Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: kubetz.3058


Intigo from the the elementalist subforum posted a video footage with multiple duels between D/D ele and a P/S engineer.

The PoV is ele, but I think it can still be interesting to watch for fellow engineers.

Original post is HERE .

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: notanewmethod.8267


Can anyone help me identify these boons on the engineer?

Also, do they count as boons for the purposes of Energy Conversion Matrix? Do consumables count towards this trait as well?


Notanewmethod – Asura Engineer (p/p, Toolkit, HGH)
Mask’s WvW Build – 0 | 30 | 10 | 30 | 0 (Soldier/Carrion gear, Rabid trinkets)
B P – Human Thief (d/p – 0 | 10 | 30 | 30 | 0)

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


flamethrower toolbelt skill
outmanned wvw buff
the 4 blue buffs are buffs from wayfarer foothills consumables like
the green one is skale venom

they aren’t boons so no, they do not count.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: Sororita.3465


what kind of gear was the engineer running?

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: Johan.9165


I have been having a lot of people ask me about my build before this video. And I think its time to share it.
I will write a short explanation about it as soon as I have time and if there is any interest I can try to explain my thoughts on the engineer in its current state.
Had amazing fights tonight and I would like to extend a thank you to all the people I dueled (And no this build is not designed primary for 1v1 but for fg vs fg fights for you people who will swarm with 1v1 not being wvwvw


Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: Dalo.3941


Great fights Johan, the most intense duals I’ve ever had. Good to see ele focus still has some use

Ele – COG – Gandara

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: Johan.9165


Yes the fights against you using focus was just…amazing!
I don´t know what to say about it, crazy tense!

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: kubetz.3058


Thanks a lot Johan for replying here and looking forward to your build.

Good luck with your future duels!

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: ryodanspider.4180


Well played, I been having a lot of success lately with my engi specially against thieves. Only class I really find annoying is Mesmer. At least I can run away from them and I guess that’s sort of a small victory in some cases.

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Uuuh,loved it,nice build.

U aren’t running cond dmg build,not even a full power build.I think it’s a hibrid gear set.
Also i guess the trait must be something like 10/10/20/10/20 or 10/10/20/20/10 fromthe buffs u gain and the skill effect(like kit refiniment , may be also discharge on tool belt , bomb on evade , may be 25% elixier S , etc).This can explain the double dispell on elixier gun + discharge with wrench and rifle turret belt skills.
Still curius to know how many hp / toughness u have.

Sorry for my english.

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


So far I been dueling Johan a few times in the current WvW Match up atm (Piken is vs SFR atm), and I’m having a blast vs him! His by far the best fellow Engineer I have met, and it’s a intrestring build his runing, got a great clip with him vs me comeing up with my next video! But Johan is a great player, and so far I have all most pinpointed his setup down!
Looks something like this:|9|1207|4603|4700|1433|4065|10|1422|0|0|20|2268|1881|0|0|0|0|0|10|1478|0|0|20|1883|2271|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|

Still not sure where the last 10 points is placed, but I will figure it out! But keep up the work Johan, I’m glad to see another Engineer testing and creating new and intrestring setups for WvW small scale!

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: jmap.1764


I am also interested in your traits/gear setup Johan :] Also love to see more of your fights! Keep up the good work

Tarnished Coast – [DIS]
Roxanne Marie

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: kubetz.3058


Nice reverse engineering!

It looks that his last 10 points are in the Invetions line and he took Protective Shield (I). If you watch the video around 1:00 you will see it proc-ing and then 20s later again, etc, etc.

It also seems that Johan is using either Superior Rune of the Centaur or he went 30 points into Tools to get also Speedy Kits (VI) together with Static Discharge (II) and Kit Refinement (IV). You can see it in the video @ 1:50 where he with swiftness up crits and gets extra swiftness, but then immediately afterwards switches to the Med Kit (you can also see/hear the explosion from Kit Refinenemnt) and gets some extra swiftness.

(edited by kubetz.3058)

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: Intigo.1653


Itkoviana is indeed awesome. He ended up beating me much more soundly the next day, I need more experience using the Focus.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: Johan.9165


Thank you all for the kind words! Amadeus is a great engineer and you should watch his movies for some tips and interesting and effective builds
Nirvana and jmap, I will post my build and explain the reason behind certain choices during this week. however I am quite busy the first few days but expect it to come up in a few days!
I will try to hang around in the thread and answer any potential questions, and if there seems to be interest in it I can go over some more advanced tips and tricks :P

Engineer vs D/D Elementalist Duels

in Engineer

Posted by: Sephollos.4829


Wow that lasted a long time lol. If I was either of those players I would have gotten bored around the 1-2 minute mark and just died or ran away!