Engineer bunker build!

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Phearce.3072


Hey everyone my in game name is Phaymis. I run a very good bunker build for engies. Makes me extremely durable and pretty deadly. It isn’t the greatest build around but it is the one that suits my playstyle and I hope some of you will try it out! Anyways its a fairly long read so have fun.


So I guess the easiest thing to start with is my gear choice…obviously for a bunker build I went with a tank set. I chose Runes of the earth as I love the chance to proc protection and the Magnetic aura when below 20 percent health is nice. Any of the other tank runes are fairly good to, runes of the forge are my second favorite.


For the amulet I went soldier amulet with the soldier jewel. I love all the extra health and toughness and feel its essential for the build. If you think you are better off with a more offensive amulet then feel free to try it. I will be completely honest and say I have never tried any other amulet just because the 500 toughness it gives is way too important to me.

Weapon options:

I will start by saying I think all of the weapon combos available to engineers are viable in this build so use what suits you the most. My personal favorite is Rifle and I will address why in a few paragraphs!

Pistol/pistol- This is my least favorite option and for a few reasons. First reason being is I feel it is the least defensive weapon option available to use. I absolutely love to have a knockback with my weapon as it helps me to cap/contest nodes and the other obvious reason is to get people off of you or your teammates. This weapon combo does offer really good damage though. If you make the build a bit more about condition damage then the #4 will hit really hard at close range. I do have the least experience with this weapon combo and I do want to test it out a bit more.

Pistol/shield- I really do have some fun with this combo. They aoe knockback,the conditions,the poison to lower heals! Whats not to love? Well one thing I dont love is I tend to lean a little less on condition damage and with my exact build it seem like the damage is a bit lacking. For pure defensive I think this is the best option, however with my playstyle I just don’t like the 1v1 capabilities. It is a perfectly viable option!

Rifle-Wow I just love my rifle! Now that I got that out of the way. This being my favorite and weapon I have the most experience with I will talk about each move available with the rifle. So I will start with #1: I think its a fairly good autoattack has great range and some ok damage. #2 Net shot: I love this move it sets up so many other things. Need to get a big bomb off in someones face?? Drop the bomb then net shot them right after! One of my favorite combos is to Drop the bomb/net shot/then blunderbuss close to them for a lot of damage. #3 Blunderbuss: This is a great move I really only try to use this at close range as it does a lot more damage at point blank. #4 Overcharged shot: Awesome and a fun knockback! Has some really good uses, Knocking people off of the ledge near trebs on Khylo is one of my favorite! I also tend to use this to set up a #5 Jump Shot: Pretty fun to use but the animation seems a little wierd and long sometimes. Can be hard to hit against a skilled opponent. I use it to run sometimes but most of the time if someone doesnt know im there I may use it to jump on them. Or when they are ccd. Just use it when the time dictates like cc and the like! Sorry about that rant on rifle, I just really love it and wanted to do a little breakdown on the moves. Even with the tank build this does some pretty good burst damage against squikittenargets.

Healing Utilities:

Healing turret- I do not know very much about using this. It is a pretty good healing spell but takes a little time how to master its uses.

Elixir H- This is the easiest heal to use effectively. It heals for a lot on a shortish cooldown(25 secs) also grants another buff randomly.

Med Pack-My favorite heal hands down. Takes a little time to learn to use effectively. But great for running around like a maniac and healing up. Low cooldown small heals and a pretty decent heal on the toolbelt. Not to mention the swiftness and condition removal available in the med pack!

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Phearce.3072


Utility Skills:

I am going to keep this section to just the Utility Skills I use in my main build There are a lot of other great utilities but these are the ones I think are the best. The only other one I use occasionally is Elixir R for the stunbreak and self rez. I die so rarely that I find C more useful.

Bomb Kit: This is what the whole build is built around. I love the bomb kit and all of the bombs have there uses! Learn to use the bombs at the correct times in pvp and you will be a monster tank with this build!

