: 17%
Ruby Orbs in Accessories: 15%
Total %Crit damage from Armor: 73%
Crit damage from Traits: 30%
Total %Crit damage: 103%

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


What traits give you that 30%?

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: wertyuio.8630


What traits give you that 30%?


what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


I’m aware it’s air. How much does he spec into it?….

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Selo.1250



Im mainly specced for PvE dungeons.
If you go to Orr..you die alot
If you go to WvW, DONT walk alone, and never get cought in open space.

TBH..a glass cannon ele is not as strong as a glass cannon of any other class, and surtianly ALOT more squishy

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


I have to disagree.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nicomachiavelli.3046


If you go to Orr..you die alot

I don’t know about your other claims. I haven’t done Wv3 just yet (intending to do that later today). I do know, though, that this is false. I only die in Orr if I try to do something inherently risky. Now granted, I do risky stuff pretty often, but it pays off, and I succeed more than I fail. By “risky” I mean taking on vets with adds, clearing rooms, completing events solo, etc. I can’t take a champion like the tank/heal spec, but I kill several times faster.

If you play glass cannon well, seeing a mass of creatures gives you a sort of giddy feeling as you anticipate melting them several seconds later. No joke.

what are your crit% chance numbers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Eicherjw.3926


^Truths about glass cannons vs Orr