Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


I just started playing an engineer yesterday after playing with a warrior for a long time and I’m loving it. I’m only level 12 now, but I’m looking for tips on how to build a tankish engineer or just one that’s more defense minded.
Right now I’m using rifle with Healing Turret, Grenade Kit, and Rifle Turret with two points in the Inventions line. I’m thinking about maxing out Inventions to get the healing bombs trait, then putting some points into Explosives to help with the bomb recharge rate and such and Alchemy for more survivability. I also want to put ten points into Tools for Speedy Kits to get perma-swiftness.
So long as I’m not a squishy or a glass cannon, I’m more than happy dumping my warrior for an engineer. Until they fix warrior, maybe.
Anyway, any tips on builds/gear? I’m not interested in any PvP or WvW, at least not right now, just in PvE and eventually dungeons once I’m high enough.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


I run a Condition engineer.

Once you hit 80, pick up that condition damage/precision/toughness gear from the Orr karma vendors (do your daily acheivements and don’t spend any karma so you’ll have enough to buy at least 1 piece once you hit 80) There are green type jewelery pieces you can buy with the same stats also in Orr.

I run with a pistol/shield with an offhand pistol in my backpack if i want to sacrifice some defence.

Runes are rune of the centaur, but i use this as more of a pvp/wvw rune. Rune of the undead might be a more solid choice for pve.

For traits, i’m 0/30/0/30/10
Firearms: Infused precision/Rifled barrels/hair trigger
Alchemy: Invigorating speed/protection injection/backpack regenerator
Tools: Kit refinement

Skills are medkit, elixir gun, bomb kit, elixir r/u and supply drop.

With the near 100% uptime on vigor, swiftness, weakness (even on bosses), and my aoe health regeneration, i can stay alive for quite awhile.

This build also has a bit of flexibility with being able to change out bomb kit for something else.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Venthus.6137


I’ve been experimenting with a defensive passive-heal engineer setup: Healing bombs, backpack regenerator, kit refinement, elixir gun.

Took Elixir B in the last spot for lack of anything else and to help bolster the rather mediocre damage this lineup offers. I also prefer taking a shield for the additional blocking in emergencies. Currently rolling water/monk/Dwayna runes for the buff duration bonuses, but that’s not a big deal.

As this is, it offers a ridiculous amount of sustainable AoE healing [upwards of 1kHP/sec, I believe, though that may be just on myself] and potentially leaves the elite, healing and one utility slot free for whatever.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Thank you both for the responses.
I noticed you’re both using Backpack Regenerator, but looking at it on the official wiki, it only heals for 125 health per second at level 80, and it’s not affected by healing power or max health. That doesn’t seem like a lot to me. Of course, I’m not to level 80 yet, I’m only level 16, so I have no idea how much health I’ll have. How useful do you find it?
I got flamethrower today and I enjoy it a lot. I’m thinking of running a flamethrower/elixir gun build:
Precision tree: Rifled barrels (increases rifle, pistol, harpoon gun, and elixir gun range)
Fireforged Trigger (increases recharge time on flamethrower and elixir gun skills by 20%)
Juggernaut (increased toughness and might when using flamethrower)

Alchemy tree: Fast Acting Elixirs (elixirs recharge 20% faster)
Deadly mixture (increases flamethrower and elixir gun damage by 15%)
Formula 409 (elixirs cure conditions)

Tools: Either Kit Refinement (attacks on switching kits) or Speedy Kits (5 seconds of swiftness on switching kits) for getting around faster.

Skills I plan on using are Elixir H, Elixir B, Flamethrower, Elixir Gun, and Supply Crate. Weapon is rifle. I’ll be using carrion gear, and probably be using sigils to help with burning and increased toughness/vitality and power/condition damage.

Anyone try a similar build? How did it work for you?
Of course, I know I’ll just have to try these things out for myself as I level up more, but I’d like more info to plan ahead.
Engineer is so much better than Warrior, to me.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Isslair.4908


I dunno about Rifled barrels for PvE. In my experience you’ll be always up close and personal with mobs, so range won’t help you. I like the Precise Sights trait. It sinergises very well both with pistols and FT.

