Engineer race choice...
I love Asura despite of how tiny we are, but if you don’t like that, that’s okay, i would say Sylvari are your best shot, Charr might be more culturaly related to Engineers, but i find Sylvari animations more better imo.
Asura ftw imo. Really love my tiny bomberman
Charrs are also good for engi but i don’t like them…humans and sylv are no go for me(personal opinion).
There is only one answer, and that answer is charr.
Best animations are Asura’s, hands down. Maybe you can make a bigger Asura?
Norn seems like they are walking on molases, Sylvari and human are basically the same old thing: Althought hey are well done, they are very boring.
Charr then. They are fierce, run on four paws like primitive predators but then shot at you with hyper advanced killing machines.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Even though people say humans are boring. I can’t rp as any other race. If you want to get submerged into the story, I find humans are a good pick. I do feel like a commander, and gear looks great on me. Only downside of humans is a general “stiff” feeling compared to the other races. Give all the races you like a try in hotm. Best way to see what you like.
Asura: Small, and nimble
Charr: Large and fierce
Human: Medium and solid.
Sylvari: Humans with more swagger
Norn: Large and Solid
These are my opinions on race. When I’m blocking on a human character, it feels more solid and impenetrable than a charr. But when a charr swings his hammer it feels full of ferocity, rather than more monotone and straight forward as humans, etc.
I ended up creating a Norn Engineer today…
- there is enough leads in my current story to make a relation with a char engineer in my youth a beleivable thing… this for character immersion and roleplaying..
- combat on the level 40+ Norn feels so much more immersive…
So, to each their own… normally i allways play humans..
I love Norn, then Charr, then Sylvari. My engineer is a charr, and he looks amazing. Definitely a general nor a grunt. Hail Iron Legion!
For Iron Legion!!!
So.. I start play scrapper. "
I have a little asura level 80 engineer, that i once choose for PvP reasons… and the better utillity skills…
- but, my little playfull asura does not feel like a commander…
- on top of that i have become to hate the fact that i cant see all the details on my character because its so smallNow i have a lvl 40 boost in my packs… and decided to make a new engineer… now which race should i choose… what engineer has the coolest moves and annimations? What makes you feel at home in your role as commander?
By commander, I think you probably mean WvW commander …
Here’s what you do – use your Asura and then buy the Infinite Kodan Elixir. The Elixir may prevent you from using siege buts that is exactly the same reason the Ghostly Elixir is used.
Kodan >>> Charr. Plus if you can get other zerg mates to do the same you can hide yourself in the crowd from getting sniped.
The top 2 best choices for an engi, hands down, are Asura and Charr.
Asura Master Race.
I picked Engineer becuase I was always a Tech, gun, and sword player person. My main was originally a Guardian but I changed to Engineer due to finding Guardian not being my type of character. Eventually I grew to love the Engineer’s play style and do hope one day Engineer get a Elite Spec that use Sword or Greatsword which most likely may be modified with mayble electric, energy, or heat mod for that Engineer modification weapon theme.
Even though it may seen hypocritical, Sylvari Engineers are quite fun to use. The funniest thing is when you end up using a flamethrower as a sylvari.
I have a main engineer that is sylvari and his skin is black with a white glow, he looks wicked awsome and his magitect armor is black/white as well. Lore wise when he was awakened from the pale tree he felt a connection with scarlet and shared her intrest in engineering; but instead of becoming obsessed with it he travled to the citedel and studied under an iron legion engineer then smelted scrap on the side and using the ignots to make gyros. ( got a bit off topic but sylvari have sweet culture armor and sweet skin designs; they are also mellow people)[/quote]
I chose a Charr as my engineer. Wanted to make a character based on Jake from Swat Kats.
I chose a Charr as my engineer. Wanted to make a character based on Jake from Swat Kats.
Magnificent! XD
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I have a sylvari with a mushroom for hair. Heres him “Chillin’” in heart of the mists ^^
I have a sylvari with a mushroom for hair. Heres him “Chillin’” in heart of the mists ^^
And a Charr, I have Jake, you have Tbone.