Elixir B: Love this Elixir it has so many uses. With this build its a perma might boost amongst the other stats it gives you. Teamed with the med kit its a perma swiftness also. This makes me a real pain to deal with in bgs as I can be all over the place quickly.

Elixir C: Converts all conditions into random boons!?!? Not sure what else to say here?!! Amazing skill.

Elite Skill:

This section is short and sweet, I use one elite skill and I think its the best one for team fights. Supply Drop!


There are a few options in the various trees but I will give you what I chose and what I think is best. Feel free to change to a few different others. I have told some people the build but they really wanted the automatic cast of the stun breaker Elixir S at 25 percent health. Viable and a great option but hers what I chose!

Explosives:- I only put ten points in this tree.

-Trait 3(forceful explosions)-larger bomb radius.

Inventions:- I put 30 into this tree. Its what helps put me above 2000 toughness!

-Trait 1(protective shield)-Gain protection when critically hit.

-Trait 9(elite supplies)-Gives the supply crate extra supplies including a lot of extra medpacks which is great for survivability.

-Trait 11(Elixir-infused bombs)- Love this trait! Bombs heal me and my allies close by? With my pure tank build with no healing these puppies go off for about 180 each time. Seems like not a lot but with all of the survivability and healing from the heals these bad boys have saved me and teammates many times. Also just makes you more of a pain to deal with on nodes for melee characters.

Alchemy:- I also put 30 points into this tree. This puts me up to 24.5k health and makes me a lot tougher to kill due to the trait choices.

-Trait 2(Fast acting elixirs)-Reduces the cooldown on elixirs. Self explanatory really. I use two elixirs in the build this helps to keep conditions off of me and boons on me.

-Trait 6(protection injection)- When disabled gain protection for 3 seconds. Protection is an amazing buff! 33 percent less damage? Yesplztyvm

- Trait 12(automated response)- Become immune to conditions when below 25 percent health. Just another way to keep those pesky conditions off of me and increases my survivability by a whole lot.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Phearce.3072


Yea I could have used a builder but I wanted to lay everything out with a little detail and before you asked yes I was very bored.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Blackfire.8793


“Alchemy:- I also put 30 points into this tree. This puts me up to 24.5k health and makes me a lot tougher to kill due to the trait choices.”

Oh look ANOTHER build that’s an unorigonal stupid kittening Elixier build.
Yea no.. I think not. There are better out there. And almost 0 different styles og builds. This is one of the major things wrong with the engineer.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: iredman.9438


Oh man thanks for sharing your build!!, I was looking for an effective bunker build for my engi, i gotta say this build is impressive at survability, supporting and defending and its really fun too!
Keep up the good work!

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Phearce.3072


“Alchemy:- I also put 30 points into this tree. This puts me up to 24.5k health and makes me a lot tougher to kill due to the trait choices.”

Oh look ANOTHER build that’s an unorigonal stupid kittening Elixier build.
Yea no.. I think not. There are better out there. And almost 0 different styles og builds. This is one of the major things wrong with the engineer.

Well hello there! Yea I understand you don’t like the build thats fine with me. I have yet to see or try a better pure bunker build then this so if you know of any feel free to link them. I am sorry it didn’t help you out at all. I have seen many effective engineer builds so lets agree to disagree on that part. I put it out for more people like myself who want to run a pure tank build and still offer some support for the team.

Anyways have a good day and thanks for the insightful post.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Wulfrim.4793


“Alchemy:- I also put 30 points into this tree. This puts me up to 24.5k health and makes me a lot tougher to kill due to the trait choices.”

Oh look ANOTHER build that’s an unorigonal stupid kittening Elixier build.
Yea no.. I think not. There are better out there. And almost 0 different styles og builds. This is one of the major things wrong with the engineer.

Hey look another butt hurt engineer that’s mad the class they picked can’t easily kill everyone with a single ability. Gtfo of the forums and take your negativity with you.

