Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


I figured it was about time to make a build thread as opposed to more suggestions.

I like bombs. They’re combo-rific, control space extremely well and require thought and positioning far more sophisticated most other play-styles that I’ve seen in this game thus far. Playing with bombs is an exercise in predicting and controlling your opponent’s movements and attacks patterns. Above all, I find a bomb-centric play-style to be the most thrilling experience that I’ve tried to master in this game.

Skills: Rifle; [optional]; [optional]; Elixir Gun; Bomb Kit; [optional]

Traits 2: 20(III; VIII) – 20(I; VI) – 0 – 10(I); 20(II; VI)

PVE Gear: Berserker trinkets and rifle. Rampager’s chest (legs are stat wiggle room; I’m going for Knights at the moment); rest of armor is Berserker. Runes of Air (6/6). Sigil of Air/Fire.
PvP Gear: Berserker amulet and jewel. Runes of Air (6/6). Sigil of Air.

Optional 1

  • Healing Turret I prefer to use [Healing Turret] because of its quick cast and the water fields. Furthermore, it helps out in PvE instances where you’re fighting large numbers of enemies. If you can get your opponent(s) to chase you/fight within its range, the turret can provide you with infinite regeneration.
  • Med Kit Because it’s got the highest Healing/second available to the Engineer as well as fury. Furthermore, since you’ll be dealing with controlled space fights, the medipacks that you can drop could actually prove very useful in some instances where you know that you’re about to fight and can pick the terrain. It’s also AMAZING with the second trait set up. The fury is also great too.

Optional 2

  • Rifle Turret A common option for the cookie-cutter Static Discharge build, [Rifle Turret] offers the Engineer a lot of quick damage with no cast-time. It compliments this build’s play-style by smoothing out the transition between PBAoE and ranged fighting styles. It also helps you get ahead of your enemy in damage with unexpected bursts of damage. Due to it’s instant activation cast-time, it also combos with literally everything in the build which can really help ramp up/sustain damage while in [Bomb Kit].
  • Rocket Boots It’s a great replacement for [Acid Bomb] as a movement skill and therefore saves you one of your big damage skills. It’s also fantastic for chasing opponents. Furthermore, it’s another blast finisher for the [Smoke Bomb] stealth combo. But most importantly, [Rocket Kick] is huge damage. A crit [Rocket Kick] with the second trait set up can net you about 2k in raw damage alone when factored in with Static Discharge. The burning is at least another 2k even with mediocre condition damage.
  • There are actually quite a few options for the third Utility Skill. Salient choices among them include: [Slick Shoes], [Flame Turret], [Net Turret] and [Tool Kit]. Each one drastically changes the overall play-style based on how it compliments maintaining striking distance and/or controlling an opponent’s movement.

(edited by Swagg.9236)

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


Option 1: Overcharged Shot

  • It’s simple: [Net Shot] the guy after depleting any Aegis or dodges and then follow it up with an [Overcharged Shot]. Alternatively, [Overcharged Shot] the guy in the face if you see an opening, then [Net Shot] as you stand up and follow up with a [Jump Shot] and [Glue Bomb]. Pinging the guy with [Hip Shot] for a bit and then using [Overcharged Shot] will often put you in the lead when it comes to an encounter’s opening moves. Most importantly, if you aim properly, you can launch an opponent into a wall or corner. From there it will be easier to manipulate the player’s movement.

Option 2: Stealth Bomber

  • Judge the distance between you and your opponent. When you’re within about 1000 range, drop Smoke Bomb and use Acid Bomb while facing away from your opponent. This will stealth you and launch you right under his nostrils if you aimed it properly and had swiftness up. From there, drop [Glue Bomb] and begin bombing him to pieces. This also works for Rocket Boots.

Option 3: Elixir F —> Surprise Shot

  • Just as it sounds. The bouncing nature of Elixir F can allow it to inflict surprising amounts of damage when fired at close-range to an opponent. When comboed with [Surprise Shot] and rolling well with the crit RNG, you can inflict an easy 3k and cripple your opponent. If the opponent dodges, then you’ve wasted a dodge with minimal loss on your part.

