A viable toolkit build?

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Physical Chess.6145

Physical Chess.6145

Just thought I’d share this build I made. I’ve been annoyed engineer doesn’t seem to have melee option so I tried making a toolkit build. build link is below as well as link to a youtube video of one match, for some reason Fraps saved one recorded session as 3, so the three videos are of the same match. At the end of video I showed score to try to indicate kills I got and points defended/taken, in my experience it is a solid build that can also make a difference in the game and help your team. It is not just a pure damage build although it does focus a lot on burst, it can be very survivable. But its not as good as some other engineer builds, I just find it more fun and a nice change of pace. The best is the surprising burst this has, other players will have no idea what hit them as you throw acid on them and bash in their skulls with your mighty wrench with 10+ stacks of might and fury.


How to play:
The build is new so I only have so many tips on how to play, also I am not an expert at sPvP so I am sure others will be able to do more with the build than myself.

Picked these because compared to rifle they allow two sigils which is beneficial given we are in toolkit most of the time so the weapon matters little. The sigils I chose are bloodlust and blood because I wanted power and blood gives more healing then sigil of water(at least to yourself, water gives healing to all allies). The pistol provides a little confusion, not specced for condition damage though so only so much damage there. The poison is biggest reason for pistol to inhibit healing. The shield is great for the blast/knock back and reflection from skill 4, as well as block/stun from 5. The knock back from the 4 skill is also great for sending enemies off ledges, plummeting to their untimely death or at least a sprained ankle depending on the height of the fall. But oh how they will limp. It can also for thieves outta their refuge when they realize the terrible mistake they made bringing a dagger to a wrench fight.

The 1 skill does good damage, assuming you pop elixir B before you fight the chain does amazing damage due to crits happening a lot more from fury. 3rd skill will usually crit for close to or above 4k, other 2 skills around 2k each. The attacks are slow but powerful. Warriors and Guardians will be lost at how your wrench beats their large swords, (cough cough overcompensation)
The 2 skill is fine for cripple and bleed, not amazing but since you will be in melee range it does provide good benefit. Horrible cast time though. Good to us when thieves go invisible so they stub their toe trying to backstab you assuming they aren’t already running away in fear of your wrath. The can break their dagger on your gear shield and all they will get is tetanus from the rusty nails on the ground.
The 3 skill is ridiculous for damage, confusion is good but again not specced for condition damage so could be better. Usually hits for 4k+ on crit easy. I would suggest using this once they are medium low on health, good unexpected burst before they would think to use a heal skill, if you time it right can then use skill 5 or one of the shield skills to down them before they get off a heal. Taking a prybar to their face, maybe you will fix whatever is wrong with their face.
The 4 skill is great while waiting for other skills to recharge or if you put confusion on them. Also if a mesmer is busy making clones of themselves(narcissists, who think there should be more than one of them to look at) you can just watch. Hint the true mesmer is the one who dodges, does a different attack, moves sideways, or turns around. Which face it, after they see your mighty wrench wreck their teammates they will always be the one turned around and running away from you manly fix-it tools.
The 5 skill is great pull, ok for interrupt but hard to time due to long cast. Great to bring ranged class into melee. Also once you pull that is a good time to toss your elixirs, your opponent will be nearby and you will be able to easily hit them with all elixirs. Also ideal for pulling orb carriers off ledges.

Utility skills:
Went with elixirs because of acidic elixirs and HGH, also because we are clearly and addict with a severe addiction to our medications + steroids.
Elixir H for healing and good recharge thanks to traitline
Elixir B for good recharge and solid combat boons such as fury
Elixir R for one of the fastest stun breakers and its toolbelt skill
Toolkit because that is point of this build.

(edited by Physical Chess.6145)

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Physical Chess.6145

Physical Chess.6145

Toolbelt Skills:
This is the secondary burst to our build and is very important. I know it is not usual to combine elixirs with static discharge, however with the acidic elixirs trait you increase that more, this makes for an amazing burst potential, and since you are in melee range, you are able to hit enemies with the thrown elixirs as well akitten yourself.

Throw elixir H, and Throw elixir B are really what you will be tossing a lot. The throw wrench is also great for cripple and straight up damage at longer range. Burn their ugly faces off with acid, leave no evidence behind.

