Full set of Exotic Rampagers gear, build options?
Honestly with that kind of gear most builds will work for you as basically every engineer weapon set gets benefit from all of those stats.
I would recommend a grenadier proc build though as that would take advantage of all of those stats the best imo.
Dont bother with the zerker set. Go for a CD, prec, tough set of dungeon armour instead. Although that will probably be your defensive set.
I recommend flamer with as many condition on critical traits as you can. Especially if you trade out those adventurer runes for something with condition duration.
Have a build in mind Maimakterion? Which runes of condition duration?
Dont bother with the zerker set. Go for a CD, prec, tough set of dungeon armour instead. Although that will probably be your defensive set.
I recommend flamer with as many condition on critical traits as you can. Especially if you trade out those adventurer runes for something with condition duration.
This is the exact opposite of what you should do.
Cond is terrible. toughness beyond a trivial amount to stop being 1 rounded by a reflect or thief, or during a 2s immobalize (aka 200 is enough), FT is also terrible.
Cond on crit traits are… ok at best. Sharpshooter is basically free so great. But its overall damage increase is very very small. Burn on crit is terrible. Esp in wvw. Spvp is the only place it might have a use.
cond duration.. is ok/good.
Rampagers vs zerkers. Elixir gun or p/p should work fairly well. tough call really. and yes some duration on with that ought work well.
EGp/p you have no knockback. what utility are you using? I would recommend ram/elixir R. Rez and interrupt.
EG is mostly direct though.
1% of crit damage increases your crits effectiveness by 2%.
I run pretty much full zerkers.
My elixir F crits for 1000-1500 each usually. Bouncing. depending on might stacks at the time.
2k/s crits on acid bomb. So good. 10k damage over 5s, if someone stays in it.
PDV is 2-3k usually. total hits/crits combined.
I use this build for trash mobs and non boss fights very high AoE Damage with flamethrower while elixirs coupled with Juggernaut im averaging about 10-14 stacks of might with 82% crit chance while under fury 92% crit chance if i have fury and the mob is below 50% hp
I use this build for bosses or gold mobs very high single target condition damage with good backup AoE if boss has adds. With the goggles and elixir b you should only have 6secs downtime without fury and if you go 2 fury runes on amour you should be able to keep fury up through the whole fight or most of it. Analyze also makes boss fights much easier for the whole party. I use this build for WvW while switching to the removing conditions on elixir throw. Not very good at WvW cuz my comp cant really handle it. So dont hold this build to being tested very much in WvW
Both builds bring high damage with buffing support for allies through thrown elixirs granting might. If you end up in a heavy condition fight switch 5% vitality buff to the thrown or consumed elixir removing conditions
These are mainly dungeon and event builds.
I have been using rampager’s gear since i started dpsing the spec into alchemy brings enough vit to be able to survive.
Thanks for the responses! I’m going to try a few of these build suggestions.
Casia – I do plan on making a berserker set, but right now I just don’t have the gold for it – so I need to make do for the time being. I will definitely try Berserker-aimed builds ASAP though.
Thanks for the responses! I’m going to try a few of these build suggestions.
Casia – I do plan on making a berserker set, but right now I just don’t have the gold for it – so I need to make do for the time being. I will definitely try Berserker-aimed builds ASAP though.
Understandable. CoF and.. uh.. I forget has the same stats.
i would use p + shield and pick some good dmg Kit for pvp
p + p + some kit for pve