Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chazz.6709


Hey Guys !

I played engineer since two years now and Yeah ! I DO Love this class ! It’s great and fantastic , but since the last few months we got a few face slaps and nerfs in sustain ( if they are needed or just mean it’s your choice. for me its kinda mean ,because some classes are easier to play and more faceroll , than anything else and got a lot of sustain…. anyways :P).

So … yeah it’s a nice class and then i took a break for two months , because some stuff happend in real life , then i came back and played around with it and before i took the break the dps golem came out,after i came back . i wanted to try my dps and look how good it is as ZERKER ( Yes im sorry …. Condi is nice aswell , but it’s only nice on higher fractals and raids ,which i rarely do and i also lack condi asc gear),then i notice , that my dps is kinda …. unpredictable ? with all boons and class stuff ( which is really unrealistic ofc) i get a pretty much sustain dps around 32 k(burst phase ,after that 25-28 k).With boon 25 might , fury and 25 vuln on the golem , my dps goes totally weird from 14 k (i rarely hit that sadly) down to 11 k on my burst phase,which kinda frustating me a bit.

The reason why is ,because i noticed how often my fireball just went throught the ground or totally ignored my detonate command <.< or when i switch kits around it start to cancel some skills ,which ends in terrible dps loss >-<. I mean … we switch between 3-4 kits and use our f1 till f5 keys for our rota and then its so weird,if you know what i mean.I actually i dont know how to describe it tbh.

And yeah i do use APPLIED FORCE ,which is maybe another reason for my kitteny dps.
The reason why i think , that APPLIED FORCE is evil ,is because we got a similiar trait like static discharge ,that ends up in less smooth combat + dps loss and thats also another reason for my theory ,that kit switching and our “trait procs” are anet faults ?

So yeah atm i wonder , if anyone else got those “issues” and notice maybe that kit switching cancel skills or just let your character stuck and he does nothing or does his aa.

Also im kinda interested which dps result is the one for which one everyone goes ? the one with all boon and so on ? ( including class boons like Spotter) or the one with 25 might , fury and 25 vuln , because thats what you almost have all the time in Pve like open world events, Dungeons and fractals or without nothing ?
Also whats the highest possible dps as zerker scrapper ?

If you wonder whats my build its :

and i usually start with:

1.Hammer 5
5.switch to flamethrower
7.flameblast + deto ( which fails a lot and weird)
8.swith to elixier gun
9.acid bomb
10.switch back to hammer
11.hammer 2
12.hammer 3
13.hammer 4
14.switch to grenades
15.grenades 4
16.grenades 5
17.grenades 3
18. switch back to hammer
19.hammer 2
and then mostly i improvise after i casted flameblast again and acid bomb,until i can manage to get orbital strike + napalam + flame blast+ acid bomb.

So i wonder what you guys say or if you have the some problems as i do and know the answer or a solution for this ?

Maybe xyonon gonna analyse my problem



P.S. compared to other classes its actually kinda cruel how much effort we put in our rota for good dps …. , while warriors just faceroll or thief <.< cough :s

“All genius said it’s impossible – until someone just did it.”

Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Krag.6210


You’re right, there are a lot of issues with engi skills due to input timing and the game engine.
Major issues for me being inconsistent starting animation for Acid Bomb, Flamethrower skills aiming into the ground unless you move your camera right behind your character at almost ground level, some sounds like kit switching being skipped when there’s too much happening which can throw off your timing if you use sounds cues a lot and general skills cancelling each other unless you’re pin point accurate on your timings.

Nothing worse than swapping kits only to realize your previous skill didn’t fire off.

Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chazz.6709


You’re right, there are a lot of issues with engi skills due to input timing and the game engine.
Major issues for me being inconsistent starting animation for Acid Bomb, Flamethrower skills aiming into the ground unless you move your camera right behind your character at almost ground level, some sounds like kit switching being skipped when there’s too much happening which can throw off your timing if you use sounds cues a lot and general skills cancelling each other unless you’re pin point accurate on your timings.

Nothing worse than swapping kits only to realize your previous skill didn’t fire off.

Soo true … it makes me want to flip my table , while other classes got it alot more easier like us ,while we need to focus on timing. Sometimes i wish our dps would be more like tempest d/wh , but then the pvp QQ will start and anet will act with nerfs again then :/ ….

Kits switching can be such a pain

“All genius said it’s impossible – until someone just did it.”

Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Maybe xyonon gonna analyse my problem

YOU SUMMONED ME! – Wahoo and hey!

with all boons and class stuff ( which is really unrealistic ofc) i get a pretty much sustain dps around 32 k(burst phase ,after that 25-28 k).With boon 25 might , fury and 25 vuln on the golem , my dps goes totally weird from 14 k (i rarely hit that sadly) down to 11 k on my burst phase,which kinda frustating me a bit.

Sustained dps means it STAYS at 32k, wich it is not. 32k is your burst, your sustained dps is 25-28k. 14k or 11k is really low, something bad must’ve happened there. :S

The reason why is ,because i noticed how often my fireball just went throught the ground or totally ignored my detonate command <.<

Thats because your aiming seems to be wrong. Are you playing with action cam? Have you targetted the enemy? If not, what’s your camera angle?

To use Flame Blast correctly, you must know the position of the targets hitbox. If the enemy is taller or as tall as you, you can select him for an easy shot.

If the hitbox of the target is on a lower level than where the Flame Blast spawns, the projectile will fly into the ground right behind him, swallowing a huge junk of damage.

So in that case you want to NOT select the target and while casting Flame Blast, use a very flat camera angle, so your char aims straight forward.

or when i switch kits around it start to cancel some skills ,which ends in terrible dps loss >-<. I mean … we switch between 3-4 kits and use our f1 till f5 keys for our rota and then its so weird,if you know what i mean.I actually i dont know how to describe it tbh.

Switching kits never ever ever is the reason for canceling a skill. They are simply not able to do so.
For example, try this: Use the hammer skill Rocket Charge and swap to the Flame Thrower immediately after you start casting. No interrupt? Test it with any skill you like. No interrupt.

What may cause skill cancels is you pressing higher priority skills too soon. For example grenade 2-5 can interrupt the auto attack, same goes for bombs and mortar. Healing skills in general also interrupt anything else due to higher priority.

It could also be that you spam your skills like a hyperactive Asura with a +12 coffe infusion. If you press a new skill before two skills ago, the 2nd hasn’t even been casted yet, it will skip it.

And yeah i do use APPLIED FORCE ,which is maybe another reason for my kitteny dps.
The reason why i think , that APPLIED FORCE is evil ,is because we got a similiar trait like static discharge ,that ends up in less smooth combat + dps loss and thats also another reason for my theory ,that kit switching and our “trait procs” are anet faults?

I think you tested with all boons wich includes quickness? o.ô Applied force can’t interrupt you aswell.

In fact, since heart of thorns came out, NO skill is able to interrupt your skill chain anymore, not even Static Discharge.

So that’s not it either.

Also im kinda interested which dps result is the one for which one everyone goes ? the one with all boon and so on ? ( including class boons like Spotter) or the one with 25 might , fury and 25 vuln , because thats what you almost have all the time in Pve like open world events, Dungeons and fractals or without nothing ?
Also whats the highest possible dps as zerker scrapper ?

Currently the most popular list is this one:

They’ve tested each profession with all buffs and with “realistc” buffs. Realistic in that case means, what is realistic in their guild intern team comps. But if you take the same buffs as they did, it’s easier to compare.

The community also commonly talks about a 4m golem for a good sustained dps result.

The highest possible dps a zerker scrapper can deal, is around 30-32k sustained dps, so the last number you see after defeating a 4m golem.
The highest possible dps a zerker Engi can deal, is around 32-34k, as Vanilla Rifle Engi.

So you can compare to these numbers if you test with all boons and conditions on your own.

I see some big flaws in this build.

  • Flame Thrower is not worth it anymore (since HoT), since quickness does not speed up the travel time of Flame Blast, therefore you’ll wait too long on it.
  • Elixier Gun’s Acid Bomb's jump + interrupt time isn’t affected by quickness either. If you don’t need Fumigate and Super Elixier, you’ll deal more damage with a lil’ turret, using Surprise Shot on cooldown.
  • Shrapnel has a bit higher dps than Siege Rounds. Still use Siege Rounds whenever you can make use of a 2nd blast or longer mortar fields, aswell against trash since Shrapnel won’t deal much damage against low HP mobs.
  • Heavy Armor Exploit is useless in a team, vuln is easily up all the time. Better take High Caliber, to get 210 free precision.
  • Medic Gyro as heal skill, for not losing damage while healing. You could also spam summon it on the golem, so it’s detonation deals a tiny amound of damage. #ultraminmaxtryhard :P
  • You are missing food!
  • That marauder ring tough :P

Here is what you want to use for max dps:

Yet imo, +8% food is fine and the toxic sharpening stone is totally an overkill. It just grants you 1% more damage compared to the normal sharpening stone or fruit cake.

