[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


i believe this is due to a dodge that they put at the end of the jump.

if you alter your camera direction during flight, it effects a change in direction of the dodge, you can also strafe in flight to strafe-dodge upon landing.

however, the dodge seems to be putting a small delay after the dodge completes, perhaps to account for animation cycles, or sommat like that, not sure yet.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


i have also noticed you can bypass harmful damage type fields without taking damage like lazers and such shh dont tell anyone

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


actually this has more to do with their system of movement, this happens when i press the autorun button all the time, it’s just more noticeable now to most than before because of the new design of this ability.

It’s something that was reported in beta that never got fixed.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


you avoid damage at the end because the end of the rocket jump is a dodge.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: TwiceDead.1963


I don’t know… I liked the old Rocket-Boots. I felt like a clumsy mad scientist using that ability from time to time.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I don’t know… I liked the old Rocket-Boots. I felt like a clumsy mad scientist using that ability from time to time.

Personally, I absolutely hated that. They were amusing, but…that doesn’t really do a whole lot to make up for self-CCing with your stunbreaker.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


The biggest thing that irks me about new Rocket Boots is how you can use them in a combo field, but you won’t actually get that combo benefit until you perform the dodge at the end of the forced charge animation. It’s really goofy for smoke field stealth combos.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Dojo.1867


The biggest thing that irks me about new Rocket Boots is how you can use them in a combo field, but you won’t actually get that combo benefit until you perform the dodge at the end of the forced charge animation. It’s really goofy for smoke field stealth combos.

It is actually the best part of it and brings many advantages. Only scenario where you don’t want it are smoke field indeed.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Hebee.8460


Maybe the awkward pause (Currently at end) could be at start – character crouches down to pause/ready boots, rockets go off (Finish blast) then u go flying into dodge – that way for stealth in particular, others cannot see which direction u go in (Even though u are facing the direction your going to go)

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: hackks.3687


the animation could definitely be smoothed out at the end, but over all it’s an incredible skill now.

one thing I have noticed though that I am sure is a bug is if you swap our of a kit mid animation when you land your forward movement will be canceled and keeps you rooted for a second. the timing is some what finicky but I’ve reproduced repeatedly in HotM, and experienced it a few times in actual matches.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


Maybe the awkward pause (Currently at end) could be at start – character crouches down to pause/ready boots, rockets go off (Finish blast) then u go flying into dodge – that way for stealth in particular, others cannot see which direction u go in (Even though u are facing the direction your going to go)

I really don’t think any kind of stopping/pausing/freezing or any other ’’rooted’’ animation would help a utility that will be used mostly in escaping situations.

ahh, this old chestnut again.

we just got the kitten thing buffed, give it a few days before poo pooing all over it.

i think the pause is a bug, in that the jump is either supposed to last a bit longer or the dodge is meant to fire a moment later in the animation.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


My Engi is asura so at the end of the RB animation my toon does a little flip. I didn’t even know there was a stand-still bug. If it is indeed a “dodge” that’s a nice little bonus. We’re rooted for 1/4s but if we can’t get hit no biggie. Gives us a quick chance to eye up where we are and react without getting insta-jibbed. Like RBing into a huge red circle.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


in all honesty its a minor bug, i agree a more fluid motion would be nice but it doesn’t effect the skill adversely.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


hmm it doesn’t root my whole screen just my toon, for a free game im honestly impressed by anets polish im sure they will fix it one day but i feel like there may be more pressing matters. Overall rocket boots kick kitten

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Dasboba.1652


Another bug I had last night was after using rocket boots to catch a thief, I was unable to move. This occurred at North supply camp as we were taking the camp. I used rocket boots to catch a fleeing thief just as he stealthed. I was unable to use any of my movement keys. I could still toss grenades, and swap kits but just couldn’t move. Once the cooldown for rocket boots ran out, I used them again and was able to move again. Very strange.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Nate.6974


hmm it doesn’t root my whole screen just my toon, for a free game im honestly impressed by anets polish im sure they will fix it one day but i feel like there may be more pressing matters. Overall rocket boots kick kitten

Wasn’t free for me, $60.

