As per our discussion series so far let’s talk a bit about changes that would benefit firearms as well as anything else related to it. It is also important to keep in mind that Engineers, like Elementalists, do not have access to 4 total sigils on weapon swap.
I do not have all of the solutions and will not pretend to. Here are my changes that I believe would help an Engineer brother out:
Heavy Armor Exploit
Boost Vulnerability duration to 5 seconds.
Why this change
Vulnerability for 3 seconds is really a dirt poor concession. It takes into consideration grenade kit however with the changes to grenade kit (left handed velocity) all other builds mean that this trait is completely lack-luster in performance.
High Caliber
Gain 250 precision and 5% more damage (condition / power) against foes within 240 range.
Why this change.
Those builds running P/S probably will not run Chemical Rounds. This gives them a viable alternative, boosting their damage slightly when things get hairy.
Also P/P fiends now have a decision to make. Do I go for more condition duration when I blow torch a guy or do I want the extra direct condition damage to get him to down state faster instead?
Skilled Marksman
Same as before. 20% Chance to inflict cripple for 2 seconds after a critical hit.
Why this change.
This change allows rifle Engineers to control the distance between them and the enemy. Against rangers it will not stop them from going to town on you but it will help your deterrent case against melee opponents which is something rifle Engineer is power at doing. Since the class itself is not good at manipulating distance between it’s opponents with mobility skills this trait change would be beneficial to keeping enemies engaged.
Also the last thing a ‘Skilled Marksman’ wants is for a guy with a sword to walk up to him and snatch his corn-flakes away. It is also poor that your opponents can often easily use mobility skills to leave you in the dust.
Modified Ammunition
Targets with Vulnerability receive 2% more damage per stack of vulnerability (condition / power). If your target is above 50% HP, 15% chance on hit to inflict Weakness for 4 seconds. If your target is below 50% HP, 15% chance on hit to immobilize for 2 seconds.
Why this change.
You take this as a power build. Unless you are at Tequatl et al you won’t get the full benefit of Mod Ammunition. Even with these changes you still won’t get the full benefit of Mod. Ammunition in PvP however we do inflict a lot of vulnerability, in all variations of our builds (condi / power), and it’s time we took advantage of the potential synergy there.
Now Engineers have a serious choice of GM traits. Are you confident enough in your damage that you go with the chance to stop enemies from disengaging and control the fight? Or do you go for pure burn damage as a condition build.
I just want to restate my proposal for Rifle changes in order to make the play-style more post-HoT and less of an absolute snore festival.
- - Ranging Shot x2, Semi-Auto Fire
First two auto attacks are called Ranging Shots. They have the same damage co-eff as current Rifle AA, except they both inflict 2 stacks of vulnerability for 5 seconds. The third attack Semi-Auto Fire is a burst of three shots that have the same damage co-eff as the current AA (Hip Shot).
- - Net Shot, CQB roll
Same net projectile but this skill flips over after use and for 2 seconds afterwards you can perform a roll that has a 1/2s Evade, is a Leap Finisher and moves you forward by 450 range.
- - Blunderbuss, Threat Neutralizer
Same statistics as current skill. If you Evade this skill comes off of cool-down and becomes Threat Neutralizer (modified version of Blunderbuss). Modded Blunderbuss is unblockable and for 2 seconds this skill can be used repeatedly. Threat Neutralizer has a 16 second cool-down.
- - Overcharged Shot
Same statistics as current skill. Inflicts one stack of burning for 4 seconds and blind for 4 seconds. Drops a smoke combo field of 180 radius for 3 seconds that does not inflict any conditions.
- - Jump Shot
No changes.
Why these changes.
As we all know in PvP when the great reflect/projectile destruction walls of China go up one after each other we as Engineers just swap to Grenad-wait… Elixir Gu-not quite it errrr… Tool Kit(?) and go to town. Except no, that doesn’t happen, you leave the point OR stand around being useless.
These changes are designed to keep the Rifle Engineer relevant irregardless which stage the fight enters as well as to return the Condition and Hybrid Rifle builds of yester-year. Also this update gives Engineer Rifle a distinct play-style (high damage from effective use of player skills, CQB shot gun) than the other rifle out there (long range, bursty, unblockable with quickness and stab because get rekt nerds).
Now you can play what stats set you want and still have reason to exist when your opponents inevitably elect to use Trump-ian tactics at your cap point.
Main Hand Pistol
Buff to 2 bleed stacks per AA.
Why this change.
P/S will benefit the most from this change by allowing those builds to apply more pressure. The rare circumstance that Main Hand Pistol AA hits five opponents (mainly in WvW) no longer should be a restraining factor to this skill. This is especially relevant and important to Engineers now that there is high availability of the Resistance Boon, Boon Sharing and the increased availability/accessibility of/to condition clears for most classes.