WvW Roaming movies!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
Greetings everyone! seeing as I have set myself on a project to create as many fun WvW (at least for me) build’s as I can, while creating some movie’s! Have I decided that I’m gonna create this one single topic where I will keep re posting every time I create a new build with a movie to it!
An introduction to who I am and what I do: I play an Asura Engineer named Drakeco Dustslinger, I play on Gunnar’s Hold [EU] now, and focus close to 80% of my time on doing WvW stuff with my guild: No Names Forever [NNF]. I’m not gonna waste my time arguring about Engineer situation in PvE nor tPvP, cause I simply don’t care about it, all my fun comes from WvW, which is what matters to me!
My movie’s will be a mix of my solo play, and some of my footage with Markus Valadir (an IRL m8 playing a Theif). I focus my movies on great 1vs1 duels, but try to get some good 1vs2 and 1vs3. In general I will try show footage of the setup vs as many different classes, but it’s quite hard to create good enough footage, where you actually can see what’s going on!
- Drakeco Dustslinger
UPDATE: NewRoaming Video!
The Condition Apothecary – Build being used
Link The Condition Apothecary build here:
“The Confusion Bomb” 100% condition duration setup:
“The Confusion Bomb” – Full Conidition damage Setup:
“The Condition Grenadier build”
“The Napalm Specialist” (Toolkit can be swapped for FlameThrower with some minor adjustments)
“The Explosive Alchemist”
“The Explosive Alchemist – Condition”
“The Explosive Toolkit”
Edit: Video list for the lazy! (Only Build videos)
The Napalm Specialist build:
The Troll build:
The explosive Alchemist:
The Condition Grenadier
The Explosive Toolkit
The Confusion Bomb:
Check out my Channel here:
For many more WvW roaming videos and “How to: Videos!”
Check out my Podcast Work for Sitting on a Couch – Engenious, your Engineer focused podcast here:
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
Here goes the first setup and it’s movie!
Build name: The Napalm Specialist!
Concept idea: A Condition Damage build that focus on the insane large amount’s of burning the engineer class i able to create!
I went with Pistol/Pistol cause obviously it’s the way to go for condition damage and burning!
Medkit: Cause I don’t do an deep Alchemy trait setup, and healing turrent bugs to much, medkit is the winner here.
Toolkit: for stronger defensive, more confusing (the second damage option here), and more control vs my opponent!
Elixir S: It’s simply my love, the defensive and offensive ability’s of this thing is intense, now if it only always gave me stealth on toss, I would be a kitten happy Engineer, it’s a must for me while vs several enemies.
Rocket Boot’s: For an extra stunbreaker, and able to get out of Crippled, Chilled and Immobilized! Yes the knockdown is annoying like hell, but I actually got used to it! anyway, main reason I took it is of cause cause the toolkit ability is even more burning damage on a low cooldown!
Insane strong 1vs1 – didn’t loose any 1vs1 in the open field while trying to get footage.
A lot of low cooldown spell’s, and able to stack permanent amount’s of burning
Great mix of offensive and defensive!
Even while being condition damage build, it got some hard hitter’s like Prybar, and strong CC in any 1vs1
Guardien’s, D/D elementalist’s and Condition Damage Necromancer’s! Stay away from the 3 classes if they ain’t alone, they are simply to much a pain the butt with the amount of condition removal.
The build suffer’s from both rocket boots and blowtorch in general miss for no reason at all!
It’s messy to play when there is 2+ enemies.
My opinion: It’s really fun to play this build if you enjoy to roam around and take people down 1vs1, and is capable of winning 1vs2 as well! It work’s great in small squads as well!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
Okay, here goes the second movie! Most of you have seen this one all ready, but I ain’t gonna make a new video with the trait build up in the near further, so your gonna have to live with this one for now!
Build name: The Troll
Concept Idea:
To be a troll, or not to be! This my friends, we all have asked ourself once I’d like to believe, and after roaming around with Markus a lot, I did indeed choose to be a troll!
This build is all about tanking, dodging and in general being and annoyance to the enemy, while your teammate’s eat them alive!