EU Aurora Glade

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Venthus.6137


While backpack regenerator doesn’t heal that much, it IS always active. You don’t have to waste any skill activation time to set it going and you’re still getting healing while you’re dodging, putting up your shield, or even just plain running away.

Kit refinement is EXCELLENT with Elixir gun. You drop a light field with condition removal and healing with a decently short CD. I don’t really use Rifled Barrels much; none of the relevant weapons are really that good at long range. Depending on where you are, Elixir/KR and Super Elixir may be enough to deal with conditions, rendering F409 less valuable, as well. Still, high Alchemy 30 has lots of other goodies you can swap in as needed.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


The absolute best PvE defensive specs are those that emphasize blinds, chills, and weakness. From a numbers perspective, these far outweigh healing. I’d argue they’re better than speccing a lot of blocks too, because often you’re not doing damage while blocking, which means you’re not being productive in killing the foe.

My dungeon spec is based upon the idea of applying perma-weakness with the elixir gun (plus the other cool things it does) and semi-tanking to help out my melee buddies with a variety of blinds (pistol 3, bomb 4, and flame turret overcharge). It’s a thankless job because many people aren’t even aware of these kinds of things.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Dante.3754


@Eviator I agree that for defense it is better to focus on preventing enemy damage than to heal it out. You don’t even need to be traited for it because as an engineer all you need is bomb kit. Right there you have an aoe smoke field that basically negates all enemies in the field, a glue bomb that stops melee enemies in their tracks, and BoB is an aoe knock-back that allows a team to use their self-heals or focus down an enemy all on a relatively short cooldown for what it does.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: penatbater.4710


I have two sets of gear, one power/tough/vit and a knight’s set and so far, I find the pwoer/tough/vit to be far more useful. Im also stacking knight jewelry (for extra toughness)

I have 0/0/30/30/10, and have elixer-infused bombs. You have no idea how helpful that is in being a “tanky” eng. Granted you can’t take dmg as much as a guardian/warrior, but I found putting in specific condi (blind, whatnot) and spamming 1 makes your survivability better overall. Getting healed for 180 every 1/2sec (or 3/4sec? I forgot) is huge, esp if you couple in regen and if you have the dolyak rune, you’re looking at close to 400 heal per second which is great! :P

the traits in alchemy are more for elixer stuff, elixer reduction 20%, elixer s at 25% and throwing elixers removes condition (this I love to death so so so much). with 3 elixers on my tool bar (elixer heal, elixer b and elixer s), i have 6 ways to remove condition, and 3 of those i can do for the group! :P

I occassionally equip elixer change-condi-to-buff when I’m dealing with the necro in ac path 2 though :P

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


While backpack regenerator doesn’t heal that much, it IS always active. You don’t have to waste any skill activation time to set it going and you’re still getting healing while you’re dodging, putting up your shield, or even just plain running away.

Kit refinement is EXCELLENT with Elixir gun. You drop a light field with condition removal and healing with a decently short CD. I don’t really use Rifled Barrels much; none of the relevant weapons are really that good at long range. Depending on where you are, Elixir/KR and Super Elixir may be enough to deal with conditions, rendering F409 less valuable, as well. Still, high Alchemy 30 has lots of other goodies you can swap in as needed.

I’m getting a lot more activity on this thread than I expected. I still have my mind set on a FT/EG build currently, it fits my character concept nicely, but I’m open to changing. And I’m learning a lot of things about my new favorite profession. Knowledge is power?

Anyway, on this post I quoted in particular…you say 409 isn’t needed if you have elixir gun, depending on where you are? I see the Fumigate skill only has a 12 second cooldown (9.6 secs with trait) and sprays out a cone that cures conditions. How would I get this to work on myself?
The stats I’m looking to upgrade with gear, in no particular order since I don’t know which is more important than which, are Toughness, Vitality, Power, Condition Damage, and to a lesser extent Healing Power. After reading the post on causing conditions more useful than healing, i’m less concerned about my heal output. Still, more healing is always good, right?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Fumigate won’t work on you. In your current build (without F409) you have to use a projectile finisher through Super Elixir (EG5) to cure conditions. EG1 is a 20% projectile finisher, which is better than nothing.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Healingpistol.5829


I cant comment much on the spec you have in mind, I play CC/evasive/condition style 30/30/0/10/0, but I think you will be better to have pistol and shield instead of rifle. Also, you will need to use bomb or grenade kit besides the flame/elixir. For elite skill supply crate is way better than anything else.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Venthus.6137


Well— I tend to mix up my slots and traits with a slight mind towards what I’m encountering in a particular place. Like, I ever have a problem with conditions in CoF, but the bleeds in CM tend to shred me, so I take that into consideration.

