OP or Annoying Stuff
Certain Skills and combinations with engi really annoy me. I hate losing or having a difficult time killing engis that are just doing stupid stuff that are way easier to run than what I run. Not all of this is OP. Not all of this is even viable in high level PvP (at least to most). Instead, this is about counterplay and creating skillful builds with little cheese.
- Turret Placement – Turrets themselves are extremely passive, easy to place, easy to overcharge and can sometimes be difficult to kill (especially if placed even moderately well). There is little risk of a turret placement being interrupted. This feels really backwards to me. Turrets are kind of like setting up a fort.
- Increase the placement time of turrets to 1s. Yes, this includes healing turret. Remember that for a 1/2s cast time, you are getting a knockback, a reflect, a passive boon, some damage and some overcharge ability. The heal removes 2 condis from EVERYONE in a huge radius, heals and is a blast finisher + water field. I think this warrants the ability to stop this from occuring. If the turrets are already down before you get there, you are being a risky (as you are putting all your cards on that location), yet possibly smart turret engi. If you are setting up once the person gets there, it should be risky as well. With Healing Turret going to 1s, engis would have to be smart about their healing skill usage. I think they have plenty of ways to do this (CC, Line of Sight, Blinds). Not to mention engis already have a lot of passive abilities to keep them alive (Protection Injection, Stabilized Armor etc). I realize 1s cast time on healing turret is a dangerous game to play for engis, but it might make them a bit more skillful.
- Shrapnel + Incendiary Powder + Steel Packed Powder + Doom Sigil – This is just BS. If someone hits you with freeze grenade, it’s totally possible that you’ll get five conditions on you (Bleeding, Burning, Poison, Vulnerability and Chilled). That’s way too many conditions for every grenade to possibly cause. Its even annoying with just pistols, as now an auto attack can hit for way more conditions than they are suppose to. It may feel like the issue is grenades or pistols, but in reality these are the real culprits.
- Tie shrapnel to Grenade Barrage and Big Ol Bomb. Condi engis never use Grenade Barrage, so it’d be nice if there was a good reason to use it. Big Ol Bomb = 4 stacks of bleed, grenade barrage = short duration bleed per nade that hits (like 1-2s?)
- Tie Incendiary Powder to Grenade Barrage and Big Ol Bomb. 5s of burning with Big Ol Bomb, 1s of burning with Grenade Barrage (Maybe give it an ICD on GB so that you don’t get 8s of burning)
- I have no idea what to do with doom sigil.
- SPP is actually fine, it’s just kinda scary to see 5 conditions at once.
- Transmute – I can’t tell you how many time I and other engis have been randomly saved from important conditions like fear, immobilized or w/e. I hate when this saves me. It feels like I cheated.
- Tie this to the healing skill so it transmutes one condition into a boon. Might make Elixir H a bit more worth taking!
- Static Discharge – Is the build itself OP? No. But the fact that someone who I just CCed can possibly spike me for upwards of 7.5k is kinda stupid (Fire 1.5k, Air 1.5k, SD 1.5k, Surprise Shot 1.5k, Analyze SD 1.5k = 7.5k). I never play more carefully than when I face SD. I’m literally counting in my head from the last time they used surprise shot to PRAY that I dodge that instant thing. I have to keep a huge amount of distance just so there’s actually something to dodge. On his end, he hits a button because it was up.
- Surprise Shot and Analyze should get cast times. 1/4th is enough so you can’t hit me while CCed. This is especially needed when Analyze gets buffed to cause, what was it, 8s of revealed? Maybe some vulnerability and 1.0 for the damage? There should also be QOL on this skill to make it so instead of firing the static discharge towards you camera facing with targetless skills, to instead fire it straight ahead. I highly doubt any engis are no scoping with this xD. This does mean that certain abilities will still be instant and could technically hit me, but it would be more of a skill shot and it isn’t as strong as surprise shot.
Sadly UP Stuff
- Packaged Stimulants – It’s way to hard to try and pick these up or throw these at your allies.
- Make this have the effects of med kit skills effect things in an AoE! Decrease the effects if necessary.
- Elixir H – All other elixirs have had randomness essentially removed by providing guaranteed effects. Why is this still in the dark ages?
- Gives 5s of protection and 9s of swiftness. Randomly gives 1 stack of might, regeneration or retaliation.
Main: Raine Avina (Engineer)
Message me any time in game.
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