If you don’t control your opponent’s movement, they will end up destroying you. This part of the Bomb Kit play-style often comes down to a few key skills:

Net Shot

  • Pretty self-explanatory. If you swap back to Rifle for whatever reason, use it. It’s fast-activating and it will only ever help you.

Overcharged Shot

  • A great way to break up an opponent’s rotation. Bombs don’t really have burst; you can’t really blow down targets like most of your opponents probably can do. Therefore, the key is to interrupting your opponent when his engine really starts revving. If you didn’t use [Overcharged Shot] as an opener, then wait until your opponent starts getting flashy and blast him. Warrior charges, after an Elementalist has used [Updraft], [Life Transfer], [Rapid Fire] or during a Ranger’s [Crossfire] rampage are good examples. When it comes to classes like Thieves and Mesmers, it’s often best to [Overcharged Shot] them as soon as the opportunity arises since you can use the extra second that you get on them to move into a more manageable range.

Big Ol’ Bomb

  • Here’s a fun one. After your opener, and when you get within a respectable range of your target (400 or less), drop a Big Ol’ Bomb in a direction that you do NOT want your opponent to move. From here, you can continue to chase your opponent in a more manageable direction while pinging damage, or you could [Acid Bomb] or [Jump Shot] ahead of them and steer them back towards the Big Ol’ Bomb with [Bomb Kit] attacks or [Overcharged Shot] for a nice damage spike and launch. You would not believe how many people do not notice the big barrel of gunpowder sizzling on the battlefield. With a 300 AoE range, it’s often pretty easy to turn battles around with proper placement.

Glue Bomb

  • Being part of most opening attacks with this play-style, Glue Bomb placement is incredibly important. While it is very effective when dropped right on top of an enemy, it also works as a deterrent. Feel free to place a Glue Bomb where it might not hit an opponent in order to close off possible escape paths. It works well in tandem with Big Bomb, creating a kind of “Rock and a Hard Place” effect.

Acid Bomb/Jump Shot

  • While effective attacks respectively, they also function as gap-closers. If you launched your opponent or he decided to try to put some space between you and himself, catch up to them and keep the pressure on. Jump Shot is straightforward enough. Acid Bomb requires a bit of finesse since—to use it as a gap-closer—you have to use it while facing away from your enemy. This just requires a bit of prediction, and hopefully—if all has been going well thus far—you have a rough idea where your opponent is heading given the movement hazards that you’ve already laid down.

Picking the Terrain

  • This is a big one. If you’re able to pick your fights, do it and choose a tight place with some obstacles. Tight corners are your friend and do not be afraid to dance around a tree or pillar if your opponent has range on you. Bait them into melee or a very close line-of-sight situation if you can help it. That’s where most of your power is. [Net Turret] can help alleviate this issue by providing steady immobilizes and allowing this play-style to function in more open environments, but as a rule of thumb, try to fight in tight spaces with corners if possible.

(edited by Swagg.9236)

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


I said before that this play-style doesn’t really have burst. It really doesn’t—at least not to the level of most other, more common builds. That said, it’s not without its big-hitting combos.

Elixir F -> Blunderbuss

  • Since [Elixir F] bounces, if you can get close up to your opponent (400 range or closer) and use it, it should hit them twice if they’re isolated. Continuing to move in on your opponent and following that up with a [Blunderbuss] is often an easy 3.5-5k damage if you’re not horribly unlucky with crits. This combo also puts you in range for more bomb attacks.

Jump Shot -> Acid Bomb

  • A classic. Substantial damage if you can land them both since [Acid Bomb] will typically hit twice because of its radius. It also works in reverse, but it’s often slower and less likely to hit since [Acid Bomb] will often put you slightly outside of [Jump Shot]’s maximum range. However, if you can end with Jump Shot, it chains nicely into bomb attacks.

