Help with conditions

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Hey Engineers,
I have been playing Engi from pre-release and I absolutely love the class. I would consider myself well versed with the Engi but I still have stuff to learn.

My current build’s are based on Pow/Crit and IMO it is just working so much better than my condition build. My issue is I LOVE my pistol collection and i want to play a p/p or p/s condition build.

Are there any builds you would recommend for PvE/WvW that don’t use grenades (been there done that, my wrists hate me for it)

Videos would be awesome!

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


I am not a master or anything but have you thought about Perplexity? Static Shot and a few other skills it could work very well. We have quite a few stuns, Taking Shield alone is worth 3 if used right. Combined with being an Asura you have several other skills for stuns and confusion. IF it works with Transformations, EX would be a solid shot as well

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have been looking at Perplexity, I will have to do some testing first but I just wonder how many stacks you could really get. Anyone who runs a confusion build want to chime in?

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


I have been looking at Perplexity, I will have to do some testing first but I just wonder how many stacks you could really get. Anyone who runs a confusion build want to chime in?

Experience from my Mesmer, i can have more then 100% duration, i can spike stacks upwards of 17+ and everyone says that Engi are better at Confusion so i would assume it would be higher, Just running with FL and offhand Shield gives 4 interrupts if used right

if Tornado and Rampage interrupts (Elixir X) can proc it then you could possibly spike to 25 if done right i would think. Rocket Turret overload could be an interrupt every 2 seconds for 7 seconds on a 20second cool down but the turret itself has a 50second basic cool down as well as :

Slick Shoes interrupt
Battering Ram interrupt
Thumper Turret interrupt

Bomb Kit has interrupt and Confusion skill
Toolbelt has confusion skill
Pistol Man Hand has confusion skill

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have been looking at Perplexity, I will have to do some testing first but I just wonder how many stacks you could really get. Anyone who runs a confusion build want to chime in?

Experience from my Mesmer, i can have more then 100% duration, i can spike stacks upwards of 17+ and everyone says that Engi are better at Confusion so i would assume it would be higher, Just running with FL and offhand Shield gives 4 interrupts if used right

if Tornado and Rampage interrupts (Elixir X) can proc it then you could possibly spike to 25 if done right i would think. Rocket Turret overload could be an interrupt every 2 seconds for 7 seconds on a 20second cool down but the turret itself has a 50second basic cool down as well as :

Slick Shoes interrupt
Battering Ram interrupt
Thumper Turret interrupt

Bomb Kit has interrupt and Confusion skill
Toolbelt has confusion skill
Pistol Man Hand has confusion skill

Im going to try this, any thoughts as to the build? im assuming a 30/30/x/x/x just for the condition duration?

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Im going to try this, any thoughts as to the build? im assuming a 30/30/x/x/x just for the condition duration?

Juat remember that the 30% duration from the rune set is bugged and as yet hasnt been fixed (as far as i know) Traits wise i think it would depend partially at least on what utilities and elite you are taking as well. You have traits for chance for Bleed and Vul which though doesnt help condition damage does help your overall damage a bit.

Other then that i wouldnt really know, I am sure there are builds about for it though.

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: Decklan.7540


If you’re going condition, you need to just go p/s and get runes of perplexity. You don’t have to go grenade kit, you can go bomb kit/tool kit/rocket boots I guess, dunno, the standard perplexity build is bomb kit/grenade kit/(insert rocket boots or elixir gun).

Not talking about theory here. Everything looks great on paper. I do a lot of wvw roaming and I get killed by every engineer with a shield running perplexity no matter how many of their conditions I cleanse. I eventually lose out the war of attrition as they amount of confusion they can apply, in addition to a projectile reflect, just defeats me each time.

Sure, I’d go p/s and switch it up, but I hate shield. I hate the way it looks, I can’t stand its animations, and captain america was one of my least favorite comic book characters. It’s sad, but p/p is really in a bad state right now when compared to p/s.

The reasoning is pretty much blowtorch and incendiary power. With IP and Bomb Kit a pistol/shield engineer can easily apply burn to an opponent, while also providing a flame field that they can blast finish themselves with their shield.

All p/p gives you is another way to stack burn with blowtorch and a horribly slow moving snare/root aoe. Off-hand pistol needs something to stand out from off-hand shield, something unique that an engineer can only get by equipping an off-hand pistol. Right now, there is no point, and it sucks.

There are so many things they could do to increase the effectiveness off off-hand pistol and not make it overpowered. If it provided some bleed stacks, I think it would be well worth it, especially if it was a decent amount. Right now, the only access engineers have to a powerful bleed (please note how I said powerful bleed here, I’m not talking about elixir guns bleed or explosive shot) are shrapnel grenade which provides three stacks and blunderbuss which I think provides 5 (I forget). Shrapnel Grenade is a kit and can be easily accessed by a pistol/shield engineer, and blunderbuss is on the rifle, which is more suited towards power/control builds.

Off-hand pistol really needs something to stand out from the crowd. As it is right now, it’s just another neat looking weapon.

And yes, I am well aware of maskganda’s p/p build, but I still believe, his build/rune choice/gear choice would do better as a p/s build. In fact, I tried it myself and had greater results, I didn’t miss blowtorch at all. Then I saw myself holding a shield and wanted to reroll.

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Oh man I love my shield something about a medium armored class with a gun and a shield is just so unique to the RPG genre. If elder scrolls had pistols I would play a p/s lol.

I do agree that off hand pistol needs some love and I would really like more access to bleeds (w/o nades)

Thanks for al the feedback guys I would have never truer the confusion build. Now to sink about 10g into runes that will probably see a nerf soon lol (just my luck not saying they are op)

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: Decklan.7540


Now to sink about 10g into runes that will probably see a nerf soon lol (just my luck not saying they are op)

No, they are indeed OP. Two of the best engineer roamers, Koroshi and Yishi, use them right now. In fact Koroshi started a thread on the WvW sub-forum to bring up the incredible amount of power they bring and many people agreed with him.

Like I said though, you will need to use pistol/shield to get it’s full effect.

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Op for one class one buld, I’m optimistic that they won’t get nerfed lol (sarcasm)

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: Decklan.7540


Have you seen a thief run it with this? (This skill has no cooldown btw and is only limited by initiative)

Or perhaps a warrior run it with this?

Trust me, it’s one of the most ridiculous rune sets anet has added to the game. Someone even made a build for this rune set for the ranger.

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Man I hope it’s sticks around for a while I really enjoy the playstyle so far (and I found the runes for 4g)

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


I can get between 15-20 stacks on bad players who don’t block/dodge/stabo etc.. They are becoming less powerful now that many players are expecting the interrupts. There might still be a case where you could spread confusion in a zerg with AoE interupts and a Necro plaguing. The novelty has pretty much worn off for me in small man though.

I will say that since I’ve been doing some PvE for the dragonite, they are pretty powerful against AI.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]