…higher fractals and raids ,which i rarely do…

If you want an open world and solo build, I’d suggest you this for max self sustain and damage:

(Leadership > Strength > Scholar, food is optional)

and i usually start with:

Hold on! Lemme upload a skill priority list image you can take a look at!

But what I can tell you is to not use Rocket Charge for damage, since it’s a movement skill and those are unaffected by quickness.

Yet it’s wise to safe it for finishers like triple stun or double heal.

P.S. compared to other classes its actually kinda cruel how much effort we put in our rota for good dps …. , while warriors just faceroll or thief <.< cough :s

Yea the world is cruel, but I’d rather be like this than only pressing 111111 all day long :P I really enjoy it, maybe I’m a tiny bit of a masochism? Hurrr… ö.ö’’

PS: Warriors ain’t that easy as everyone thinks. You can easily lose 30% damage while doing the rotation wrong. Thief and Guard however are extremly face roll, War is probably on the same level as an Ele since HoT release.

I hope that all helped so far. If I can help anyhow else, lemme’ know

Wahoo and greez!
- Ziggy


Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

in Engineer

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


Maybe xyonon gonna analyse my problem

YOU SUMMONED ME! – Wahoo and hey!

I am renaming you Beetlejuice lol.

Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chazz.6709


Maybe xyonon gonna analyse my problem

YOU SUMMONED ME! – Wahoo and hey!

Hurray ! And your welcome Well your text are usefull and i think im not the only one ,who is reading them

with all boons and class stuff ( which is really unrealistic ofc) i get a pretty much sustain dps around 32 k(burst phase ,after that 25-28 k).With boon 25 might , fury and 25 vuln on the golem , my dps goes totally weird from 14 k (i rarely hit that sadly) down to 11 k on my burst phase,which kinda frustating me a bit.

Sustained dps means it STAYS at 32k, wich it is not. 32k is your burst, your sustained dps is 25-28k. 14k or 11k is really low, something bad must’ve happened there. :S[/quote]

14 k wasnt with all boons only with fury 25 might and 25 vuln on 1M golem ^^ gear was zerker completely ( Excapt that evil unique marauder ring ) .

So i was watching that condi video , but sadly didnt find any zerker video :/ but since we know condi and zerker are almost equal , then i do it right at the beginning and then ruining it completly ? :O

The reason why is ,because i noticed how often my fireball just went throught the ground or totally ignored my detonate command <.<

Thats because your aiming seems to be wrong. Are you playing with action cam? Have you targetted the enemy? If not, what’s your camera angle?

To use Flame Blast correctly, you must know the position of the targets hitbox. If the enemy is taller or as tall as you, you can select him for an easy shot.

If the hitbox of the target is on a lower level than where the Flame Blast spawns, the projectile will fly into the ground right behind him, swallowing a huge junk of damage.

Well i DO not use Action Camera mode . Im kinda unsure , if its usefull or just some visual changing,if you know what i mean.

My camera angel is like 45° from the backside of my character so like im almost watching at everything ,whats going on infront of my character.

So in that case you want to NOT select the target and while casting Flame Blast, use a very flat camera angle, so your char aims straight forward.

Now thats doesnt make it easier for me to aim…. i think ? So … more practice i guess.

or when i switch kits around it start to cancel some skills ,which ends in terrible dps loss >-<. I mean … we switch between 3-4 kits and use our f1 till f5 keys for our rota and then its so weird,if you know what i mean.I actually i dont know how to describe it tbh.

Switching kits never ever ever is the reason for canceling a skill. They are simply not able to do so.
For example, try this: Use the hammer skill Rocket Charge and swap to the Flame Thrower immediately after you start casting. No interrupt? Test it with any skill you like. No interrupt.

What may cause skill cancels is you pressing higher priority skills too soon. For example grenade 2-5 can interrupt the auto attack, same goes for bombs and mortar. Healing skills in general also interrupt anything else due to higher priority.

THAT could be probably my problem , since im kinda used to play like this.

It could also be that you spam your skills like a hyperactive Asura with a +12 coffe infusion. If you press a new skill before two skills ago, the 2nd hasn’t even been casted yet, it will skip it.

