Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement
:X no more hobo sacks plz. I’d love to play my engi more if this was possible.
Some pretty interesting ideas here. I was actually spit-balling some ideas on how to address this today. This has always been something that has bothered me, too.
For example:
- Have kits respect the existing back item flag. If you have a back item and you want to show it, hide the kit. If you don’t have a back item or choose to hide it, always show the kit. Obviously this makes it a little harder than usual to tell what kit you are using, so:
- A nameplate icon similar to Elemental Attunements would be a good addition (I may add this regardless if we can get the art
- Move the kit somewhere else on your body. I know, crazy right? For example, who doesn’t like a sweet fanny-pack?
Hopefully this finally gets resolved soon, and I’ll do what I can to see that happen. Keep in mind, as Colin mentioned before, that there are some pretty beefy projects going on that are consuming our engineering time. But that doesn’t exactly mean we can’t sneak stuff in here and there
I realize I am late to the party but since this has always bugged me too I want to chime in.
I like the Utility Belt idea, ala Batman, whatever. Somewhat large canisters on the sides when using Flamethrower, grenades when using grenades, etc. Also, perhaps get rid of the hunch over stance/run.
That is a lot of work for art/animation, I don’t expect to see it happen, just wishful thinking.
Another shameless bump to keep dev attention.
I know we are the least played and least popular class but considering all the resources you have saved by recycling teq2.0 and recycling halloween and now spamming us with more unpopular krait instead of continuing the elder dragon story line…
Can you please give us the option to be rid of the oh so ugly Hobo Sacks
I’ll hop on the shameless bandwagon of bumping!
I almost never get on the forum but for this I did!
I main a Thief, got 1500+ hours on him but I took a break from GW2. Came back and saw my sexy mustache man engineer and thought I’d give him some attention.
The annoying thing about the hobosacks for me is it really does not match most armors AT ALL.
I saw a suggestion of having different themes of backpacks depending on your chestpiece or weapons. That’s fine but will take a lot of new skins.
The solution I would love to see is that EVERY RACE gets its OWN backpack skin. So there would have to be 5 skins for grenade kit.
Asura could have hightech stuff
Sylvari could have a plant backpack
Norn could have a leather backpack with pelts and bones or something hanging from them
Charr would have leather packs/steel boxes with studs or flamey/steamy bits.
Humans can have a mix of the current hobosack with norn and charr bits.
For legendary weapons you could just add some blingbling to the new and racial engineer backpacks. Like an engineer with Predator would have a flamey backpack and the appropriate footfalls ofcourse.
Yes there will have to be some drawing and programming done, but this seems to be the least intense way of solving the current hobosack crisis! Just 5 skins per kit and you will have solved it for all eternity!
As I stated in another topic, classes should get a menu similar to the PvP finisher menu to costumize their skills. After all, Guild Wars is about customization, right?
Simply select charr or asuran skill skin. Or Aetherblade, for exemple.
We have some art material, ready to be used! We even have a 3D model for an asuran FT already!
Totally agree. For a game that is meant to be about cosmetics, we sure lack the options. The character creation is VERY poor. Limited options and the choices seem to make NO difference in gameplay what so ever.
Mesmers – Should be able to change the style and colour of the butterfly effects on so many of the skills. Like allow them to change to Ravens and such and change the colour to black, grey, blue, green or what other colour they want.
Necromancers – Change minion appearance? Maybe even Lich form appearance?
Elementalist – Change appearance of the summoned elementals,
Not sure about the other classes as i dont play any of the others. Engineer wise – Change the appearance of kits and turrets as well as skill appearance.
Am I the only one that likes these things? Or at least have no problems with them?
Would much prefer they sorted out the gameplay issues or design some more shotgun like “rifles” to suit my engineer more.
BUMP because the hobosack has to be burned
Eh, I have yet to speak up here, but I have to agree it was a bad design decision. It could almost be tolerable if we could change the color or something. Potato sack brown is abysmal.
Dont know if its been state already, but heres my idea.
You change the current backpacks to a form of some pouch on the front as they were suggesting. However, when you switch to a kit, you retain youre weapon in your hand.
For grenades you will simply throw them with your off hand.
For bombs, you hold your weapon and place the bomb.
For elixirgun and flamethrower, youre weapon either has a greenish glow around it for elixir gun, or has a small flame effect for flamethrower
Just add Option: “Hobosacks: Show/hide” that would do the trick.
shameless bump!
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
At least make our kits dyeable…
Perhaps it’s shallow, but I too would be more willing to play my Engi if the hobosack was non-existent.
I’d also really like to make a Sylvari Engi, but the hobosacks look especially terrible on them. If we could at least customize our hobosack in some way, or get race-specific ones, that would be just spiffy keen.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
Sack the sack! SACK THE SACK!
Bump until it’s removed.
These sacks are why I never buy any of the nice skins from the gem store for my Engi because they ruin the “Engi look”. No doubt there are others that think exactly the same, just look at this thread, and Anet is missing out on revenue due to this.
For a game whose content is almost entirely based on skins its pretty sad how little attention these details get.
Not like it’s been over a year since the game came out or anything… ;_;
Save the engineer. Remove the hobosack!
I’d go for a customizable hobosack.
The hobosack needs to toggle on/off.
as an asura engineer, i have no complaints because they are not goofy and oversized.
as an asura engineer, i have no complaints because they are not goofy and oversized.