I haven’t specifically tested for this since I haven’t hit any condition-prone areas lately, but according to the wiki: “While not mentioned in-game, Super Elixir also removes conditions on impact.”

Another thing to consider about running a build with AoE heals is that, well, they’re AoE heals. In you’re travelling in groups, you’re supporting a lot more people than just yourself.

(edited by Venthus.6137)

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


So, I could replace 409 with with Backpack Regenerator and use Super Elixir from the Elixir Gun to cure conditions? (I haven’t unlocked Elixir gun yet, but assume SE is a ground targeting move like grenades are. And I know it has a 20 second cooldown, or 16 secs with trait). I already decided to pick up Supply Crate over the other elites.
I thought Pistol/Shield seemed obvious for a defensive engineer, but after playing with it, I don’t care for it much. I’m not sure how the shield are supposed to work, and I find that switching to rifle resulted in me dying less. Also, I love some of the rifle moves like Net and Overcharged Shot.
Also, why should I consider switching to bomb or grenade kit instead of FT or EG? Could I use on of those instead of Elixir B too, if I’m dumping 409?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: MikeT.9428


Grenades are considered to be the best damage we have but I find them hard to land when my cursor gets lost in the explosions and attack effects. This doesn’t happen all the time but keeping track of it can be difficult at times. They have a nice burst F skill from the toolbelt. There is no auto attack on these.

Bombs could possibly be better than grenades due to dungeons typically being in tighter quarters and the AoE heal trait.

FT tends to not scale well at higher levels plus I personally find it difficult to consistently land the attacks while on the move. Which dungeons normally require.

EG has good group support with fair dps.

I too prefer the rifle over the pistols or pistol/shield but a lot of the CC it offers isn’t too effective against bosses and some trash mobs. The damage tends to scale better at higher levels than the pistols but if you don’t have someone in the group stacking lots of bleeds pistols could certainly be considered.

Jade Quarry
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


FT doesn’t scale at higher levels? Excuse me one sec.


Ok, now I got that out of my system. But seriously, if this is true, I hope they fix it.
I would prefer not to use grenades because of the ground targeting. I always find ground targeting difficult to use when you’re in a tough fight, so I’ll only use it if i have to.
What’s a good healing bomb build?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Seetoo.9316


Does backpack regenerator stack with the dolyak (6) rune?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: MikeT.9428


What’s a good healing bomb build?

Healing bombs requires 30 point trait XI “Elixor-infused bombs” in the Inventions line.

The build above was originally for a sPVP point defender. So keep that in mind and you could move some things around. This build could be effective in dungeons but I’d probably use Elixor R instead of Elixor S for the “F” reviving downed allies and curing conditions.

Jade Quarry
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Thank you, MikeT. Now I have a healing bomb build and an elixir gun/flamethrower build to try (because the concept of flamethrower/elixir gun is just appealing to me, so I’m gonna try it anyway. What’s 8 gold for respeccing?)
Now, what about gear and sigils/runes? I’ve been looking at different gear on the wiki, but mostly for style. I want to see what look I want to have for The Red Griffin (my character). I like the bloodsaw armor and Rubicon armor of Lyssa the best, particularly the hat on the latter.
Ok, style isn’t what this thread is about.
The stats on the Rubicon armor of Lyssa seem pretty good to me though. Power, Precision, Condition Damage (though not a lot), Toughness, Healing Power, Vitality- all covered. Link:
Thoughts? And what sigils/runes should I use?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Venthus.6137


Does backpack regenerator stack with the dolyak (6) rune?

Have not tested it myself, but I read elsewhere that it does.