Pistol/Shield is the way to go for max defense! obvious pick! A reflect and AoE Knock back + moar block, what’s not to like?
Toolkit: Your gonna kite around a lot, and try to be an annoyance to the enemy, and need defense, again, this is where toolkit really shine, lot’s of cripple, a pull spell, a 3 sec block and confusion! Yep it got everything a troll need!
Bomb kit: Seeing as your gonna kite around a lot, and have up several enemy’s hunting you, bomb kit and it’s AoE and awesome kite skill’s is ideal
Elixir S: Cause Elixir S, enough said!
Nothing is gonna get you down 1vs1!
Great group player setup for anyone that like to take a bullet for your friends!
You bring intense amount’s of cripple and AoE chilled!
Able to kite several enemies for long periods of time and several oh kitten buttons!
Can take a tough beating from several hostile force’s!
Anything that stack intense amount of condition damage
No Burst, so any 1vs1 is gonna take a looooong time (But you will win if it ever comes to a conclusion)
Forcefull Explosive’s is still bugged, lowering your damage even more still!
Mistake’s is punished hard, making it quite unforgiving to play!
My opinion: Extreme fun to play as this setup, so much trolling around with people! Playing with friends make it double as fun! It’s such a great way to support a group as an Engineer!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
Here goes the third movie people! This is a newer version of the setup I used for my very first PvP video (Which you can see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwAmovcxGww ) Hope your all gonna enjoy this one!
Used some more time on editing the music for some matching with what’s going on this time, hope people like it!
Build name: The Explosive Alchemist
The trait build is this one:
Note: You can use Rare Veggie Pizza as well, the condtions end up doing a decent damage with 20 stacks of might, and Chilled and Immobilse both help out.
Condition Explosive Alchemist:
Concept Idea:
A trait setup that allow’s you to burst down any Glass Cannon setup (which a lot of people use in WvW) in a 1vs1, still having some defense ability’s (Condition Removal, a decent health pool and Elixir S). On the same time I wanted it to have AoE power for zerg, siege and smaller guild force group play. This it will gain from easy 15-25 might stack’s and the Grenade kit, leaping out good heavy chunk’s of AoE damage
Rifle: For CC and Burst Power, his your man!
Elixir H: Cause it’s an Elixir Trait build
Grenade Kit: For Grenade Barrage in Burst, and AoE damage
Elixir B: See Elixir H
Elixir S: Cause Elixir S, enough said!
Strong, easy to setup, burst damage, that will get any enemy GC setup to bend over and take it!
Still having place for “Out of Jail” Utility —> Elixir S, making you able to dodge their burst
Highly capable of putting down AoE pressure in larger fight’s, and can dish out heavy ranged damage!
Not that good at Kiting
Having trouble’s facing several enemies alone
Weak at roaming cause it’s lacking perma swiftness
My Opinion: A rework of the original trait setup that got me into playing Engineer, I find it very powerful at doing it’s job in WvW at any aspect of it to, it’s very well rounded, good at small scale and larger scale. It’ fun to mess around with, and adorable good to take down hated enemy’s like GC Theif’s and Warriors!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
So.. where’s the first video? I always like to watch some engineer WvW.
First and second movie is now up! gonna create a third during the week!! also everyone is free to discuss or leave a comment!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
Okay, here goes the second movie! Most of you have seen this one all ready, but I ain’t gonna make a new video with the trait build up in the near further, so your gonna have to live with this one for now!
Build name: The Troll
Gear Setup: Soldier’s Armor: Power/Vitality/Toughness, Jewel’s: Knight’s Precision/ Power/ Precision. 6x Superior rune of Grenth, Superior Sigil of Purity, Superior Sigil of Hydromancy.
Concept Idea:
To be a troll, or not to be! This my friends, we all have asked ourself once I’d like to believe, and after roaming around with Markus a lot, I did indeed choose to be a troll!
This build is all about tanking, dodging and in general being and annoyance to the enemy, while your teammate’s eat them alive!
Pistol/Shield is the way to go for max defense! obvious pick! A reflect and AoE Knock back + moar block, what’s not to like?