Throw elixir R is something that should be saved for you or a downed teammate, if you are about to die toss it on the ground. If a teammate is about to die toss it on them then double tap 4 with shield equipped next to teammate to knock enemies away, especially invisible thiefs. Because we are in Tools trait line this will also recharge at low health, meaning you can use it on downed teammate while you are still good on health, then still be able to save yourself later. Necromancers can raise bodies from the dead, we can raise ourselves from the dead, skill level: biblical.

Acidic elixirs is great combined with static discharge, really solid face-melting damage

HGH and 409 and fast acting elixirs for improved damage for toolkit (and because steroids are the way to go, just look at MLB), condi removal and good recharge on the above abilities. Condition classes will cry at how useless their attempts are, its fine, you will end their misery soon. Other classes will tremble in fear at you, swinging a wrench like all hell, ROID RAGE!.

Static Discharge for burst. If they weren’t shocked at your skills yet they will be now.(Corniest pun ever)

Power Wrench for faster recharge on toolkit skills, again the whole point of this build is toolkit, lets get the one trait which directly affects it

Adrenal implant for dodges, you will be able to dodge a lot from this and adrenaline pump since you will using toolbelt skills a lot. This combined with blocks from gear shield and normal shield improve your ability to survive a ton, can avoid a lot of damage while waiting for heal to recharge. You will be untouchable, a god, dodging everywhere then blocking with two shield skills lasting 5s total just to be able to dodge again by that point. All this damage avoidance +21k health + dps? Yes, it sounds too good to be true but it isn’t you too can be a roid raging, slippery SOB swinging a wrench like there’s no tomorrow.

Final notes:
The build may not be the best engineer build out there but it is fun as hell in my opinion, definitely a change of pace. Plus I can only imagine the shame a guardian must feel getting killed by an engineer with a wrench. The build could definitely be improved and I would love to hear suggestions/see any videos of gameplay of variations of this or any other viable toolkit builds for that matter. Definitely one area it could improve in is to get more condition damage for prybar confusion to pack more of a punch. All the gear is not necessarily the best, it’s just what I thought would be good but I feel like it could definitely be improved. Additionally, for more burst you can take elixir C in place of R for condi removal and another elixir to toss, or elixir U to improve the godawful attack speed of wrench. Also sorry if this is rough or hard to read in some places, English is actually my first (and only fluent)language though, unless you count programming languages.

Hope you all enjoy it and would love to hear feedback.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


(cough cough overcompensation)…

Worth reading just for that sentence : )

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Physical Chess.6145

Physical Chess.6145

As a note, thanks to the new update the acidic elixirs trait removes boons improving this build amazingly against guards and other classes with high number of boons. The extra vulnerability on toolkit technically improves this build but not much. But I tried running this again in wvwvw and spvp and I definitely saw an improvement in this build’s performance.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


Very nice build, I’m surely gonna try this out. What gear do you suggest with this build? Full beserker to raise up those crits or Valkyrie/Rabid for some more defense?

I’m thinking of swapping up Elixer R for Elixer C and then take the trait Backpack Regenerator instead of 409, so I have some more passive defense opposed to active defense.

Get rid of those kitten Hobosacks!

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


Why didnt you place the build in an editor , TLDR all over the thread. Using the toolkit as a main source of damage is very impractical.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


He did place it in an editor, just below the introduction!

Get rid of those kitten Hobosacks!

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Very nice build, I’m surely gonna try this out. What gear do you suggest with this build? Full beserker to raise up those crits or Valkyrie/Rabid for some more defense?

I’m thinking of swapping up Elixer R for Elixer C and then take the trait Backpack Regenerator instead of 409, so I have some more passive defense opposed to active defense.

Elixir R was probably put in there when it was still a stun breaker, I’m guessing. You could possibly swap it with something like elixir gun, which would provide extra healing, a stun breaker, and a blast finisher (although you only have a light field for self-blasting).

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Physical Chess.6145

Physical Chess.6145

Very nice build, I’m surely gonna try this out. What gear do you suggest with this build? Full beserker to raise up those crits or Valkyrie/Rabid for some more defense?

I’m thinking of swapping up Elixer R for Elixer C and then take the trait Backpack Regenerator instead of 409, so I have some more passive defense opposed to active defense.

