Equinox [EqnX]
I don’t really know anything about engineers but I know that this skill obviously is bugged.
There are 2 versions of the skill atm and one of them (as shown in the video) throws up to 13 grenades instead of 6 creating 1 shots when used by a zerker engineer.
Yes, with the grenadier trait, grenades basically hit twice, which makes it super broken.
It’s described in the bug thread as follows:
“Applying the Grenadier trait causes Grenade Kit skills 1-5 to pierce their targets. The grenades will detonate as then pass through their target and when they impact their destination.”
grenades are fine
This ability with corresponding traits is flat-out broken and needs to be adjusted to be more inline with the theme of the game; that being Guild Wars and not QuakeLive.
please be working as intended
please be working as intended
o please anet let this be working as intended
on the plus side now a mes knows what its like to be insta downd after a shatter combo so great justice has been done
For PvP its broken but for PvE its fine imo:-P I definetly enjoy so much nades in one barrage. Devs can you keep number of nades and just adjust damage?.-P
Not working as the description implies. Clearly a repetition/duplication bug.
please be working as intended
please be working as intended
o please anet let this be working as intended
on the plus side now a mes knows what its like to be insta downd after a shatter combo
so great justice has been done
you cant be serious, you really want a stupidly op skill like this?
I only noticed the barrage bug when I tossed it on a group of 3 foes in PvP… They had retaliation…. I didn’t look to check…. I hit alot… I melted…. I checked combat log and was all like, “what the actual double f#/@?”
XD but the mortar auto was clearly more pressing XD
Does it only work on other players or something? Not seeing it work on monsters, the grenades only hit once when they explode even with Grenadier. Grenade skills 1-5 are still hitting up to twice though.
Edit: Ok yeah the skill is definitely hitting more than it should, 13 vulnerability procs on a WvW guard from one use(without Heavy Armor Exploit), something is definitely weird…and I like it.
(edited by ANort.1425)
Well I can only vouch for the 14 nade barrage. Nit noticed any piercing.
On “the list” since Wednesday!
Not working as the description implies. Clearly a repetition/duplication bug.
Probably there is some bug with grenadier trait cuz it should add 1 grenade but are many more greanades (more than 10, basically it hits twice)
And it’s not a double cast with kinetic charge, it’s only a single cast.
Here is the text from the bugs as we have described them in the thread:
A red hasn’t responded to the over 40 bugs we have found so far (that are both to our benefit and our detriment). Hopefully, there is a patch in the works for this evening (when a bulk of their maintenance patches go out) that will start to clear all this up.
but it is balance with 8k autoattack elem or gs guard or hulkwar or necro or mesmer
I love abusing it, but it’s too strong. I can literally sneak up on tanky warriors with stealth and chunk out 80% of their hp with grenade barrage.
They should fix this but if they sit on their hands nerfing the ridiculous op skills other classes have then they are mad.
(edited by TheGuy.3568)
cause this is the only over the top dmg problem in the game?
This bug is exactly why I run kinetic battery on my cele rifle build. More uptime on barrage instagibs is far more useful than incendiary powder to me.
Yeah I’ve noticed the insanely high damage from this, a lot of engineers trying to use it as a point-blank stealth opener in PvP atm. Of course, some of my builds seem to be keeling over from the 40 stacks of bleed that end up on me, so at first I thought it was just the new level of damage.
Worth having fun with for now, but I imagine that’ll be one of the first things on the chopping block when they finally get around to doing a good bug fix pass.
Fix this.
One shotting close to everything is pretty absurd.
Players should know when to use and when not to use things in game. Using a bugged trait like this in a competitive game mode is bad form. So just don’t do it! I would use a lot more colorful descriptions of what kind of gamer you’d be for using this but, I already received my infraction for today
sure i also cant handle the mass of engineers in pvp now
ppl basically only play engineer since that barrage does so much dmg
u cant combede that with the lowish dmg of an power ranger or an ele/mesmer no chance
not even thiefs hit that grenade barrage dmg in any form
yours sincerely QQ
Yup. Every engineer is using this at the moment.