Toolkit: Your gonna kite around a lot, and try to be an annoyance to the enemy, and need defense, again, this is where toolkit really shine, lot’s of cripple, a pull spell, a 3 sec block and confusion! Yep it got everything a troll need!
Bomb kit: Seeing as your gonna kite around a lot, and have up several enemy’s hunting you, bomb kit and it’s AoE and awesome kite skill’s is ideal
Elixir S: Cause Elixir S, enough said!Strength:
Nothing is gonna get you down 1vs1!
Great group player setup for anyone that like to take a bullet for your friends!
You bring intense amount’s of cripple and AoE chilled!
Able to kite several enemies for long periods of time and several oh kitten buttons!
Can take a tough beating from several hostile force’s!Weakness:
Anything that stack intense amount of condition damage
No Burst, so any 1vs1 is gonna take a looooong time (But you will win if it ever comes to a conclusion)
Forcefull Explosive’s is still bugged, lowering your damage even more still!
Mistake’s is punished hard, making it quite unforgiving to play!My opinion: Extreme fun to play as this setup, so much trolling around with people! Playing with friends make it double as fun! It’s such a great way to support a group as an Engineer!
This is almost the exact same setup I use in WvW as of late. Its a ton of fun, especially in tight areas you can knock people off of. I’ve been having a ton of success trolling trebs at camps. It occasionally packs a hearty wallop damage wise as well, if you can stack enough confusion. (Bombs in WvW are underrated) Also, I’ve tried a ton of WvW builds and this is probably the best setup for group WvW play.
Bomb kit is quite the amazing kit for any engineer that roam around in WvW, it’s amazing for kiting and AoE damage in group play! But the big minus I have with it, is the melee range, making it near useless in a siege fight! When that is said, it’s awesome as you say for any sort of group play, 2x good AoE Combo Field’s and a an AoE 5x confusion bomb make’s it quite the beast if used right!
And your right when you say’s it undderated, very rare I see an engineer, and even rarer to see them use bomb kit!
Ok, looks like you’re having fun
I’m on Piken too and mainly doing WvW, I’ll come looking for you some day, just to find another engineer goofing around…
I’m using a form of what you call ‘the Troll’ build.
Because elixir S is glitchy for me, I often use EG or FT instead of that.
So med-kit; Bombs; Tool Kit and EG or FT.
Bit different traits though.
90% of the guys you kill in the video show very low skill. If you want people to take you seriously you might want to show better fights in the future.
Well you appear to be greatly skilled (In the art of trolling at atleast) since you take yourself the freedom to judge that many players! And that’s what I have to say about that, not gonna turn my movie thread into a bashing of the people I duel!
Shameless self bump to report that my third video and it’s trait build with gear and everything is now up! Scroll back up to it, or just take the link to the video here!
Enjoy it peopl! this one got more Burst then my usual taste!
You are right to ignore the troll, as a fellow engi i would say your very near the skill cap. Only watched your 3rd vid but the mistakes were very very few.
Keep up the good work.
Love these videos! Fun to watch some Engineer builds and skills that are not common place. Thanks for your constant contributions and creative builds you keep sharing. Ignore the trolls, there is always someone whom will complain for the sake of complaining.
I thought you did actually really well, especially in that last video.
:( Wish there was a build that used multiple kits though!
Also I see you really love the rifle over the pistol
Thanks a lot both of you! all ways awesome with some positive energy!! And I’m glad you enjoyed the work, make’s it worth doing it!
I’m still brain storming which build will be the next I show off, but atm, I think it’s gonna be a a 3 kit setup (Medkit, Grenade Kit and tool kit) in a Power/Condition damage Hybrid! so you can look forward to that!
And yeah, I do love my Rifle the most, great solid auto attack damage and good CC, and also it’s simply the best when you wanna do jumping puzzle’s fast ;b
Hey I have a level 70 Engineer but I search a good level 80 “wvw guild battle build” small groups (5-10) or big zergs (30+).
The Explosive Alchemist looks very intresting but is the might stacking really necessary?
