Anyone find a way to make a melee engineer work in spvp?
I’ve been thinking that a Toolkit build would be awesome. I can see how using Magnet to pull enemies into caltrops and an aoe turret could be fun.
I was trying some days ago with 20/0/0/20/30, in utilities the rifle turret, bomb kit, and toolkit, the idea was simple: pull with magnet, change quick to bomb kit to put concussion bomb, change to toolkit and smack with prybar, this way you stack 8 of confusion, with some decent condi dmg the thiefs kill himselfs, against other classes didn’t work too well.
But its fun kick thief kitten this way, they rage quite well :P
Still practising.
In melee range I use the toolkit and the bomb kit, which I traited for healing.
Sometimes I use the tool kit with a flamethrower instead of bombs. Than I trait juggernaut instead of the healing bombs.
At range I mostly support and weaken my target.
Elixir gun and pistol and shield are my most used options.
I’m not experienced enough to say if this all works or not.
One thing I do know: I’m a cracker Jack box of surprises.
Bomb bunker is very viable but it relies on being a point holder. In wvw or any situation where you arn’t trying to sit on a point it’s rather pointless (ha, ha).
That is the only viable melee build I can think of.