(edited by lakdav.3694)
Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement
Well it MIGHT not be crippling.. but it also cant be dismissed…specially not in this game where visuals are a VERY important part of the gameplay. Why else you would have transmutation crystals, a vast collection of colours AND skins for armor and weapons to your disposal. You have all those things to make it possible for you to have an amazing looking avatar the way you wanna have it (within the limitations of weapon and armor class of course). So… that out of the way comes the 1 million dollar question. If i can customise\colour pretty much any visible piece of armor\weapon… WHY cant i do the same to the weapons that pretty much are a major part of the engineer? I think nobody would even complain about the kits if you couldnt colour\transmute pretty much everything else (cept the (normal) back pieces..and i hope also that gets added someday).
Some pretty interesting ideas here. I was actually spit-balling some ideas on how to address this today. This has always been something that has bothered me, too.
For example:
- Have kits respect the existing back item flag. If you have a back item and you want to show it, hide the kit. If you don’t have a back item or choose to hide it, always show the kit. Obviously this makes it a little harder than usual to tell what kit you are using, so:
- A nameplate icon similar to Elemental Attunements would be a good addition (I may add this regardless if we can get the art
- Move the kit somewhere else on your body. I know, crazy right? For example, who doesn’t like a sweet fanny-pack?
Hopefully this finally gets resolved soon, and I’ll do what I can to see that happen. Keep in mind, as Colin mentioned before, that there are some pretty beefy projects going on that are consuming our engineering time. But that doesn’t exactly mean we can’t sneak stuff in here and there
If you make my Engineer ware a fany pack i’m going to go play EvE or something.
The argument of to have a kit or not have a kit is really not the big issue. The Issue is this; Who ever thought that having a low lvl looking kit have the same appearance for the life of your character even though your gear and weapons change in appearance was on drugs or recovering from an all night benger.
I mean seriously if this is all your art team can come up with than they need a vacation or something.
10/10 would read again.
I love my “Hobo sacks”, actually.
To be honest, I’m not sure why you would make a character that you know suit the profession.
I understand that you probably really wanted to make a sylvari and you also really wanted your main( or whatever) to be an engineer, but you really need to consider that every class has its cosmetic features.
You don’t hear my complain about my necromancer having green particles or a scythe shadow thingie on my staff. Or complaining that my Ranger’s most efficient pet is ugly. Or that I don’t like the fire element on my Elementalist because it doesn’t match the colour of his suit. Or that I want purple energy fields for my guardian and blue particles on my mesmer.
You get my drift.
Some pretty interesting ideas here. I was actually spit-balling some ideas on how to address this today. This has always been something that has bothered me, too.
For example:
- Have kits respect the existing back item flag. If you have a back item and you want to show it, hide the kit. If you don’t have a back item or choose to hide it, always show the kit. Obviously this makes it a little harder than usual to tell what kit you are using, so:
- A nameplate icon similar to Elemental Attunements would be a good addition (I may add this regardless if we can get the art
- Move the kit somewhere else on your body. I know, crazy right? For example, who doesn’t like a sweet fanny-pack?
Hopefully this finally gets resolved soon, and I’ll do what I can to see that happen. Keep in mind, as Colin mentioned before, that there are some pretty beefy projects going on that are consuming our engineering time. But that doesn’t exactly mean we can’t sneak stuff in here and there
Sorry this is a very late quote but I absolutely ADORE the idea of a fanny-pack instead!
10/10 would read again.
I love my “Hobo sacks”, actually.
To be honest, I’m not sure why you would make a character that you know suit the profession.
I understand that you probably really wanted to make a sylvari and you also really wanted your main( or whatever) to be an engineer, but you really need to consider that every class has its cosmetic features.
You don’t hear my complain about my necromancer having green particles or a scythe shadow thingie on my staff. Or complaining that my Ranger’s most efficient pet is ugly. Or that I don’t like the fire element on my Elementalist because it doesn’t match the colour of his suit. Or that I want purple energy fields for my guardian and blue particles on my mesmer.You get my drift.