We have far too many Guardians so I do not need it by myself.
Do you have a suggestion for runes / sigil and traits without the might stack thing or is it absolutely necessary so the grenade/build works?
Wow great videos. I’m only level 15 but it gives me something to shoot for! The build I have been using in pvp is very similar in concept to your Napalm specialist…I enjoyed looking at your skill tree. Thanks for posting.
@Jon Irenic, you can actually easy skip the HGH part of the Explosive Alchemist, It ain’t needed I would just swap it for the 20% longer Boon Duration in the same tree! It were the thing I original used for the build, and it’s work’s quite well, giving you longer Elixir S duration, and longer duration on all the stuff in Elixir B!
For a new rune set on it, I would probably go with Superior rune of Air, or the ogre, or the Shcolar! One of the good damage stacking ones! Or simply take 6x Ruby Orbs The Sigil I would go with Superior Sigil of Fire or Air!
thx! keep up the great work I look forward to your new build
what do you think about rune of Lyssa? I first thought this because the 6th bonus is a nice kill and panic button ^ ^
But to start, I’m going to consider your proposal with the air runes and sigil.
One more question do proc sigils effect grenades?
I like Rune of Lyssa, but I only use 2x of them for my condition damage build’s, for 10% longer Condition damage duration, but it can be used as well for that! It’s a very decent rune, with a mix of offensive and defensive which I like, so it could work!
Yes proc sigils effect grenades, so they are actually quite good for it! I have been running around with Sigil of Generosity for condition removal, which is quite effective when using a grenade kit!
Working on my next movie at given time, so it will be going up later today! So keep and eye out on the topic or sub to my forum channel!
Edit: Also it appear the 6th skill is bugged on Supply Cart reading the wiki ! :/
Here goes the fourth movie everyone! This one gave me trouble, mostly cause I started to run out of space, and just couldn’t find any good light armor wearing enemies! Necromancer’s just so god kitten rare, Mesmer fight’s make the footage useless half of the time cause it’s so messy and I could for some reason only find Staff Elementalists (which suck in a 1vs1) or a new to D/D elementalist beeing, yeah newbie… So anyway, this time it’s simply a “How to 1vs1 melee classes and rangers” and In particular Theive’s, cause they were all over the kitten place!?! But I think it’s cool, cause really, Warrior, Guardien and Theif, are food for Engineer most of the time.
Anyway, here we go:
Build name: The Condition Grenadier
The trait build is this one:
Concept Idea:
A condition damage setup, with grenade’s, and focus on Bleeding, I got a request on a bleeding build, and this is a close I can take it, we really can’t make a “only” bleeding build, but the grenade skill 2, gave 3x 24 second bleeding stacks for me, on a 5 sec CD, which is quite good. We still have to apply confusion and burning when we can, while using movement impairing conditions to.
Pistol/Pistol: My pick, cause I like the extra damage output when I roam around, but when I ran in a group I often swapped it for a shield.
Medkit: Cause it ain’t an Elixir build
Grenade Kit: Long range condition stacker, making you use full in zergs, siege’s and when you combo with glue shot or box of nails easy to trow at people and kite with
Tool Kit: It’s just such a great kit, Bleeding, Cripple and confusion, while giving me a 3 sec block and pull, I all most never leave without it.
Elixir S: Cause Elixir S, enough said!
Strong at kiting melee setups, grenade’s can be thrown behind you
Having easy access to a lot of condition’s, with several double’s for easy stacking or constant pressure.
Strong at medium range and long range, hence can be used in siege fight’s and zergs (This is were you begin stack the bleeding, getting it to about 15-16 stacks on people in AoE + Burning from time to time)
A good mix of Power and Condition damage, hitting for up to 2.5k with poison volley and prybar crits.
