Celestrial gear builds?
I am still testing different runes.
The problem with Celestial gear is that it spreads you too widely to fully take advantage of all the stats. Your conditions don’t hurt as much as a rabid build, your crits aren’t as often or as hard as a zerker build, so on and so forth. You’re sub-par at everything, but don’t get to shine at anything. It’s much better practice to tailor a build to take advantage of one stat, then max the crap out of it.
Ferguson’s Crossing
The problem with Celestial gear is that it spreads you too widely to fully take advantage of all the stats. Your conditions don’t hurt as much as a rabid build, your crits aren’t as often or as hard as a zerker build, so on and so forth. You’re sub-par at everything, but don’t get to shine at anything. It’s much better practice to tailor a build to take advantage of one stat, then max the crap out of it.
No not true. Minmax is bad in this game if you can hybrid. Engineer can be a super strong hybrid. Just give it a chance – I started playing with celestial in spvp/tpvp with no expections. But it fits so well, I will not change back for a while.
Also for PvE: celestial deals same dps for me then a zerker build: With zerker I can’t go melee on cd for the strong melee skills. I have to care with zerker and dps goes down withou using the strong melee skills. So celestial can deal same damage then zerker.
The thing is, noone really tried the full celestial yet (spvp doesnt count). The thing with engi is (at least for me) that I always switch builds, ALWAYS. I dont even want to know how much coinz I already pushed down the resetmytraits toilet… Not to mention that I’m still not convinced what to go for, power or conditions, powder hits at least, conditions are cleansed often and until they show any noticeable effect on the enemy HP bar, the enemy already beat a big chunk out of you…but thiefs can stealth away into their death fine… I’m drifting away lol
Anyway, celestial armor got more stats in total than any of the more focused gear, am I correct here? I now grabbed the celestial trinkets and will go for chest + pants too, then play with the stats a bit, but so far it is not really bad, I mean we really need to have a bit of everything, the killing is done anyway in the end. But with a lot more stats in all categories, at least I can quickly change roles without having to carry 3 sets of armor + other stuff with me…
I’m going to make a set, if only for magic find, but I don’t expect much. The thing is, even if you’re using a hybrid power/condition damage build, there is already equipment that will give you more of both (Ie. Rampager’s). Offensively, you’d only be missing out on crit damage, and the trade off just isn’t worth it.
That’s for glass cannon/dungeon builds, anyway. sPvP and WvW may be another matter.
indeed, rampagers give you more of Precision, power n condition… but what do I need precision for in a condition build ? health is low, heal is missing …. out of curiosity I just played a bit spvp with the celestial trinket… I’m not sure why yet, but I have the feeling my overall performance lasted a lot longer than usual ..hitting avg strong too, thief was not able to take me down, ..interesting so far…
Maybe beeing “mediocre” in 75 of all stats issnt so bad after all, I mean oyu do get more points in total with celestial than using any of the other armor PLUS the fact (or my subjective oppinion) that stacking something for A LOT is not giving you a super hudge improvement, it rather feels like the more points you stack into any category the faster the effect decreases(sry english is not my 1st lang…but I hope you get the point). looking at condition for example, having 700 cond gives me a tick of 80 bleeding on an enemy. Stacking cond to 1300 makes it go up to ~110. Are the extra 500pts worth it? I’m not so sure, I loos a lot of other stats for that… same “felt effect” I have with healing, a value around 700-800 is totally enough, going higher doesnt bring me a lot more benefits, because i have to lower vitality + toughness to gain this effect… worth it? not sure…
so far the celestial test is … insteresting…
I played already with celestial ascended trinkets pre patch – wvw but also pve.
My experience:
a) I have to play more agressive in PvE (told already about use of melee skills) – otherwise I lose damage. But the additional defense allows me to play more agressive
b) healing power is not wasted if using healing turret and elixir gun. My personal healing is about 19k over 20 sek and there from 13k are party heal. That’s on top of all classes maybe. Healing power skales well on engineer skills
c)Rifle builds are maybe the better choice for all-stats – I still feel better with full condition set with pistols.
indeed, rampagers give you more of Precision, power n condition… but what do I need precision for in a condition build ?
I specifically said hybrid power/condition builds, which is the “best case” scenario for Celestial. Even for condition-only builds, precision can be useful for procing traits, but then you wouldn’t need power either—in that case I’d be comparing to Rabid (Condition Damage, Precision/Toughness)
I plan on making a set for flamethrower/juggernaught build, not sure how well it will work yet but if it fails it will still make a good magic find set.
Reading through this, I personally wouldn’t use it, but you raise valid enough points that I’ll not dismiss celestial armor either. The nice thing about the engineer profession is that for the most part, if you can make it work for yourself, it’s viable for you.
Ferguson’s Crossing
Well I will probably just get the celestrial ascended items do the real stats build focus with armor and weapons they are easy to get with badges or karma.
Thanks for the responses.
Well I will probably just get the celestrial ascended items do the real stats build focus with armor and weapons they are easy to get with badges or karma.
Thanks for the responses.
Xom NOOOOOOOOOOOO don’t do it!
The Celestial stuff is included now @ gw2skills.net. So let the theorycrafting begin!
Been using a full set of celestial jewellery to compliment my knights armor with divinity runes. I have a bit less crit % and crit dmg %, but I have a decent amount of everything else. I run mainly a toughness stat build (1850) in WvWvW and do quite well against anyone(running 30/0/10/30 grenade/eg/elixirs). As for PvE wise, I can swap my armor over to pure berserkers and still really well.
The only drawback to celestial stats is that you’re not maxing out anything with the exception of crit% dmg. So it works out well if you don’t run a too specialized build. I tend to have regeneration going with super elixir, so I like the +healing. It’s not Clerics, but I find Clerics really gimps your damage output.
My mesmer is my main so I posted here
but the number also work for engineers. Since my engineer used to be a hybrid grenadier, the numbers look nice for the new armor set. A lot nicer than the ascended jewerly. WIGZ mentioned this: celestial trinkets are a loss of crit dmg compared to zerker. Interestingly, celestial armor/weapons are a potential gain in crit dmg.
Not a FT build… Ft is bad with celestial. Grenades and bombs fits well with celestial. EG is fine.
Not a FT build… Ft is bad with celestial. Grenades and bombs fits well with celestial. EG is fine.
Out of curiosity, what is FT good with, in your opinion?
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.
Not a FT build… Ft is bad with celestial. Grenades and bombs fits well with celestial. EG is fine.
Out of curiosity, what is FT good with, in your opinion?
a) it’s an utility kit because low damage
b) if for some reason missinterpreted as damage kit: berserker, mix of berserker and knights, knights.