Dokyak6 is really expensive in terms of slots though: 160toughness/50vit/horrible regen. Not sure if you read the fine print, but Dolyak6 is NOT full regen; it’s only 30hp/sec. You’d probably get more mileage out of Mercy6 or, well, pretty much anything else.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Istarien.3147


Hello there, Beard! There’s a couple of categories of defensive Engineer. You can (a) build yourself to be a tank and thus be able to be an effective melee engineer, or (b) set yourself up to be an enemy-debuffer so they don’t hit you as hard. I’m going to go with (a) here, but if you prefer (b), I can address that in a different post.

First requirement, get yourself some tanky gear. When you first hit lvl 80, chances are that will mean purchased or crafted gear. Your best bet will be to go with Knight’s (toughness) or Valkyrie (vitality) gear (or a mix) if you’re building for direct damage. Good options for direct damage include rifle builds, explosives builds, and Flamethrower-as-primary-weapon builds. If you prefer to build for condition damage, you’ll want a mix of Knight’s and Carrion gear, and this setup is best suited to pistols, explosives, Flamethrower-and-Elixir-Gun-as-utilities builds.

Your ultimate gear goal, which will require farming for Karma, Badges of Honor, and/or dungeon tokens from Ascalonian Catacombs, Honor of the Waves, or Arah, is Power/Toughness/Vitality gear. Jewels should still be a mix of Knight’s and Valkyrie. Runesets that work well are Superior Runes of the Dolyak (for supertanks) and Superior Runes of the Fighter (for more offensively minded tanks). Since tanky engineer builds tend to stack a lot of toughness, I suggest taking advantage of the 10 pt Inventions trait that converts 5% of toughness to power whenever possible.

Personally, I prefer direct damage to condition damage due to condition stacking limits. I play a lot of WvW, and there’s nothing worse than realizing you’re in the middle of a dozen condition stackers and stomping all over each others’ damage output. To that end, I like the following builds that take advantage of a tanky setup:

Frontline Flamethrower:;T0AA1yvEeJhS9lCKqtMbJ2yulbL5WDKA

The first two Firearms traits are user’s choice – these are just my favorites. Juggernaut, with its 200 extra toughness and 6 permanent stacks of Might, is awesome in this build and gear setup. You have nearly as much armor/tough as some heavies, and your job is to run with (or more accurately in front of) the big boys in plate. Use Air Blast to blow targets back at your hammer and greatsword melee, Napalm to set knocked-down targets on fire, and your elixir/elixir gun to provide some frontline support in a pinch. Flame Blast and Flame Jet hit gratifyingly hard in this setup. It’s weaker in the water and lacks a really good ranged option, but it’s hard to beat if you do a lot of close-quarters skirmishing. It’s also an excellent build for the Orr Dynamic Event Karma circuit. Dungeons are a little more problematic with a FT build, but you can make it work if you’re patient.

For a more versatile build, I recently started playing with explosives.

Demolitions Medic:;T0AA1yvEeJhS9lCKqtMbJ2yulbL5WDKA

This is a hybrid build that lets you be heal/support + respectable damage in melee with the bomb kit, and extremely effective damage at range/in the water with the grenade kit. You have to have some practice with aiming/anticipating grenades to get the full benefit of the build, but it’s worth it. You can bring the pain at range OR help keep your melee alive when they’re all stacked on a boss. Bomb heals don’t heal for a lot, but they hit everybody standing around you. If you’re in the middle of a zerg, your heal numbers will be staggering, even without any extra investment in healing power. I also bring Throw Mine as a handy blast finisher. It uses the same gear as the Flamethrower build, and the equipped weapon is player’s choice. Either rifle or pistol/shield are recommended for utility use only.

Hope this helps!

Isti (Engineer) | Niphredyl (Guardian) | Istra Ironfang (Necro) | [LotD] | Blackgate

(edited by Istarien.3147)

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Istarien, I love you. Those links you posted don’t work, but still, you gave the best advice on a thread full of good advice.
I love engineers and Istarien.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


In my opinion, avoiding damage is the best defense.

Engineers are very possibly the best endurance regenerating class’ in the game. With Toss elixir S, invigorating speed, elixir R, adrenalin implant, adrenalin pump.

Infused Precision+ Invigorating Speed+Adrenal Implant are a ridiculous combo that allow you to avoid incredible amounts of damage.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Istarien.3147


Well, apparently this forum doesn’t like links, and it’s not letting me edit my post. Let me try this again, with a different build calculator.