And ++ on this bug. I find that when I have auto run on, sometimes it is smooth and transitions back into the run no problem. Other times it pauses briefly and then resumes running. And sometimes it just completely stops me and I have to start running again.

Nice change that I’m happy with, just very flaky at the moment.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Obscure One.4357

Obscure One.4357

I too experience this bug from time to time and it actually taught me an interesting combo on accident. I was notably rooted when the Rocket Boots animation ended whilst chasing down a GS Sword/Warhorn Warrior (used to be impossible for me pre-patch), but my Rifle Jump Shot had just come off of CD so I used it to amazing effect by breaking the animation lock, hitting the Warrior for 3.4k and downing him, and realizing that the Rifle Jump Shot had become smooth as silk allowing me to rapidly toss Elixir U on my warrior prey and stomp him without resistance in a smooth transition.

So for now my temp fix is to use Jump Shot to clear the animation locking (pretty sure that the E Gun acid leap would also do it, though I haven’t tested it) when it occurs on occasion. An actual permanent fix should go into this problem even if I can chain it with Jump Shot for an awesomesauce gap closer, the bug can get you stuck in a nasty situation should the AoE’s start raining in and you can’t break the movement animation lock.

Circumventing profanity filters one kitten at a time.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


Further to Jump Shot combo;

Rocket Kick also seems to negate the awkward pause.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: bartrentenaar.8674


It’s still a terrible and useless utility skill. Utility skills are so important for engi’s, they rely on heavy dmg kits, on life saving elixirs and then u got this crappy skill (that is almost not to be taken seriously) which makes you jump forward, without breaking stuns and crappy damage, it was a joke, and it still is.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


Rocket boots arent bad think of it this way say you know your going to die and near a cliff or drop rocket boot away kill yourself no points for the enemies

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Rocket boots arent bad think of it this way say you know your going to die and near a cliff or drop rocket boot away kill yourself no points for the enemies

Unless the enemy hasnt already hit you, in which case its a highly situational skill and you might better try to waypoint or something, they still get xp for you aswell as a lootbag.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


It’s still a terrible and useless utility skill. Utility skills are so important for engi’s, they rely on heavy dmg kits, on life saving elixirs and then u got this crappy skill (that is almost not to be taken seriously) which makes you jump forward, without breaking stuns and crappy damage, it was a joke, and it still is.

stuns, no, but all other movement impairing effects? yes.

blast finisher? check.

damage? check.

gap creator/closer? check.

i find your lack of faith in the booties disturbing.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: lunyboy.8672


It’s still a terrible and useless utility skill. Utility skills are so important for engi’s, they rely on heavy dmg kits, on life saving elixirs and then u got this crappy skill (that is almost not to be taken seriously) which makes you jump forward, without breaking stuns and crappy damage, it was a joke, and it still is.

stuns, no, but all other movement impairing effects? yes.

blast finisher? check.

damage? check.

gap creator/closer? check.

i find your lack of faith in the booties disturbing.

^ ^ Seriously. They are amazing, and do well in both condition and direct damage builds, even providing some support. Blast finish the Heal Turret twice while moving out of combat? Heck yes.

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: lunyboy.8672


It’s still a terrible and useless utility skill. Utility skills are so important for engi’s, they rely on heavy dmg kits, on life saving elixirs and then u got this crappy skill (that is almost not to be taken seriously) which makes you jump forward, without breaking stuns and crappy damage, it was a joke, and it still is.

stuns, no, but all other movement impairing effects? yes.

blast finisher? check.

damage? check.

gap creator/closer? check.

i find your lack of faith in the booties disturbing.

^ ^ Seriously. They are amazing, and do well in both condition and direct damage builds, even providing some support. Blast finish the Heal Turret twice while moving out of combat? Heck yes.

