Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@QQing – hehe thanks for the compliment! ^^

@Cempa – Some songs just stick to me when I hear them, was the same with the Bad Pigge Sound track I used for another video, and then I pretty much only listen to those songs while trying to get good video clips, and then I end up adding them to the video hehe I actually enjoy it, but I did listen to these songs when I was a kid hehe :P

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Manimat.6034


Always a pleasure to watch your vids, keep up the good work ^^

(I’m still stuck with your theme song from Bad Pigge’s)

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


firstly id just like to start off by saying ive watched alot of your videos and i like your some of your builds, id also like to say that i normally don’t say much about anything but sometimes its a step to far, okay now on to your video.

The first fight you dodged there burst which isn’t what i would call burst or a combo, hit fairly hard but definitely not a burst combo maybe if they could aim or ya know wait until they cc’d, even when they did hit you it wasn’t very hard and easily avoided, they then ate everything you threw at them, there’s more but lets move on

The second fight good work on surviving and splitting them up but that ranger let you hit him as much as you wanted and you didn’t even try to avoid any damage so either you knew he was bad or you just didn’t care, then the guardian barely hit you and barely removed conditions you kitted him very easily you didn’t have to split them up the guardian would never have hit you, very nice combo indeed but in no way good players.

The third fight well at least we can agree that the warrior went okay but still pretty poor effort, that ele and necro im not actually sure they did anything, not much more to say on that matter since it was poor on there behalf all over.

Now lets say they did underestimate you and wernt trying how long does it take one person to realize whats going on and start playing properly? not that long, if they really are what you consider good players then im joining your server to do 1v10 might not win but id have a good 4 minute clip of me tanking out, okay now your build

givers pistol’s are a waste, with EG and FT you have more then enough skills to stack conditions in between them removing all your conditions, sigil of leeching works well with all that kiting potential, runes of forge sure the protection duration is handy but you only have 2 ways to get protection, with forge and traits its little over 4 seconds handy if you got cc trained lots but it isn’t going to help much if there’s a few people on you but over all isn’t really going to help in extended fights which is what bunkers are designed to do, so there is much better choices for runes.

next up whats with the rocket boots i understand you like them but they only add to the unnecessary stuff you don’t need, your trying to tank and between p/p,eg,ft and those boots you have way to much stuff in order to kite and the tool belt skill brings us back to the problem of to many conditions that you don’t need, there’s much more effective skills to take.

the next problem is with all those traits and runes you’ve taken for eating burst what are you going to do when some one uses conditions on you, technically half the players in the game should be running conditions since for damage its either power or conditions, with out something that hits hard and fast you wont ever be able to overcome any decent condition build.

now you may have fought that sort of stuff in your video but those people you fought were on par with npc’s (no offence we all start at the bottom) and the fact that you try to back it up by saying they were good and its just human error is laughable.

lastly i don’t think your a bad player your pretty darn good, but this build is no way near what you’ve made it out to be and would never beat what i consider a good player at best it would be a draw, im currently working on a video for a solo roaming bunker build hopefully ill have it done in a week maybe 2 depending on real life. and thanks for the time wasted reading this.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@Manimat hehe thank you!

@Ukuni – Wow, that’s a wall of text right there! seeing as I don’t really agree with you, wrote I will try address everything!

Frist off, I still think it’s wrong to say someone is good or bad, just from a video clip, there is simply to many things that can make a difference in how we perform doing one single encounter! some people I have stomped super hard the first time I run into them, have given me a crazy run for my money the next time I meet them! also, I think my defintion of a good player is a lot less strict then yours and since there is no way to define what a good player truely is, I gues it’s a bit pointless to disucss it hehe

I do tho agree they are no way near, say Osicat skill level, but even then, that’s a person I only would be able to do a 1vs1, and there ain’t many at the skill levle to begin with anyway.
And any encounter with two people on the same skill level vs one on the same skill level as them, should obvious win vs the one! The fight’s ain’t for bragging, they are picked because I found them amusing to watch, which is the point of a video!

Okay, the build:
I don’t think the giver’s pistol is a waste, it get’s my burning duration to where I want it, and I wouldn’t get it that high without them, and it’s my main damage source in the build!

I gues it’s a matter of taste! also, I want my cover conditions to last for as long as I can! and since most of my time is spend trying fight more then one person at a time, I need a lot of different conditon source’s, so I don’t think it’s overkill at all!

Superior Rune of the Forge is a rune I wanted to test for a very long time, and I actually have ended up like it! It gives me more of the burning duration, and it makes my protection last longer! Now, I got two Traits that give protection and the runes themself when it trigger as you say, and it last for about 4 seconds, which often stack up to 8 (goes hand in hand those two trait’s), but that’s actually an execellent duration, because I usual only get hit a lot doing the durations I get CCed, and it have helpt a lot when fighting against power builds!
and the 6th skill have proved to be very neat in critical situations where I drop fast and try to flee! So I actually have had a lot of succes with it! But which other Rune would you suggest? because I have spend a lot of time tinkering with runes for the build!

Also – sidenote: I don’t see my build as a bunker, but a hybrid support/Condition/Bunker build, since I don’t focus one either of the three, but it’s more a support build then a bunker build! I have never claimed it as an bunker build (Nor tried make the build a big deal, I just wanted to show what I was working on, i even said it was in testing!)