A magic effect or a pet is NOT a kit that is ductaped to your avatar´s back, covers up most of it(and removes your existing backpiece (if you got one) and your equipped weapons in the process), makes you constantly stare at it all time and most likely clashes all the time with your armor colours. A kit could be considered a part of your armor and your weapon at the same time. So how does your necro staff look? Still like your starter staff? Or how does your ranger pet look? Still the starter? No? Of course you dont complain.. you CAN change it. Magic effects are designed so that they look powerfull regardless of the level…while the engineer kits look weak and like the most basic equipment you can get. While your engineer levels up.. gets better armor and firearms or shields the kits remain the bare bones of basic.. heck you cant even colour it so that it fits with your choice of armor colour. THAT is the issue.
Here’s hoping they’re still planning on letting me (even if it costs gems) look as good on my engineer as I do on all of my other characters. Hobosack is a perfect term for them, and they’ve either got to be hidden at times or able to be dyed.
Edit: Coming from a Human Engi who is tired of having half of her head inside a sack. C’mon my hair isn’t that bad looking!
(edited by LanaKane.8035)
Death to the hobosacks!
I don’t use any kits besides Flamethrower, just beacuse its the only one that looks remotely decent and fits the weapon, rather then being a bag thats so packed full of sheer junk, you have to hang your toilet brush holders off the side of the bag.
I think the hobosacks should be removed, and instead, we should be given a graphic of the weapon we’re using. Example: Grenade kit. Hold a grenade, throw grenade, and it makes it more clear towards what kit is being used in PvP.
For example, currently, if you run into a engineer in pvp, the only way to tell what kit they are using, is to wait for them to attack, or count the amount of toilet roll holders hanging off the hobosack. Ive played engineer, and still only know Med and Flamethrower by look.
Hobo sack…. Let us cover them. How about the nice faux fur look? I mean they look just as classy as a dash cover.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
Well since I main engineer and this topic has been around for ages, I figure I should report in.
The way I see it, Are Hobosacks a bit of a eyesore? Sure. Do I notice it while playing? Nah, I’m focused on the gameplay. Do Hobosacks ruin my Legendary (Quip) because they don’t have special effects? Nope. The effects we have are good enough. More are welcome of course but I’m fine with what we have.
I get everyone’s opinion on the subject, but to me it’s old hat and small fish. I would rather development time and energy be put into fixing bugs, fine tuning mechanics and creating new skills.
Yes, it’s a problem. It’s not crippling, it’s not class-ruining, it’s not even all that serious.
It’s still annoying and should be changed.
Crippling? No. Class ruining, in a game where aesthetics is one of the largest factors behind endgame rewards and real money transactions? Why yes, yes it is very class ruining, actually.
You basically have a choice- destroy the aesthetics of your character by running around with a hobosack that clashes with 90% of the armor you can wear, including some of the most difficult to get and certainly the most costly, as well as rendering useless any backpiece rewards you are given or purchase… OR, kitten your character by never using kits ever.
I’ve shelved my Engineer until the patch that hides these things finally goes through. If forced to choose between aesthetics or gameplay, I’ll choose option C) play something else until I can have my cake and eat it, too.
(edited by Tolmos.8395)
- Still like the ele attunement icon idea if you decide to hide the hobo-sack.
- Another thought. Maybe have kit graphics be more driven by the race of the engi? As an Asura, some of the kit art (not just the sacks) seems very Human and Charr influenced (Read: crude). Maybe have the T3 cultural weapon person sell something that is effectively a kit skin to replace the default stuff? While this still competes with the notion of using backpiece skins (a popular meta reward) I’d seriously pause if my Engi Kits could suddenly have a more Asuran aesthetic.
- Recently switched to the Storm Wizard backpack skin on a whim. Dear lord, the clipping. Make it stop.