I generally run berserker just cause this build was meant to be fun with the damage, but if I were really trying to survive I may go some mix of crit damage and condi damage(maybe mix valk and carrion) to really get most out of confusion from toolkit and pistol, but I am unsure the combination to use, especially in spvp, in wvwvw its easier to mix and match. If you try anything I’d love to hear the results. I’ve tried your idea with elixir C and not only does it help in removing conditions but it adds to damage by providing a low CD throwable elixir. I generally prefer elixir R for small scale fights just for the self revive, but it is not necessary and as mentioned a bit reason for bringing it was the low CD stun breaker, not to mention added survivability through dodges, but I would be less likely to bring it now. For roaming in wvwwvw if I’m running this I’ll bring elixir s just in case bad things happen or I need to wait for a heal or gear shield to recharge.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Physical Chess.6145

Physical Chess.6145

Why didnt you place the build in an editor , TLDR all over the thread. Using the toolkit as a main source of damage is very impractical.

I did place it in the build editor at the very top because I knew it was a long post, I will try to edit the original post and put and extra space around it. Also in regards to why I chose to use the toolkit I think I mentioned before this was a build that was a joke and actually just turned out better than I thought it would but clearly not near max damage engi can dish out. However my goal was just to use a melee weapon on engi and have a good time, also something about killing a heavy class with a wrench just feels satisfying.

EDIT: Ok, apparently it won’t let me add extra whitespace in original post around build link, sorry if it wasn’t clear though. And if you want a tldr version, this build uses toolkit to bash people’s faces in and acidic elixirs to melt their faces(and now boons) off, making for a good time and some terribly disfigured enemies. Meant as a build to provide a melee play style to engi but nothing more.

(edited by Physical Chess.6145)

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217



This is a cool build for sure but you get the (+1) for making me laugh =D

It is sad that Elixer R is no linger a stun breaker BUT you can replace it with bomb kit and have some INSANE burst lol ( best with rifle, but pry bar would do fine)

You drop box of nails, Big Ol Bomb, then you magnet pull them and pry bar them in the face while BoB blows them sky high.

Works best with rifle because you can use the Blunderbuss + Jump Shot combo instead of Pry Bar for more dmg.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Physical Chess.6145

Physical Chess.6145


This is a cool build for sure but you get the (+1) for making me laugh =D

It is sad that Elixer R is no linger a stun breaker BUT you can replace it with bomb kit and have some INSANE burst lol ( best with rifle, but pry bar would do fine)

You drop box of nails, Big Ol Bomb, then you magnet pull them and pry bar them in the face while BoB blows them sky high.

Works best with rifle because you can use the Blunderbuss + Jump Shot combo instead of Pry Bar for more dmg.

I like the suggestions. I’m not sure how using rifle would turn out however, due to the fragile nature or zerker builds I have found the shield very useful in this build especially combined with gear shield, also since the goal is to stay in toolkit almost exclusively I feel as though p/p or p/s is ideal simply for the added sigils. That said I could see damage from rifle being a bonus and more importantly, control from rifle being nice. I will try out the rifle variation though, also if you try it I’d love to hear how it goes.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zypher.7609


Slightly modified version for a WvW build. Front line TK build. I was torn between taking 10 points out of Tools to put into Inventions, to get the +90 toughness with Shield and Pistol. But I think being front line, the Aegis from being crit would come in more handy, then the extra ~200 toughness.


A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have always wondered if the +90 Toughness from shield is active while you are in a kit. I am at work or i would just test it myself but i seem to remember the trait not really being reflected in my stats when i had it active.

Could be an interesting combo with Juggernaut (off topic sorry =P)

Anyhow to OP i have used rifle with TK and Bomb Kit and had great success but not with your build (excited to try it when i get home) it is not necessarily “squishy” but imo it is harder to use the control from rifle defensively than it is to use shield.

It is imo best with 1v1 P/S is better 1vX

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Physical Chess.6145

Physical Chess.6145

Slightly modified version for a WvW build. Front line TK build. I was torn between taking 10 points out of Tools to put into Inventions, to get the +90 toughness with Shield and Pistol. But I think being front line, the Aegis from being crit would come in more handy, then the extra ~200 toughness.


