Help with Engineer WvW Turret build

Help with Engineer WvW Turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Khrome.4316


Can I get some input on the build found here:

I know I don’t have any movement (switch kits for perma swiftness, or elixers) but I don’t plan to run without a support warrior or others that can solve that issue.

With the changes to turrets, I chose the turrets that have short cooldown (flame turret was reduced a lot), added the ability for them to be ground targeted and explode on destruction. With flame turrets arc increase, i am curious the number of targets it can hit, is it limited to 5? Same with thumper turret, does it have a AOE limit?

This is mainly for small group roaming, and a little damage in larger groups.

The runes I chose were for survival, same with soldiers gear.

This is my first turret or power build. I normally role p/p with elixer.


Khrome Surzen – Human Engineer

Help with Engineer WvW Turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Hi Khrome

I’ve been playing around with turrets a bit just to try something new (usually p/p hgh elixir too). I’ve been having moderate success while with a group. Some of the overcharges are pretty useful.

Anyway, that said…Deployable Turrets trait is still borked. It’ll put the old cool down on flame turret and rocket. I see that you’re using a rifle build which is cool…but why not pick up the cool down for rifle abilities?

Condition damage is going to hurt you a bit. I’m running with a P/S or a P/P so i can get the sigil of purity just to supplement the meager condition removal that is healing turret. Also note that condition damage does work for turrets. Might be beneficial to mix some Carrion / Rabid / Rampager armor in there to take advantage of that seeing as you probably already have a set of that anyways.