Constructive FT feedback

Constructive FT feedback

in Engineer

Posted by: Eremus.4506


Im sure these things all are flying around here but I thought maybe we could turn it into a good discussion from which the devs could also benefit ( and we on the long run).

So here are my thoughts after this day with the new changes on the FT:
- the DMG is equal to grenades IF FT2 hits right
- the things that cause it to not hit are
a) blocked path
b) hit the ground after target loss
c) 90% of the time a following mob on me ( big ones who could 2-shot you)

- a) and b) are a problem but you could argue that this is (partially) a skill cap BUT c) is my biggest concern:
with my playstyle I cant strafe and kit a mob while hiting with FT2 AND since the FT1 goes straight forward it’s impossible to hit more than 10% of it while moving at full speed and strafing.

- this is all mechanic wise. the total DMG output is something else (and if you have good numbers /tests please bring it on) I definitely would love a dmg buff but even more important:

Please work on the mechanics, so that it can be used while running, on mobs in melee, and on a not flat world. I understand that making it just explode on the target would take away the skill cap. A solution could be the " press to fire, second press to explode" (idea from the forum), but since i get toughness with the mastertrait it seems strange not to be able to use it against such mobs.

If you have good ideas, comments, or tipps, please knock yourself out.

edit for grammar

(edited by Eremus.4506)

Constructive FT feedback

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Take some video or screenshots of it failing to hit, if you can – maybe if they’re posted on the Game Discussion forum, they’ll actually realize there’s an issue.

Constructive FT feedback

in Engineer

Posted by: Rhodeo.7318


They key I found was to hold down your Right Mouse Button, since it changes the way you face, it changes your cone of attack. Since FT hits in a cone in the centre of your screen, it’ll improve your ability to hit more targets.

Cupcake Fury | Resonance [Res] | Blackgate

Constructive FT feedback

in Engineer

Posted by: Eremus.4506


Hey Rhodeo,
yes, I too aim with the ‘invisible cone’ and in normal DE it’s all good. But if I strafe right for example the mob i aggroed follows me (and he’s my target) and is now at 9 o’clock i can hit him with gun or pistol and keep running at normal speed ( since the shots ‘aim’).
This works for FT2 but is pretty hard but FT1 still attacks the cone your looking at ( 12 o’clock) so the FT is by default bad in such situations.
If this is intended by development ok, but I think if I spec for Jug. FT dmg, FT recharge or longer burns… such a common situation should be covered. I mean these are a lot of traits so you would def. not be OP since your dmg right now is also not skyrocketing

If FT2 would be reliable in this situation, than perhaps I’m ok with less or no FT1 hits but both are a problem in my eyes. Grenades have a better solution here.

Constructive FT feedback

in Engineer

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


Hey Rhodeo,
yes, I too aim with the ‘invisible cone’ and in normal DE it’s all good. But if I strafe right for example the mob i aggroed follows me (and he’s my target) and is now at 9 o’clock i can hit him with gun or pistol and keep running at normal speed ( since the shots ‘aim’).
This works for FT2 but is pretty hard but FT1 still attacks the cone your looking at ( 12 o’clock) so the FT is by default bad in such situations.
If this is intended by development ok, but I think if I spec for Jug. FT dmg, FT recharge or longer burns… such a common situation should be covered. I mean these are a lot of traits so you would def. not be OP since your dmg right now is also not skyrocketing

If FT2 would be reliable in this situation, than perhaps I’m ok with less or no FT1 hits but both are a problem in my eyes. Grenades have a better solution here.

The word intended in your post highlights my concern. Everyone is hanging out waiting for a fix, but we don’t really know what is intended. I’d like for them to come into this thread and tell us what the intended functionality of flamethrower is and whether it is currently functioning as intended.

Constructive FT feedback

in Engineer

Posted by: Eremus.4506


I’m also interested in an answer for this. Until this last patch I ran grenades too and for me it feels like a kit to stay in for more than one or two skills. The toolkit is something i use just for a short time but perhaps that’s just me.
Like i said, if i take three triats ONLY for the FT ( like spec. grenades) it seems fair to use it more frequently than just for its utility or a single burst ( on plain ground ) but again, who knows how the devs think about it.

And thanks for all the posts