Big Ol’ Bomb (-> Overcharged Shot)

  • A crit BOB will be something like 3.5k damage and give you a huge opening for some free attacks with its launch effect. Adding in [Overcharged Shot] while they’re soaring through the air is sort of just rubbing salt in the wound. It’s also priceless. You can also stand up and maybe get off a [Jump Shot] or [Elixir S] on them while your opponent recovers. However, the double-launch chain—despite it being hilarious—can actually be detrimental since it might put your enemy outside of a viable range for further high damage attacks. Best used in the company of allies conscious of the combo or after you’ve had a bad day at the office.


  • Never forget the Evasive Powder Keg trait. This functions sort of akin to the Static Discharge principle: instant-activation attacks on top of regular attacks = crazy spike damage. While Evasive Powder Keg is not huge damage since you can’t really spam it and it’s only one bomb, your opponent might end up missing that 1.7k hp that went missing after you dodged over top of him. It’s also good to practice your timing when dodging while using Bomb Kit. Chaining [Bomb] into a dodge will instantly plant 2 bombs on the ground. If you’ve been spamming [Bomb] (either by leading a trail or by strafing), it is possible to have 3 bombs down on the ground at the same time. If they all hit and crit, the total damage easily exceeds 5k. Landing this trick and following it up with something like [Blunderbuss] or [Overcharged Shot] will always be a devastating blow.

(edited by Swagg.9236)

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Whelm.9072


Hmm, I thought you would get more reaction to this. I really like your ability write-ups.

Anyway, I am a fan of bombs as a playstyle as it really keeps you on your toes for positioning and timing. Your vigor and swiftness here help a lot.

It seems you are split between rifle, elixir gun and bombs in terms of traits and split in terms of power and condition damage. That might not appeal to some I suppose when you consider that the build is essentially bomb centric. I guess you are relying on healing turret to condition cleanse but there is room for 409 if you throw some elixirs in the optional slots (just a thought).

10 from Firearms to Explosives might work for some extra bomb power. At any rate, bombs away

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


Another good write-up, Swagg.

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


It’s worth pointing out that the Bomb Kit is very useful in zerg fights, having used it very successfully. BoB is quite fun to use in conjunction with Supply Crate. Not sure how this build would work in such a case though.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


Hmm, I thought you would get more reaction to this. I really like your ability write-ups.

Anyway, I am a fan of bombs as a playstyle as it really keeps you on your toes for positioning and timing. Your vigor and swiftness here help a lot.

It seems you are split between rifle, elixir gun and bombs in terms of traits and split in terms of power and condition damage. That might not appeal to some I suppose when you consider that the build is essentially bomb centric. I guess you are relying on healing turret to condition cleanse but there is room for 409 if you throw some elixirs in the optional slots (just a thought).

10 from Firearms to Explosives might work for some extra bomb power. At any rate, bombs away

Yes, while I do bill this set-up as a bomb-centric build, it is actually sort of a blend of Elixir Gun, Rifle and Bomb Kit. I’m also noticing lately just how good pinging with Rifle 1 can be if I can get reliable crits. It’s been a while since I’ve used Static Discharge (which used to be my main WvW roaming/PvE build) so I guess I’ve forgotten.

As for the traits, I’ve been sort of thinking the same thing as you, dropping something for 30 into Explosives for more raw power. Truth be told, if I had to take from a trait line to do that, it might be Alchemy because I just love my cool-down reduction traits too much. Acid Bomb every 12 seconds and Super Elixir every 16 seconds has saved my life too many times. Though, I have also been wondering lately how a full beserker’s take of this build would come off. As I have said, the build seems to be lacking raw finishing power even when going into overdrive. Elixir F, Jump Shot, Blunderbuss, Throw Napalm is probably my tightest burst combo, but it takes a while to fire that all off and it isn’t really enough to kill anything outright. Perhaps I should just embrace the zerker.

It’s worth pointing out that the Bomb Kit is very useful in zerg fights, having used it very successfully. BoB is quite fun to use in conjunction with Supply Crate. Not sure how this build would work in such a case though.