Kara Bune – Elementalist 80 – Tarnished Coast
Katniss Shade – Necromancer 80 – sPvp rank – 29
Emma Wolfsbane – Thief 80 – Looking for Guild

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Arvin.3124


“Oh look ANOTHER build that’s an unorigonal stupid kittening Elixier build.
Yea no.. I think not. There are better out there. And almost 0 different styles og builds. This is one of the major things wrong with the engineer.”

What a stupid reply, there is PLENTY versatility even with bunker builds.

Mine is traited 30 explosives, 30 guns, 10 alch and 10 inventions. Works fine as well but I do like the insane amounts of toughness and healing this build provides, don´t know if I really need more though.

I use Earth rune as well by the way. I think it´s an awesome rune to have, probably better than Dolyak for a tankier build.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: draculthemad.6273


30 explosives, 30 guns, 10 alch and 10 inventions.

There are 10 extra points here, aren’t there?

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Arvin.3124


kittene yes, I meant 5 alch, 5 inventions.

I switched it up just now though after reading this thread and went for the healing bombs as well together with more toughness. I sacced my entire gun tree for it.

Must say it works pretty good, running around dumping bombs all over and healing everything in the radius.

I use shamans necklace btw, gives a lot of toughness as well, and condition damage and healing.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Pleb.7415



I have tried your build, and I’m really struggling with it. Admittedly I am new to the game, but no new to gaming so I’m not a kitten I end up dying 1v1 most of the time, so as a point defender i’m useless. Also I am having trouble with ranged attackers. Bombs are useless so the only thing I have is the autoattack rifle which hits for about 600!

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Strongback.6420


Completely idiotic build.

For pity’s sake, replace elixir B with elixir gun and get yourself that kit refinement trait.
That’ll give you 3x more AoE heals that stack granting you much MUCH more survilability not to mention if you pair that up with healing turret detonation you’ll get retaliation + a crapton of healing.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Phearce.3072


Hey pleb sorry to hear you are having troubles, give me a whisper in game and ill do what i can to help. Phaymis is the name of my engi.

@strongback-thanks for the input and the suggestion you made. Not for the idiotic part but your entitled to your opinion(even if its wrong). Your suggestion didn’t give me much more survivability maybe I was playing it wrong but its not a very hard concept. I will try it for another few hours tommorow but not liking the elixir gun idea so far.

In other news I have been playing with healing turret and it is quite fun and useful. I still prefer the med kit but I can definitely see the potential of the healing turret.

Thanks all for the replies and I hope the post is helping some of you.

I am liking the elixir gun quite a bit now….good suggestion bud!

(edited by Phearce.3072)

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Pleb.7415


Do you not think tht the turrets are a waste of time? When I have used them, with the amount of AOE all over the place they tend to die so fast.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Phearce.3072


Do you not think tht the turrets are a waste of time? When I have used them, with the amount of AOE all over the place they tend to die so fast.

Oh I think turrets arent very good but the healing turret is different. A lot of the time you drop it and pick it right back up so the cooldown is only 15 seconds. I am finding it a bit more useful then before but I much prefer the med kit still.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Arvin.3124


elixir gun seems like an interesting thing to add.

I changed my spec to 10-0-30-30-0 and its quite awesome when it comes to survival with my bombs coupled with the trait that causes them to heal.

Im using earth runes for armor by the way.

Slot skills I have now are: Healing kit, flamethrower (will try elixir gun in place of this), bombs, Elixir R and Supplies.

Really fun build and already provides quite some healing and condition removal. With elixir gun it might be a bit overkill healingwise but I will for sure try it out for uber-bunker build.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: JackBurton.1803



I like how you handle the angry fan-bois. Thanks for the insight into your build. Sharing is caring.

@Mad & Negative People

I’m sorry that this is a public forum and that there isn’t a test to get in and post things. I really wish that you guys worked for anet because you obviously know so much more about the game than everyone else. It’s not too late to breast-feed. I hope you all get BSODS and have to re-install soon. Cheers.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Phearce.3072


That elixir gun would be a good idea if it wasnt buggy as hell. I couldnt get it to work all game last game.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Lite.3819


Why did I think “bunker build” means a build that gives up almost all mobility to survive as long as possible…

What happens if a thief spam pistol whips/heartseeker on you or a warrior does starts 100 blades combo on you? Not very defensive if you die to simple burst builds.

