Confusion with runes of perplexity

Confusion with runes of perplexity

in Engineer

Posted by: FortySeven.2698


I just started playing an Engi and im absolutely loving it, had a warrior and ele as my mains but im deff going to stick with engi for a while, so as im reading all this about the new bombs and stealth, id like to stack confusion as much as possible, but still have survivability, so my question is what armor, weapon, and trinket sets should i go with. I already have the runes too, but not slotted.

I will mainly play pve and WvW, i like little roaming parties unless i feel like following a zerg, and i especially like 1 v 1’ing. I should be 80 sometime today, 74 atm with my birthday gift in the labyrinth it should be no time.

I love bombs, grenades are cool too, and id like some condition removal, so i use med kit most of the time. I run P/P now, but like i said im a new engi, so any advice on what traits and sets i should get would be extremely grateful.


Confusion with runes of perplexity

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Perplexity has been confirmed to be slated for some type of nerf in the future. But if you still want to give it a go, you’ll want to use shield because you can get an interrupt from both skills and possibly two interrupts from the #5 skill. Other good utilities/interrupts are flamethrower, toolkit, and bomb kit.

Confusion with runes of perplexity

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


That doesn’t mean they won’t be worth using. simply because they stated “they will be looking at” those runes.

I would suggest Med kit, Elixir Gun, Bomb Kit, Tool Kit. BK and TK to maximize access to conditions. EG tool belt will give you the stun breaker. MK #4 and EG#5 will be your condition removal, although somewhat limited.

BoB, Magnet, Magnetic inversion, Throw Shield, and Supply Crate, will all stack confusion on interrupt, and Pry Bar, Concussion Bomb, and Static Shot, will be your direct appliers of confusion.

Since you mention survivability, I would certainly go with “Dire” gear.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

Confusion with runes of perplexity

in Engineer

Posted by: Sokane.1957


I use Med Kit when solo and Heal Turret in a small group.
Bomb Kit-Tool belt skill is an interrupt with solid Dmg and skill 3 applies confusion.
Tool Kit-skill 5 to pull me into range, 3 to apply confusion, and 4 is a 3 second block.
Last utility I like to slot a stun break.
Elite is supply crate. Another interrupt plus healing. Really the only solid choice.

I use p/s because skill 4 is a knock back and 5 has a stun(more confusion).

As far as gear sets, you have a few options. Best set up is probably either Dire(CoE tokens) or Apothecary(TP). But if you already have Carrion or Rabid, they’d work just fine.

Fenrit-Engineer-Ehmry Bay
Sokane Noctua-Mesmer-Ehmry Bay

Confusion with runes of perplexity

in Engineer

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


For a really good solo WvW build the one in my sig is godly. Honestly, you CANNOT die 1v1, even 1v2-3s you have to screw up REALLY badly. Not even D/P backstabbing thieves can kill you, you just shrug it off and heal back up. You can also kite an entire Zerg around the map, and even kill a few of them while youre at it.

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Confusion with runes of perplexity

in Engineer

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


What about zerg play Carpboy?