- Sorta unrelated, but as many of us also use shields, the option to hide them while not in combat/drawn would also be nice.
- Also recently got The Quip. The grenade barrage change is a nice touch, but it would still be nice to see a more complete graphical integration of legendaries and kits (aside from the not getting damage value issue).
(edited by digitalruse.9085)
I guess I found a way round the hobo sacks. You guys know how I refer to the white sacks hanging off the Grenade Kit as “Toilet Brush Holders”? Ive said in a few places, but when I was looking at them, I realized they look more like rolls of toilet paper. So I decided to work the minor detail into my Engineer’s backstory that she has an Obsessive Cleaning Disorder, and carries round a ton of tissues with her to wipe up any dirt she finds. Explains the toilet rolls. Not sure why she’d keep them in the same place as her grenades though.
When you attach something to it, you can find a way round anything by laughing at it. Ugly hobo sack becomes the container for a crazy pyromaniac’s cleaning supplies. Sometimes im worried she’ll accidentally reach in and pull out and throw a bottle of bleach at them instead of a grenade in PvP on accident.
(edited by Argon.1563)
Or throw the toilet papers instead of a grenade like a bad halloween trick… Should inflict confusion for 5 seconds, or stun the enemy who cant help but rofl at the engi…
The hobo sack is a shame to the class. SHAME I say!
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
Look anet… If anything, plz make the clipping stop! When I equip the grenade kit or the bomb kit, the top of the packs clip half way into my character’s head! If you plan on never changing our hobosacks, plz give us the courtesy of making the ones we have interact correctly with current assets!
One more month and this thread will turn one year old.
Happy birthday thread! May you live long!
We need to hold a 1st year anniversary party, bring cake and party hobo-hats.
One more month and this thread will turn one year old.
Happy birthday thread! May you live long!
dunno if its sad or awesome… well lets settle at sawesome for the time beeing. But yea.. its not like ANYBODY asks for fixes here or something a-net. Its for sure really hard to see when its constantly on the first page and most of the day time the first to 5th topic…. ugh.. >_<
One more month and this thread will turn one year old.
Happy birthday thread! May you live long!
I would rather have it die in a month with the issue it is related to being fixed.
They should make it a belt. If pvp is an issue, make it big or glowing differently or whatever.
Can we have this fast, please ? I am so tired after 1100 hours of looking at my indistinguished variety of hobosacks. 2 days of drawign three different belts should be enough, no ?
Thanks guys, otherwise a fantastic game!
One more month and this thread will turn one year old.
Happy birthday thread! May you live long!
I would rather have it die in a month with the issue it is related to being fixed.
We’ll probably be celebrating its 2 and 3 year anniversaries together. The only thing likely to cause that not to happen is if the thread gets closed or deleted. :-\
In a game that is supposed to be about skins and vanity progression they should have at least implemented a toggle on/off by now.
Have you ever seen a human female in T3 or dualist with a stupid kitten hobosack on her back? Completely ruins the look of those sets.
Toggle on/off please – Easy fix!
I can’t believe how shallow you all are.
Out of all the problems for the Engineer, which impact that game on a technical standpoint heavily, all of you are more concerned over a backpack than something with meat on it’s bones?
Why is this thread over 500 responses with 40k views but every other thread barely squeaks over 50 of the same problems combined?
If you really think your game has been ruined because you can’t see your “fluffy candy butt” and not because of core game mechanics, I got a line for you.
“You can’t see the forest or the trees”. I’d say “forest for the trees” but that would be giving you all to much credit on critical thinking skills.
I can’t believe how shallow you all are.
Out of all the problems for the Engineer, which impact that game on a technical standpoint heavily, all of you are more concerned over a backpack than something with meat on it’s bones?
Why is this thread over 500 responses with 40k views but every other thread barely squeaks over 50 of the same problems combined?