OK, so what started as a little bug every now and then became intensely frustrating last night, when I finally experienced the immobilize (without the condition) effect in a fight.

I got so mad I almost uninstalled the game. They fixed the Warriors’ movement problem, but they don’t even acknowledge that we have one?

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


The 1 second lag is due their movement system. Using sanctum sprint 2 will result in the same lag sometimes if your connection is bad.


Acutaly it ’s like the warrior ’s GS rush and ww ->
Evades the whole animation. :-)

Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


Er? I’ve had that rooting problems that have been described here with both the rocket boots and the sanctum sprint ‘s #2 skills so I know what I’m talking about.

And both of them are caused due to their MOVEMENT ENGINE that syncs in a bad way between CLIENT and SERVER and cause it to behave oddly due to a bad ping or fps drop with some skills in some occasions.

On a side note that ‘s also why there was all those TELEPORT kittens around. They’re now finally detecting them but they didn’t change the movementsystem itself. It ‘s still the same – at least that ’s the most recent information I do have. Feel free to deliver us any news about any positive changes concerning it if you’re able too …

Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

(edited by imaginary.6241)

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


So while i was providing an answer as to why it happens you rant around? You sound like an angry little kid. The warrior side notice was that it evades just like their two skills do nothing else.

Skill-mechanics aren’t equal that ‘s why some generate this fault and some not and some are easily reproducable and some are not. You obvisiously don’t have a technical background otherwhise you should know that SKILLS are not like SKILLS. They might implement different mechanics as to how to get from A to B, some preventing that lag – some not – and some even triggering it almost every time under certain circumstates. It ’s as simple as that.

Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


Er? I’ve had that rooting problems that have been described here with both the rocket boots and the sanctum sprint ‘s #2 skills so I know what I’m talking about.

And both of them are caused due to their MOVEMENT ENGINE that syncs in a bad way between CLIENT and SERVER and cause it to behave oddly due to a bad ping or fps drop with some skills in some occasions.

On a side note that ‘s also why there was all those TELEPORT kittens around. They’re now finally detecting them but they didn’t change the movementsystem itself. It ‘s still the same – at least that ’s the most recent information I do have. Feel free to deliver us any news about any positive changes concerning it if you’re able too …

question was if that is their MOVEMENT ENGINE why that rooting never happens with
Ranger’s Swoop (1,100 unit dist.)
Ele’s RTL(both when it was 1550 unit and now 1200 unit dist.)
Warr Savage Leap 600 (unit dist.)

while repeatedly and in every circumstance happens on Rocket Boots ?

I don’t care sanctum spirit. Also if you think something with warriors rush(there is a swing at the end of skill) go to warrior forum.

Please stop blaming the movement engine while you don’t have answers for these questions.

The thing is it DOES happen with other movement skills, not as often, but often enough. Specially with autorun on

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Poor rocket boots are going to get nerfed. I’ve learned that, in this game, whenever your class gets something that makes you go “Oh man this is amazing and extremely innovative!”, it actually wasn’t intended and will be fixed soon =D Half the neat stuff our rocket boots can right now, including working on the edge of cliffs, will get nerfed into the ground. I’d bet good money on it.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: socialdisorder.9684


I too get stuck for a second after using rocket boots sometimes.
But what is even worse is when i use rocket boots and I just jump in place.
As a wvw roamer this, to me, isn’t a minor bug, it means life (when it actually works) or death ( when it glitches).

Please fix this Anet!
Also i wonder, the skill states it cures immobilize, but when i am immobilzed and use rocket boots i just jump in place.
Is it meant to work like that? Is it a stunbreak or not?

More Badges ~ Engineer²
‘Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Whoever figured it was a good idea to tie laces to rocket boots should be fired. Tripping over them every dam time…

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Kalan.9705


Like many crappy engineer implementations it’s completely unreliable. It either cures a movement impairing effect, or causes a incurable root. Sometimes for variety it will endanger / kill you by an unwanted dodge in a random direction unrelated to camera or movement keys. Including off cliffs.

