How bad is your engineer?
my engi is so bad he took down planes during WW2 with a wrench
My Engi is so bad he tried to make a Gatling-Gun turret and ended up with a 1940s pitching machine.
My engi is so bad that killshot causes an integer overflow, thus healing me for (2^32)/2 hp.
My engineer is so bad, I can run into a small room with the flame thrower and miss everything.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
My Engineer is so bad that Overcharged Shot fires backwards and stuns me twice.
My Engineer is so bad that he can’t land on his own feet despite being able to invent rocket boots oh wait. . .
My engineer’s so bad I dropped a Big ol’ Bomb and Mel Gibson jumped out.
My engineeer is so bad slick shoes.
My engineer is so bad that he can throw grenades further than his guns can shoot
80Rng – 80Wa – 80Thief – 80Grd – 80Ele – 80Engi – 80Necro
My engineer is so bad that he can’t even aim a gun at himself.
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
My engineer is so bad he pulls foes to let them insta-STOMP him for absolutely free!
- Sir Edward Gibbon
My engineer is so bad that Michael Jackson wrote the song “bad” about him
My Engineer is so bad a Warrior can kill him with shouts.
DODGE!!! –
My engineer is so bad he uses his toolbelt to keep his turrets in one piece.
Piken Square
My engineer is so bad that… Oh wait, my engineer is awesome <3
My engineer is so bad he tosses Elixir S so he can shoot a rifle without falling over.
My Engineer is so bad that Skritt die laughing.
My engineer is so bad, my turrets still get AoEed down faster than I can watch with both Autotool Installation AND Metal Plating.
My engineer is so bad, I can carry around a rifle turret, net turret, rocket turret, healing turret, and an entire mortar but not an extra rifle.
My engineer is so bad he replaced his goods with a battering ram.
My Engineer is so fat he takes two steps and gets bronze achievement for every event in the zone….oh wait sorry
My engineer is so bad he pulls the people trying to kill him closer when he gets downed!
My engineer is so bad he has an effective melee range yet half his skills knock his target away.
My Engineer is so bad i rerolled to another class..
My engineer is so bad that… Oh, my Engineer is Legen-wait for It-dary!
My engineer is so bad he pulls foes to let them insta-STOMP him for absolutely free!
That was great!
My engineer is so bad that even his own skills try to get him killed.
My engineer is so bad he can’t coordinate walking and throwing at the same time.
My engineer is so bad that the flame burst from his pistol does more damage than the flamethrower.
My Engineer is so bad his best weapon is .. bad language.
Engineer is so bad that alts feel like Godmode.
My engineer is so bad that bosses run past four other players and a half a mile to the spawn point where he one-hit kills him… six times in a row, once per dungeon every dungeon.
My engi is so bad, that his stunbreak stuns him
Engineer is so bad that alts feel like Godmode.
My Engineer is so bad that my Necromancer feels like Godmode.
My Engineer is so bad that my Ranger feels like Godmode.
My Engineer is so bad, she could save the president.
My engineer is so bad it feels as though he made the wrong gnome/goblin choice.
Piken Square
My engineer is so bad, he would like to team up with three others and jump into the mystic forge.
My engineer is so bad, his best weapons are a mean stare and a bottle of amphetamines.
My engineer is so bad, his PvP team is accused of throwing bouts.
My engineer is so bad he duels mesmer illusions… and loses.
My engineer is so bad, he drinks to forget, but just gets swiftness instead.
My engineer is so bad, I had to buy a custom mouse for his attack chain.
My engineer is so bad a team with four warriors told him “Well, we already have an engineer. Sorry.”
My engineer is so bad that he’s more effective using a racial elite over a class one.
My engineer is so bad, he drinks to forget, but just gets swiftness instead.
Gotta love that RNG.
My engineer is so bad the ground is littered with broken glass by the time he just starts the fight.
My engineer is so bad, he drinks to forget, but just gets swiftness instead.
You, sir, get one free internets on me.
My engineer is so bad, he’s a vegetable.