Having trouble’s facing several enemies alone
Taking a beating in any 1vs2 with a Necromancer, D/D elementalist or Guardien cause of condition removal (Which ofc where in 2vs1 I all ways met Necro and ele <.<)
Can get quite messy swapping around with 3 weapon set’s, where one of them is AOE placement
My Opinion: A quite fun setup to play, and from my experience, Theif, Warrior and Guardien, is what everyone play around as when they like to roam, which this setup eat easy most of the time. I like, compared to my other condition damage build, that’s it got some useful AoE in a siege fight
To end this: I would like to know what you people want to see? what do I need to do better? a build you want me to try out? If there is anything, come with it, and I will take a look at it! My next movie is probably gonna be a tribute to my guild with group play as a support Engineer, if people would like to see that?
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
I say the same thing whenever i see anyone using engi, why not use quick ground targeting option? Speed up your dps on your nades by like 20-30% also will save you getting finger cramp after an hour of pvp’ing ^^
As for the build its not my cup of tea, to much jumping between kits (*perhaps make use of kit refinement in tools if your jumping that much?)
The game play itself was good though, i like a lot
I played around with quick ground targeting, but I actually disliked it!
I often take my town, howering around with the green AoE field’s to aim! Which I didn’t feel I could do that well with quick ground targeting!
Kit Refinement ain’t worth it in my opinion for the kit’s I use (Only toolkit which have an ability I like from it) But I had been thinking on it!
And I’m glad to hear you like’d the gameplay!
Nice, I had a bigger reply but the login ate it. I like the +100% condition duration. I fight with Bomb Kit, Elixir B, & HGH vs. Tool Kit, Elixir S, & Speedy Kits all the time. Basically a trade off of combat prowess and WvW anti-zerg utility. You should give Condi-Dmg/Power/Vitality a try over what you have. Grenades and Pistols actually do a pretty healthy chunk of direct damage, and Power even without crit/crit-dmg works very well in improving it.
Yeah Pistol do a really healthy amount of Power damage to, the thing is, our condition damage setup’s gain a lot from crits (see sharpshooter ect.) so I try keep it a mix, getting a bit of power from the coral jewel’s, but still trying to gain enough crit chance for Sigil and trait to work!
Yeah we get a bleed on-crit, and a burn on-crit, but at least when I did the math and testing months ago (for sPvP) Power was a for the most part better. I believe it was roughly equivalent when it was fighting a Guardian with a Soldier Amulet and Protection up 100% of the time which I had previously thought would push Power unfavorably. Turns out Power was either equivalent in a worst-case scenario or just flat out better.
Basically it’s that 30% on crit chance for a base 3s bleed, which is tiny. Especially when our crit bounces around 40% and 60% without and with Fury, which means it’s actually around a 15% chance on hit for a 6s bleed. Which is incredibly short and even rare. If you cycle through every grenade cooldown and pistol cooldown landing everything you will get only around 3 procs. Then the 33% chance to burn on crit for a base 2s burn with a 3s internal cooldown which on a good day would also proc 3 times, but it’s less likely due to that internal cooldown. At least this one is a lot more damage. It’s a good chunk of damage gained via procs erring on the lucky side, but the direct damage increase via Power if you landed everything is far more. When I did the calculations, I noted how little Precision affected the damage output too without any Power or Crit Damage.
Precision while not being a weak stat for condition builds with on-crit effects, isn’t nearly as strong as people think. Power as a substitute depending on the direct damage coefficients is often much better. Vitality is also superior to Toughness except in situations where you have a lot of Healing, and even then if the Healing would top off the Vitality build then the Vitality build is still better. I used to think it was pretty cool how Precision basically made a condition build “crit”, until I realized the pitifully low proc chances they often end up having.
There is also the aspect of damage diversification. Adding Power for example makes Necros much easier then they are without, although they still have the advantage against you in general. You make yourself a fair bit less vulnerable to mass condition removal. You also become very adept at killing objects.
(edited by Ayestes.1273)
Yeah, the thing is: Condition Duration, isn’t something that you find in sPvP in the amount I run with, I got 110% of it and sitting with 50% crit chance without fury, now add that math to Incendiary powder, Sharpshooter and Precise sight’s(I equip that trait in siege fight’s ect), and a sigil that proc and crit’s, (also got 20% more critical damage from trait’s). And I think it begins to add up to about the same amount
I do stack some power, both from jewels and trait’s, so it’s not like I don’t have any of it! I also prefer Toughness over vitality, not that I have any data on it, but it appear to be Power builds most people run In WvW, and less condition damage builds.
