Engineer will be replaced by necro

Engineer will be replaced by necro

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I believe the statement about necros being more survivable than engies was made in reference to the original point of the thread—a comparison of each profession’s standard condition-overload build. Probably true, as both builds are essentially glass cannon AoE with no escapes or blocks, but the necro has more CC and death shroud. Again, this is comparing HGH nades with glass necro—engineer can of course build for CC and blocks, but that build needs to be compared to a bunker guardian.

Engineer will be replaced by necro

in Engineer

Posted by: Bull Zooker.1672

Bull Zooker.1672

^ You’re confusing it with lich form. In Plague, you have stability.

you have stability in both plague form and liche…

stability isnt god mode however, can be stripped, stolen, corrupted and you can still be immobilised with stability up

Grandad Fester / Unruly Pigeon – Necromancer by trade

Engineer will be replaced by necro

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Necros will have burning. Okay. I suppose I’ll take my Burning-Poison-Confusion-Blind-spamming pistols and go away.

Frankly I’m not worried, Engies have far more versatility and tricks, and Necros deserve that stuff. For them being condition masters it was an insult for an Engi to deal way more condition damage and much faster.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Engineer will be replaced by necro

in Engineer

Posted by: DargorV.8571


Nobody’s getting replaced.

Lasy I checked this is GW2, there’s no hardcore content, no raids, no arena rating.

Unless your guild/friends are a bunch of self-important kittens there really isn’t a “Bring X class to win” mentality in this game.

In which case, you’re better off finding new people to play with.

Engineer will be replaced by necro

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


well it might be true in WvW groups, but it is not like we were a go to profession for guild comps before.

we got a few things we can do well and bring to the table but none of our spec’s are really strong enough to really justify bring more then 1-2 most of the time.

the blast are nice, EG is pretty good, and you can do some dps with grenade / ft / bomb, but overall when you get above the 15-20 man scale it’s simply much better to stack something else. Guardian or warrior for supporty stuff, dps warrior, or necro for dps.

So we are a little bit niche at the moment.

Engineer will be replaced by necro

in Engineer

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


Nobody’s getting replaced.

Lasy I checked this is GW2, there’s no hardcore content, no raids, no arena rating.

Unless your guild/friends are a bunch of self-important kittens there really isn’t a “Bring X class to win” mentality in this game.

In which case, you’re better off finding new people to play with.

I’m not in any sort of teams like that, I’m talking about sPvP meta where they only take the best classes at what they do. Nowadays, you see this most often: bunker guardian, 2 necros, 1 mesmer, 1 ele. Engineer used to be on that list but it isn’t so much anymore.

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

Engineer will be replaced by necro

in Engineer

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

well it might be true in WvW groups, but it is not like we were a go to profession for guild comps before.

we got a few things we can do well and bring to the table but none of our spec’s are really strong enough to really justify bring more then 1-2 most of the time.

the blast are nice, EG is pretty good, and you can do some dps with grenade / ft / bomb, but overall when you get above the 15-20 man scale it’s simply much better to stack something else. Guardian or warrior for supporty stuff, dps warrior, or necro for dps.

So we are a little bit niche at the moment.


I believe rangers are in a bit same situation in WvWvW. I have never heard other commanders request either profession. It is more like “uhm… but we got a ranger and engineer as well… oh, let them do whatever they can”. Or worse “can you reroll?”.

Guardians, warriors and elementalists form the basis of the melee train, which is the WvWvW meta. Mesmer is needed for its powerful utilities like portal, veil and time stop. Necromancer is needed to AoE dps and stripping enemy of its boons, providing large AoE blind + weakness, fear. Thieves are scouting in advance, eating the enemy tail and flanks, doing stealth stomps and providing blast finishers.

Engineer can do well in small groups. Same for ranger. The problem is that the turrets simply don’t last longer than 1 second when huge zerg clashes. Their hit box is way too big and health pool is way too low. I don’t think this will be fixed as even with 5 times more health the turrets would still be destroyed almost instantly in zerg fight. I seriously doubt Areanet would 10x the health of turrets for WvWvW to make them viable. Retaliation is still too powerful counter against most engineer weapon sets. Engineer has lots of CC, but many of such skills are single target, too small area or range and in some cases can put engineer into risk himself e.g. compare rifle #4 (overcharged shot) with warrior’s hammer (I am comparing with warrior because warrior is my other main character). Overcharged shot is one of my favorite engineer skills, but it really pales with the comparison with the hammer warrior:
push back from staggering blow
knock down from backbreaker
area stun from earthshaker

Overcharged shot is single target and knocks down the engineer himself. I use in zerg fights to interrupt enemies or prevent them from escaping, but I know it is a really big risk.

I know that engineers also have area stun, but supply crate has 180 s cooldown. While earthshaker can be used almost 20 times more often during a fight.

Warrior have higher armor and higher hit point pool, plus better mobility. It doesn’t take a genius to understand why they are much more wanted in WvWvW groups.

I see no other solution this problem than to make a pve, WvWvW and spvp split.

Warrior still need some love when it comes to spvp. But it engineers could also get some love when it comes to WvWvW.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Engineer will be replaced by necro

in Engineer

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


Very good post. I feel the same way. I love playing my engineer in WvW for small scale combat or for zerg fighting when there’s no retaliation up. If there’s retaliation up, I’ll kill myself due to delay of throwing 4 grenade tosses.

To me that’s not a problem of the engineer, but design of retaliation. It should should have in ICD of 0,5-1 second. Seeing as how confusion got nerfed AGAIN (not triggering on extra effects) I don’t see how retaliation can still be in the game on this level.

I also feel the same about engineer CC. Many are really good for sPvP node defending/pushing but it fails in bigger groups. Area way too small, self CC and single target CC’s are not enough. I especially hate the self CC and it makes me use P/P over rifle. Glad that Rocket Boots got changed, now I finally use it, but they had to remove the stunbreaker…

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist