Do engineers have to much access to might?

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dajas.4715


when you can get 25 stack in about 30 seconds.
I replied to another thread with this screen shot and after looking at it i just though how kittened it was how quickly it melts other players.


Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Stice.5204


I guess I’m not sure. Anet’s never really said if any class was intended to be able to get 25 might on their own. I think there generally aren’t enough boon counters in the game and that adding more could be a way of making PvP more dynamic, but that doesn’t have anything specific to do with engineer might stacking.

Even if it is overpowered/unintended it’s difficult enough to do that most players don’t even try it, so I don’t think it represents a pressing balance concern. It’s not like the game is overflowing with flavor-of-the-month might stacking engineers.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

Khezekiah Bellamy.5016

what is generating this might for you? food, sigils, and runes? allies giving you the might and waypointing? i just dont see where 25 comes from with out using your blast finishers

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Casty.9743


You can keep up 25 stacks with HGH and might duration, or with noble runes and enhanced performace/battle sigil

EDITED bc you may not be able to KEEP it up but u can certainly hit it easy.

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ameno.6813


The screenshot doesn’t make any sense, no Elixir’s so you’re obliviously not using HGH, and all your blast finishers are on cool down. Is there some trait that I missed that gives you insta-25 stacks of might? I have to work my kitten off just to get 20 if I’m lucky with full might duration runes and not gimping my build with kittenty HGH/elixirs.

Edit: Or did you just sit there spamming all your blast finishers to 25 stacks for 5 minutes to get it at a crazy duration?

(edited by Ameno.6813)

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


there are builds out there that can rip that 25 stack of might easily………………………………..

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dajas.4715


The screenshot doesn’t make any sense, no Elixir’s so you’re obliviously not using HGH, and all your blast finishers are on cool down. Is there some trait that I missed that gives you insta-25 stacks of might? I have to work my kitten off just to get 20 if I’m lucky with full might duration runes and not gimping my build with kittenty HGH/elixirs.

Edit: Or did you just sit there spamming all your blast finishers to 25 stacks for 5 minutes to get it at a crazy duration?

No this is all done solo and is very obtainable, in fact it’s stupidly easy to get which is why i was wondering if we should be able to get this much might so quickly.
This is how i do it anyway. Blast into your fire bomb with acid bomb every time they are off cd this should keep your might between 6 and 9 stacks then before you enter a fight do 4 blasts into the fire bomb with ht/bob/mag shield and acid bomb then enter fight, with the sigil off battle this gives you between 18 and 21 stacks of might, then just blast into your fire bomb again through out the match with the acid bomb and every so often bob ect, then include the hidden flask trait you can stay at around 21 and 25 stacks for most off the match. yes you use your heal ect at the start, but its only a 20 sec cd and well worth the sacrifice. and you can do this in less than a minute, infact once you have gone into combat you can do it in about 20 secs!

edit; better yet sorry for the poor quality, my pc is crap!
The wvw build i use;4cPFw0c-gTFx0;9;4J9-T924-0;304B5;0S73;3l5vgnudbr-ki-M;4VfVjWoXt2-45a010JF2m;5VW-1c-5B;9;9;9;9;7V6s5J

(edited by Dajas.4715)

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


If you are using level 80 Pizza and have 20 points in explosives, why is you Condition Duration not at 60%?

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dajas.4715


If you are using level 80 Pizza and have 20 points in explosives, why is you Condition Duration not at 60%?

cos the build i play with is the one i posted, in that screen shot i just wonted to see how much damage i could put out, so it was 10/30/0/20/10 just cant wait for the bomb buff so i can put more points into condition damage!

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


You can have better upkeep with Flamethrower. I can have up to 18 stacks of might on me when running my condi build and I don’t even run might duration runes.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: kekuso.5837


There are many mesmer pvp builds that stack 25 might in seconds (might on interrupt), then share them with their whole team with Signet of Inspiration.
Warrior can get 25 stacks of might easily with hundred blades (traited GS), shouts, and signet of rage.
Elementalist can stack 25 might with cantrips and blast finishers.

But like others have said, it’s very uncommon to those might stacks lasting very long in pvp, where boon-stripping/stealing is part of the meta.

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


And what’s hilarious is that engineer with 25 stacks of might still does less damage than a thief with no stacks of might.

It’s obvious to any engineer that this player didn’t achieve the 25 on his own. It’s possible with certain HGH builds, but this player isn’t running one of those. Those stacks came from external sources.