If you really think your game has been ruined because you can’t see your “fluffy candy butt” and not because of core game mechanics, I got a line for you.
“You can’t see the forest or the trees”. I’d say “forest for the trees” but that would be giving you all to much credit on critical thinking skills.
You need to calm down, really. There’s no need to insult the intelligence of so many players in such a holier than thou board stroke. You’re in the minority here..
The fact is, with many of the meta rewards being back pieces, us Engineers relying on kits so often makes that redundant to a point.
I would like to enjoy my wind catcher or my antitoxin injector backpack (ESPECIALLY this one) as much as any other profession.
Thank you.
I can’t believe how shallow you all are.
Out of all the problems for the Engineer, which impact that game on a technical standpoint heavily, all of you are more concerned over a backpack than something with meat on it’s bones?
Why is this thread over 500 responses with 40k views but every other thread barely squeaks over 50 of the same problems combined?
If you really think your game has been ruined because you can’t see your “fluffy candy butt” and not because of core game mechanics, I got a line for you.
“You can’t see the forest or the trees”. I’d say “forest for the trees” but that would be giving you all to much credit on critical thinking skills.
“Omg, someone else in the game wants something that I don’t want and expressed an opinion I don’t agree with! Let’s make personal jabs at them, in order to express my selfishness in a meaningful and intelligent way! They won’t be able to argue with me calling them a ‘poopie head’! heeheehee”
I can’t believe how shallow you all are.
Out of all the problems for the Engineer, which impact that game on a technical standpoint heavily, all of you are more concerned over a backpack than something with meat on it’s bones?
Why is this thread over 500 responses with 40k views but every other thread barely squeaks over 50 of the same problems combined?
If you really think your game has been ruined because you can’t see your “fluffy candy butt” and not because of core game mechanics, I got a line for you.
“You can’t see the forest or the trees”. I’d say “forest for the trees” but that would be giving you all to much credit on critical thinking skills.
Did I mention this entire game is supposed to be based on horizontal/vanity/skins progression? Oh, that’s right – I did.
Quit being so petty complaining about silly matters such as game mechanics and get on board with the things that matter most in THIS game. ;-)
This outburst doesn’t make any sense to begin with. As if we can’t want cosmetic issues as well as mechanic issues fixed…
Jade Quarry
I can’t believe how shallow you all are.
Out of all the problems for the Engineer, which impact that game on a technical standpoint heavily, all of you are more concerned over a backpack than something with meat on it’s bones?
Why is this thread over 500 responses with 40k views but every other thread barely squeaks over 50 of the same problems combined?
If you really think your game has been ruined because you can’t see your “fluffy candy butt” and not because of core game mechanics, I got a line for you.
“You can’t see the forest or the trees”. I’d say “forest for the trees” but that would be giving you all to much credit on critical thinking skills.
Did I mention this entire game is supposed to be based on horizontal/vanity/skins progression? Oh, that’s right – I did.
Quit being so petty complaining about silly matters such as game mechanics and get on board with the things that matter most in THIS game. ;-)
You do know this thread is 11 months old and it is still getting fresh posts? The hobo sacks might fit your characters motif, but not all of ours. Like the user above said, we can want both, and this issue has been wanting change for a very, very long time.
- Move the kit somewhere else on your body. I know, crazy right? For example, who doesn’t like a sweet fanny-pack?
Hopefully this finally gets resolved soon, and I’ll do what I can to see that happen. Keep in mind, as Colin mentioned before, that there are some pretty beefy projects going on that are consuming our engineering time. But that doesn’t exactly mean we can’t sneak stuff in here and there
A bit late but: I really support this idea: I think a belt which shows your kits can be better. It could have grenades hanging on them, a gas tank hanging on your hips for FT, or bags with blackpowder for bomb kit for example.
This would also fit the “Toolbelt” system
I can’t believe how shallow you all are.
