20 second global cooldown on kit refinement

20 second global cooldown on kit refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


Devs, If you are reading this…

Get rid of the global portion of the 20 second cool down.

Make the cooldown kit specific if you really want to make kit refinement useful.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

20 second global cooldown on kit refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Nilix.2170


Yeah, separate cooldowns was on the table, but it put the trait into the a little too powerful category. It’s entirely possible that we’ll revisit this trait again at some point, but for now that’s why it is the way it is.

They know.

Mortar Shot is STILL nerfed by 28%
Purity of Purpose

20 second global cooldown on kit refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Not much to add.
I agree the cooldown should be seperate, but it’s not a new discussion. They know, they replied as you see above, and that’s it for now.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

20 second global cooldown on kit refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


Thanks for the link.

I don’t see how it would be too powerful… but even still isn’t a compromise to bump it up to 30-45 second cooldown, and remove the global.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

20 second global cooldown on kit refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Nilix.2170


Thanks for the link.

I don’t see how it would be too powerful… but even still isn’t a compromise to bump it up to 30-45 second cooldown, and remove the global.

Well, let me put it this way. We currently have
2s Fire Aura, 2s Reflect Aura, Glue Puddles, Magnet Bomb, Mine, 2s Super Speed

My favorite combination in here is Glue Puddles, Magnet Bomb, Mine. You can drop magnet bomb, drop mine, as they are interrupted and pulled into the mine swap to bomb, Glue Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Napalm Bomb, Elixir Gun, Acid Bomb away while making more trails of immobilize, swap to Grenades and then nuke the location. Depending on traits, you could have given them about 14 stacks of vulnerability, and it would only increase with your grenade tosses. I don’t know if you can consider that “too powerful”, but I really want them to drop the global CD so I can test it for myself. An AOE interrupt that pulls people into one place sounds very exploitable.

Mortar Shot is STILL nerfed by 28%
Purity of Purpose

20 second global cooldown on kit refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


The KR effects are very kewl and can be put to good use.
The GCD ruins them all because it goes against the gameplay of Kits.
Kits have always been centered around being able to switch back and forth on the fly, that is what they and the entire Engineer profession has been balanced around since release. Lower base damage, lack of Sigils/Stats carrying over and eventually the complete reworking of the most popular Kit based Trait.

If they just simply made KR only work while in combat(the same as on-swap Sigils) the Trait would again become a very valuable asset for builds that use 1-2 Kits.
Right now it is just not worth taking over any other 10pt Trait including the ones in its own Tree.

KR working only when in combat would not OverPower the Trait in anyway it would only give the ability to have a small amount of control over the Utility effects it produces

20 second global cooldown on kit refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: NickDollahZ.5348


Honestly I want “Skills that activate this trait can now activate in midair.” unfixed. So I can switch kits without using the effect if I dont want to.

The Cooldown for the trait is okay for certain effects. For others it kinda sucks. So I would suggest either taking off maybe 5 seconds off the GCD or Bump the effects of the weaker procs by a bit.

An AOE interrupt that pulls people into one place sounds very exploitable.

Temporal Curtain anyone?

20 second global cooldown on kit refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: senseidan.2036


I would prefer them make kit refinement stronger at least because KR does not feel as usable as it should be!
I wouldn’t mind if they increase the trait tier, but we need a cool down timer!!

Some ideas to improve kit refinement:
Bomb kit: improve pull range(its a bit small) and/or shorten bomb explosion delay(because mobs run out way too often), change bomb model and vfx so its noticeable.

Flamethrower: give it the elixir gun KR but its (slightly larger)puddles deal damage and cripple(this will help with the close range kiting) + maybe a new graphic with a incredibly leaky fuel tank

Elixir gun: give back the old super elixir KR or give it some kind of close range splash heal + condition removal(because a good part of elixir gun game play was bunching up with your team and giving them “support”, this also works well with elixir guns toolbelt skill which is also short range) I think this change is important because it will give back support engineers some kind of presence.

Med Kit + Tool Kit: I think these changes are quite good in helping their game play styles but the duration are severely lacking and should be buffed to 4 seconds.

Overall usability: A buff timer would help a lot! It would be at least some sort of indication of its cool down because game play feels clunky and annoying when I want to use the kit refinement skill but when it doesn’t proc I feel my game plan is ruined (true story)XD.

(edited by senseidan.2036)