That describtion …. … Yeah i kinda play like that ^^’ probably , because i played to many buttonsmash games as healer Lol

And yeah i do use APPLIED FORCE ,which is maybe another reason for my kitteny dps.
The reason why i think , that APPLIED FORCE is evil ,is because we got a similiar trait like static discharge ,that ends up in less smooth combat + dps loss and thats also another reason for my theory ,that kit switching and our “trait procs” are anet faults?

I think you tested with all boons wich includes quickness? o.ô Applied force can’t interrupt you aswell.

In fact, since heart of thorns came out, NO skill is able to interrupt your skill chain anymore, not even Static Discharge.

So that’s not it either.

Im sorry for being so inaccurate.I mean in a situation without quickness ,that it kinda interrupt like Static discharge before hot.

Also im kinda interested which dps result is the one for which one everyone goes ? the one with all boon and so on ? ( including class boons like Spotter) or the one with 25 might , fury and 25 vuln , because thats what you almost have all the time in Pve like open world events, Dungeons and fractals or without nothing ?
Also whats the highest possible dps as zerker scrapper ?

Currently the most popular list is this one:

They’ve tested each profession with all buffs and with “realistc” buffs. Realistic in that case means, what is realistic in their guild intern team comps. But if you take the same buffs as they did, it’s easier to compare.

The community also commonly talks about a 4m golem for a good sustained dps result.

The highest possible dps a zerker scrapper can deal, is around 30-32k sustained dps, so the last number you see after defeating a 4m golem.
The highest possible dps a zerker Engi can deal, is around 32-34k, as Vanilla Rifle Engi.

So you can compare to these numbers if you test with all boons and conditions on your own.

Thanks !

I see some big flaws in this build.

  • Flame Thrower is not worth it anymore (since HoT), since quickness does not speed up the travel time of Flame Blast, therefore you’ll wait too long on it.
  • Elixier Gun’s Acid Bomb's jump + interrupt time isn’t affected by quickness either. If you don’t need Fumigate and Super Elixier, you’ll deal more damage with a lil’ turret, using Surprise Shot on cooldown.
  • Shrapnel has a bit higher dps than Siege Rounds. Still use Siege Rounds whenever you can make use of a 2nd blast or longer mortar fields, aswell against trash since Shrapnel won’t deal much damage against low HP mobs.
  • Heavy Armor Exploit is useless in a team, vuln is easily up all the time. Better take High Caliber, to get 210 free precision.
  • Medic Gyro as heal skill, for not losing damage while healing. You could also spam summon it on the golem, so it’s detonation deals a tiny amound of damage. #ultraminmaxtryhard :P
  • You are missing food!
  • That marauder ring tough :P

Wow … i thought flamethrower is still awesome for tagging alot of enemies + instant blind , if you get knocked down and enemy wants to slap you again+ blast finisher+360° kb xD ( or was it 180° ?)

Acid bomb now crap !? O_o I thought it would be nice to use for additional passive dps x.x

Heavy armor Exploit the only reason why i was using this for keeping vuln stack up at 25 ,because i saw on our guild dungeons runs . It was dropping quite often down to 15 or less ,which is like 10 % dmg loss for all ! + I enjoyed that perma mobility inside combat ^^’ and i was unsure if High caliber really works ,since i never saw any visual changes on my crit chances.So i thought it was a bit buggy ? Or just ppls thought it works , but it doesnt work ? did anyone tested it ?

Ohh well …. usually im used to play with shrapnel ,before orbital strike came out , but after that i wasnt sure ,which one was better. Well im glad to say goodbye to Siege Rounds. I usually used this for the longer duration for my guildmates ^^ So they got a waterfield or that blind could work in some dungeons situations ^^ as a revive saver like placing it on a downed target and then revive him , which is now … , when i think abit about it useless because Function Gyro !

For food im using most of the time my Birthday blaster ( good choice ? I think it is . Sure 10 mins dura sucks !)

That marauder ring is only there ,because i know some games ,where your critrate change every 10 % means , if you got like 48% you still crit like 40 % or if you got 52 % you crit 50% . ( it got confirmed on some games , that it works like that) So i thought 49,6 % sucks and 50 % would be better. ( never tried it i just believed in that ^^)
+ I lack one infused zerker ring so i got that one and was a bit like well more AR cant be so bad ,since my guild aim for higher fractals ( which are sooo HP sponge x.x)

So Medic gyro over healing tower ? I mean sure both got Pro and contras , but i thought healing tower is still superior and medic gyro more situationally like fighting against enemies with heavy CC.