Frontline Flamethrower:

Demolitions Medic:

ETA: We have a winner. Thanks for letting me know the links were broken! And Beard, you’re a dear to be so affectionate, but I’m already spoken for. ;-)

Isti (Engineer) | Niphredyl (Guardian) | Istra Ironfang (Necro) | [LotD] | Blackgate

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


I agree with Coglin.

But I also run a more tanky Firearms – Tools build with turrets in dungeons sometimes.

I use a mix of the WvW / PvE gear that has power / toughness / vit and the valkryie gear.

It lets me have decent toughness and vit while not cutting my + power

Traits are 20 firearms 20 inventions 30 tools.

I run it with runes of the citadel ((awesome fury up time for crit)) rifle – medkit- tool kit – rocket turret – rifle turret – supply crate.

The traits are

Rifle cool downs / rifle damage
protection on hit / 5% toughness to power ((or turret regen))
static discharge / power tools or kit refinement / adrenal implant or speedy kits

You’ll have 24k + hp with around 1600 toughness depending how you build it. Your damage will still be rather solid with about 2k power thanks to runes + traits, with of crit damage and maybe ~35% crit from perma fury.

So you still crit well with rifle’s blunderbuss + jumpshot, and tool kit skills hit well as well. With both turrets but and firing it’s damage is actually pretty solid if you get good at placing them.

The nice thing about the build though is you can easily swap in elixir gun or net turret depending on the pve boss for kiting or condition removal.

But keep in mind that this is not a dps’ing build. The damage is ok for someone intending to be tanky, but it does not compare with a dps bomb or grenade build on number output.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


So many builds…tools, flamethrower/elixir gun, healing bombs, turrets…drool
Just messing around on, came up with a slightly different build:
Rifle-Elixir H-Elixir C-Flamethrower-Elixir Gun-Supply Crate
Firearms- Rifle recharge, FT/EG recharge, Juggernaut
Inventions- 5% toughness converted to power (I’ll be going for toughness/vit/power gear)
Alchemy- Elixir recharge, 15% with FT/EG
Tools- Speedy kits (because I like running around with perma swiftness)

I replaced Elixir B with Elixir C because it converts all conditions into boons, has the same recharge, and I’ll automatically drink an elixir b when I get to 75% health with the innate traits in Alchemy. The only think I’m wondering is when I’m fighting underwater, what skill would fit in nicely with this build that I can replace flamethrower with, since that doesn’t work underwater? I know it’s water fights aren’t nearly as common as land fights, but I don’t want to get caught with my pants down.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Mathierus.7432


Not that I can really add anything to the very well thought out builds and suggestions…but just an observation. I play a thief, warr, necro, and ele. I visit the forums daily to keep up with latest ideas and trends on these classes. Frankly, there has been alot of negativity and trolling lately in those classes threads.

I came to the engi thread as I am going to be rolling one soon and needed ideas. I have been shocked at the quality of the threads and replies.

Are all the intelligent and respectable people rolling engis?

In all seriousness though, props to all of you. This is how threads should be.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Engineers=The best

I just got Speedy Kits yesterday, perma-swiftness is awesome.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Hey, Defensive Engineer thread. OP here. Been a while. How have you been?

So, I got Elixir Gun and Flamethrower and am at level 28. At 30 I’m going to pick supply crate, and I’ll have 10 points in Tools with the Speedy Kits trait (for perma-swiftness!) and 10 points in Inventions for the 5% toughness as power trait. Then I plan on filling out Alchemy and Firearms trait lines. However, I’m still trying to find a good skill for the third slot. Elixir B I’ll take automatically whenever I’m at 75% health, so I view slotting that as a waste. Elixir C is good, but I find I rarely need to use it. What other skills are good with FT and EG?
Also, what are good skills to use when I’m fighting underwater? FT doesn’t work under there, so I’ve been using grenade kit in it’s place, but I find they’re hard to use underwater. Suggestions?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

A Stun breaker.
Elixir R is a good choice.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Nokrum.4691


A Stun breaker.
Elixir R is a good choice.