Sweet stars above it is. This is where I think the Smoke Bomb/Flame Turret overcharge combo shine. If you see a blob of people coming into a tight space, it’s nothing at all to drop Flame Turret ahead of time and trigger the two together. Add in Glue Bomb and it’s bombs away with effective invulnerability when combined with dodges, Elixir S and regeneration. With enough allies nearby, it’s enough to scare off or cripple a sizable force. In straight PvE, it just ends mobs.

In my experience, Supply Crate is good for holding enemies in place while you draw lines in the sand with Big Ol’ Bomb, Flame Turret and Glue Bomb. Using Supply Crate like a second, targetable Glue Bomb may seem a little wasteful, but it’s really what I have to do in the situations for which it calls. A favorite of mine is when there is a skirmish in WvW between two rather sizable groups of people. I’ll use the Stealth Bomber opener to leap behind enemy lines and lay down Supply Crate along with Big Ol’ Bomb, Flame Turret and the rest of the Bomb Kit. It scares the daylights out of most back-liners and often forces the enemy to collapse in on itself in order to deal with me. The blind fields help mitigate damage and allow me to sustain myself for a bit or escape with an animation-cancelled Jump Shot while my allies push into the new bubble that I helped to create or snap at their flanks.

(edited by Swagg.9236)

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


So, sorta a commando eng then? Interesting use of Bomb Kit, though for shock value, I prefer Flamethrower.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Superkav.5012


I am fond of bomb kit and the rifle so I tried your build in hotjoin. It was fun for about 2 minutes until I wakitten by a heartseeker for 7,800 k damage. Then it was not fun anymore.

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


I am fond of bomb kit and the rifle so I tried your build in hotjoin. It was fun for about 2 minutes until I wakitten by a heartseeker for 7,800 k damage. Then it was not fun anymore.

This build is typically a hard counter to thieves in my experience: it’s all about baiting them into your AoEs. Most thieves invariably close into melee range at some point which is where you’re strongest. Glue Bomb, Smoke Bomb and Flame Turret’s overcharge make safe zones in which you can smack thieves across the face while they swing their daggers harmlessly.

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Superkav.5012


I am fond of bomb kit and the rifle so I tried your build in hotjoin. It was fun for about 2 minutes until I wakitten by a heartseeker for 7,800 k damage. Then it was not fun anymore.

This build is typically a hard counter to thieves in my experience: it’s all about baiting them into your AoEs. Most thieves invariably close into melee range at some point which is where you’re strongest. Glue Bomb, Smoke Bomb and Flame Turret’s overcharge make safe zones in which you can smack thieves across the face while they swing their daggers harmlessly.

Your right, IF you are able to get those of before the fight begins in a controlled environment. Maybe its a matter of practice which I obviously don’t have with your build. In the above scenario I was “ambushed” at 50% health. The thief teleported with steal and one HS and it was game over…
The thing is, with this build you are just as glassy as a thief but you are not able to burst.

Edited for gramma

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


Your right, IF you are able to get those of before the fight begins in a controlled environment. Maybe its a matter of practice which I obviously don’t have with your build. In the above scenario I was “ambushed” at 50% health. The thief teleported with steal and one HS and it was game over…

Yeah, it’s a little tricky. The only real option if you know that a thief is on you and you have no AoE security would be an erratically directed [Acid Bomb] or animation-canceled [Jump Shot]. Those can throw most melee attackers off your trail pretty quick and sometimes long enough for pursuing thieves to fade out of stealth. If even those are on cool-down, then it’s probably game-over because lolstealth.

The thing is, with this build you are just as glassy as a thief but you are not able to burst.

Haha, don’t remind me. It is really rough.