Your build looks interesting I will have to try it out. Also +200 toughness is 1/15 of what you already have in total armor meaning you would be taking 93.75% of the damage you were taking before(damage taken scales inversely with armor rating and you have 16/15 what you had before, so 1/(16/15) results in a lowered attack damage to 15/16 of what it was). Aegis will negate one attack every 25s at best, so that is only 4% less damage you would be taking on average if you were being attacked an average of once per second which seems fair in most fights, at least with more than one opponent, meaning you would take 96% of what you would normally take. So the aegis actually is not as beneficial as the +200 toughness, ignoring of course any positives from the extra toolbelt recharge and crit damage. If however you were anticipating more 1v1s the aegis would probably be best due to lower number of attacks per time period.
Personally I prefer the faster endurance regen over aegis trait because with the 10% endurance regen on toolbelt skill use, you are able to dodge frequently and I like dodging more than blocking.
That said I am interested in trying that build out, it seems much more durable than the one I have posted even if it lacks some of the damage or face-melting goodness from acidic elixirs. I could see the toolkit damage from that still being high and being able to get more hits off with it though seeing as you would have to kite less and you could live longer.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Grackleflint.4956


Now that Elixir R has lost its stun breaker, I think U fits better into this build. It gives you a stun break and a few very fast wrench attacks to follow. It can be used for an extremely fast stomp or revive, and its tool belt ability buys you time against ranged attackers.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Slightly modified version for a WvW build. Front line TK build. I was torn between taking 10 points out of Tools to put into Inventions, to get the +90 toughness with Shield and Pistol. But I think being front line, the Aegis from being crit would come in more handy, then the extra ~200 toughness.


Your build looks interesting I will have to try it out. Also +200 toughness is 1/15 of what you already have in total armor meaning you would be taking 93.75% of the damage you were taking before(damage taken scales inversely with armor rating and you have 16/15 what you had before, so 1/(16/15) results in a lowered attack damage to 15/16 of what it was). Aegis will negate one attack every 25s at best, so that is only 4% less damage you would be taking on average if you were being attacked an average of once per second which seems fair in most fights, at least with more than one opponent, meaning you would take 96% of what you would normally take. So the aegis actually is not as beneficial as the +200 toughness, ignoring of course any positives from the extra toolbelt recharge and crit damage. If however you were anticipating more 1v1s the aegis would probably be best due to lower number of attacks per time period.
Personally I prefer the faster endurance regen over aegis trait because with the 10% endurance regen on toolbelt skill use, you are able to dodge frequently and I like dodging more than blocking.
That said I am interested in trying that build out, it seems much more durable than the one I have posted even if it lacks some of the damage or face-melting goodness from acidic elixirs. I could see the toolkit damage from that still being high and being able to get more hits off with it though seeing as you would have to kite less and you could live longer.

This is why i don’t focus on def, i just get enough Vit to hit 20k and dodge/block the rest

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mathiesin.7801


This build is worthless, it doesnt provide any long sustainability and the moment a thief smiles at you, you’re dead. I tried multiple variations and found that this not good for WvW or PVE.

I would like to point out that most builds for the Engineer are completely broken, and GW2 will continue to go the way of the Warrior and Thief.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


I’m just gonna wait for them to give us hammers. I have the aetherized skin… your turn a-net.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Physical Chess.6145

Physical Chess.6145

This build is worthless, it doesnt provide any long sustainability and the moment a thief smiles at you, you’re dead. I tried multiple variations and found that this not good for WvW or PVE.

I would like to point out that most builds for the Engineer are completely broken, and GW2 will continue to go the way of the Warrior and Thief.

Hey hey hey, this build is worth quite a few laughs! Like I said wasn’t made to be amazing but I enjoy it as a change of pace, and it can do alright in wvwvw as long as it’s only versus one person, most likely cause it catches em off guard.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


this is my wvw guild play rifle / tk build


it’s not 100% tk you swap to rifle for bb / js for burst dps.

you’ve got high toughness and a lot of burst healing and burst dps, but you do have to learn the tricks.

overcharging thumper for the triple blast. the quick double tap + blast on healing turret for the double heal condi removal and then healing blast.

interrupting the 3rd hit on the wrench combo by swapping to rifle. (3rd hit is slow and ST so if I am in the front line melee, I try to avoid it, the 2 fast hits are better since they stack cripple / vuln. )

I personally found for WvW unless if your solo roaming cherry picking your fights, roaming in a server sized zerg, or sitting on an AC, you need to be using more defensive gear. Without at least 1600+ toughness 1 zerker thief or ranger can and will liquifiy you whether your good at dodging and blocking or not, and often they don’t travel alone.

We are enough of a target as it is will all the GC grenade engi’s running around that when given a choice they’ll always go for a engi over a guardian or warrior.