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

And what’s hilarious is that engineer with 25 stacks of might still does less damage than a thief with no stacks of might.

It’s obvious to any engineer that this player didn’t achieve the 25 on his own. It’s possible with certain HGH builds, but this player isn’t running one of those. Those stacks came from external sources.

Fire field + Engi’s access to blast finishers + Sigil of Battle + 6/6 runes of the noble.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: zaragoz.6351


From what your saying you are constantly using blast finishers for the upkeep which is somewhat hard for most players as it requires timing, and good ability rotation. Not to mention both thieves and necromancers can rip those 25 stacks easily. So do I think its overpowered? Not at all, especially the way you are stacking it up, also I will point out that we are one of the few classes with very limited access to stability so we should be able do something decently.

Ferguson’s Crossing
Zaragoz[SS] – 80 engineer

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dajas.4715


And what’s hilarious is that engineer with 25 stacks of might still does less damage than a thief with no stacks of might.

It’s obvious to any engineer that this player didn’t achieve the 25 on his own. It’s possible with certain HGH builds, but this player isn’t running one of those. Those stacks came from external sources.

First off this is a condition build so no a thief does not do more condition damage without might! bleeds shy off 200 and burns that tick at 1050, you show me a thief that can obtain that without might.

And as for it is obvious that i didn’t achieve the might on my own, did you not watch the vid? you obviously know very little about the engineer class.

i defiantly agree that might it can be ripped from you very easily, but i suppose that’s where knowing other classes is vital and would defiantly not recommend doing a massive might burst when facing a necro or a thief with a sword, it’s just about playing smart i suppose!

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Engies get too much of everything. They need to be nerfed.

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: miriforst.1290


And what’s hilarious is that engineer with 25 stacks of might still does less damage than a thief with no stacks of might.

It’s obvious to any engineer that this player didn’t achieve the 25 on his own. It’s possible with certain HGH builds, but this player isn’t running one of those. Those stacks came from external sources.

First off this is a condition build so no a thief does not do more condition damage without might! bleeds shy off 200 and burns that tick at 1050, you show me a thief that can obtain that without might.

And as for it is obvious that i didn’t achieve the might on my own, did you not watch the vid? you obviously know very little about the engineer class.

i defiantly agree that might it can be ripped from you very easily, but i suppose that’s where knowing other classes is vital and would defiantly not recommend doing a massive might burst when facing a necro or a thief with a sword, it’s just about playing smart i suppose!

And that got nothing to do with full ascended, 25 corruption, leech, bloodlust, consumables at all amiright?

Best place to compare statwars would be spvp, where people atleast pretends that balance still matters.

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: jportell.2197


Engineers are well liked for might and blast finishers… Anet obviously intended for engineers to capitalize on combo fields and blast so who gives a rip if you can stack 25 stacks of might off of your fire bomb… At least you know how to self combo believe it or not their are engineers in team que that don’t understand that simple concept.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


First off this is a condition build so no a thief does not do more condition damage without might! bleeds shy off 200 and burns that tick at 1050, you show me a thief that can obtain that without might.

25 stacks of might is an extra 875 condition damage.

Translated into condition scaling your Bleed ticks for 43 damage more and burn for 218more. Thats the difference between 0 stacks and 25 stacks.

Your bleeds would without all that might still tick for more then 150 and your burn for well over 800.
You have dedicated runes, traits and skills to this build, and it requires the premature use of your heal, your reflect/knockback and your BoB to squeeze out those extra stacks.

Since 9 stacks is pretty easy for anyone, regardless of profession or build, aslong as they have those runes/sigils. You gained 16 extra might over this baseline, assuming you got upto the 25. Or, 160extra burn and 28 extra bleed damage.

250-300dps sounds great, but considering you dont have a heal for the first 20seconds of the fight and your 2 solid CCs are on a cooldown. And thats assuming your fighting an opponent that doesnt have a way of dealing with boons. Because that stack of might is corrupted, removed or stolen, you lost a lot of cooldowns and potentially just empowered your enemy.

I’d say you payed a rather meaty price for a gimmick that can either catch an opponent offguard or backfire. Dont see anything unbalanced about it.

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dajas.4715


First off this is a condition build so no a thief does not do more condition damage without might! bleeds shy off 200 and burns that tick at 1050, you show me a thief that can obtain that without might.

25 stacks of might is an extra 875 condition damage.

Translated into condition scaling your Bleed ticks for 43 damage more and burn for 218more. Thats the difference between 0 stacks and 25 stacks.