I was actually sort of hoping to maybe get attention for this build so that I could discuss ways to improve it. It has burst, just not nearly at the level as other typical builds. I’ve been working a little more with it and it’s actually possible to [Jump Shot] onto a foe that’s been CC’ed (either with [Net Shot] or [Overcharged Shot]), follow it up with an [Acid Bomb] and then animation cancel [Acid Bomb] while in mid jump. Cancelling that jump animation right as it begins will drop you roughly right where you started it and allow you to keep close to your opponent to follow up with a [Blunderbuss] or more bombs while they stew in the [Acid Bomb] AoE. [Throw Napalm] has also become a pretty substantial part of my “burst” because of it’s decent damage and burn. Truth be told, burn damage has sort of become part of my “burst.” I guess that’s testament to how bad this build’s burst is, haha.

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


This build actually got a lot crazier with the stun break added to Elixir Gun. It’s now possible to [Overcharge Shot] into [Jump Shot] very quickly now and get some free hits on an opponent either with bombs, [Elixir F] or [Acid Bomb]. I’ve also been running Rocket Boots in spvp lately and that’s been barrels of fun. The extra burning damage from Rocket Kick is pretty great with the spvp set up that I have listed in the OP. It also serves as a viable chain skill after a successful [Jump Shot].

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Alkaholic.3875


Option 1: Healing turret, the amount of blast finishers u can get w/ this is ridic.
Option 2: Rocket Boots, words can’t describe the uberness.

Run w/ Pistol/Shield and full rampagers and u’re a condi blast field BAWS!

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


I added some more comments to the OP now that I’ve gotten used to using Rocket Boots as a part of this build. It really helps solve a lot of issues with Bomb Kit operating in an open field by giving the Engineer amazing pursuit capabilities as well as another blast finisher for the [Smoke Bomb] stealth combo. [Rocket Kick] by itself is also great damage, especially when paired with Static Discharge. The second trait set-up also gives access to the “recharge tool-belt skills at 25% hp” minor trait that opens the door for [Med Kit] to really shine.

I’m also going to start experimenting with Runes of the Air in pvp. Using this build often lets my opponent get free hits on me so not only do Runes of the Air grant me more damage via critical hits, but it also gives me a chance for SUPER RETALIATION every 10 seconds. A crit lightning bolt is about 2k damage with the second trait set-up if I recall correctly—enough to maybe turn the tide of a gritty nose-to-nose fight since an opponent can’t react to it and won’t ever really see it coming.

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


Rune of the Air (6/6) TOO STRONG. It’s main-board now. PvE too. I don’t care. It’s scary powerful and it still grants a nice +10% crit damage. Precision hurts 3-4% and I lose about 80 power from what I was originally running, but that [Lightning Bolt] out of nowhere is totally worth it in pvp scenarios.

(edited by Swagg.9236)

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


I have over 1200 hours on my Engi, and this is the first time in a long time I’ve read a build guide that has taught me something. Bravo sir, I enjoyed reading this.

Question: You have Firearms VIII as a trait. This is now Juggernaut and I’m having trouble remembering what it was before. I know it wasn’t Sitting Duck, but I bet that would be just fantastic with this build. Net Shot, Net Turret, Glue Bomb??? Wow! Do the Firearm trait changes affect how you would distribute points in this build?

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

(edited by Adamantium.3682)

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


I have over 1200 hours on my Engi, and this is the first time in a long time I’ve read a build guide that has taught me something. Bravo sir, I enjoyed reading this.

Question: You have Firearms VIII as a trait. This is now Juggernaut and I’m having trouble remembering what it was before. I know it wasn’t Sitting Duck, but I bet that would be just fantastic with this build. Net Shot, Net Turret, Glue Bomb??? Wow! Do the Firearm trait changes affect how you would distribute points in this build?

Well, thanks a lot. I enjoyed writing it.

To answer your first question, it should be I and VI. Thanks for catching that. I have been pondering swapping out Fireforged Trigger for Sitting Duck after the latest balance patch. The only reason I haven’t done so is because I’m so committed to my current rotation that dropping any cool-down reduction traits might really change the flow of this build—and I do love my cool-down reduction traits. However, you are right, the synergy with [Net Shot] alone is enough to make me consider trying it out. That 5 seconds of ranged cripple would be amazing.