Now Rocket Boots are amazing for more then one reason:
1. The Tool Skill is amazing, AoE burning, low CD and goes trough Reflects
2. It’s Cleanse Immobilzed, Chilled and Crippled, which are more dangerous to me then stuns
3. Amazing Mobility, I can actually escape dire situations now! It’s fantastic! and I’m often in those! also it helps with confusion the enemies when you jump around with that and acid boots
4. it’s a 20 second CD blastfinisher, so that’s a 1400-1500 something AoE heal, how is that not awesome?
5. The Animation is enough reason! Om Nom Nom <3 Love it!

All in all it’s a perfect fit for my palystyle! (Also I’m not trying to tank), and I honestly don’t feel I have to much stuff for kiting, you can never have enough ^^ a matter of taste I gues? Sure Toolkit or Elixir R would also be neat, but I prefer Rocket boots, and the blast Finisher is yummy!

There is two ways I can get more Condition Removal, 10 points more into Alchemy, or slotting elixir C, which I can’t do, and I all ready got a decent amount of removal I feel, you need to keep in mind I’m used to handle conditions with only one removal (from medkit), so right now I feel I have more then I could ever need ^^ It honestly haven’t been a problem, keep in mind you still can dodge the attacks that gives conditions! (also permanent regen uptime helps a lot on it)

So yeah thanks for making the long post, and ofc. I will read it all ^^
now you can enjoy my wall of text as payback But I really don’t try make a big deal out of anything I do, I’m simply enjoying this build, and wanted to share my experince with it, and for me it’s been working great! It’s actually my best 1vs1 build now, because it’s insane hard to kill it, and the 630 burning that it got up pretty much all the time, will wither down close to anything 1vs1 so far I have experinced

I gues next time I have time for a duel night I can make some 1vs1 footage of it, or maybe duel some of the awesome (awesome is a lot better then good in my world) players, I have had runs in with before in sPvP with the build!

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


trust me, this build is very solid. I had the chance to play with amadeus in a group of 3, later 4 and we were bringing down 15 guys at a time; I’d just grab all his burn duration and spread it with epidemic on my necro; spreading 30 seconds of burn in aoe is pretty kitten destructive :p
meanwhile he’d save my necro kitten with his good heals.
at one point we messed up, got overrun by a zerg and he was the only one escaping.

I’m considering a similar build but with TK instead of ft and a few different traits. also, carrion ^^

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


damm that is a good payback wall of text lol, on a serious note though i still disagree with the duration’s i don’t think its necessary id rather take rabid or carrion it would beef up your tank and condition damage output which i think would turn out better and give you more ability to apply pressure in shorter time frames inevitably there going to remove conditions when they can, i see your point about rocket boots but i have my owns things that personally work better for me but im a balls deep kinda guy.

on a other note have you thought about running sigil of hydromancy instead of the sigil of leeching with the kits you can access it when you want and would go better with the condition duration and kiting as well as disrupt there skill chaining.

honestly for the runes i would run undead more condition damage means more damage output i like to look at a tank in more of a how can i stop them from attacking me so they waste time on using there support skills, so more condition damage i think achieves a lil more then the duration.

after taking a look at the runes real quick, runes of earth still fit your protection concept and the magnetic wall at 20% hp combined with your ability to kite would make for some really epic plays,runes of rata sum, just in case you haven’t felt the effects of weakness yet, its damm op right now and the radiation field if im correct inflicts weakness and poison, and with EG will give you a good upkeep on the targets you need it to be on at those crucial moments at the start of a fight that can really define the rest of the fight, you could also run a combination of runes to amp up that burning duration and take out givers for rabid to keep the tank while getting more damage on burns.

i appear to have lost track of time, but i wanna continue this i just got thinking on something that might be able to amp up every part of our build with out sacrifice but ive gotta think on it some more, also thanks for a wall of text, all to often you see 1 guy trying to point stuff out from his point of view and getting shut down with a simple what would you know kinda thing.

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Drakeco's Videos -New Roaming Video up!

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@Maskaganda; Hehe yeah it was a lot of fun roaming with you and yor friends, and we are for sure gonna do it again! The Necromancer is for sure a beast to fight with now! =D
I hope I can get my computer tuned for frapping that sort of fights actually it get’s a bit to lagy when I try frap it, so the video ain’t very good! But maybe it’s the match up that’s abit to laggy as well!

@Ukuni I will all ways try to make a fair and valid argument/answear to anything people post! Afterall, that is what a forum is about ^^
But yeah, I’m not 100% sure about the Giver’s weapon yet, but I swap around a lot with what I have, just to see what I like, and it is for sure a point that’s hard to say what’s best,, mostly because I feel it depends a lot on which people I run into (how much condition removal they have)!

About Hydromancy, I have actually tested it, and I really like it, and I thought about combo it with Runes of Grenth, for a lot more chilled (Great “defensive” condition), which I have a lot of succes with in a older build made for soaking damage (The Troll build), but the 975 damage Leeching do, and then gives to me, is really nice as well! So it’s a tough call!

I tought about runes of earth, but I think the CD on the 6th skill atm is far to long for it duration sadly! =/ Undead is one of my personal fav. as well, but it’s just a bit to offensive for this build I felt, but it’s a very valid point you make for using it!

Haven’t thought about runes of Rata Sum for ages haha but that might actually be fun to use it again, used it a long time ago in a Rifle build! And the new weakness is very awesome (and Poison is all ways neat), + I got plenty of blast finishers to make AoE Weakness in the field… hmm! I might tinker a bit with that idea haha

Even if we don’t agree on everything, it’s often in disagreement some of the most briliant plans are created :P At least it often makes for a good discussion hehe