I am not using this kit or trait until its fixed if that makes you feel better…. just be prepared to burn!
- Deschain Munroe
I basically just refuse to que up right now because of this.
Should be fixed real soon…
Game will collect dust until this is fixed.
This is ridiculous. I had an engi sneak up on me and literally 1 shot me.
Yup. Every engineer is using this at the moment.
That’s the sad thing isn’kitten Anet doesn’t do proper testing, people find something to exploit, and the next thing everyone is running the exploit thus ruining the game for everyone.
its even worse when engies are using a kittening full BUNKER build that can tank 1v2 while still doing burst damage with this kitten.
Also, I forgot to point out the irony that coated bullets was removed from the game, yet grenades were made to pierce.
Good job everyone. Good job.
Who’d of thought engi would have a bug that basically one shots anything that doesn’t have 3k toughness..
I came here to make my own thread, but upon finding this one I guess it would be better to vent here:
Any word on when this will be fixed? We got a nice mortar nerf right off the bat, meanwhile people are still being one shot by grenade barrage.
I do not in any way think that this is meant to be intentional by Arenanet. The amount of engineers running around to completely one shot enemies from stealth is just ridiculous, and a little disheartening that so many find it fun to complete abuse mechanics like this.
WvW is now full of people hopping out of a keep while stealthed, erasing a character, and running back into the keep for “lulz.”
Everyone has had a tough gank. Everyone has been deleted by a thief/mes/etc, but I’ve never been completely one shot by a single ability in the entire time I’ve played this game, until now. This interaction offers no real counterplay. As a fellow engineer, the only thing I can hope to do is spam AoEs around me and pray I proc Lock On. I realize that this build makes the engineer very squishy, but that means nothing when I auto lose the fight immediately from stealth. Not to mention, rocket boots/ Elixer S / Gear Shield provide amble ability for even an engineer with 1 health to escape.
I’ve always hated grenades, and I have stayed away from using them. This crap just makes me hate them even more.
Damage is insane 70% of our current WvW opponents backline are nade engies
im worried if they fix this it will be back to how it was prepatch. while others still goes around with buffed damage. we cant 1 shot so they take mesmer with izerk or smt.
Grenades have poor scaling with crit damage.
the only OP about them is when same target hit for both piercing and explosion damage. There is no other projectiles which can do that for a reason.
Absolutely hilarious…..
I hope they leave this in for a while just for the fun of it. Seeing 75% of the WvW zerg playing grenedes is enough to make anyone laugh!
yes, in the mean while lets give guardian staff 1 10k damage per attack too, that would be hilarious
and make ranger barrage instantly do all their damage over 1 sec, that would just be a regular hoot and a half
yes, in the mean while lets give guardian staff 1 10k damage per attack too, that would be hilarious
and make ranger barrage instantly do all their damage over 1 sec, that would just be a regular hoot and a half
guardian has always been meta in every team even in wvw all i see is staffdians
they even have highest dps when buildt for it.
paragon archtype with highest dps how unbalanced is that? no it i’sent ele fgs got nerfed.
they gutted our turrets and mortar shows that noobs on forum got too much power
im worried if they fix this it will be back to how it was prepatch. while others still goes around with buffed damage. we cant 1 shot so they take mesmer with izerk or smt.
Grenades have poor scaling with crit damage.
the only OP about them is when same target hit for both piercing and explosion damage. There is no other projectiles which can do that for a reason.
Even if you cut that damage by half post patch so it’s intended, it’s still like 10k damage out there, which is by no means low. Stop defending an exploit, and stop showing how low the community have become. It is really saddening that people rely on exploit to be successful and try to justify it because they have an easy time.
im worried if they fix this it will be back to how it was prepatch. while others still goes around with buffed damage. we cant 1 shot so they take mesmer with izerk or smt.