I haven’t done any large math on it or anything, it’s just what I have felt while playing! So you might be right on it!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
It may change a little with the Veggie Pizza, but I don’t think it’d sway the numbers nearly far enough. I mean it only was close when I was comparing the damage output to a Guardian with a Clerics Amulet that theoretically had 100% protection uptime.
I used to prefer Toughness over Vitality as well just because it felt better too. It took me several weeks to get over that feeling and realize that the math was actually right. That said, Vitality isn’t always better then Toughness by any means. At least with the situations I ran on an Engineer however it did. As a counter-example, Toughness is godlike on an Ele or Guardian due to the sheer amount of healing. Without a bunker-esque build though, it tends to fall to the wayside.
As an aside, I don’t think you need 110% duration, since I think it’s all capped at +100% duration. So you don’t need the Agony Sigil. Nightmare for +20%, Lyssa for +10%, Pizza for +40%, and Explosives for +30% is capped out.
Aha, if it’s capped at 100% that good new’s! I’m gonna use a “On swap sigil”, in the case, probably Hydromancy! Thx for that heads up!
I would like the math on that toughness vitality, just so I can get my head around it! Not that I don’t think your right, more that my understanding of it was it were more useful vs all the burst setups people run, and in general while running med kit (14 sec heal and 1-3 skills). Actually my own experience up to now have been Toughness > Vitality vs Power/Burst damage and Vitality > Toughness vs conditions? which were the original message I found on the forums PvP Sections (Ain’t going there much anymore, to much whine hehe)
also I will have to look into that Power vs Precision thing if that’s the case
Remember that any Sigil on cooldown prevents another Sigil on cooldown from functioning. That means when Generosity is on cooldown that Hydromancy will not go off, and when Hydromancy is on cooldown Generosity will not go off. I’d honestly just recommend Corruption.
As for Vit vs. Toughness, the damage formula is on the wiki. It isn’t too hard to figure out. I’d give you all that math I did long ago, but I lost it in a format. It ended up working down the formulas to something like 1853/1853+Toughness for a damage multiplier, which would be an inverse for application of a Vit vs. Toughness study. That number is off the top of my head though, so I don’t have any idea on it’s accuracy anymore. Make sure you factor in all the self-healing as without it Toughness would be horrible in almost all cases.
(edited by Ayestes.1273)
Ahh, great another one of those minor rules! Oh well, I will have to look into the matter before I come out with something Gonna do some testing and checking around, I never really bother that much with math’s and mostly work out of personal experience, but I guess sometimes you need to do some work! ^^
I will see which off hand sigil I end up with, cause generosity is a pearl when not doing a elixir build, but on the other hand I really dislike the Corruption and Bloodlust sigil’s concepts (I just don’t like having different power level’s depending on my stack)
Hey everyone!!! I’m looking into the new patch these days, testing different new builds and in general toying with the new damage output from some kits (tool kit is pew pew pew :O)
That means, you gotta wait a bit for a new movie! But I got you this little video I have made on my level 15 warrior, cause of a challenge I was declared (and the 5g reward hehe)! It’s only for fun, and I hope you guys like it, even when it ain’t a Engineer hehe
90% of the guys you kill in the video show very low skill. If you want people to take you seriously you might want to show better fights in the future.
But in WvW this is what you fight. 90% people are just weekend warriors hoping into WvW to get a daily/monthly done.
While I do agree to some point Moddo, then I gotta say there is more to it then that in Wvw! It’s much more a reflex game and a matter about being “on”. in sPvP people is all ways ready, and just waiting for the enemy, that’s not all ways the case in WvW. “The Drop”, so to say, matter a lot more in WvW, and sometimes by pure outplaying your opponent you can make them look like complete fools.
Many of the people in my movie’s, I might beat easier, or have a lot harder time beating, depending on the situation or if we meet again later!