But you never see your backslot item.
my backslot item is the starting engineer item. they look similar so i don’t care much. i completely understand what you guys are saying though and am for change.
I’m seriously considering buying two separate gem store armor sets just for pants and shoes for my engi.
But why spend that much on my look until the hobosacks are gone?
So, how many gems will you spend when this change finally happens? I’m sitting at about 1600.
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
The Hobo-Sack has been a thorn in my eye for the last 79 levels. It clashes with many great sets of medium armor, has clipping-errors, etc… If only we were able to either hide or select the colors of the sack, a lot of broken outfits would be corrected.
The ultimate solution would be to have additional skins for the sack, of course.
I really like the idea of alternating location of the kits on the body. We have a Toolbelt which apparently discharges a BoB from a belt, and an enormous cache of grenades from a belt… why not have a side-satchel for grenades and bombs? Is it a sad state of affairs that I would be happier with a manpurse than a hobosack? Perhaps, but there we have it.
It’s been over 8 months. Give it up guys. Hobosacks will ruin our lives till the dusk of our existance
Show/hide toggle, and an icon like attenuement would be nice if devs want us to see wich kit is used.
Now U know how i feel, change it pls, im running with potatoes bag, weee… No fun at all -,-
server jumper
(edited by Witaminka.4650)
+1 for the show hide toggle something on the nameplate showing which kit is in use.
Another very easy fix for the devs is to just scale down the hobosacks to a more reasonable size. It would literally just be changing a single number in 4 places in the code (no need to adjust the scale of Asura hobosacks).
1) hide toggle
if not;
2) reasonable amount of kit skins (less ugly than what we have atm)
if not;
3) ability to dye hobosacks until 1 or/and 2 happens
4) all of the above.
Show/hide toggle, and an icon like attenuement would be nice if devs want us to see wich kit is used.
This seems so easy that I don’t understand why it hasn’t been implemented yet. The icon similar to the attunement icon would solve all the ‘issues’ with being able to tell which kit we are in. Even though that argument is very weak in my opinion.
This one is getting bumped! Please fix this!
The hobo sacks are great!
At level 1-10. Seriously they need to do something and the easiest “something” would simply to drop them. Just putting the rifle, grenade, flamethrower, elixir gun, and wrench in my hand is good enough.
Show/hide toggle, and an icon like attenuement would be nice if devs want us to see wich kit is used.
yes, this ^
or make the kits super smaller, so we can see our back pack skins.
What about a toggle that only showed it gone for US and not our enemies? “Hide ugly brown sack on self” or something. That way enemies still get all of that …incredibly critical info that the sack seems to be conveying but we don’t have to see the stupid thing.
Another idea would be to “minimize” the kits.
For example:
Grenade Kits: Put those stick grenades on the characters waist.
Med Kit: Put medical tools such as healing potion or a little medkit box on the characters waist.
Elixir Gun: Put vials of potions on character’s waist.
Tool Kit: Put little tools such as screw driver, box of nails, or a tool satchel on character’s waist.
Bomb Kit: A bandoleer of bombs.
Flamethrower: Can’t think of anything for this, might have to keep the gas tank.
Could always integrate the gas tank with the flamethrower. It’s not like that’d be the only technically improbable thing Engineers do.
Bill Freist, is there is status update on this?
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
It’s been 3 months since the last dev statement on this, which was spreading quite some hope. Any news?
It would be a good chance to make up for the IP change …
(Bump for Glint’s sake)
We WILL keep graciously suggesting these suggestions until something is done.
-fix/tweak turrets
-properly scale kit dmg to include ascended weapons
-fix/tweak mortar
-Less gimmicky – more competitive changes to traits and skills
-Hobo Sacks- ANY of the suggestions toward sacks will be greatly appreciated and loved…… like “Throwing money at your sexy faces” type of love.
(edited by Cabpoint.5826)
I don’t know the policy about this very well. Are we allowed to have someone PM Bill Freist and ask him for an update?
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
I just made my first engineer yesterday and i have to say i was immediately put off by the hobosacks lol. Nice to see i’m not the only one and hope a change comes soon! I would prefer the toggle on/off option the best :]
Some comments in this thread really made my day
I agree, the reign the hobosack must come to an end. My version of this is to make kit skins. They could make dungeon themed kit skins which could be bought with tokens and some to the current LS theme and put it into the gemstore. Then there could be cultural versions and so on.There are a lot of solutions but this seems the best for me.
Don’t bind it to the chest armor. Some might complain about it and since the game is about cosmetics, changing them would mean a chest armor change which might not fit the armor of the character.
What if they just made it so that, while packs are toggled on as visible, hobosacks do not show at all. So if you want nothing at all to show you should be able to just use an invisible back skin like the Spineguard.
I actually deleted my little Engi, because the hobosacks were cutting her head in half and it drove me insane every time I played her.
Please fix this, so I can give Engineer a fair shake.
By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!
Fix hobo sacks.
Fix mortars.
Fix ascended weapons.
Fix turrets.
Fix useless traits.
hobo sacks also cut through all exclusive hair styles including half of the characters head.
give hide option please.
Wow. Please. PLEASE PLEASE Let engineers hide this. I’d love to play my engi more.
Please make a statement on this.
There’s nothing I hate more than whipping out my flamethrower and having this larger than me disgusting thing on my back.
We pay for back items we never see. PLEASE!!
can’t let it go, gotta bump it!