I think the best commanders are Asurans actually. It’s like the opposite of what you’d expect. IDK I find it kind of humorous.
Does anyone know if the projectile origin height changes for different races? I keep having my Rifle shots ‘OBSTRUCTED’ by the smallest bump in terrain and can’t help but think if I was a max-height Norn rather than a min-height Asura, this wouldn’t be a problem.
Since all races do have the same hitbox, I suppose internally they all share the same geometric specs, such as height. This would mean that it does not matter what height your Char has… I suppose. Please right me if I’m wrong.
I have 3 Engineers
1. Asura
2. Sylvari
3. Human
All of which were chosen for their aesthetic quality and how well they wear medium armor.
Ok, so I “settled” on Norn, as he fit the whole Cid from Final Fantasy theme and all but whats also cool is I wield the turret like Arnold from Terminator! Reloads it with one hand all…very cool. Also weapons just look really good on him so yea, who knew eh?
charr and norn get epic, huge flamethrower streams
Engineer is the funniest profession, with their elixir gun and bombs and odd gadgets.
Asura is the funniest race, with their goofy run and their cartoony change-of-direction animations.
They’re a natural together.
Engineer is the funniest profession, with their elixir gun and bombs and odd gadgets.
Asura is the funniest race, with their goofy run and their cartoony change-of-direction animations.
They’re a natural together.
Still make me laugh every time I fire my pistols.
Dang Asuras! Lol…..
I keep bouncing back and forth between my Norn, Asura and human. Char for me just didn’t “feel” right, playstyle wise. Loved the lore but yea, just couldn’t feel it. Norn is cool as everything is huge on him, weapons and mortars and the like, but again the style and look is just to lumbering. Asura is funny and cute and all, but gear looks like toys, the ones you can see. The faces and all are cool, but when playing I really am not looking at his face and all. Human looks good, is middle of the road as far as style as it all looks good and isn’t clunky or huge. Problem with Human is they are kinda of vanilla….just meh if you get my drift.
So yea, I’m a mess….lol. Wife laughs at me and my toon swapping trying to get one that ‘feels’ right, she loves ALL her toons, go figure.
Also I see tons of Char and Asura Engis so trying to be outside the norm is something as well. I keep going back to the human so something tells me that he will be “the one”, haha! If only Asuras could be a tad bigger…….see, here I go again!!! I need help. LOL!!
(edited by Joxer.6024)
If only Asuras could be a tad bigger…….see, here I go again!!! I need help. LOL!!
Largest size Asura are only a human head shorter than the smallest humans. They become comically fat if you go bulky armor and big head, haha. Most you see will run smallest size I think.
If only Asuras could be a tad bigger…….see, here I go again!!! I need help. LOL!!
Largest size Asura are only a human head shorter than the smallest humans. They become comically fat if you go bulky armor and big head, haha. Most you see will run smallest size I think.
yea, I made mine the biggest I could and he’s not bad, just armor bits and weaps look so tiny and such. Playstyle is fun, aesthetics-wise it kinda blows and again there are just soooo many running around, its a plague!! LOL!!
Engie race choice was tough for me, as well. I started out with a human, as always and was perfectly happy until I realized that I can’t muster the nerve to endure human’s personal story AGAIN (already done it with 3 chars, so the magic there is clearly gone, if there ever was any to start with). This took me to deleting my mid-40 engie and re-roll as Charr… while I am still somewhat taken aback by running on all fours while at the same time looking reaaally slow and I greatly dislike the fact that my trenchcoat billows out while firing my rifle (as if my Charr was flatulating in rhythm to the shooting…), I have to admit that playing a non-human for a change does make a difference. The fourleggedness can be overcome by equipping a kit AT ALL TIMES. Which is fine with engie.
Still, if it wasn’t for my cool fur and stripe colour (I’m doing the winter tiger look), I surely would have quit that toon as well… I just wish human PS wouldn’t be so boring or there was a way to stop Charr from walking four-legged. I mean, in GW1 they never four-legged and that’s exactly why they were so awesome. That and Charr Scouts pwning everything pre-Searing.