Grenades have poor scaling with crit damage.
the only OP about them is when same target hit for both piercing and explosion damage. There is no other projectiles which can do that for a reason.Stop defending an exploit, and stop showing how low the community have become. It is really saddening that people rely on exploit to be successful and try to justify it because they have an easy time.
Read my post. Its op how they can pierce and aoe same target.
So thats what they should fix not just kneejerk nerf it down to useless maybe even just remove piercing and increase the velocity.
but after what they nerfed mokittenamage by 28% nothing suprise me anymore.
Even if you cut that damage by half post patch so it’s intended, it’s still like 10k damage out there, which is by no means low. Stop defending an exploit, and stop showing how low the community have become. It is really saddening that people rely on exploit to be successful and try to justify it because they have an easy time.
I feel exactly the same, I’m maining an engineer and refuse to use grenade kit as long as the bug isn’t fixed. Every engi I see in PvP is defending it because it is “anets fault” to not fix it. But it is a bug and these guys are using it for their own good, that’s exploiting, even if these guys keep saying it isn’t.
Have some honor and don’t abuse this bug, guys.
Really needs to be fixed, but its hilariously easy to tell when an engi in pvp made a build purely to abuse it and a majority of the time they’re just plain terrible. Started using staff on my mesmer and don’t think I’ve been hit with Grenade Barrage since. Most of them just instinctively toss it out after magnet, even if it failed. Sort of like all the engis that reflexively use Pry Bar after magnet even when the target doesn’t get pulled.
Needs to be fixed though. There are a lot of high damage things that could probably be toned down, but few of them mean going from full to downed in a second. Being able to do it from stealth is just icing. In an older game I used to play(Dragon Nest if you’re curious), bug fixes also meant retroactive bannings (usally for a week) for people who were abusing it. Helped keep the community in line in the meantime. Of course, that’d require Anet to first address the bugs publicly before fixing them.
I hated grenades before. Now everything’s not worth using except grenades that are ridiculously strong. It’s a struggle.
Hope they decide to fix this soon. It’s pretty dumb getting one shotted for no reason in WvW lol..
Until its fixed, I’m going on strike from playing my necro. Only going to play my engineer to make it more well known how dumb this is by one shotting everyone I see.
I was in a 2v1 last night on my engineer, warrior and Necro vs me. I pulled the necro using magnet then used grenade barrage to down both… Tell me how that is not broken, Anet…
Is that really alleviating the problem though, Josh?
I think the more people get one shotted, the more people will complain, the faster it will be nerfed.
Mortar kit dealing the same amount of damage as grenade auto attacks? Better gut it by 28% a day after patch release. don’t want the precious grenade kit not being #1.
Grenade Kit piercing and throwing 13 grenades at once? Better let that stew for a couple days, who knows what could happen!
Mortar kit dealing the same amount of damage as grenade auto attacks? Better gut it by 28% a day after patch release. don’t want the precious grenade kit not being #1.
Grenade Kit piercing and throwing 13 grenades at once? Better let that stew for a couple days, who knows what could happen!
Honestly, it really calls into question their QA process. How do things like this get into the live servers? It’s incredible.
Mortar kit dealing the same amount of damage as grenade auto attacks? Better gut it by 28% a day after patch release. don’t want the precious grenade kit not being #1.
Grenade Kit piercing and throwing 13 grenades at once? Better let that stew for a couple days, who knows what could happen!
Honestly, it really calls into question their QA process. How do things like this get into the live servers? It’s incredible.
Not intentionally. The fact that this bug in particular existed before suggests that while they were changing traits and grenades around, it somehow bypassed their previous fix. Its not something they’d probably think to check for since the bug was fixed a while ago, but it makes sense that by changing the way grenades work might accidentally invalidate an older bugfix. As for how no one caught it, time seems a big factor. Take the Maim the Disillusioned trait that got changed one day after release. They were probably short on time and had a deadline already set. I’ve played games where the servers go down for maintenance for over 12 hours then get extended till the next day, people are usually not happy. At least with this method, the game is mostly up to date quickly and can be patched easily.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.