Hiding backpack/Kit idle animations

Hiding backpack/Kit idle animations

in Engineer

Posted by: Talloc.6835


I love the engineer. No, really, the class is awesome. I keep coming back to it once my altitis dies down. I have a few problems with how the class is now, but I’m sure a lot of the issues engineers face right now will be addressed in the coming months.

One thing I’ve been hoping for is the ability to hide our backpacks. For some races, such as human females, their heads clip pretty badly through some of them. Another large issue is that your backpack you get for grenades at level 5 is the same one you’ll have at level 80. I really like some of the leather armor, and it’s a shame I can’t really see it while I’m running around because my backpack is covering it up.

That brings me to another thing I was wondering would be fixed. Right now, while in a kit you’re always in your combat ready stance. For some reason, it really bugs me. It’s not like the wrench or flamethrower couldn’t be sheathed on your waist/back.

I know that silly cosmetic things must be way on the backburner while they clear up launch issues and bugged abilities, but having just a few simple changes to the aesthetic would go a long way.

Hiding backpack/Kit idle animations

in Engineer

Posted by: A Volcano.2510

A Volcano.2510

I second this.

Backpacks look lumpy and stupid and should be able to be hidden.

That is all…

Hiding backpack/Kit idle animations

in Engineer

Posted by: Bassanium.6314


I’d love to see the idle animation on kits fixed. It’s awkward standing about with grenade kit equipped and seeing my character is all hunched over as if he’s ready to deck someone.

Hiding backpack/Kit idle animations

in Engineer

Posted by: Araushnee.1852


I really hate how the backpacks look too. I want to look more like a lady instead of a mad scientist. I wish I could change the appearance of the flamethrower and elixir gun too, I rather have something more elegant. But then again, it is hard to find weapons that aren’t massive and over the top for some weapon types (especially GS). >.<

Also if I do have a back piece on it gets covered by the backpack, or worse it clips. Hair clipping is annoying too. It just seems odd that we can have an option for a back piece and we can’t use it if we are using a kit.

Gamer Gal

Hiding backpack/Kit idle animations

in Engineer

Posted by: WithoutAssumption.7936


The forced combat stance is actually really useful for Charr, since the outside of combat running animation can make jumping hard.

Hiding backpack/Kit idle animations

in Engineer

Posted by: Electro.4173


Just stow the kit when not in combat. I always do. Combat ends, I hit weapon swap to take off the kit and then stow my weapon. I doubt they’re ever going to give kits non-combat idle animations, because nothing else in the game thats not a normal weapon has them either (stuff like stuff you find lying on the ground, conjured weapons, ect, you’re always in combat stance when holding anything besides a normal weapon). It would be nice, but… I’m not holding my breath.

Hiding backpack/Kit idle animations

in Engineer

Posted by: Aleksander.2965



Two threads asking for an option to hide the kits’ backpacks. If you like give those a bump with your support of the idea or make a suggestion yourself.