After 9 months, I'm dropping turrets...
If I have to guess, until now u’ve been farming in orr, otherwise u would have dropped turret ages ago…
If I’m correct, turret is considered an enviroment weapon (just like the ones u find in front of the gate in CoF), with the exact AI; said so I belive Devs won’t change it as it is working as intended.
If u are planing to do PvE, u can take both Kits or Elixir, and going for condition damage, which at the moment is the strongest build arround.(look arround the forum, u should find penty build with HGH)
Returning to the turret, right now they have a great number of issue: their hitbox, for example, when I drop Healing turret in NULL istance, I would likely activate 2-3 traps at time, even though i’m far away, resulting the turret insta-destroy.
If I have to guess, until now u’ve been farming in orr, otherwise u would have dropped turret ages ago…
If I’m correct, turret is considered an enviroment weapon (just like the ones u find in front of the gate in CoF), with the exact AI; said so I belive Devs won’t change it as it is working as intended.If u are planing to do PvE, u can take both Kits or Elixir, and going for condition damage, which at the moment is the strongest build arround.(look arround the forum, u should find penty build with HGH)
Returning to the turret, right now they have a great number of issue: their hitbox, for example, when I drop Healing turret in NULL istance, I would likely activate 2-3 traps at time, even though i’m far away, resulting the turret insta-destroy.
Not really farming Orr as much as doing 100% map completion on my engie, helping friends do events, and such like that by way of PvE. Not a big dungeon guy myself, though I have done a few.
Now, in PvP I have and always will run turrets. My K/D ratio is outstanding and I can count the number of 1v1s I’ve lost since headstart on one hand, and I attribute that greatly to my turrets. I don’t see myself dropping them any time soon for that.
Since I don’t like the kit hobosacks, for now I’ll stick to elixirs. Luckily for me, I have and always will run condition builds so I won’t have to worry about changing out my gear!