Thank you for the guide Amadeus, it really arouses my desire to play Engineer .
And there is a problem when I trying to figure out which gear you use in the fourth build. It is a bit of tough to find a gear set that has the attributes: Precision/Toughness/Condition Damage. (Are there any sites I can look for gears’ attributes?)
May I know which gear you are using in your build?
Hey there Pavel!!
The Armor is the Condition Damage/ Precision / Toughness Armor I brought it with Karma in the Orr Temple, think it’s called Rapid! Just a bad mistake of mine posting Precision first! It’s also the armor I use formy Napalm specialist! Glad you like it! My Laptop is final back from repair and I’m allready now working on more movies to show!
Edit: New version is now ready and loaded!
Hey there everyone! Here goes another WvW movie with a new trait setup! The delay on this one been quite long, mostly cause I had an allmost finished movie when my computer went down and I lost everything, and had to get it repaired and rebuild everything!
But anyway! here we go!
Build Name: The Explosive Toolkit
The trait build is this one:
Concept Idea:
It’s a simple “Let’s just burst something” build, not much to it, beside stacking enough damage to combo down people in 2-3 seconds. These builds can be quite fun in WvW where many enemy players run GC builds aswell. I wanted to deal enough burst to kill most instant, but also have enough utility to actually be able to win 1vs1 against a good player (Cause one trick pony builds are instant loose vs those)
Rifle: For CC and Burst Power, his your man!
Med Kit: For Kitswapping and conditon removal
Grenade Kit: For Grenade Barrage in Burst, and AoE damage
Tool kit: For Magnet to set up the burst + Prybar for 4-5k crits (and block if the fight goes on)
Elixir S: Cause Elixir S, enough said!
Strong opening combo, most enemies (duo to Engineer being so rare), don’t know how to counter or how it even looks.
Able to instant burst down most people
Still have some utility and tricks left
Quite decent kiting + insane AoE damage in sieges and guild fights
Having trouble’s facing several enemies alone
You need to be fast at reacting if other players jump you
Hard to win anything else but 1vs1, can manage some 1vs2 setups
My Opinion: It can be quite fun to play for sometime, but so much offensive power and so little defensive power makes it far to risky to roam around in for my taste! It’s stil a great build if you run with the zergs most of the time, and for ganking it’s golden (if you are into that ofc!) All in all, it’s a decent build, and it’s fun to show that Engineer’s can do instant kil roations to!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
The Explosive Toolkit movie now works!
Meanwhile, I had some duels with Intigo from Red Guard in WvW, and I took a little movie footage of that! So here goes another movie!
We had several duels, and he pwned me most of the time, but was still a lot of fun, and a blast to try out some real dueling!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
Which build are you using to fight the Ele?
Med kit is my defacto heal but it hurts more than it helps against Eles because of the time wasted dropping meds instead of applying pressure.
My [bunker w/ power] build uses medkit but was testing against an ele yesterday using Rampage gear and it was an easier fight using Elixir H. Having that extra time to apply pressure helps to keep them flustered between using their heals.
I also find Elixir gun is quite handy against them. [More poison + gap creator + condition removal w/ a small heal]
(edited by Brinson.7289)
I used two different builds vs the elementalist I came up with, not certain what would work vs him a first!
The first build I used, is a condition build, which is this one:
Which I think I should drop 5 point in firearm, and take 5 more point into tools, and pick up kit refinement and replace elixir S for a Elixir Gun! Also I should I think I want to lower my Precision in the build for more power!
And the second rifle build I used was this one:
Also here I’m, thinking about swapping the elixir S out with a Rifle turrent and taking Stastic discharge for the heck of it, to hopefully be able to burst him down more! But I’m not sure about I would like to drop my only stunbreak, and the throw elixir helps setup the combo! But yeah, that were the two builds!
Also, probaly gonna duel him more before this week matchup is over! Might come another movie out of that
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
I was wondering… D/D eles seem pretty scrweed when you take away their movability. Do you think net turret is a valid option against a d/d ele?