<3 the AoE Revive on Toss. In PvE for self revive and for support

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Nokrum.4691


BTW i have a question about Backpack Regenerator. Seems that it does not work atm. I just dont get regen when using / swapping to Medkit or EG. Anyone else noticed ?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Elixir R sounds pretty good…I guess I just have to make sure to throw it before I die? That sounds like something I would always forget to do/ not have time to do before I die though.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Nokrum.4691


yep you have to throw it. ever thought about PBR ? I like it for its TB Cripple and Knockback, Saved my Life some times and gave me some time to breath

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

Elixir R takes some time getting used to, but it is extremely powerful.
Don’t just use it on yourself tho’. It’s a great way to help other people res. (especially in dungeons/WvW/PvP)
Just make sure to wait until they teleported/mist form/whatever if they are classes that can move around in the downed state.

Personal battering ram is all right, but not well suited for a flamethrower/elixir gun build imo.
Since you’ll get a better knockback from your flamethrower’s Air blast and you’ll be able to clear some space with elixir Gun’s Acid bomb. (Quite similar to the Rocket boots stun breaker -minus the stun break and self knock down)
Personal battering has the cripple, which is fine but it’s no stun breaker.
And Elixir F also delivers cripple, so all in all, elixir R is the better choice.

In my humble opinion.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Nokrum.4691


nonkit elixir+gadget engi disagreed here

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

I’m not saying Personal battering ram is bad, but it depends on the build.
You aren’t using any kits but OP can get similar effects from his favoured kits.

What’s your stun breaker then? Rocket boots?

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Nokrum.4691


Just PBR, Elixir B +R or Slick Shoes. And im really disappointed about having no Stun Breaker on SS. Especially because it would be a perfect fit in to its TB Skill. Needless to say that the more different opinions or player views on engi i read/hear, the more i learn. Just <3 this class.

OP isnt at max, so he will switch around his build so many times.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


Hm…Utility Goggles are a stun breaker, with a shorter cool down than Elixir R. Of course, not with the Elixir cooldown trait.
Rocket Boots are cool, because of the basic formula of “Something + Rockets = Awesome” See “The Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom” #2 for proof of that.
Battering Ram is out, don’t need it.
I was also thinking of using Rifle, Rocket or Net turret as a sort of distraction. I should probably use a stun breaker though.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

BTW i have a question about Backpack Regenerator. Seems that it does not work atm. I just dont get regen when using / swapping to Medkit or EG. Anyone else noticed ?

it doesnt actually show as a regen buff it does work tho- just take falling damage and watch the ticks. 125 heal a sec doesnt sound much but thats 7500 per minute passive heal
Also super elixir you can cure your own conditions by firing through the field – AS long as you are close to your target

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

Elixir R sounds pretty good…I guess I just have to make sure to throw it before I die? That sounds like something I would always forget to do/ not have time to do before I die though.

assign that skill slot to middle(wheel) mouse button

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


I run a supportive bombs build with full cleric’s gear. My weaponset is P/S and my utilities are Healing Turret, Bomb Kit, Elixer gun, Elixer B and Supply Crate. I trait fully into Inventions and Alchemy, with 10 points into explosives for increased explosion radius.

Basically, not only does this build sustain everyone close to me with various aoe regen, it also periodically provides a maximum of 12 stacks of might to nearby allies.

By dropping BoB, then Fire bomb, then healing turret, switch to P/S and use shield 4 while destroying the healing turret, I essentially perform a 4-blast finisher combo which grants stacks of might to my allies in a pinch.

I also have a DPS combo with the elixer gun. By dropping a glue bomb at melee range and then quickly switching to elixer gun, I can use Acid Bomb on melee targets and jump to safety while immobilising and crippling them, forcing them to eat a large portion of Acid bomb’s damage. As soon as I land from the jump, I switch to P/S so that the remaining ticks do more damage.

In terms of raw healing output, when my party needs a burst heal, I’ll put down BoB, then healing turret, switch to p/S and use the healing turret’s water field and self-destruct to get AOE heal 3 times in a row.

Elixer Gun’s super elixer light field combined with Elixer B gives you and your allies extended periods of retalliation, which adds up. I take the trait cleansing formula, which allows me to heal my own conditions quickly.

And best of all, I do about 950-1000 damage per regular bomb dropped, and heal for just under 300 HP per explosion.