Engineer – Street Rag (Black Gates)
Current Build

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Really? I have had absolutely no problem with the elixir gun at all, and I use it a lot. How is it acting buggy?

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Phearce.3072


@ Lite- Not real sure i either just knock them back sometimes I eat the 100 blades but I have been hit with one that did any significant damage in a long time. If you don’t like it and think that the “mobility” is lacking then thats all well and good. Thieves and Warriors don’t scare me at all. Map mobility is great with the perma-swiftness.

@Coglin For some reason it is happening to me only on Khylo but the kit trait that casts the healing circle(cant think of the names as im not on my gaming comp) isn’t casting the healing circle when I equip the elixir gun. It isn’t casting it at all.

Been working more with pistol/shield and its pretty fun and the aoe knockback is really nice for node clearing.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Phearce.3072


Well I shouldnt say don’t scare me at all they don;t scare me that much. 1v1 they don’t scare me at all. One or two of them jump me thats where the big ol’ barrel comes in.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: jamasont.4653


@ Lite- Not real sure i either just knock them back sometimes I eat the 100 blades but I have been hit with one that did any significant damage in a long time. If you don’t like it and think that the “mobility” is lacking then thats all well and good. Thieves and Warriors don’t scare me at all. Map mobility is great with the perma-swiftness.

@Coglin For some reason it is happening to me only on Khylo but the kit trait that casts the healing circle(cant think of the names as im not on my gaming comp) isn’t casting the healing circle when I equip the elixir gun. It isn’t casting it at all.

Been working more with pistol/shield and its pretty fun and the aoe knockback is really nice for node clearing.

How’re you getting perma swiftness?

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: ibkillin.9610


“Alchemy:- I also put 30 points into this tree. This puts me up to 24.5k health and makes me a lot tougher to kill due to the trait choices.”

Oh look ANOTHER build that’s an unorigonal stupid kittening Elixier build.
Yea no.. I think not. There are better out there. And almost 0 different styles og builds. This is one of the major things wrong with the engineer.

Oh look, ANOTHER closed minded, ignorant Engineer. I’ve seen quite a lot of versatility with this class, especially with different types of elixar builds. Of course you probably look at yourself in the mirror, flex and call yourself an “elitist” because you surfed the internet and used the “best” Engineer build out there (that someone other then yourself came up with, cause you can’t).

People like you are one of the major things wrong with MMOs, not Engineers.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: ibkillin.9610


@ Lite- Not real sure i either just knock them back sometimes I eat the 100 blades but I have been hit with one that did any significant damage in a long time. If you don’t like it and think that the “mobility” is lacking then thats all well and good. Thieves and Warriors don’t scare me at all. Map mobility is great with the perma-swiftness.

@Coglin For some reason it is happening to me only on Khylo but the kit trait that casts the healing circle(cant think of the names as im not on my gaming comp) isn’t casting the healing circle when I equip the elixir gun. It isn’t casting it at all.

Been working more with pistol/shield and its pretty fun and the aoe knockback is really nice for node clearing.

How’re you getting perma swiftness?

The 2nd skill on the Elixar Gun is an AOE snare debuff / AOE swiftness buff that you can pretty much keep up.

Engineer bunker build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Howl.9072


I -love- defensive engineer builds! Personally I run a turret-based defense build (and I share your love of the soldier amulet) but I don’t think anyone disputes elixirs being amazing. My fondness for turrets is probably irrational, but I love them with the trait that makes them knockback when they explode.

I had previously decided against Earth runes because I felt like they were excessive with the automatic Elixir S trait at 25% health (I take 10 in alchemy) but depending on how magnetic aura interacts with evasion, it might be worth it. Will have to experiment.

Also kudos to you for responding so civilly to the random negative posts.