Here is what you want to use for max dps:

Yet imo, +8% food is fine and the toxic sharpening stone is totally an overkill. It just grants you 1% more damage compared to the normal sharpening stone or fruit cake.

thanks !

…higher fractals and raids ,which i rarely do…

If you want an open world and solo build, I’d suggest you this for max self sustain and damage:

(Leadership > Strength > Scholar, food is optional)

Thanks alot o/ i always ended up in some world events with silver ,while with zerker gold and my theory was , because condi ticks needs like 1-2 s to proc with a higher dmg at the beginning ,while zerker can burst a lot in those 1-2 s , that a condi player rarely get gold ,because its already death ,after the first proc.

and i usually start with:

Hold on! Lemme upload a skill priority list image you can take a look at!

But what I can tell you is to not use Rocket Charge for damage, since it’s a movement skill and those are unaffected by quickness.

Yet it’s wise to safe it for finishers like triple stun or double heal.

°O° ! ….. Now i feel awkward ._. … i was using it mostly for heal+ dmg or CC , because my hp tends to jump alot up and down ,while combat ( mostly when i play with guildies i end up as the “priority target” for mobs <.< )

P.S. compared to other classes its actually kinda cruel how much effort we put in our rota for good dps …. , while warriors just faceroll or thief <.< cough :s

Yea the world is cruel, but I’d rather be like this than only pressing 111111 all day long :P I really enjoy it, maybe I’m a tiny bit of a masochism? Hurrr… ö.ö’’

PS: Warriors ain’t that easy as everyone thinks. You can easily lose 30% damage while doing the rotation wrong. Thief and Guard however are extremly face roll, War is probably on the same level as an Ele since HoT release.

Yeah thief is faceroll so much AA <.< and well warrior got in my opinion less problems with getting spanked by enemies.I mostly made this kind of experience. Example :

See like 3 players from our party starting to spank enemy. Im on the way attack and then it stick to me like glue or switch rarely to the other players or until im down/dead.

I hope that all helped so far. If I can help anyhow else, lemme’ know

Wahoo and greez!
- Ziggy

Thanks alot now i got a lot of work to do …. and changing my build probably

Maybe you can give me more advices ? Not sure. You seems to know a lot and more as i do about engineer. Now i feel kinda like a person ,who know barely nothing about engineer ^^’.

Anyways thanks alot!

“All genius said it’s impossible – until someone just did it.”

Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Maybe xyonon gonna analyse my problem

YOU SUMMONED ME! – Wahoo and hey!

I am renaming you Beetlejuice lol.

I’d like that! :’D Always loved that freak

So i was watching that condi video , but sadly didnt find any zerker video :/ but since we know condi and zerker are almost equal , then i do it right at the beginning and then ruining it completly ? :O

No it’s just natural that your initial damage is higher, due to having all the big shots ready. This doesn’t apply for condi, since there the ramp up time for all the condis fights against the burst skills initial damage.

So for Condi it’s something like 26k, 27.5k, 29k, 30k, 30k.
While for Power it’s rather like 32k, 30k, 28k, 28k, 28k.

(just fictional numbers, only to get an idea of what I’m talking about)

Wow … i thought flamethrower is still awesome for tagging alot of enemies + instant blind , if you get knocked down and enemy wants to slap you again+ blast finisher+360° kb xD ( or was it 180° ?)

It is awesome for tagging a lot of enemies, but tagging only means “hit them to get kill participation for loot” and has nothing to do with efficient dpsing. And yea the blind is 360° and still valuable in situations where you use the FT, like condi or power in open world.

Acid bomb now crap !? O_o I thought it would be nice to use for additional passive dps x.x

No, not crap at all, you overjudged here!

Acid Bomb and Surprise Shot increase your dps pretty much the same, in theory AB is even a little bit higher. However, Surprise Shot helps you greatly to perfectly time your rotation as it works as a clock:

Surprise Shot has exactly 8s cd,
Electro-whirl has 6s cd, + the cast time before the cd starts
Shrapnel Grenade has 5s cd, + the cast time before the cd starts

So you can spam Surprise Shot on cooldown, and each time you casted it, use Electro-whirl followed by Shrapnel Grenade, then continue your normal rotation.