More engineer RNG FTW. Not.

Hope they fix this faster than jumpshot. It’s a nice skill with interesting design, but needs reliable implementation.

(edited by Kalan.9705)

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


and you think you have technical knowledge? lol you don’t sound like that ‘’some some some some might maybe might some stuff like that’’ lol. that is not an answer.

as a player I seek stability. If a class have that without problem I should too. That is that simple.

While I have a point in this conversation which is seeking equal stablitiy on how skills responds on other classes, you are here just to call me angry kid..

you will be now ignored forever by me so don’t even bother spamming another answer if it is not related to fix of this situation. just don’t post your useless ‘’ some is like this and some is like that and sometimes that might be some some’’ based stuff to call people kid on this thread.

So ignoring others makes you more grown up? Yes, I have some technical knowledge in programming that goes back to around 10 years of experience and I believe to understand how some faults might happen.

That said I did not reverse engineer GW2 to track back such faults. Neither do I have the time noir the knowdlege to do so (which requires further time to get into it). But taking that aside I ’ll try to provide you with a basic example as to how different skills could look like and why some happen to work different then others.

The following examples aren ’t written in a specific syntax / language and don ’t actually work like this (they are actually simplified for a better understanding not written in a C / C++ style syntax like GW2 is probably using).

Example code:

function use_rocket_boots() {
	// This disables you to move in another direction while this skill is active
	// This is where the skill-animation will actuall be triggered - super simplified

	// When the player position in the client (= your PC) is not were the server expected it to be
	if(get_client_position() != get_server_position())  {
		//wait until you are where the server expects you to be
	} else {
	//you will only be unfreezed if the server says its ok to unfreeze you

function use_whirlwind() {
	// This disables you to move in another direction while this skill is active

	// This is where the skill-animation will actuall be triggered - super simplified

	//you will actually be unfreezed withouth any checks after everything has been done

The above example of use_rocket_boots shows how a unclever positioned check could actually prevent you from moving waiting for the server to repond before you ’re able to do anything at all (=~1s stuck).

use_whirlwind doesn’t wait for the server here but just does it purporse and lets you continue what you are doing withouth any delay. It ‘s optimized for speed. The actual checks do happen in other functions and don’t require the server and/or are much more performances wise optimized and implement caching or something simliar.

Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

(edited by imaginary.6241)

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


Lets stop our quarrel. After reflecting and rereading my first posts I admit that they sounded unreasonable even if I got a point (which is why I tried to explain it in more detail in my previous post).

I missunderstood you, provided to little explanaition and then you missunderstood me (reading your above post has made me realize that). I’m also sorry for the “you sound like an angry little kid” statement, that wasn ’t helpfull at all.

The point is, I’m here because I support in it getting a fix.

But that doesn’t change the fact that other movement skills roots you as well sometimes even if it didn’t happen for you and some aren’t as frequent / recreateable. I have an Asuran engineer and didn’t notice the rooting on the Rocket Boots at first as well.

That said fixing a skill that fails this often should be their top priority
(concerning simliar movement imparing bugs).

Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

(edited by imaginary.6241)

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Turbo Whale.1738

Turbo Whale.1738

i feel like a smoother transition between the landing and the rolling would be greatly appreciated. however, i can see why warrior’s rush was given good attention in smoothing out the animation because landing the end of rush could mean the difference of a 7k hit whereas the transition between landing and rolling isn’t really much of a clutch moment.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

Thought it was lag…

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Thought it was lag…

No its a poorly tested animation issue.

Also, why doesnt isnt it an Evade? A ranger side-stepping counts as evading, a warrior going spinny-spinny counts as evading.