This build has remained effectively the same since the latest patch except that I now have a stun-break (AMAZING) and [Rocket Boots] is now a very viable, more damage/pursuit-centric alternative to [Flame Turret] and [Net Turret].

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


I also love the cooldown traits (especially when they do more than just 1 thing) but definitely try Sitting Duck. Just playing around with it tonight, Net Shot + Glue Bomb are crazy good with it even if you don’t use the Net Turret. In PvP it’s just a no brainer if you’re slotting Net Turret.

I won’t presume to know or correct your rotations by any means, but with 3 relatively main weapons in this build I think you could afford to have a bit slower EG. Try Sitting Duck and you won’t go back lol.

EDIT: Looks like Sitting Duck has the all dreaded internal cooldown. With my testing it looks like 5 seconds. Chaining Immobilize won’t stack the Vulnerability, but if you’re careful to spread your Immobilizes by a few seconds you should be fine.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

(edited by Adamantium.3682)

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


Well, since I’ve been moving into a 20-20-0-10-20 set-up lately, I don’t get the +15% damage for Elixir Gun anymore. Without it, [Elixir F] is pretty much just a [Hip Shot] except that it takes almost twice as long to cast, and [Acid Bomb] is only barely on par with [Bomb], so maybe I could stand to drop some Elixir Gun rotation speed and pick up Sitting Duck. I’ll have to give it a shot in spvp.

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


Have you tried sigil of hydromancy, and/or runes of grenth with a med-kit? The chills really make management of your opponents with the bomb-kit much easier.

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have had some fun with a PVT Bommer build 20/0/30/20/0 i used it mostly for soloing champs but it was fun in zergfights in WvW

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I have different take on the Bombgineer or the BoBomber (as I like to call it because my build was focused on using Big Ol Bomb to burst down a target). You can see it here;

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


I have different take on the Bombgineer or the BoBomber (as I like to call it because my build was focused on using Big Ol Bomb to burst down a target). You can see it here;

That video portrayed perhaps the slickest combo I’ve seen in GW2. Now I’m wondering about how viable a [Rifle] – [Healing Turret] – [optional] – [Bomb Kit] – [Tool Kit] would maybe work with my current set-up. Lately, I’ve taken more to the 20-20-0-10-20 trait layout that ends up taking a lot away from [Elixir Gun]. As much as I love [Acid Bomb] and [Super Elixir], I wonder if [Tool Kit] wouldn’t simply be the better option at this point. Then again, I also lose out on a stun-breaker. Ehhh, it’s rough.

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


Have you tried sigil of hydromancy, and/or runes of grenth with a med-kit? The chills really make management of your opponents with the bomb-kit much easier.

This is an interesting idea, and, no, I haven’t. However, the only reason that I can’t see myself doing that at this point is that I don’t want to focus my damage in [Bomb Kit] anymore—at least not for pvp situations. 20-20-0-10-20 with Runes of the Air (6/6), Sigil of Air and Static Discharge help spread my damage out and give me few “kill button” options across the board for when opponents aren’t willingly going into an ideal bomb space and also to make up for how difficult it is to get consecutive hits out with [Bomb] (I mean, you can be directly on top of your opponent and following their every move, but [Bomb] will still never hit them because of its delayed detonation timer).

Furthermore, the new Sitting Duck alone might pretty much equal what that entire rune/sigil combo does together. The immobilize from [Net Shot] plus some additional seconds of crippled (4 seconds in my case) is often enough to let me slip ahead of my opponent while in close range to lay a few [Bomb]s. Moreover, with [Net Shot] on an 8-second cool-down because of Hair Trigger, I can keep a single target crippled almost 50% of the time if the stupid thing would hit them every time I fired it (the tracking for [Net Shot] is kind of goofy and doesn’t always reach a target properly).