This greatly helps you to cast E-w and SG as often as possible, as they are the the biggest dps increases due to their low cd.

Surprise Shot becomes especially strong as Vanilla Rifle Engi with Static Discharge. (Yes this is a thing for specific encounters).


The 3rd kit (normally EG as power, FT as condi) barely makes a dps difference if you’d replace it by another useful skill / kit. If you’d take nothing dps oriented at all, it would lower your dps by ~1500 tough.
So as a power Scrapper in Raids for example, I’d swap the 3rd kit always according to the situation:

  • I want pure single target damage: Rifle Turret.
  • I want pure aoe damage: Elixier Gun.
  • I want a stunbreak and condi cleanse for everyone cough Sloth cough: Elixier Gun.
  • I want to wreck a single Defiance Bar quickly: Rocket Turret.
  • I want boonstrip (barely required anymore): Mine.
  • I want a block and pull: Tool Kit.

All those options have a great dps output compared to the top choice, so they barely lower your dps:

  • Rifle Turret: ofc Surprise Shot
  • Elixier Gun: also obviously Acid Bomb
  • Rocket Turret: Rocket (toolbelt skill) hits like a Big ’Ol Bomb
  • Mine: Minefield (toolbelt skill) hits like a Thunderclap
  • Tool Kit: Pry Bar (#3) and Throw Wrench (toolbelt skill) both hit like a Shrapnel Grenade and are both a dps increase over the bomb auto hit.

Ohh well …. usually im used to play with shrapnel ,before orbital strike came out , but after that i wasnt sure ,which one was better.

Shrapnel is slightly better in dps than Siege Rounds, mainly because even as a power Engi you’ll have areoun 1150~ condi damage. 920 are from banner and might alone, then you’ve got your precision to condi damage – trait.

However I’d always prefer Siege Rounds against:

  • Vale Guardian: If there are 2 other condis, go power due to VG’s low armor (1910 instead of the common 2597), wich kinda acts like a +39% damage with power skills buff. So a 2nd Orbital Strike will be the same dps as Shrapnel, just that you’ll have the adventage to not waste condi damage on phase and have a double blast for hard times in a water field.
  • Slothasor: Same reasons for the water field and double blast, but mainly for the longer ranged blind. Evolved Slublings (last phase of the fight) have an ranged attack wich is unblockable (unreflectable and unabsorbable) and converts boons into conditions. However they are still blindable, reducing their threat level to 0.
  • Trio: For focusing the bosses, Shrapnel, for the adds, Siege Rounds. I prefer the 2nd one due to the ability to pull mobs with a bigger junk of damage from the cages and simply for the blind again. Double water blast, not to mention is never wasted.
  • Escort: Here you’re fighting trash only, so the mortar is a superior choice, however, you might want to be the guy who is able to permacripple the Wargs with ’nade attacks, then you must pick Shrapnel at any cost. Yet this is more of a condi Engi thing.

So Medic gyro over healing tower ? I mean sure both got Pro and contras , but i thought healing tower is still superior and medic gyro more situationally like fighting against enemies with heavy CC.

Yea, they both have pro and contras one mustn’t forget.

The HT still beats the Gyro in terms healing and it sure isn’t a bad pick at all. I mainly pick it at places where a condi cleanse comes handy, like Sloth or Trio, yet not Matthias!

Medy on the other hand has a protection field, wich (if used correctly) can prevent more damage than the HT would heal. It also has no cast time at all and does not reduce your dps while in need of self healing.

You can trait it to grant yourself stability and super speed wich is perfect for fighting Matthias. Here I’d combine it with leaving the 3rd kit away and pick Bulwark Gyro aswell, as a super speed granting, defiance bar breaking, bomb damage absorbing, backup reflecting op allrounder Gyro! o.O

So yea, they are both solid picks.

i was using it mostly for heal+ dmg or CC

That’s exactly what you are suppoed to do with Rocket Charge

Maybe you can give me more advices ? Not sure. You seems to know a lot and more as i do about engineer. Now i feel kinda like a person ,who know barely nothing about engineer ^^’.

Feel free to contact me anytime, here or ingame Always happy helping out ^.^

- Ziggy

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chazz.6709


Thank You Xyonon for those information!

So in some points i wasnt wrong like with HT and MG . So i know atleast something ! I thought almost that my entire knowledge is a bit well ….. Outdated ?Anyways !