I ask because a friend of mine (d/d ele… and a bit lacking in skill) told me how he was in w3 the other day and was holded for ~5 seconds by an engi. I didnt believe him first, but I found that the engi must´ve been using the net turret.
So… would that be valid against good ele players?
I fixed the Explosive Toolkit build, it’s now up and working!
Yeah that gotta be a net turrent! And yes, I think that will maybe work, at least if you run a power burst build, when I dropped my elite skill and the net turrent actually worked there, it would help deliver som brutal hits! I was actually thinking about using that instead of elixir S! And might give it a shot next I meet him, but have some trouble with it:
1. It’s a bugged skill, cause the net shot animation often bug, getting “Obstructed” without reason, or shot into the ground, and it’s even worse when on a Turrent that shoot qutie random
2. It’s a condition, which he remove in large amount quite easy, so gotta be really sharp about when to use it
3. It would leave me open without a stunbreak
But if I wasn’t dueling him, rather meeting him random in open field it would be much stronger and I fore sure think it’s a very strong skill vs one, so I think I will give it a go actually next I face him!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
Hah that´s nice to hear and thanks for the quick answer
o and I forgot. I think your videos are amazing, inspiring and very motivating. Please keep up the good work
Drakeco is pretty boss, he should have more subscribers! I like how he’s able to swap builds almost on the fly. I had a lot of trouble adapting to the high Power Grenade / Rifle burst when I was focused on playing against a Confusion-heavy build.
And even then, still having to deal with Confusion from the Magnet → Pry Bar combo even after he swapped. Gah!
Good fights o/
Thanks for the kind words both of you! I’m glad you enjoyed the duels aswell Intigo! A great training for me to duel one on your skill level! So thanks for it!
People should subscribe to Intigo aswell, some great gameplay he show off!
Also, I got the Explosive Toolkit movie fixed, and it should now be working just fine with new music! So make to sure to check it out for some Engineer burst people!
So you don’t need the Agony Sigil. Nightmare for +20%, Lyssa for +10%, Pizza for +40%, and Explosives for +30% is capped out.
What do you mean Nightmare for + 20%? http://www.gw2db.com/items/50178-superior-rune-s-of-the-nightmare is give you 4+6%, isn’t it?
Sorry for my bad english but i didn’t understood what did you wrote. In nutshell, what did you said about Thougness vs Vit? Wich is the better? Go Thougness or go for Vitality?
Here we go everyone! An awesome little movie with saxy Engineer X Engineer action!!
Ikoviana vs Drakeco Dustslinger! The showdown! The epic battle of last week!!! Watch it an have some fun seeing two Engineers filling each others head with confusion from the mighty Prybar!
So you don’t need the Agony Sigil. Nightmare for +20%, Lyssa for +10%, Pizza for +40%, and Explosives for +30% is capped out.
What do you mean Nightmare for + 20%? http://www.gw2db.com/items/50178-superior-rune-s-of-the-nightmare is give you 4+6%, isn’t it?
Sorry for my bad english but i didn’t understood what did you wrote. In nutshell, what did you said about Thougness vs Vit? Wich is the better? Go Thougness or go for Vitality?
The Nightmare rune appear to be bugged, so instead it give 10%+10% atm! at least in sPvP!
Thanks for the great fights! Brutal confusions as of last patch! Sick! :P
One little fail and it can all be over!
Hey I’m late in, but great videos. Brought a tear to my eye to see a little Asura engi bossing. Kepe it up. Nice music too.
Just do me a favor and take the yucky thief out of them altogether.
@Johan, Yeah some crazy tight fight’s Johan! loved it!
@SmoothHussler you are never to late! Everyone is welcome to post here al the time! I keep updating it all the time anyway!
And when talking about updating! here goes to more videos with duels!
First goes some duels vs a few good SFR players! didn’t have many duels with each of them, but the ones I had was sweet!
And here goes a longer duel video vs another of them D/D elementalist and the same players dangerous Trap ranger! Some Bonus footage of my meser in it aswell!
Also I got hot news! Piken Sqaure is vs Gandara this week, so look forward to some burning hot duels between Maskaganda and me! He have agreed on having some! Yay!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
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