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I have different take on the Bombgineer or the BoBomber (as I like to call it because my build was focused on using Big Ol Bomb to burst down a target). You can see it here;

That video portrayed perhaps the slickest combo I’ve seen in GW2. Now I’m wondering about how viable a [Rifle] – [Healing Turret] – [optional] – [Bomb Kit] – [Tool Kit] would maybe work with my current set-up. Lately, I’ve taken more to the 20-20-0-10-20 trait layout that ends up taking a lot away from [Elixir Gun]. As much as I love [Acid Bomb] and [Super Elixir], I wonder if [Tool Kit] wouldn’t simply be the better option at this point. Then again, I also lose out on a stun-breaker. Ehhh, it’s rough.

A funny thing happened whilst I was working on my latest build video. I was testing different configurations for breaking stun after Overcharged Shot and my skillbar ended up looking a bit similar to your build, only that I also had the thumper turret.

The combo worked like this, I’d hit Rumble and then Overcharged Shot whilst walking towards the target (remember rumble gives 1second of Stability so you are immune to your own CC), get close enough to plunk down big ol’ bomb whilst they are busy flying in the air and then immobilize the target (the bad thing about this is the target can activate evasive skills) and jump shot on top of them and by the time I land, BoB should be blowing up.

Or you could just O.Shot, Healing mist stun break immediately, Jump Shot, place BoB and then immob, leap out with acid and walk away from the explosion like a boss.

So yea, your set-up can still work. It’s all in how you combo it.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


A funny thing happened whilst I was working on my latest build video. I was testing different configurations for breaking stun after Overcharged Shot and my skillbar ended up looking a bit similar to your build, only that I also had the thumper turret.

I also was actually thinking about that combo myself. So far I’ve stuck with [Rocket Boots] because of the amazing chase ability, the blast finisher (great for [Smoke Bomb]), and also because I like to use Static Discharge with this build. The extra damage from that trait makes [Rocket Kick] hit for a lot of damage very quickly. I’ll have to try [Thumper Turret] out, though. I’ve accidentally done a stabilized [Overcharged Shot] thanks to allied stability from time to time, and it’s really great to be able to stay in range of my target for an immediate [Jump Shot] as opposed to having to take a few steps sometimes. Also, that extra, PBAoE launch from [Thumper Turret] could be another great addition to the CC/juggling capabilities of this build.

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Hvaran.6327


Thanks u for ur detailed explanation.

But i got another question if u know…

Trait III. – Forceful Explosives – Bombs and mines have a larger explosion radius.

Works fine? What radius u have for bomb skill 1 with it?

Cause i was changing last time this trait and all the bombs in kit had the same radius…

Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Swagg.9236


A bump because I’ve been playing lately with Static Discharge and using Rifle Turret for my optional utility slot. Access to an SD-buffed Surprise Shot is really amazing and helps smooth out the transition between melee-ranged fighting with bombs and using ranged attacks with the rifle. It also gives me something to do while I’m dropping bombs or knocked-down due to Overcharged Shot. It’s honestly the missing link to this build, I think. It gives me some reliable damage even when I’m in Bomb Kit.

Also, big note, [Detonate turret] hits hard. Since [Rifle Turret] itself is somewhat disposable with a 20-second recharge, I like to use it as an extra bomb. It doesn’t hit quite as high, but when combined with an actual [Bomb] hit and a follow-up [Surprise Shot], the damage is staggering given how fast it comes. I recently won a fight with a thief because the guy managed to close in on me while I was directly between my Healing Turret and my Rifle Turret. I dropped a bomb, detonated them both and I might’ve procced either my Sigil of Air, my Runes of Air (6/6) or both because he vaporized after coming out of stealth and attacking me.

[Rifle Turret Bomb] is also great because you can remote detonate it and chain it with other PBAoE attacks, and it’s also a portable blast finisher. Feel free to set it up away from combat, throw down a [Smoke Bomb] as you’re moving in and triggering [Detonate Turret] for instant stealth. It’s incredibly versatile in all honesty.

(edited by Swagg.9236)