I got another question or well a few more , because after your first post. I was kinda studying your list(and i hope atleast i didnt understood it on the wrong way), because i wanted to know see ,how much to increase my dps or my rota and well ,then i found this kind of video —-> <—- .

First of all i noticed , that he kinkittened his dps ( in my opinion),because when you watch at the beginn you see that he got like 25 stack on every condi ,that deals damage ,which getting added to his dps.Thats also why i think his dps could be maybe more worse ? Why ? Simple ! I tried to copy that and noticed , that when i setted every condi up to 25 , that deals damage.I was standing there around saw how the health ,went down,after a while i started my chain and did burst like 125 k in 0 SEC!? So basically its a faked dps ? or im wrong ?

But there isnt everything bad on this video . At the last part , when he hitted 60 k burst ( still wonder how ?) , because i copied it and only did like 40-50 k and after that my dps was around 29-28 k ,which doesnt seems so bad at all ?

And yeah ! He says Bomb are superior dmg , because AA is highest AA from engi , which is half correctly ,because i went around and noticed on world champs events like Sw champ train , that nades deal ( If im correctly) The highest dmg ,which every AA could do + The closer the range the more ridiculous it gets !?. but only with modified Ammunition ^^ … Otherwise Bombs are superior , if not ,which is almost 0 to happen ?

Rifle Turret: ofc Surprise Shot
Elixier Gun: also obviously Acid Bomb
Rocket Turret: Rocket (toolbelt skill) hits like a Big ’Ol Bomb
Mine: Minefield (toolbelt skill) hits like a Thunderclap
Tool Kit: Pry Bar (#3) and Throw Wrench (toolbelt skill) both hit like a Shrapnel Grenade and are both a dps increase over the bomb auto hit.

+ You said for defiance bar breaking = Rocket turrets TB ? Arent Rocket turrets and Big’Ol Bomb kinda same for defiance bar breaking ? unless RT hits his target better than Big ’Ol Bomb ,because aiming instead of placing.



“All genius said it’s impossible – until someone just did it.”

Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

in Engineer

Posted by: David.5974


compared to other classes its actually kinda cruel how much effort we put in our rota for good dps …. , while warriors just faceroll or thief <.< cough :s

Yea , I was put heavy effort on training my condi rotation to be perfect (while w1 arrive) put many golds into gear, many hours of testing and now my engi is useless in raids. Even if I was find raid guild, they ask me to go with my chrono or worst – tempest!!

Anet should look at xyonon post how they can repair engi in pve and don’t touch other game modes.

“Doctor suggest me, to stop play with engi because my fingers are broken.
So.. I start play scrapper. "

Engineer dps .... unpredictable ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987



… i found this kind of video —-> <—- .

First of all i noticed , that he kinkittened his dps ( in my opinion),because when you watch at the beginn you see that he got like 25 stack on every condi ,that deals damage ,which getting added to his dps.Thats also why i think his dps could be maybe more worse ? Why ? Simple ! I tried to copy that and noticed , that when i setted every condi up to 25 , that deals damage.I was standing there around saw how the health ,went down,after a while i started my chain and did burst like 125 k in 0 SEC!? So basically its a faked dps ? or im wrong ?

Yup, you’re absolutely right.

At 2:13 in the video, when the 4m golem gets destroyed, you can see he dealt 3,041,684 damage. So the 25 stacks of each condi dealt the other 958,316 damage.

These 25% damage won’t be added to his account, however it increases the final dps because burst damage will be rewarded due to the low health pool.

But there isnt everything bad on this video . At the last part , when he hitted 60 k burst ( still wonder how ?) , because i copied it and only did like 40-50 k and after that my dps was around 29-28 k ,which doesnt seems so bad at all ?

Those 60k are meaningless – he only had to be lucky enough that the conditions combined with all of his burst skills hit the 80% mark, then you get a high first number. This will automaticly balance itself at the 60% (or 40%, 20%, 0%) mark, where you might aswell have the very same dps until then.

And yeah ! He says Bomb are superior dmg , because AA is highest AA from engi , which is half correctly ,because i went around and noticed on world champs events like Sw champ train , that nades deal ( If im correctly) The highest dmg ,which every AA could do + The closer the range the more ridiculous it gets !?. but only with modified Ammunition ^^ … Otherwise Bombs are superior , if not ,which is almost 0 to happen ?