Your bleeds would without all that might still tick for more then 150 and your burn for well over 800.
You have dedicated runes, traits and skills to this build, and it requires the premature use of your heal, your reflect/knockback and your BoB to squeeze out those extra stacks.

Since 9 stacks is pretty easy for anyone, regardless of profession or build, aslong as they have those runes/sigils. You gained 16 extra might over this baseline, assuming you got upto the 25. Or, 160extra burn and 28 extra bleed damage.

250-300dps sounds great, but considering you dont have a heal for the first 20seconds of the fight and your 2 solid CCs are on a cooldown. And thats assuming your fighting an opponent that doesnt have a way of dealing with boons. Because that stack of might is corrupted, removed or stolen, you lost a lot of cooldowns and potentially just empowered your enemy.

I’d say you payed a rather meaty price for a gimmick that can either catch an opponent offguard or backfire. Dont see anything unbalanced about it.

like i said earlier, you have to play smart in this game, of course this might bust is situational, if they can rip your boons off you don’t use it. And as for the cd the only time my hp goes down so quick is when there is a group that jumps you, so ht is never a problem being on cd. as for shield blast, yeah i might save that when facing a s/b ranger or pistol engineer, and as for bob, yeah its ok, but i can quite happily wait 27 sec for it, being a 3 kit engi you are left with so many other options that its not to much of a problem if you have things on cd, and yes the extra damage is well worth the blasts, trust me this build is not a gimmick cos it works so well.

Anyway, the original point was sould we be able to get might that quickly (20 to 30 secs) then sustain it if we choose to.

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


No intelligent person should use “engineer” and “overpowered” in the same sentence.

No self respecting individual would insult people like you do.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Grenix.1576


I dont agree with engies being OP, we have had the nerfhammer a LOT already and total builds are exterminated. Yes there are still some builds that some of us are insanely good with, but that counts for any class..

As for the topic: acces through trait, sigil, Rune already gives 9x might with easy med kit grab. Use that with 40% might duration and you wont even need HGH.
Ofc for spvp you will miss 3x might from armor rune (alturism) so i guess you need some combo finisher or hgh there.

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


No intelligent person should use “engineer” and “overpowered” in the same sentence.

HGH was overpowered.


Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: totalpwnage.6534


Like others have said its either an all or nothing idea. You are relying on dropping players before they can burst you (no heal) or remove your might. This reminds me of the thief build using Signets of Power and Power of Inertia to gain ~instant 25 stacks of might. A berserker thief with 25 stacks of might sounds extremely op but ends up gimping themselves by wasting utility slots before a fight.

Happylittlevegemite of Darkhaven
Quick Load [LOAD]

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


No intelligent person should use “engineer” and “overpowered” in the same sentence.

HGH was overpowered.


Well, if I may, you didn’t use the word “engineer.” :oP

Seriously though, pointing at one trait is not that helpful. Are you saying (a) that any Engineer with HGH will be overpowered, (b) that some Engineers with HGH are overpowered, or © that in some objective sense the trait is overpowered but you’ve not considered what that means in the context of an Engineer build as a whole.

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: imaginary.6241


So you post a Screenshot of an Engineer with 25 Might-Stacks and use that as a basic to discuss about a topic without knowing the mechanics/backgrounds for yourself or what ‘s your starting point? At least try to put some thought and theory behind it if you think something is out of order (doesn’t matter if it ’s for good or bad).

  1. Requires Heavy-Mightstacking (Traits, Runes, Sigils)
  2. Requires keeping Skills / Swaps on Cooldown
  3. Can be stripped (Thief ’s AA for example or Sigils as well)
  4. Most Condition / Hybrid builds on Engineer (the class with the most forced hybrid skills probably) requires those high amount of Mightstacks as they ‘d hit like wet nodles otherwhise. And you’re able to strip them unlike just flat stats (and remove quite some damage)
  5. So unless you fix / buff the skills flat damage to a comparable amount of other classes-skills (direct damage and/or condition damage and/or duration) those high amounts of Might stacks are still pretty balanced in my opinion if not the opposite.
Klakk Bumm. One of the Leaders of TxS, the European Tequatl Slayer Alliance.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber

(edited by imaginary.6241)

Do engineers have to much access to might?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


Short answer: No.

Long answer: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I have a condi warrior build that gives more might for less sacrifice and doesn’t even use a sigil of battle.

The only thing that even comes to question is whether or not noble runes are too good for med kit. MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!