So you’re not the only one having trouble with choosing the ultimate race for engie
Yea, it can be a struggle no doubt!
I went back to my Norn as for one you don’t see that many and also everything is SO big on him! I previewed H.O.P.E. on him (not lucky enough to actually have that awesome thing yet) and it just looked sooo cool, whereas on my Asura it was like barely there. I too enjoyed the Char but yea, the all fours thing put me off even though we can use a kit like you said. Who knows, I may wander back over to the furry side again but for now my Norn fits the whole Cid from Final Fantasy (the original engi!) theme I got going .
…but for now my Norn fits the whole Cid from Final Fantasy (the original engi!) theme I got going .
Which one? There are literally dozens thinking about your race choice and toolkit-Kit, this seems to fit best (and looks the funniest):
(edited by Plautze.6290)
…but for now my Norn fits the whole Cid from Final Fantasy (the original engi!) theme I got going .
Cheers!Which one? There are literally dozens
thinking about your race choice and toolkit-Kit, this seems to fit best (and looks the funniest):
Lol, yea, I saw all those. I don’t remember him like that, mostly from FF11 and 14 I think, but the looks where he is more scruffy and buffed and all!
Also, its not so much for the look as it is the character….he was one of the original RPG Engineers, old school!
Just make sure to post a picture of your Norn Old School Engie in the “Show us your engies” Thread! You really made me curious. Mine will follow once I have reached 80 and figured everything out… might still take some tome with that class.
Just make sure to post a picture of your Norn Old School Engie in the “Show us your engies” Thread! You really made me curious. Mine will follow once I have reached 80 and figured everything out… might still take some tome with that class.
That would require figuring out to post a pic…..I shall look into it! Good luck with yours!
BTW, rolled a Char female for the heck of it, named her Motoko Kusanagi after the cyborg chick from Ghost in the Shell.
Just make sure to post a picture of your Norn Old School Engie in the “Show us your engies” Thread! You really made me curious. Mine will follow once I have reached 80 and figured everything out… might still take some tome with that class.
That would require figuring out to post a pic…..I shall look into it! Good luck with yours!
BTW, rolled a Char female for the heck of it, named her Motoko Kusanagi after the cyborg chick from Ghost in the Shell.
Easy enough: Just click “more editing options” when replying and you can upload pictures took me some minutes to figure out as well.
Yeah, king of my castle funny enough, they used the same-ish scenes in the movie trailer that they did in the music video clip.
Whoa, that’s pretty awesome! Do I see a Nightwing there? Pretty sweet.
I’m not sure about going legy for rifle… shooting an obvious sniper rifle from the hip seems off to me.
Whoa, that’s pretty awesome! Do I see a Nightwing there? Pretty sweet.
I’m not sure about going legy for rifle… shooting an obvious sniper rifle from the hip seems off to me.
Yea, but its a pretty cool rifle! I really want H.O.P.E. but the grind is just sooo much so I have started both it and Quip, see what happens.
May lose the whole "Cid’ thing as I have a theme with all my toons in that they have Joxer in the name in some form and it “feels” kinda odd to have an odd man out…lol.
(edited by Joxer.6024)
i play human female
asura animations are too smol to properly see what’s going on
About if making rifle engi… here, i wanna show you guys my Engi with The Predator, some posing picks and another picks using the AA, personally i love it, but, you are free to judge if it’s right or not how it looks ;P
(edited by Ivantreil.3092)
Ok, those are cool!! I currently am levelling a Char so might look good with him. By the way, what armor is that you have on? I like the look!!
Ok, those are cool!! I currently am levelling a Char so might look good with him. By the way, what armor is that you have on? I like the look!!
Np, heres the list :P
*Helm – Adventurer’s Mantle
*Shoulder – N/A (This coat deletes your shoulder visibility, except with aura shoulders)
*Coat – Flaame Legioon Coat
*Gloves – Flame Legion Gloves
*Pants – Duelist Pants
*Boots – Prototype Boots (T3 asura cultural armor, so you will need to swap this one for something else for your charr)