All kits can be stowed in the air now.
I didnt even know they couldnt before.
I didn’t even try that before Now I will though.
I didn’t even try that before
Now I will though.
And in what scenario would this be useful?
I didn’t even try that before
Now I will though.
And in what scenario would this be useful?
Honestly? I don’t know. During some cool looking off-cliff jump/fall? I’ll think of sth (not necessarily useful of course)
You can now switch to a main weapon while using Acid Bomb, meaning better damage if you have your opponent pinned down. That’s about it.
For example, my bunker build’s glue bomb > kit switch > acid bomb > kit switch > static shot combo
(edited by Lifelike.5862)
I’ve been waiting for this change since beta. Finally, I can now create an effective and competitively viable build for my engineer. Now excuse me while I go and swallow the stuff under the sink.
Well I for one think this a nice QoL improvement, as I often try (fail) and change kits during Acid Leap for example. However there is still an issue : while the stow button and kit switch now works midair, the switch weapon / drop bundle button does not.
Doesn’t work.
“You cannot drop bundles while in the air.”
Edit: Just noticed the post above, I tried with the ^ key of course…Oh well.
(edited by blurps.2340)
so… they didn’t even do that part right? >_>
Using that button in midair cuts your Acid jump short too
so much for that bug fix
Lovely kitten this patch is getting better and better!
It works midair, but only with the Stow function. Which means activating the kit again. Suppose its on your 1 key, you need to press the 1 key mid-air to stow.
Using your drop-bundle/weaponswap button (for me its ctrl) doesnt work mid-air. And thats just the thing i always use when i want to drokittent, so i dont have to remember which button the kit was on at that time (i switch around with kits a bit myself). And ofcourse the medkit’s stow function doesnt work, you simply get the medkit again. The only way to drop that is to use the weaponswap key.
So technically its fixed, you can stow it midair. But you cannot drop it midair, which is for me personally a bigger deal since thats what i always use.
They need to fix the weapon-swap drop for this “fix” to really be counted. I imagine most experienced Engineers are using the weapon-swap key to drop their kits because it’s a common key — it’s easier to drop with the weapon-swap key than remember what kit key you’re using. (especially in PvP when it’s really fast paced and you’re swapping kits all over the place)
it’s easier to drop with the weapon-swap key than remember what kit key you’re using.
^ This ! Exactly this.
At first I thought the fix did not even work at all. I pretty much never use the stow kit abilities.
We should kill the moron who reported / comaplied all those useless fixes they made
We should kill the moron who reported / comaplied all those useless fixes they made
Chances are it was a dev looking for the simplest things to “fix”. Your payed either way, by tackle something hard?
Well on the bright side of all of this; Planetside 2 Engineers look like they could be fun =)
Asura Engineer
This is broken again…
When you awake, quaggans will be here, and there’ll be a crab cake, just for you…
Of all the things to spend your man-hours on, you chose this!?
Hey, now! I’d LOVE this change… If it worked with the Drop key instead of having to Stow the specific kit.
This is broken again…
Med Kit or other kits?
Because Med Kit was never fixed.
very "useful" patch.
Now, Engi didnt have any problems and that class will be popular like the Thief.
Good work, Arena ...
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
(edited by SilverWF.4789)
This is broken again…
Med Kit or other kits?
Because Med Kit was never fixed.
Med kit is fine the way it is, as in really good for buffing yourself. Try any rune that activates on heal and you’ll see why a lot of people would be upset with this “fix”
This is broken again…
Med Kit or other kits?
Because Med Kit was never fixed.Med kit is fine the way it is, as in really good for buffing yourself. Try any rune that activates on heal and you’ll see why a lot of people would be upset with this “fix”
I’m not talking about that bug; I’m talking about how it operates in mid air.
If you press ` while falling you can’t unequip Med Kit.
This is broken again…
Med Kit or other kits?
Because Med Kit was never fixed.Med kit is fine the way it is, as in really good for buffing yourself. Try any rune that activates on heal and you’ll see why a lot of people would be upset with this “fix”
Haven’t you noticed how med kit also gave the buff when stowing?
Try it in spvp or the Mists: when swapping in or OUT of med kit, you get the runes buff.
In other words: they should fix the med kit stowing, because that shouldn’t change the proccing of rune effects ‘on heal’.
Stowing the med kit counts as ‘using a healing skill’. So as long as that is unchanged, your argument is irrelevant.
I find it terribly annoying I can’t go from med kit to my rifle or pistol, or shield.
Having to pass through another kit first can make a huge difference in the heat of the fight.
I find it terribly annoying I can’t go from med kit to my rifle or pistol, or shield.
Having to pass through another kit first can make a huge difference in the heat of the fight.
Isn´t there a hotkey you can assign for this purpose? I´ve bound it to a mouse-key and that is all it takes to go from medkit to rifle – if I remember right it must be the key for weapon-swapping.
I’m not sure what your concerns are, I’m talking about the key to the left of 1 that is used to stow/unequip/swap weapons. That is no longer useable while ‘holding a bundle’ in the air.
Apart from the above, I really hope they do not change how the med kit works in pve/wvw.
When you awake, quaggans will be here, and there’ll be a crab cake, just for you…
It was never useable. It never worked like that.
Stow kit is a skill that replaced the utility slot when you equip the kit. For example, you have Grenade kit on 1. Press 1 and you equip grenade kit. Press 1 again and you Stow the grenade kit.
This was fixed, and it still works. Using the WeaponSwap-button was never fixed, and is still broken. This is nothing new, old bug.
It was working perfectly well up until the jan 28 patch or one of the following ones.
Again, I’m not talking about using the same button as you equip a kit with.
When you awake, quaggans will be here, and there’ll be a crab cake, just for you…
It was working perfectly well up until the jan 28 patch or one of the following ones.
Again, I’m not talking about using the same button as you equip a kit with.
Using the weapon-swap button to drop bundle never worked for me midair.
While on the subject of issue surrounding swapping/dropping kits. Its annoying that dropping a kit cancels the spell you are casting. Elementalist can swap Atunement and will continue to cast their spell.
And when i drop a kit while in the middle of a dodge, my dodge is immediatly interupted.