But a guy blasting off by the power of rocketscience, with a suave roll at the end is perfectly easy to hit all throughout the animation.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Arpheus.6918


I can confirm this. It often happens wen you have autorun activated and use rocket boots the character will just stand still and do nothing at all. You either have to click autorun twice again or manually press keys a few times before your character will move.
It doesnt happen every time but quite often.
I hope there will be a fix soon as this is very annoying.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


It also seems to happen when you hold W while using the skill.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Archaeopteryx.7409


I agree, also whenever I lay down Smoke AoE , the Combo Finisher effect of Stealth only activates at the end… It makes it all that more obvious for enemies in PvP and WvW to see you-had they changed it, it’d make a lot more sense as the blast happens as you activate the ability, not when you roll at the end-this could even save for the glitches evasions being reported… I’d be more than happy to see this happen

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Sitkaz.5463


I’m not sure if I’ve changed my playstyle or they changed the skill but this is happening to me more than it used to. Very annoying—I love rocket boots and I hope it’s fixed soon.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: cloudysan.4397


Is this related to once in a while jumping to the side? I had so much “fun” at Flame citadel path 3 when I used my rocket boots nad rolled right off the narrow path. Everyone laughed…was funny I give you that expect I had to run the whole way again =/

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


and you think you have technical knowledge? lol you don’t sound like that ‘’some some some some might maybe might some stuff like that’’ lol. that is not an answer.

as a player I seek stability. If a class have that without problem I should too. That is that simple.

While I have a point in this conversation which is seeking equal stablitiy on how skills responds on other classes, you are here just to call me angry kid..

you will be now ignored forever by me so don’t even bother spamming another answer if it is not related to fix of this situation. just don’t post your useless ‘’ some is like this and some is like that and sometimes that might be some some’’ based stuff to call people kid on this thread.

So ignoring others makes you more grown up? Yes, I have some technical knowledge in programming that goes back to around 10 years of experience and I believe to understand how some faults might happen.

That said I did not reverse engineer GW2 to track back such faults. Neither do I have the time noir the knowdlege to do so (which requires further time to get into it). But taking that aside I ’ll try to provide you with a basic example as to how different skills could look like and why some happen to work different then others.

The following examples aren ’t written in a specific syntax / language and don ’t actually work like this (they are actually simplified for a better understanding not written in a C / C++ style syntax like GW2 is probably using).

Example code:

function use_rocket_boots() {
	// This disables you to move in another direction while this skill is active
	// This is where the skill-animation will actuall be triggered - super simplified

	// When the player position in the client (= your PC) is not were the server expected it to be
	if(get_client_position() != get_server_position())  {
		//wait until you are where the server expects you to be
	} else {
	//you will only be unfreezed if the server says its ok to unfreeze you

function use_whirlwind() {
	// This disables you to move in another direction while this skill is active

	// This is where the skill-animation will actuall be triggered - super simplified

	//you will actually be unfreezed withouth any checks after everything has been done

The above example of use_rocket_boots shows how a unclever positioned check could actually prevent you from moving waiting for the server to repond before you ’re able to do anything at all (=~1s stuck).

use_whirlwind doesn’t wait for the server here but just does it purporse and lets you continue what you are doing withouth any delay. It ‘s optimized for speed. The actual checks do happen in other functions and don’t require the server and/or are much more performances wise optimized and implement caching or something simliar.

As a professional software engineer, I have to say that this might very well be the silliest post I have ever seen.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Obscure One.4357

Obscure One.4357

Happy One Month Anniversary Rocket Boots Bug!

…I hope you die on the August 6th patch…by being chained down in a pit of fire and slowly burned alive…

Circumventing profanity filters one kitten at a time.

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: johnsonade.9547


One workaround I’ve found to minimize the stopping effect (or getting stopped completely) is to activate a zero-time cast skill (swap to a kit with speedy kits trait active, slick shoes super speed) right when you land and right before the roll. It sucks I gotta do all that to get around a bug, and the timing gets inconsistent with lag, but does definitely help