Out of all the problems for the Engineer, which impact that game on a technical standpoint heavily, all of you are more concerned over a backpack than something with meat on it’s bones?
Why is this thread over 500 responses with 40k views but every other thread barely squeaks over 50 of the same problems combined?
If you really think your game has been ruined because you can’t see your “fluffy candy butt” and not because of core game mechanics, I got a line for you.
“You can’t see the forest or the trees”. I’d say “forest for the trees” but that would be giving you all to much credit on critical thinking skills.
Did I mention this entire game is supposed to be based on horizontal/vanity/skins progression? Oh, that’s right – I did.
Quit being so petty complaining about silly matters such as game mechanics and get on board with the things that matter most in THIS game. ;-)
You do know this thread is 11 months old and it is still getting fresh posts? The hobo sacks might fit your characters motif, but not all of ours. Like the user above said, we can want both, and this issue has been wanting change for a very, very long time.
Sorry – sarcasm doesn’t come through a post very well. Of course we can ask for both, that was kind of my point. I hate the hobosack and want to keep this thread alive.
I was just giving the guy a hard time because it seems rediculous to me that someone is bothered about ONE thread dedicated to this issue.
How about updating the looks of the engineer in general?
Hobo sacks and outdated technology are a joke, both lore wise and logic wise.
But hey we are happily ignored by the devs these days it seems, way to go devs…
Might this be a repeat of old queries, but I’d wish engineers get stowing animations for their kit tools.
On my Norn even the shield clips. I use speedy kits and I keep flipping the kits on and off while running the map just to avoid stating at the toilet paper rolls on the hobo sack. I should look like a battle hardened technician not the most robust of housecleaners.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
Free us from our poverty stricken looks! I want to be pretty like all the other professions, but no… please stop making my eng cry every time he walks by a mirror with a kit equipped :_(
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
This would make playing engineer so much more enjoyable…hate the way the “hobosacks” look. great name for them btw.
Having a toggle to display them on/off would be nice. If I have to wear a backpack though I’d be ok with that if they weren’t so huge. They clip right through the back of my Norn’s head and hair. I think a lot of people would be happy too if they were smaller and didn’t dominate a character’s appearance.
I would love to see these ugly brown backpacks go away.
Having my level 80 engineer dyed in white/blue really gets destroyed when i equip a kit
*BUMP to first place spot.
Because it deserves no less…..
+1 (would +2 if I could)
I can’t wear my jetpack, or my SAB back items.
I am forced into the zephyr backpack so I don’t get clipping
i love my hobosack, i would love it even more if it was dyeable.
but i can understand you guys and truley hope that this thread gets the necessary attention.
its the small things that make one love a game, its the small things that aren´t cared of that make one frustrated.
An option to have hobosacks off is all engineers need.
My Jetpack integrates with all my hobo sacks, and is just blah to see
you are alone – no one reads this wall of text
Well, it’s nearly been a year. Can Anet finally get over their imaginary problem that without a visual cue people will insta-die vs engineers?
I must say i kind of like the hobosacks. Although after having seen the other thread where people show their engineer i understand why they dislike it.
But sofar on my Charr i am keeping a nature look, with leathery brown colours and with that the hobosack works just perfect, and one of the reasons i like the engineer. I love having the FT sack and bombkit sack with that big powderkeg, and the grenade kit with the grenades hanging on them.
I do wish we could colour the sacks though
Well, it’s nearly been a year. Can Anet finally get over their imaginary problem that without a visual cue people will insta-die vs engineers?
Visual cues… Meanwhile the rest of PvP’ers are asuras with barely anything that shows what they’re doing so much they’re tiny. :P
I love my hobo sacks! Not stoked on the idea of fanny packs. Really? Just allow for back slot items to override hobo sacks and most people will be appeased. Though this will make certain kits look weird. i.e.: elixer gun, flamethrower.
Additionally you could allow for custom kit appearances, but this is alot of customization for just one profession.