This build requires very fast fingers though, since you’ll be switching around kits like a madman. You have to keep your cooldowns in mind often, since you have to keep your various regens and heal fields up at all times. This build is also very combo-reliant, and learning the timing for your healing turret and might combo can be tricky. You also need to remember to switch out to P/S whenever you use your turret to heal or your elixer gun’s Acid Bomb to damage, since kits don’t carry the stats of your weapons, and you’ll be losing a lot of healing power if you don’t.

I’ve had plenty of praise from teammates for using this build in dungeons. Apparently the sustain is greatly appreciated, as is the AOE blind, condition removal, knockdown and might application.

(edited by Lifelike.5862)

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

In my opinion, avoiding damage is the best defense.

Engineers are very possibly the best endurance regenerating class’ in the game. With Toss elixir S, invigorating speed, elixir R, adrenalin implant, adrenalin pump.

Infused Precision+ Invigorating Speed+Adrenal Implant are a ridiculous combo that allow you to avoid incredible amounts of damage.

I thought I had read somewhere that for some odd reason vigor didn’t stack with Adrenal Implant. I hope I read completely wrong, coglin, do you know for sure that it stacks? I hope it does, I’ll try it and see if I can get any definitive results.

(edit) *UPDATE
I did tests in the mists stacking vigor with adrenal implant. I evaded 2x consecutively to deplete endurance.

Base : 21 sec for full recharge
Adrenal Implant trait only : 14 sec for full recharge
Vigor only : 10.5 sec for full recharge
Vigor and Adrenal Implant trait : 10.5 sec for full recharge

This is kind of a bummer, and I hope it is a bug, but vigor and Adrenal Implant do not stack, and furthermore, vigor gives better endurance regen.

DH Yak’s Bend – Perfect Dark [PD]
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes

(edited by Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982)

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Nokrum.4691


BTW i have a question about Backpack Regenerator. Seems that it does not work atm. I just dont get regen when using / swapping to Medkit or EG. Anyone else noticed ?

it doesnt actually show as a regen buff it does work tho- just take falling damage and watch the ticks. 125 heal a sec doesnt sound much but thats 7500 per minute passive heal
Also super elixir you can cure your own conditions by firing through the field – AS long as you are close to your target

AHHH, Thanks

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Nokrum.4691


btw just figured out today that if ur running heal turret and thumper turret, ur able to support and selfheal for huge amounts. first cast regenerating mist and combine that with shockwave ( both toolbelt skills ) for regen and aoe heal, then or if needed deploy heal turret and detonate it for selfheal from deplroying and another aoe heal + regen. we we´re running wvwvw today, 2 engis and both heal and thumper turret. was amazing fun while capturing points in 2vs4 situations

huge healings <3

(edited by Nokrum.4691)

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


by the way. It doesn’t state it in the skill description, but Super Elixer heals conditions when it’s first deployed. You don’t have to fire through it.

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Mif.3471


The answer to any problem is always pie:

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

by the way. It doesn’t state it in the skill description, but Super Elixer heals conditions when it’s first deployed. You don’t have to fire through it.

sure superE does remove condition on cast- i’m merely pointing out that by staying in the field within melee range of your target- firing projectiles gives an effective perma condition removal
(10 points in tools is a must for any engi?) -(personally 20 pts in tools gives great flexibility) Tools IV & VI and 10 points Alchemy I. i was running through frostgorge at lvl 55+ mining mithril ore (with the help of a turret or two aswell- purely for the aggro grab).

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

And on the Note that Everyone says F/T are rubbish they dont scale. Its a controlled aoe that does 10 ticks of damage each one is capable of being a crit (i know kits cant have sigils (maybe the 15th might change that?) but armour/jewellery and food combined can give you significant +crit% and dmg). if u learn from the misses and find “the sweet spot” F/T #1 (and #2) you might be pleasantly surprised oh and F/T #1 will also knockback small creatures (or hold them at bay)- aggro 10 risen maggots and try it out lol

Defensive Engineer for PvE and Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: BeardManly.2140


I made the mistake of looking through some of the other engineer forums the other day. Lots of complaints after the patch, but all seem to be PvP. I didn’t see any problems from what I’ve seen.
Though the idea of kits not scaling is a bit…odd. Why wouldn’t they scale?
Oh, and unrelated to this post, but the medium guild armor fits my character perfectly. It looks super cool.