Bomb aa is indeed the superior aa. You have to be careful in openworld, where you might or might not have buffs like fury, might or quickness. Under the same circumstances, bomb #1 will always outdamage grenade #1.

Nades won’t get stronger in melee tough, but what you might have expirienced is the closing up burst you get by throwing projetiles while moving. For example, if you move towards your target, basicly move “next to” the things you throw, they will all hit at the “same” time wich looks kitten when everything hits. The opposite happens when you move away from a target and the nades take longer and longer to hit a target (longer time in mid air).

In the video, he had the following dps numbers:

  • Raid buffs: 24.9k dps (3m golem, 1m did the condis)
  • Fully buffed: 31.9k dps (1m golem, burst only, no real dps test)

He used Bombs, Rifle Turret and Elixier Gun for the “realistic” 3m golem and swapped the turret for ’Nade Kit against the 1m while being fully buffed.

As I’ve also mentioned in the comments in the video itself:


I suggest to swap out the EG for the ‘Nade Kit, since Acid Bomb isn’t affected by quickness and simply takes too long to perform. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a dps increase over bomb aa, yet not as much as the 4 skills you gain from the ’Nade Kit.

I’ve had 26.2k by swapping EG for ‘Nade Kit on a 4m golem, same buffs as you. You also fought a ~3.0m golem at wich point I’ve had 26.7k. Those 25 stacks of each condition sure helped out your burst :P
Fully buffed against the 1m, I’ve had 36.1k.

You said for defiance bar breaking = Rocket turrets TB ? Arent Rocket turrets and Big’Ol Bomb kinda same for defiance bar breaking ? unless RT hits his target better than Big ’Ol Bomb ,because aiming instead of placing.

You misunderstood this part:

So as a power Scrapper in Raids for example, I’d swap the 3rd kit always according to the situation:

  • I want pure single target damage: Rifle Turret.
  • I want pure aoe damage: Elixier Gun.
  • I want a stunbreak and condi cleanse for everyone cough Sloth cough: Elixier Gun.
  • I want to wreck a single Defiance Bar quickly: Rocket Turret.
  • I want boonstrip (barely required anymore): Mine.
  • I want a block and pull: Tool Kit.

All those options have a great dps output compared to the top choice, so they barely lower your dps:

  • Rifle Turret: ofc Surprise Shot
  • Elixier Gun: also obviously Acid Bomb
  • Rocket Turret: Rocket (toolbelt skill) hits like a Big ’Ol Bomb
  • Mine: Minefield (toolbelt skill) hits like a Thunderclap
  • Tool Kit: Pry Bar (#3) and Throw Wrench (toolbelt skill) both hit like a Shrapnel Grenade and are both a dps increase over the bomb auto hit.

The list above shows you what those utility skills are mainly used for, the list below shows you what part of those utilities mentioned above deals enough damage to be a dps increase over the bomb auto attack.

“Rocket (toolbelt skill) hits like a Big ’Ol Bomb” meant in terms of dps! The rocket turret toolbelt has no cc at all. So you use the toolbelt of the rocket turret on cd for dps, but if a breakbar shall be broken, you put it down (next to the breakbar, this is important!), overcharge it immediately (like you would with the healing turret) wait until the rocket is in mid air so it can cause it’s cc, then blow the turret up for another knockback. Together the overcharged rocket and the turret knockback act like a kitten stun (450 defiance bar damage).

compared to other classes its actually kinda cruel how much effort we put in our rota for good dps …. , while warriors just faceroll or thief <.< cough :s

Yea , I was put heavy effort on training my condi rotation to be perfect (while w1 arrive) put many golds into gear, many hours of testing and now my engi is useless in raids. Even if I was find raid guild, they ask me to go with my chrono or worst – tempest!!

Anet should look at xyonon post how they can repair engi in pve and don’t touch other game modes.

I especially agree with you on the thief one … Backstabbing was already easy but now it’s become ridiculous.

Engis aren’t as useless as people make ’em look. Condi Engi is still a great pick for the whole first wing, aswell for Sloth if you have Necros with epi-bounce or the Escort event for the wargs. Engi in general is good in every fight with a small hitbox, even tough still behind DW Ele or staff aa thief.

I really hope they change something next or in two weeks when the balance patch hits. As they mentioned there will be some PvE and PvP splits.

All we need is a party wide damage buff or a vulnerability like debuff on the enemy.

For example check this out:

And thanks for the support and the kind words

Greez everyone!
- Ziggy

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”